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1960 Open New TO • Bank -
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Since 1$60, Serving the community First
hushed it saiowni, otTrAltio, every' Thtirsday Morning by ,MciEAN BROS.,
ANDREW Y. MeLEA.144, Editor
Member Canadian Weekly NewSOPer Association
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
and Audit Bureau of-Circulation
Subscription Rates:
Canada. (in advance) $6.00 a Year
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Second Class Mail Registration NuMber 0696 .
Kibitihers Ltd.
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Jantiftry 1, 2970
1968 Open-:WeSt William Street
The Publishers and Staff of
The iitiron Expositor
Extend Every Good Wish
for a
- Happy, Peaceftil and Prosperous
New Year
to their Readers and Friends
From My Window
4 •—• By Shirley J. Keller = •
t •
. •
This, year when the New year's
Eve: parties take place, guests won't be
talking' -about "just the :year whieh• has .
ended. They will be recalling the events
of a decade. because when the new year •
arrives January 1, it will be the dawn
of a new ten-year span of tane.
Looking back over the last ten
years is quire a hardship for me, ex-
pecially when. I remember. that ten 'years
ago I was a very young housewife and
mother. Now I'm an old hag with a
couple of teenaged problems to prove it.
Ten years ago 'our life at the kel-
ler household was relatively simple. I'm
sure most of us lived a much quieter
life ten years ago if we ,will just admit
it, because Pm 'certain the pacec'has
. at least doubled since then.
Our life. was wrapped up in getting a.
"toe-hold on security. The children were
smallp then and their wants were Auch
more- in,dine with our pocketbooks.Why,
• ten:aeare, .at ,Ohristmas my eldest son
•dreatifecref a $.1.-98 gun and holster set
„„While•I".'otir daughter asked -Santa for a •
doll's high chair atabout $2.981
• Our, needs were different then. too, , •
The children went to bed early in the
evening and we, had our evenings free to
do those things which appealled to us.We
could watch the television shows that
pleased us, 'we could listen to whatever'
radio stations Ave would chose, we could
have friends in for a quiet game of•cards , '
or we could go out; free from-worry that
we were depriving out youngsters from a
trip somewhere or other.
. , The clothing budget -was neVer, in
'such a , bind., as it is today. It. didn't'
include such necessities. as panty hose
•• which lilWays seem to have a iiiirfrom
toe to hip •or. six foot scarves forever'
•dragging on the ground after the wearer.
• A decade ago I was considerably
slimmer than I am today. Ten years of
blissful contentment has resulted in Some
rolls , and wrinkles, which weren't there
.1965 PiOneer. Memorial Mausoleum Underway.
- 1964 — _Convert to Dial
My husband had a little bit' more
Karr-`then;-too. He's not-nearly.,bald yet
but almost every morning when he shaves,
my spouse complains that he has more
face to wash than the previous day_
Ten years ago we imagined we were
;7...masters of our own fate. Today we know
- Back then_we had two children and
figured it was a safe bet that's all the
offspring we would ever have. We ended the
decade with a three-end a half year old '
surprise which just goes to show that
even if . you think you are in control of
' things, you seldom really are. That's
. why I'm making no predicticns about the
coming decade.
I suppose the biggest change shows
up in our.professional lives, if you want to
call it that. Ten years ago my husband
was a farmer ancl•I •was a bored, busy
housewife. Today hubby, sells lumber to
earn the. bread and butter and I've stumbled
into . this kooky, wild world of news-
Strange how 'fate takes a hand
isn't it? Sit down and analyze the past ten
years of your life and.1"m willingto wager
you'll find it a bit of a shock even though
rah are well aware of the changes which,
have taken place ,~
to. even 'try to predict what will
transpire in the next ten year Would be
ridiculous. I .know I could never have
come anywhere close to outlining the
events .of the past decade had I tried ten
years ago. L
Think about it for a while. It is
frightening' in one way, but exciting • in
• another.
•, • "0 blindness to the future, kindly
given." •
Let me take this opportunity to
wish you and yours a very happy; healthy,
'Prosperous New Year .:.. and may you
'have the wisdom to be content in what-
soever state you find yourselves.
Sugar and Spice
by, Bill- Smiley
Many experts, and a good few
non-experts,, like yours truly, are pound-
ing out millions of words- these days
looking back over their shoulders with
....--- from the churCh and turned on to drugs; Canada is still intact, after a de-
' feW' answers; a breed that turned 'away in some Circles.
' you've lived through it, you've been through word, has:. been forced to take a good,
I've spent it teaching school and• sur- Bering of innumerable families because
Or maybe it only feels that way because ' steadily growing crime rate, and the sun-
horror at The Sixties, Autti looking ahead
did to you, but it aged me about 20 years. in which a lot of people got clobbered, a
with terror, at The SeventieS.
viving two teen-agers. rof the so-called generation gap.
the wringer, Sam, and-you know it's been •; straight took at itself, and what it saw
will receive a few paragraphs as one yahoos have not quite taken over yet.
of turbulence and social change. But if The Establishnient, another dirty
one of wrenching, chaotic; violent revolt, was 'not always pretty.
and a feeling of, impotence and despair whole,,- are becoming generally con-
among ordinary people . cerned with pollution at last.
and a'n'ew breed of young people; a breed slow and halting, but definite, steps towards
stupid wars a deepening of racial-hatreds, for the socially deprived. People, as a ,
a breed that suggested"work" 'is a. dirty cade of talk ' about disintegration as a
In the histciry books, this past decade black picture. But it's not all black. The
questioned everything, but supplied .
' I don't know what the last decade • galore, "confrontations," peace marches
It produced a new breed of music, The Christian churches have taken „
It produced assassinations, ugly and A great deal more is being • done
unity, The Pope is no longer infallible
I could go on and on, painting a grim,
word and dirty feet are a sign of Moral
nation. - ,
ph .rity ,,....,. Ind.I.Vicluals have taken a stand, as
The decade produced dozens of new witness Dr. Alcorn on peace, Stanley "
•" democratic" countries, with dozen's of Burke on Biafra, 'and Bill smiley on.
'Vey/ dictators to run 'them. It brOught snowmobiles.
,,.., ,forth the pill and a sexual revolution. It . The Yanks took two shots at the
..,gadVe s birth to new highs, . Or lows, of !Mien and made it both times. There's
,potillography, printed and filmed. ', almost a certainty of a minimum family,
We experienced vast strides back- revenue. Medicare and similar schemes
Warda fic inflation, pollution and population protect the aged and the poor from finan- ,
• dottrel. We saw the inevitable rise of cial catastrophe . The list is long.
-..saak, red and yellow power, 'with its ' And you must remember that you'
• inevitable violence. canit make bread without yeast. The
.: .We saw the paradox of a steadily , young' people, the rebels, have provided
fifdriaallig materialism battling 'it out the yeast. But there is alt that dough
'tivitli:, a steadily increasing spiritualism that .must be produced. And_ the rest of
in the Iiireetion. Of., all weird, .exotic,- us make the dOugh and, tine "bread'', in
and;fae;;Ont.ditlit. more way than one.
' . . We '414 more and smoked trioto t . ' I have faith in. the human race)._
despite,. the huge: bike§ in -pekes, And i though goodness knows *by. I'm willing to
nfireetWir swept the western *rid like. . , give it another "decade, it.you are. And if
tiOntiOniC ,plagno`..,things don't linrOVe, r Will resign from
' • .: '0"/# :,'Sicw.:60 •Vatt:i# WhOtiktilis".'"iin iiiiiek human race at midnight, December
id edifiCe.Of.edheationcittaCkiWirein 31st, 100., ,, ..,, ‘,..
within and without, and now have an
educational system with one foot .in the
grave and the other being gnawed by
militants who don't know anything, but
know that, what they don't know is right.
' We 'have had race riots, strikes
1968 — P.M. Trudeau, Here
1961 — New Face at Curling Club
1960 — Gymnasium . Underway at SDHS