HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-15, Page 4WEDDING C RE RAR AM A quiet wedding was solem- nized in Hensall United Church Friday, January 9th, at 5 o'clock when Ruby Jean, daughter of Mrs. John Ingram of Hensall and the late Mr. Ingram, and Allan Cre- rar; 'R.R.2., Hensall, son .of the, late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crerar, exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. H. F. Currie. The attendants were Mr.and Mrs. Neil Campbell -of Listowel. SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents The Australian Brandy Company SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 DANCING' 9000 — niqo AT THE - SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE • Dress Casual Adxnisaion $1.00 ' Noble Grand Mrs. ' Elgin Thompson presided for a meet- ing of Amber. Rebekah Lodge Wednesday "evening attended by twenty-seven. Thank you notes were read from sick' and shut- ins who had received plants and treats at Christmas. It was announced that Mrs. -John.Cor- --bett-, a member, had Iretnrned home from South Huron Hospital, ',Exeter. A donation was made to the United Nations Pilgrimage which. the Lodge sponsors each year. -Members received their . secret 'pal gifts, cards were play- ed and lunch served. Makes Donation ,The regular meeting of the St. Paul's Anglican C. W. was held at the home of Mrs. F. Clark, with Mrs. W.Scrabuik presiding. Mrs. ,Mary Taylor read a letter from Captain Corey, their praryet partner of Beverly Lodge. It was decided to send a donation • of money. to Capt. Corey. Mrs. G,A.Anderson con -ducted Bible readings with mem- bers taking part, The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Annie Reid. POT PIES CHICKEN, TURKEY or BEEF . 3for79c PRODUCE memeeemeneee. Florida No.1. - 48's - Product of USA GRAPEFRUIT WHITE or PINK 1 for. 89c MEXICAN NO. 1 - VINE RIPE TOMATOES • . 35c1b UCW Meets Hensall U.C.W. unit 4 met on Thursday afternoon in Fellow- ship Hall with Mrs. James Mc- Allister presiding. The devot- ional was given by Mrs. Albert Alexander who spoke on the faith in God one needs to carry on in a troubled world..Mrs:' Mc- Allister conducted the Bible study assisted by Mrs. Harold Currie. Miss Greta Lammie played a piano solo "A Southern Melody". It was announced that the Huron- Perth Presbyterial of United Church Women will be held in • Clinton Thursday, January 29th. Mrs. T. Sherritt reported on the sale of a quilt and Mrs:Eric Takes Office The- new president, Mrs.Vic Stan took the 'chair for the Jan- uary niseting* el the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Grant Mc- - Clinchey and Mrs. R. Vanstone were installed on. the executive by Past President Mrs. Garnet Allan. The group will conduct- a bingo at the winter carnival coming up in the near future. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Don Koehler; Attendance', Mrs. Grant Bisback; Guessing, Mrs. Clarence Reid. Ferguson loader $ 100 Ferguson 3-furrow plow 85 Massey 30 tractor'and 2-row cultivator 350 IHC 330 gas tractor 1075 ,Oliver 550 Gas tractor .1550 IHC 8275 tractor kiith.loader 1550 MF 36 D tractor with multi Power 1600 Ford SiiPerNlajOr (-choke of' 2) 1800 DON'T MAKE THE WI F.E SHOVEL We Have New.ReverSible Snow BloWers and 3-Point Hitch Blades - Snider Motors LIMITED • -FORD TRACTOR EXETER 235-1640 LUCAN 227.4191 SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- DINNER AND 'DANCE for MEMBERS AND GUESTS Seaforth Legion Hall Wednesday, January 21, 7 p.m: Refreshments ,6 :30 Tickets $5.00 Per Couple 14 oz. Peas or Green Beans - 12 oz. Kernel Corn Stokely Vegetables 5/93c ALL1PURPOSE 204.B. BAG Robinhood Flour $-1,.85 BERE'S i Popping Corn 4 lbs. 59c LIQUID (Deal Pack) 32 OZ. Joy Detergent 2/99c SH1RRIFF REGULAR 69c Potato Chips - special 59c 48 OZ. ORANGE or GRAPEFRUIT Jaffa Juices-. 2/69c BLACK DIAMOND S OZ, Cheese Slices 2/69c 24 OL. Sitawi‘ry 'or .!Raflaaarr, (added Pectin/ :Staffed. Jams _____ 2/$1, fAcCorlilclei Haney Grattan' is_ tr. Big New Cremes (cookies) 2/$1 Roes Mini - 12 et. (mutat gel Chocolate Chipits' 2/$1 is An exhibition hockey game and more suowmobile races Scheduled for the carnival wind- 'up Sunday. Proceeds will be used to re- build the arena roof and make other repairs to the building. „CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, jA141. 16 . 8:15 • p.m. IS Regular. Galatea for $10.00 .Three $25.00 Games= 475.00 Jackpot to go Two •Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not permitted) Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work •11.1111 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Gary McNichol Wary Anne Fuhr) Friday, Jan. 16th Walton Community Hall Ian Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies please bring sandwiches LOBA EUCHRE OPEN,. HOUSE • • SEAFORTH. DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Wednesday, Jan. 28 Commencing at 8 p.m. • 0 • • 4 ,t0 • r C In the Red Knight Room FRIDAY — The Didmondaires . SATURDAY — Elgin Fischer Also in the Ladies & Escorts Beverage Room THURSDAY -- The Parisiannas FRI., & SAT. — Pearlpat the Organ • Ample Free Customer Parking Colored TV • COMMERCIAL HOTEL . Seaforth, Ontario Pizza Patio Tavern JANUARY 16-17 RANDY PARIS and the BLUES REVIEW • JANUARY 23-24 THE DEJARDINES JANUARY 30-31 THE DIMENSIONS • izza Patio Tavern on the Bayfie,Id Road, Goderlch Mrs, Currie 'extended a welcome. The new U.C.W. theme song. was introduced and sung, followed by prayer. Mrs. Jack Drysdale presen- ted the devotional with the theme . being telling us to make good use of each and every single minute we have now. Mrs. Currie read a poem ,Think it Over'. Mrs. Lodger Veinier pre,sen- " Led the study 'Reconciliation of tit Broken- World', dwelling on the fact that action and reflections need to be interdependent, only so will the reconciliation giv to us in Christ be discov red and realized. Roll call was answered. 16 members. Mrs. Ron Warping and her group served lunch. th Farms in the itipp'enandflen. "sail areas will be visited Thurs- day of next week when niellibers of the Huron County Beef Pro., ducers take to the road. - Included on the itinerary of a bus tour of the south part of Huron are the farms of Jack Bell', Kippen' Jim ilicOregor, Kippen; William Rowcliffe, Hen- sail and Harry Hayter, DaSh- wood. S. J. Paquette Associate Ag. Rep., who made the announce- ment, said that a banquet and the Annual Meeting will' be held at the:Huron Centennial School following the tour. Twar • Huron . 4 President liAra, 4,•.orr opened the first meetiag, of the year of the W0010115 Missionary Society of Carmel -Preshytert Church ThursdaY afternoon w h a poem and a prayer, and ono1 illentiper o SAUSAGE I .55c WIENERS 14B. PKG. 6.oz. PKGS. COOKED HAM PORK CHOPS lb. 79c siikibLDERS lb. Pr BACON_ggc RIB STEAKS lb. 79c PURE PORK 49c 11111101111111111111 " _HURON 54c 59c LIBERAL ASSOCIATION DANCE — from 9 to 1. Music by the Twilights of Zaiich Refreshments Lunch Available AblitiggiON $2 00 PER ••• COUPLE Remember! lit takes but a moment to place an Expositor. Want -Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. •,, Everyone !Welcome • • Correspondent Mrs.Maude Redden Mrs. Verna Twitchell has returned after spending two weeks holiday with her danghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davidson, Cindy and Brian, of Port Colborne. • Miss Barbara Woodruff of London, Regional..Secretary of London-Hamilton Synodical was a house guest on Monday of this week with Mrs. GordonSchwalm. Flo yd C rai reof 156 King St., •Flensall, was taken by ambulance Monday of this week to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. Crain, who is confined to a wheel chair_ as a result of a car accident at New Brunswick in December, 1969, is the son of Mrs. David Leader of 156 King Street. Miss...Margaret MacCormack of Ottawa, Northern Senior La- dies Figures Skating Champion of 1969, visited with Mtss Troy- ann Bell last week. •-Garolyn Leigh &Aden, infant daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Wil- liam H. Soldan, received the sacrament of holy baptism at Hensall United Church Sunday morning with Rev. Harold F. Currie in charge. Contributions for the special appeal for Overseas Relief and Development at Hensall United Church totalled $628.00. UNIT 2 U.C.W. MEETS Unit, 2 ,,of Hensall United Church met for the.first meeting of the new year on Monday. optea_o4a_ wa* who 104 beef 1 .14 for .:Seteral; months. , • . "The fleVOttottat .0.14-MOY of the • Reconciliation in -the V4W Worldwas givcaWgrsmOrteY ilYcle awl Ors,Iivoisi,PeU.Roti gall was answered with a New Years resolution and patent of metabershiP fees for 1070. east president Mrs.. Earl Campbell presented a Life Membership Certificate to mrs. Clarence Volland .who thanked the members for the honor.pmi— aral thank, you cards and. letters 'were read from the sick and shut-ins who received the bas, 4 Lets of gifts and treats at 7,hristrnastime which the W.M.S. , Sacked and delivered to twenty me homes. Mrs. 'Gordon Schwalm re- viewed highlights of tie activ- ities of the W.M.S. during 1969. ' The next meeting, scheduled for February 12th, . will be in the form of a Valentine meeting, with 'Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Gordon Troyer presenting the devotional and study.Presi- dent, Mrs. Orr, had nine knitted infant shirts for underprivil- eged children for other countries •. on. display that several ladies - knitted in various colors and sizes. The Ladies Aid held a brief' `business meeting with the new president,Mrs.Clarence Volland, presiding, and laid plans for a' bake sale in March and a bazaar in the fall. Winter CarnivaU The annual' winter carnival sponsored by the Hensall re- creation, parks and community centre board will open Friday, John E. McEwen, a life long resident of Hensel!, passed away Saturday January 10th in .South Huron Hospital, Exeter, where he had been admitted the week previous from, the Blue Water Rest Home; Zurich, where he had been a resident for several years. In his 85th year he was born on the homestead farm a. short distance from Hensall on High- way 4 and' where he lived and farmed all his life until recent yearS. He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian "Church, Hensall, a ,member of the 1.0.0. F. Lodge 223, Hensaii, - Surviving are his wife the former Grace Love, and several nieces' and nephews. Public funeral •services were held Mon- day at 2 „p.m. at the Bonthron, Funeral Home, cOnducted by Rev. W. D. Jarvis. Burial followed_ in Hensel' 'Union Cemetery. The 1.0.0. F.Lodge cOndutted a service at the funeral home on Sunday evening. Pallbearers were Earl and Percy Campbell, Ed. Munn, Glenn Bell,'" Stanley Love and "Archie' Parsons. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. FUNERAL JOHN E. MCEWAN • Provide Assistance '°70,iR9ItiLID":$1P;00 I1P 11 154jor• bus" torus, depart *4 'And Mstch, *of& including Ad* Wit to $49;00epo'r,FOrsoo *40 oilt 2 to o!rooi* 1040 mud term holiday sal' to woo (101,04 Atearolt-29, $Aas. ko *14 up, ,includes all accommodation, baggage 44:1414:4 and mope of tour escort, . write voi Brochures 'tone TRANSIT ,SERVICE Phdn. 527.1222 . $40iforth., 4 OPEItiltiDyNIGIfts WESTON'S DEAL PACK Butter-Horns 2 dozen 69t , LOWNEY'S-16-,3C-6c"---7-- • Bundle Bars 79o, Luther asked for volunteers to January 30, with the crowning ,help with crafts at'the Queens--', of the snow queen. way Nursing Home. Saturday events will. include a parade,. snowmobile races, • snow scul g and hockey games a Christinas tree Orange Hall an., Jan. 19th • at 8:30 p.m, Lunch served Admission SOc • Everyone Welcome BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY JANUARY 16 Parents and friends of students, as well as the. general public are invited to visit the Seafortb7District High School and meet the: staff: • Students' work will be on display • NEW' ENTERTAINMENT POLICY AT , THE FRIDAY fa SATTMAY JANUARY 16 & 17, and THERESA QUEEN'S IN THE HOTEL FEATURING OLD TYME MUSIC HURON LOUNGE Presenting