HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-23, Page 4/ 7111E zuwoowsotortisiriatia • :4,i• kir FOR SALE -- Electughome Port- able 'TV, ILT32 model, SZ; radio recordplayer,525; phone,5213-MR. WE RE DED SWIM free of thane, 7 days a week. No dime, grad gruel 1 -11M -265- 3111L Gulf Agumal Foods lad., Walkerton, Onaio. PAPERING — PAINTING Floor Smiling and Spray Pai* ling, Fred Emberlin, Phone lak- FOR SOITAI Vaai Caitt"S, Cid and. wrapped to yourspecification, •Mc lb. Walkerton TR -9169. • PICTURE FRG — Choose • front MOsamples, also ma array of coloured matting Smiler Studio, Whigham„ phone 35741115L • • FOR SALE — 19Zt 'Mekhao 98 •bine. Phon•e iner Spin_ 396-2962. BAinI •etc.; stkk To Jeloesio. g for shot/ale appricatina, Tie larelinogr Sentbiel.. LOWRY FARM 'SYSTEMS AMBERIET„ PHONE 31541211 Complete rime of equipment for grain handrmg„ processing and storage; plus manure handliog and stabling far beef dairy and hog set -ow =FORE THE AGE 4W MIR- ACLES — nompoirs of a crimolri doctor, by Dr. W. V• Minton, mashes an ideal gift at any time, SSM at The lacknow Sentinel. mail orders welcome. GESTETNER STENCILS paper, Mr; duplicating paper and =MUM ail in stock at The 1,Thrik- n ow &satinet phone POR SALE — 15 .head of Rue - ford heifers and steers, averaging NO to MD pounds_ Phone W9-'9115 Dungannon. AUCTIONEER semince Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Baibgh, Tee:water Licanned ,Aiscronvera Sales of all Vies • Phew iltiey 39341653 Teessabor Meta EXCAVATING• AND =MEWING. said and -gravel Pim Robert Spas. Lindkomi =MIL TABLE PAPER — white or al - muted designs for cosering 1 - or Filmic Wiles, 7b lack - n ow Seated BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Clearsers„ Bulk Pleeders„Water • Romis„ Cow Stalls and Bog P• an- efusg. Contact Lind Johnstin, WR 3 Holcrood„ phone 345-M59_ PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS Cootact lkirry Pollock. Ailey, phew 336--M12 during faisiness bows. DY MO TAPES for Dyne amb- ers noir mailable it greek, zed„ orange, blank vellow„ brims and •woad grain_ lawkwow plow•Z11-212:t LUCKNOW SENTINEL— iS kr sake at Staders• Swim Unstuck's Pharmacy, IL and R. Dimwit and E's Sipertest in .Liockonig. •StammoittLE CLOTIUMG AND ACCESSORIES Fkgll range of 1 and 2 piece soils. somingoble heitme.„ tice shie.kk, gsgerso' *M•t, •bum. •mitts„ thermal gads mg moder- wesr, atd sots *ear., bydro parkas.LIL Fortrel Win•s. Open Evedints mai SMIturriay .atimact.. Clack I. ait •,•- Ubbc Sales mod Sarviam, art ••••••• r•Air-••• ' • ;a 'THIRD CPROMNG HOW AVAILABLE :NUM= Solgertsoies Hy gat Brute Calmly first ,-publitheil nor?, second printing tin 1.9W. PRICE $TAB Add 91 for sropping and handling We also have available' sequel �f this bocik, The lasting, •of The County id Bruce 1907 1919 •written by 'Norman 'Illamod - same price_ :THE.BUCKNOW SENTINEL WRAPPING , PAPER — Kan roll, for „home or office, Mc. Mho Locknow Sentinel .UNIENZ MEAD mom SERVICE Free *Chap am all static big or small. Past .21 'hour -7 ,day week service.• Phone Caret =- 2410 Ituizam. • ROTS ALUMINUM ML! AND 'MMR,VICE. .‘win- dows„ doors. Por tree estimate call By Embedin. yaw losali Attuoccostencows The Iaothnow Sentinel Ike MI „good 'Median 'a -bused CURS, get • well, birthday, Uramekin, altheersalPS. slimP211V if yEJ are moil& toga Clain loom to Sink Illte• will gladly send a selection d cards, writing paper, etc. to youriozne from mhissa 3su •can choose. Call Mill -2122. ?NE ANS GO mum Row_ HENDERsoars fattutam 'Now an sate at T1lse Ineknow Sentimel for ?UM_ it miss IL II 'Mail orders , accepted at tie same price_ FOX, 'SATE — used 23" Westing- house ramazalp TN.. dack and f, white, rectomillimed with lielf pichrre lobe, BIM. Greer MN. Eledric," poe526-31121.1ork- GIFT BRIDGE •SETS FOR CHRISTMAS IloubleDeck Of cords wilhVicur Boxes Of Matches, Olt hosed. 411 •! with Christmas Design. anattrac- gilt -.W-4„ imeilimew Sat - Ina plime.223-2122._ •NETT NEW MEW Personal "Pressor labels mith • your•mane aird address„ 331111115-. bare mead, midi abilluoad Am - oil= if•Canaan:1 Hag ,at left nib if Mel, age for sour LIIes- powivems or /as a meats of idieot- •ricarion, • 21111 lairds for SRA Me Aso still have the vegrdar •!Eith wed aaaisnoing. at lige lognser price, for TIM The Loclomer Senfieml phone 5212E22 FOR SALE — used Philips 21 B & W cabinet TX_ in good eon - &don. Phase 32S-23171_ SKI WHIZSALIESANDSERVICE Mew arid rued mathines, Mill :of &wwn othing .and accessories, apen evaiiMs €6 ttO SIM. Saturday, 1tpiflL ttotSgmn. Clarke lremoson„,•Phone :266Cat Pah:142a*. -AWES BROS. Names, Tann ibad-U3N Getieral Vaverttay, Anterior exterir_ Phone Strr2724, flnknow, Alotarin. IFORSALE--boillotaerrhatkey •stink• tine, i3; thit Bauer •Vire akates„ -sire 1- Thane Aon erns .35-2155. MORT AIR TreyanElettoilromeElhmififiber' thorn Mixer -TIT_ and Meet*, time 4210112, imilanow. We al- so time falters" aid Smitaire floc :pot inottniknmelhungiilifiar_ EPOR BENT — apartment with bedrooms, liVirg rroom, hibilsert and %alb_ Ezra_Stanbeyr. _ WOR •""' ledmems„hitaria,dirraiqg 'andlliv- ling room, 3 pc. bathroom and laundry room, _Available ,gilasaes, Thane Z2h1174,xer ank-,-1Els , IFIIR RENT — formithed, bleated, beitsittim roam lines supplied, all utilities pail f Glemft Apart- ments, pilaw -MS-3/231agianow. Burnt MONS BINGO lllyth Mims lilirb Saturday light Bingos, SAO qmn. illhith • Illeouprial Mat Jaelprit $EM <no 3z2diS, triggLiktir and Atone Ike werilth games. }Everyone mil- llothingollteeeniber Mt& 1 •tHILTifitY WARMS um. •SII wenwap The•best lin }Rome Crown, IDry %Zed, Thug lEree Beef. "Try am Vieth Acme Made Sausage. Caw &an lolling Illy ,ajiplibitmeit. Mime 5252132 11'e 'hatband and la* late Mrs_ Pearl 1.14,!a \With to exteij tth tthaiiks and gratinalc to. *lends and mail:Mx:64s lnany, arts �findrinam: keent•tereavement. ;Minutes .and oninnerig !mere \ very :thttc FR. igiilesEruen ; and Ike Ii t .1United Mari_ d ; Wort Mill Ames be wreathe (Cliff Pliathttar Mow Aheffiterson • tlic,ffar11 Agho rreouldit 'Mins muds mod Mos- i.11 masiin"Illosple imam FRE CURING ' Me Wi Lto amsomacettbet liudinow Mrs' Alleaners Agill came , thatiness permasently con Sam day,IDereatherailh. (Cleo:SWAMI theareepteidasusualluttilakeeent- lit Please bare all 'dbes *ded tup its jr 211112_ WTilliam Mason NOTICE FRE MILK 3 /WRY Mere Will the re to cdelivers xin Mori*y, Thecenther Mith. Me:livers ArM resume Saturday, Illeceuther.211h. WARIVIEW IDAIRY MITRE PREBNOWATOBIIMRS leurrestmenthessareireunested •• tto pay (dues fnii :ny mem•morthers -wititiog tinhorn - 'WORK WANTED — reasonable ratesfor sidioganilisteriormork, lathes ,criptioards,. .ntc. Mime 357-2111-.. PULL -TIME HELP FREGWREP On Dairy Tarim. Eoperienred •In :milking sand 'balding ,euip- meet_ 'Wages acrontag ,-erper- , contaet: VAKADA PARA LLABOUR POOL 141t cavaga., Ontario AW722-3:197 , WANTED --secoattbandi &dies, will -pay nett a pound, :to be sent 11) infeiggi 4.candry_ Thome ' 357-1OR Wmghsm_ WANTED — or girlfariparttinievatirk.harrest- . aume.. Phone :512S3723.. WORK WANIED — part l•iwiP Cowtartilendyikr- bert. *age 395B1ID. swi ammo stuckuimis •ALL STEELWORK AIR HAMMER MORK BACK HOEING SMIOLD SIUMERS !PHONE 32,4113 FOR LESTIMITTES Minion ning atilla contact Zam SotheiLaid 52M26 or Assam.- Ellaizera9=5. HIS Flaw IDecoratacsinIlanknow mill be oilosed lid mom IDecenther aTrd ttoSat- Jurday jaguars 1114h, ITS im- ilusbaL it It - e4 MICITICE FRE (CIMINO • lareinow MarroneSlomalviD1 the , (dosed Efrom Itteeeniber Th Jagoaary2gid. 111 .4 1 ATrtetrram _Allsanomibile- ogricis Ad:thing tto join, St. Helens Surogusibile (ChiliqghweaRt9M93aor -512/2aM. iscrncE * 'TOWNSHIP cOF 491/S1WIEUD • TIE MUM a:X=1W "Neither "Tvorithip mar *mom -,vailltbetrespeceildefformibidescar 4nailibanm---,etm4bift :hi tile /road -S031101011115., EnatePalieM NIMBI be • iresponsiole kr any aroidents, damages 10, ranged Iran soon dmped an muds, Air if It 'has :to be removed tby ttt- P •equiposent„ct1y%viBll be •dinged. Settian 89 (9) Alf Jae Irighatay tbrafrie ant rreads `tve -person six& ;pail sr •stand vehicle on a ley .in :math nomner as In if lath 'the namensea c - !tile Ildear- log of SNOW' Irani Ibebithrw." EBTCOnierCOf 4fttira1d Vagreilip Mama •For Taw kaine STEN12115? iPtcouE swam ir 4 :A -A XII' • 2111 • LileilideS giliamid Mid:awe/We A MEAL WINKER IV