HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-15, Page 11paid On term. dopo$ite The Commerce pays 7%% on Term Deposits when the amount IS $1,000 or more and it is for a. fixed period of time greater than two years. Your Canmerce Manager has different interest s, rates available for other terms. Come in•and see him, • • • • R•••1711.04PRIPCPPPTOR'SE, AlF014Tifi9tOri, NIEWS.-;4.00 • 'A+01:, • NCHELS 9 . • 'In a: DEC Pr01'11'104 Affairs Mending questions of the cities, television progr st week, and the role of the proyinne Robert tar o Liber, . in the citieS. Ontario must come al leader; reviewed the pro-' to grips with the • question of ceedings of the recent session'providing our large urban nen- of the legislature. tres With adequate power and The longest session in the money to serve their populations, -.history of the Ontario Legis- and to'solire their problems, in' lature has adjourned - during housing, transportation, and 'the • thirteen months we have dealt provision of basic services.. with 181 bills and a budget of • It is also clear that the people are no longer willing to listen did so first. The Treasurer alSq, stated flatly that Ontario would have its own Income Tax within two years. Any discussion on tax reform must include these state- ments made the the TreasUrer of Ontario. We, as Liberals, believe that Ontario government has 'put into •a Medicare scheme, 'OHSIP, which is limited in scope, • in vision, and is less extensive and more expensive than pre- vious plans. The Liberal Party has pro- vided an alternative to this Con- servative" OHSIP, We believe the cost of Medi- care should be 'payable through O taxes, not premiums; and that the plan emust cover 100% of About $3 billion. It was a produetive s,essiOn 0., but it clearly fell short of our . high expectations of a year ago. The greatest achieyerrient of the session was Ontario's en- 0 try in the Federal Medicare plan - a program vital. to the social development of Canada. However, the Medicare legislation was also a second provincial income tax the greatest disappointment. The to t.• well-phrased, impassioned - gesporiste.4 mt.. and Mrs. Don Artnstrpug Mrs10451,. waiterks Dr. and Mrs, John Kerb -,and Susan and Mrs. J. Cowte,Tor- • onto• with Ivlr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Taylor. • Away during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy McCulloch with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wad- dell and family, Guelph. " ' Mr. and Mrs.' Robert. Dodds with friends at Walton. • Mrs. T. L. Scott and son, Alec, with Mr. and Mrs. T. \ Gilles ie, London. •Mi s Olive Speare with her sistet, Mrs. E. McDonald, Mit- chell. • rhetoric about pollution of air and water, and' the environment in general. 1970' is the year in which .definitive legislation, fe- deral and provincial, to clean up our water courses and the Great Lakes, and to stop air pollution must be enacted— We will vigorously support programs that can effectively bring an end to pollution. We are eager to meet the"' challenges of the seventies, and look forward to the new session of the Legislature beginning in February. ogan Has CorreepoOti9ot Mrs, Zen MOICellar • - Baliclay visitors with friends In this community were mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ztirrell, DOC"' and Mrs. Earl Eggert, Rostock,. MO: Jerry Doerr of Seaforth, Mrs. Adam Leidweber and Dennis of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.liarvey Readhead of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Aiwt Gardiner. Rev. and Mrs. J.C,Boyne and sons of Brantford with Mr. and • Mrs. Gerald Cary and Mrs. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Couper and family, Hensall with Mr. 'and Mrs. Carey. and Mrs. Percy Adams, John, Helen and ',Janet of "Blyth, John Rinn, Belgrave, Danny Mc- Kenzie,.„ Huronview, George Brooks, Dublin with Mrs.Georg.e Wallace and Mrs. Verna Brooks. Mr. Clare Wilson and daugh- ter of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs.' T. L. Scott and Mrd. E.Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eyre and Richard of Shedden, , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Selene, Miss Anna Scott and friend and Miss Frances Scott, London with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott..., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jeffer- son and family, Sault Ste Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl and family,, R.R. 5, Stratford„ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw .and John, London, Mr. and Mrs.Norman Jefferson and family, Fullerton, Mrs. Bruce Cleland of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family, CromartY with Mrs. J. R. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Stafford of Shedden, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hoggarth, Mitchell; Mr. anMrs. Robert Hulley and family, Win- throp with Mr. and Mrs.Bill Hulley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Joanne, Dorchester; , Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Walker, London;; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family and Miss 'Gladys McFadden, Winthrop;• Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and Steven, .Cromarty with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs. ' Shirley Elliott and 'family, Essex, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. For Complete INSURANCE on your. HOME, -BLISIIIESS, FARM , CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE -- •--- — SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 : Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors • MAKAN -RITCHIE 41.1X11414RY The topic of the meeting of Ritchie Auxiliary giv- en by MrS.Dtincan Scott was "The Spirit of Christmas". The meeting was held at the . ' home of Mrs,Gordon Laing with Mrs.Gerald Carey presiding. It was dec ided, by the members to, use China as their study fdr next year. Mrs.Laing , played Christ- mas music on the ,accordion. The slate of officers for 1970 is as follows: Honorary Presid- •ents - Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs. Calder McKaig; Past Presidlat - Mrs. 'John Miller; President - Mrs. Gerald Carey; First Vice President, Mrs. Larry Gardiner: Second Vice' 'President - Mrs. Bev. Taylor; Secretary- Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Assistant - Mrs. Carter Kerslake ; Treasurer - Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Assi6tant Mrs. Duncan Scott; Work Com- mittee - Mrs. GordonSeott, Mrs. Gerald Carey; Mrs. Harold Par- sons, Mrs. Gordon Laing; Mrs. "'Carter Kerslake; Friendship and Service - Mrs. Lloyd Miller; Flower Committee - IvIrs.Duncan Scott, Mrs. Norman_ Harburn; Supply Secretary Mrs. Lorne Elliott; Glad Tidings secretary - Mrs. Larry Gardiner: Norval Elliott Miss Carel 'Ann Dow, Galt. home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow. Miss Margaret Jean Russell, London with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell.. Mr. Alec Scott, Guelph, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. • medical costs so that no extra payments-are required for medi- cal service. Looking. "ahead Ito the new session, I would predict a change L in the OHSIP legislation to pro- *, vide for many of the Liberal recommendations. These chan ges are - tion of a fair Medicare plan, and naugural' necessary to the opera- ;11 cannot wait for, an election year. • The other landmark legisla n - tion was 'changes in the Landlord M' eeting and Tenant Act, as recommended • by the Ontario 'Law Reform Corn- mission a year. ago. The Liberal -V • Party supported these changes as , far as they Went, but we believe -.the new legislation to be insufficient and ineffective, since it does not include 'the establishment of Rent Review Boards. These Boards, also re- commended by the Law Reform Commission, would shave the power to investigate cases of unjust rent increases. They. would thus be able to giye more effec- tive service to the community. • In the , current discussion about the Federal White Paper on Taxation, it is often. forgotZ ten that the Treasurer of Ontario made public the provincial White Paper during his Budget Speech last March. At that time, he announced that the provincialGo- vernment would introduce a C api- • cal Gains Tax in the province, unless the _Eederalovernment ' should be completely out of the question. The reform of our tax base should be one of real cos operation among the three lev,eig' of government, , federal, pi•o- vincial and municipal.. • . During thi'S session, we have tried to 'show how urgent it is to relieve municipalities of the crippling burden of education costs and for 'the province to take over 80% of these costs , on a phased basis. Grants to municipalities are still in tile- *, same chaotic stage they were, two years ago when the. Smith Committee reported the ineffi- ciences and inequities in the province's dealings with the ci- ties and municipalities. We. have completed, the old session and look forward to the • new and, with it, the challenges of the 1970S.' Facing the pro- vincial .Members will be the de- Logan Township Cbuncil met - at the Township, Hall Monday morning for 1970 inaugural meet- ing with all memberstrpresent. Rev. G. Rheinhart, Minister of Mitchell Lutheran Church- ,opened the meeting with prayer. •• Reeve Gordon Mogk. „spoke. to the council" briefly welcoming the new members and asking for the co-operation of council. Appointments included Wm. Chaffe to the Upper Thames Valley Authority; Geo.Jarniuth ' as Director to the Mitchell Ag- ricultural Society; to the Mitchell District Planning Board, Reeve Mogk, Wm. Chaffe 2 y- s., Dan Connolly 1 yr.; Perth Safety Council, H. KOlkman; Monkton Fire Area T. Nicholson; Mitchell Fire Area L. Gordner. Grants were made to the. Sick Children's Hospital, War Mem- orial HoSPital, Salvation Army, Canadian Mental Health Assoc., St. John Ambulance & Muscular Dystrophy. The regular meetings in 1970 are to be held on the first monday in each 'month starting at 1 p.m. with the exception of May to October, when meetings will be ' held in the evening at 8 p.m. • The Treasurer was instructed ' to continue the collectioneftaxes. $139.,497.51 having been spent on. Logan Township Roads in 1970, • the Reeve and Clerk were in- • structed to sign the necessary papers for subsidy. Tgriders will be called for crushing, and haulirigef 2,0,000 cu. yds. of gravel and a by-law 'authorizing -the borrowing of up to • $150,000.00 if needed was passed. Road accounts amounting to $1,963.85 and general .accounts totalling $1,232.44 were approved. • ofoEm;.e.tp4r, Janet a .meson. London, ur. Brian gem ,of LOW, don, spent Sunday with„,Mr. atlfk,;„ ' Mrs. Phil Hern, Kevin, Gory and Greg. .:Mr. and, Mr-s. Gerry Grabbe, Glenn and Michael' of Fartliiher,!' visited on Saturday with Mr. WI Mrs.. Freeman Horne. -Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge FraYnn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mathers and Larry- of Exeter. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burns RHEUMATIC and family. of Sudbury with rel- atives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moorehead and family at Rostock and also called on Mr. Ed. Knechtel who has re- turned home from Stratford hospital after having surgery. Mr. Angus McKaig with i,e- latives at Kitchener. Miss Anna Scott, London, is home for a few days. Airy priming arlii”,••" ••,••• PAIN? Get fast relief the very"' first day! Rumacaps are specially to lated to give you fast relief—t e very first day—from nagging , rheumatic pains and aches. Also prOven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica,, headache and neuritic pains: Ask for new Rumacaps—a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing "comfort—at your local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort I Vat /CART RAW =Tar :4•44.6 = . macaps. WEDDING INVITATIONS ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240' Seaforth During Our January Clearance Sale on ALL SEASONABLE LINES ROOKS AND STATIONERY STORE ' Alsep."..v-rAttowk I G A rebellion .•• ...... price' ..... •• . . • •., „ .. 1. .. • ▪ PREMIUM •• 'is SOCKEYE . w- e SALMONwi' • • akiaag IGA rebellion • !SPECIAL PACK) • JAVEX 1qiF LIQUID ..•• BLEACH ' IGA rebellion 4nother highly interesting idea from the Commerce: QUARTER PORK- LOIN (Whole or Sliced‘into 9-11 chops). • CHICKEN QUARTERS • LEG PORTION !Backs attached) • BREAST PORTION !Wings attached) BEST of FRYERS • • Knife Cur CHICKEN LEGS • Knife Cut D CHICKEN im• BREASTS SIDE BACON BURNS. CAMPFIRE SLICIO 89c COLMAN'S . SLAB.,BACON 1, 7r RIBS I BEEF tv '59 -ITN "`"•`1 . COLEMAN'S RIND ON ok., MR ORAISING SNORT „ 1.1k Vac HotDogWieners v. rac ,,. rat FRESH PICNICS .i.:0i . lb• 0 — 57 , .. COLMAN'S OVM R EAD' r . FLORIDA "EASY-EXEL" .. TANGERINES . • ,, 4 .doz. pAL. SUNKIST NAVEL MEXICAN VINE RIPE an. Sin) Doz.oac (Size ONT. NO, 1 WAXED Turnips 1.9e 0. 0 ranges :4.1;tibmii:i•: -4 APPLE Check and "Ch•ore the.. item*, We reek NM Weak, end event week you'll lieu: the tom. LOVA, Fates en Quaky Too ye. Product% .. ' end they're available only t POIrr loco /GM • SOUP 10-00, TIN rap Volu rerrlOre or WOMAN OPEC, RACk) REO) OR SP EARMINT N1ACLEANS ITOOTHPASTE BTL. OF 100 TABLETS ,P BAYER ASPIRIN Tin $1000 LIBBY'S PURE ASSORTED 48T- 490 !it) ERuit'itmEs ..LIBBY'S FANCY Ai 12 to 14 Iti oz. Tina .1 CREAM STYLE CORN OR WHOLE KERNEL ALLEN'S SWEETENED ASSORTED 01 48- FRUIT sORINKS 4 -ny,: $1 TOP., VALU ASSORTED e-10-oz. el PREMIUM SOUPS lint CRACKEE'sRt PREM I U M SALTINES FACELLE ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE 3 FACEL1—reitCY(IXLE BATHROOM TISSUE — TOP VALU MARGARINE RAISIN PIE AYLMER ASSORTED JAMS, MARMALADESi 4 9 Jars $1 KRAFT te.os. TOP VAL U WHIP Jr401'1 r CHOICg TOMATOES ' 28'Tc: 28° EVER yr LOW -p rap y ely Choice Teo Vo4/' GREEN 'oar), Halve. or Slicer PEAS . PEACHES '19-", Tin 12c SHIRLEY GAY 24P: 49it T4-.1, Tin CANADIAN I1F'EFHA4, BANK OF COMMERCE • 060,4.14: , A • +SOZA. . S • ••; ) • ' • ' • ;