HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-01, Page 1Whore No. 53x1.2
illth YEAR •
Copies t# Cpitp
$6.00 A' 1,ear #a kivigtt.,
R. e •
ti ! ro r
- .8f eketi ..4.6 lie ''*''' ed on , for his wartime service.
iitatid Stteet,,,.liiiteiijr bitit:,, , M=r;Statiriali came tO,Seaforth
•• dai4rtiCiiiiing,:teafOrtli btistfiegt. 'in Oh When he established
InfiN,PailiOri.,Statinall, died Whilitift"tadto end TV sales and service
eing: ,:'removed . AO Clinton centre. Interested in municipal
iigPit4.Aiii Vias it', - • attattS be kept intorined regard.
4. .7406C-ialigintadio.incttelti. Ing #0, detelOP eats. Prior to iii
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al):::Ifigitisit0;X•t'i:o::440dif, . difvOie•th016iliat ' ditidiViti Lot*
•IiiiittiktOr....aher,g0b§e4hehtly. 44. 'firaiiChilj ,•:. \ ?
triStrlidtbt',:at:ditt.bilOoriiite:Wail ::. ,04010:Of ,the 't1.8;.;:iiirvIas
4Wattied*Htiflet ;M40'0,1041! ::bOttrdit -4106iir bhior 00.04.0 . . ... • .,..:,
Third Prize — D. R1. Maidens
While to Clinton - -
ssman•„Strirkin on
First Pidze.: — John B. Sinclair
ets Tough Task for Judges
'ecorOted 'Homes Contest ituran, Not •
To _Amalgamation
Dash for Groceries
In a wild ten minute dash up and down the aisles of
Wilkinson's I.G.A. last week Kleth Ruston managed to col-
lect groceries valued at. $232.66. He was the winner in the
-Optomists annual shopping spree contest. Charles Geddes,
chairman of the sponsoring committee, said the shopping
spree netted approximately ' $300. for the clirb.
(Staff Photo)
Judges faced a to-Ugh tors?
as they toured Seaforth streets
last week gad in-an effort to
determine the best decorated
After two inspections by two
groups of judges, the residence
• of John B. Sinclair, Goderich
Street East was placed in first
position. Second prize was ewer-
ded the residence of Tom Wil-
bee, Market Street, while in third
place was the North Main Street
home of D..R. Maidens. '
Prizes for the contest Were
contributed by Seaforth P.U.C.
wile responsibility for the judg-
ing was that of the Chamber of
Contrary to 'the practice in
recent years judging this year
was confined to __homes within.
While the ,announced theme
of this years competition was
originality, judges expressed
some doubts as to the extent
which originality was present
many of the decorative
the late Hester 'Pryce and A.R.
Stantrah and came to Canada with
his parents in 1918 Settling in the
Toronto area whete he g'rew up
ana received his education.
He is, survived`, by--his viae
the former Marjory Moltin and
four •tiaughtere, Petridia, Mre. R.
iltotherSton. Port Credit; ileen.
Mrs.ILreteriten,Xtdigol Wendy
and Althea nettle. 114 is also
by itYt grancittaaren
In commenting on the results,
-the judges suggested that in view
/of the interest in other than
residential lighting consideration
should be given added classificat-
ions. They said thecould in-
elude best outs tre
e', best
decorated do way and best
residential window arrangement,
91, Dies
One of the oldest residents
in the area, WilliamJamesSims,
died at KilbarchawNursing Home
on Sunday. He was in his 97th
For 70 years a resident of
Blyttt; Mr. Sims came : there
with his parentS when fie was
a year old. He was Ivrn in Platts-
ville,. the eldest of eight chil-
-dren. His parents: were-William
Sims and Margaret McLaughlin.
In his yotifh a-blacksmith,
he later operated a general store
in Blyth fcr 25 years until his
retirement in 1940.' • '
On his retirement he moved
' to Seaforth to* live with his
daughter- and son-iii-law. Recal-
ling his earlier years on--the
occasidn' of his 90th birthday,
Mr. Sims, said then that he had
always been familiar with Sea-
forth because the • family had
taken--The Expositor as long as
he could remember. His father
bought his blacksmith supplies
from the wholesale hardWare
firm of Reid & Wilson, in the
stores, now octupied by Box
Furniture. He had worked ,too,
as a ,blacksmith' for a short
time with Titomas Hills in Eg-
Throughout his long life Mr.
Sims continued to keep informd
concerning developments and was
an avid reader and collector.
Mr. Sims was married in
1896-to the -former Minnie Gra-
ham, Of Stanley Township, who
died in 1923:Re-Is" survived by
a daughter, Caroline, Mrs.Em-
merson .Freestone, Thornbury
and a son, James, in London.
A second daughter, Lydia, .pre-
deceased him six years ago.He
is also survived 'by four grand-
children and eleven great-grand-
Mr. Sims was a member of the
Masonic Order and a memorial
service was held at the funeral
home Tuesday evening. He was
a rileMber of Northside United
Funeral services were held
from - the G. A. Whitney Funeral
Herne on Wednesday at 2 p.m.
cpriducted. by' his minister, Rev„`t
J.C.Britton assisted by Retf. J.
tire Stewart.
' Temporary entombment fol-
lowed in Pioneer Mausoleum,
eee abretner
Albert Stemma,.
New Tdronto aita a: sisteer
Mrs. 'I', Snow, Long Branch,
A member of Bethel-BIble
Church, Seatorth, a funeral
service was coaciutted by his
minister, Res?, D, L. Patternan
-from the G,A.whitney Funeral
Hanle on TueSuay, liecettiber 30th
at 2 p.M. "temporary entomb-
ment followea in Pioneer
Huron is not opposed to an
amalgamation of Huron and Perth'
County Health Units a press re-
lease authp_rized by Reeve W.J.
Cahill, chairman of the Huron
Board makes `Main.
Discussions' between the two
boards have' 'been underway for
•',SeVeral years and at its Novem-
r meeting, Perth council ap-
proved steps leading to amalga-
Jantiary 2rid, 1969
Marcel Anttett, Clinton, bro-
ther of Raym,:bnd Anstett, lost his
life in an .accident fn Clinton.
Mrs. 'George E. Holland, Dub-
lin, passed away.
John Henderson of McKillop,
was confirmed as, a trustee of
Huron County Board-of Education
when a deciding vote was cast
by Secretary, Mrs. Edith Bell
of Goderich.
Driving snow ancj gale corn-
biped to slow traffic to a crawl
and interfered with plans of hun-
dreds of area Christmas. visi-
tors. e
January 9th, 1969
Jack -Durst and Billy McLean
flew from Mallon on_ the first
leg of a journey across Europe,
much of Asia and Africa. .
A blinding snow storm 'swept
off Lake Huron and dumped seven
inches of snow on the Seaforth
The Huron-Perth Separate
School Board established head-
quarters in the former U.D.P.C.
building located at the corner'
of Main anAJohn Sts., Sea,forth.
In a short but impressive
ceremony, Mayor" F. C. J. Sills
and members of Seaforth Council
swere sworn into office in the
'Mtn Hall.
January 16th, 1969.
Susan Hildebrand, Seafcrth,
a member of the Stratford Fi-
gure Skating Club, placed ninth
out of 41 entries in the Juvenile
Ladies competitions at Sarnia.
While visiting in Canton, N.Y.,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinsmdre
of town men Ralph (Cooney)Wei-
land who coaches the Harvard
Univ"rsity Hockey team.
. West William Street was re-
opened, to vehicular traffic onto
Duke Street,• following action by
SeafOrth Council at a special
January 23rd, 1069.
A fat but lively ground hog
which he saw moving acrossthe
snow drifts• is a sign of an easy
winter according to Frank Hulley,
McKillop grader operator.
Robert S. McKercher of Dub-
lin was elected president of Uni.-
-ted Co-operatives of Ontario in
- • Cyril Snowden was admitted
to hospital with third degree
burns to his hands and O.
January 30th, 1969. ,
Mr: *and Mrs. • Ben' MOO
celebrated their diatnimd wedding
anniversary. •
Jahn Winter Was appViited
Christmas [Vim
The Christmas draw which
has been a feature of the holiday
season program at Sea-forth
Branch 156 Royal Canadian
Legion was held during the Boxing
Day dance.
Winners were: 1. Frank Nigh,
2.James • Rivers, 3. Leon
Maloney, 4. Wes. Budnart and
5. John Sinnemon,
superintendent of Edubation by
the Huron-Perth Counties Roman
Catholic Separate School Board.
A record crowd of 1500 spec-
tators, almost double that'of last
year, braved freezing tempera-
tures to attend the second annual
• Seaforth Optimists Winter Carni-
February 6th, 1969
Mary Leeming and her
brother, Tom Leeming, son and
daughter of W. J. I„,eeming of
McKillop were presented with
the Love Trophy at a meeting
of Huron plowmen at Winthrop.
For the second time in four
years a rink representing the
Seaforth Curling Club at the Que-
bec International Bonspiel•cae-
hired the Weyi'nan Shield. The
rink consisted of Royce 'Macaulay
and Joseph Murphy, Clinton, John
Longstaff, Robert Wilson and R.S.
Box, Seaforth.
John T: Mitchell of ,Hensall
marked his 102nd birthday.
Wilfred S. Dennis, aged 68,
passed away at his home.,.
February.13th, 1969.
Con- Eckert's feed barn Was
to the ground. Water was
trucked ,from Seaforth and the
Blyth Brigade was itrattendance.
T. L. Habkirk was elected',
president of the newly formed
Snowmobile Club.
Barbara Brady and Joanne
Bode were congratulated by
Legion President, William Dal-
rymple after they won the district
public Speaking Award.
February 20th, 1969 .
Robert McMichael of Walton
recently found the remains of a
balloon dangling from a tree on
his farm. ,
Mayor Frank Sills opened the
skatathan when over 300 persons
were on the ice. ,•
-Fred Uhler of Walton was
named best actor for the .third
consecutive year at the Huron
County Junior' Farmers' Feetival
held in the Seeforth District High ,
school auditorium.
February 27th, 1969
- Ml's. Jean Cairns exhibited a
tax roll for 'Tuckersmith Town-
ship for the year 1841.
John Tremeer grew beauti-
fully coloured and sweet smelling
hyacinths in the winter.
Raton' Coutt$ of 'Veltalivon
the senior Typing Championship'
for District 19, comprising 20
district secondary
- 'St. 001tmlban footfall team
re-4iganitetr'with the tolloWing
officers:, President, J91e6
March 20th, 1969
Fred Martin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Martin of Sea-
forth, was recently appointed mar
nager of a new branch of the
Toronto Dominion Bank.
Mrs. W. E. Butt, retiring
president of the Red Cross was
predented with an award of merit
by Mrs. Mad Dorrance and Mrs.
J. A: Munn. '
Dr. Morris " Clugslon was
elected chairman of the Seaforth
Recreational Council. He suc-
ceeded Harry Scott.
March 27th, 1969
Miss Mary Sills was re-ap-
pointed convener at BRescialiall
of the Intramural Competition
at the University of Western
Final returns from the re-
cent March of 'Dimes campaign'
brought• the total receipts to$663
according to Miss!Eleknor,Hen-
April 3rd, 1969. •
Dr. J. A. Winn and Dr. Ail;.
brey Crick' attended a re-union
Of the R.A4l. in Toronto.
Seaforth Legion "presented
Rey. - Douglas 0: Fey With; a ttreitt
rod, prior to his defiarturse. tor
Red Deer, Alberta.
'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley
celebrated their 60th wedding
April 10th, 1969
1 Mr. . Mrs. Ray McGonigle
marked the" 25th anniversary of
.their wedding when they enter-
tained friends at the Seaforth
Community Centre.
Rev. D. 0. Fry preached his
final sermon in First Presby- .
terian Church.
Alvin Hoff was in St. Joseph's
Hospital following a fall while
working on, construction of a new
hatchery at Scott Poultry Farms.
Kenneth E, Keating was pro, „
moted to Regional Claims Mana-
ger ',of the Hartford Insurance
Company to handle the Baltimore
Regional office.
April 17th, 1969
Production was underway of
new dairy products in the former
creamery on Main Street, south
of the C.N.R. tracks.
S.D,H.S. variety-night attra-
ted capacity crowds.
A large window in the
Toronto-Sominion Bank, Sea-
'• forth, Was smashed early Sunday
evening, when a bottle was thrown
against it.
Seaforth Council acted to open
West William Street onto-Duke
Street on a permanent basis.
April 24th, 1969
w••.•••••• Second Prize — Tom Wilbee
Advise' Saving
Prize Tickets
Seaferths “Win-a-prize '69"
.... • contest continues tintil the end
• of-next week. .
Winners of The prizes will
be determined on January 10,1970
when tickets will be drawn:, If'
prizes are not • claimed within
ten days, additional. tickets will
be drawn at 10 day intervals as
may be necessary accordingAo
the sponsoring committee.
• -
Area shoppers who are taking
part in the contest have been
.reminded by the committee to.
hold on to all tickets they may
have since the first :draw may
not produce all the winners.
Difficulties/ in the way centre
•-on the location of the headquart-
ers of the combined unit. 'Wren
has emphasized that the head-
quarters • should be located as
close as possible, to the geogra-
phical centre of "'the areas to
be served which is Seaforth.
Seaforth Community Hospital has
indicated a site can be made
— Stratford on the other hand
contends the headquarters should
be in that, city ince it is the
municipality wIth the largest,
The Huron press release '
issued over the signature of
Dr. G.P.A.Evans, director and
medical 'officer of Health says:
The Board of 'Health of Hur-
on County• wishes it to be made
clear that it is not opposed to
amalgamation of Huron and Perth
County Health Units to form a
Health District.
The Board at its most r
meeting, Monday,- 22 December,
' 1969 reiterated 'this position, a
position it is on record as main-
taining for some considerable
Huron County Board of Health
prepared to continue meetings
with its counterpart in Perth
County to work' out details and
arrive at conclusions and recom-
mendations which it can place
before Huron 'County Council and
.the; Perth Board may present to
the councils to 'which it' must
report in the matter...These dila,-
cussions, 'the. Huron 'Board is of
theq)pinion,, must be on the basis
of equal rep-reeentation, on an
eventual' joint Btard' 'and a cen-
tral location in the two-county
areafor, the headquarters of the
prppoSed. Huron-PErth Health
Melady; Secretary, Kenneth Gal-
loviay; /Treasurer, -John Moylan;
Publicity Director, James Mc-
Quaid; Harry Ryan and Dave Me- ,
Inally co-captains of the teeth.,
March 6th, 1969.
Fire destroyed an' aluminum
covered barn on the farm of
Adrian Timmerman, R.R. 3., Kip-
pen. 142 pigs were lost in the
Mr:and Mrs. Austin Dexter
celebrated their 53rd, wedding
anniversary at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Wilmer,Glousher
and Mr. Glousher, at Londesboro.
Larry Wheatley, H.H.1., Dub-
lin, won the Men's Skiing Cham-
pionship at the Hanover Skiing
Club races.. at Beaver Valley.
Robert . Dinsmore, a member
Of Seaforth Council, was appoin-
ted Justite Of the Peace on the
recommendation of the Ontario
Attorney General.
March 13th, 1969'
Rev. a 0. Fry accepted a
call to Knox presbyterianChurch
at Red Deer, Alberta.
• Seaforth Women's institute
marked 40 years area service.,
The World's Day of Prayer
was held at St. James' Roman
Catholic Church. The guest spea-
ker was Sister Ann from St.
Patrick's Convent, Dublin.
Fire caused by lightning des-
troyed a large barn, together with
straw and pig sheds and resulted -
in a $30,000 loss at the farm of
Joseph Ryan.
Largely attended funeral ser-
vices were held in BrusselsUni-
ted Church for the late' Elston
Cardiff, former-Huron Mr..%
Fred Riley of Lucknow pur-
chased the Freeze King on No.8
Highway, west of Seaforth.
Orville Oke was elected
chairman iif Zone 3 at Zurich
when 125 members of the Lions
International assembled. •
May 1st, 1969
Dr. Lorraine Roth-Moybgre-
duated in medicine and is now
taking, training in -pathology.
Bill O'Shea and Joe McLean
displayed an-8 lb. carp which they
Caught within bicycling disfance
of Seaforth.
Allan' Nicholson of Seaforth
wee elected District ComMander
Of District 'C' Of the Canadian
Legion in Galt. •
• N
1980 iii Review coriiintiee
thieettbetirthie iettiOv