HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-23, Page 2THE LUOCHOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • fa ' t • • • • * I • • The LUOCNOW SENTINEL • LLICKNOWir, ONTARIO •• • INA *WV Wine •••• Ike Huron -Broca Boundary • • • • • • • • • • • Stand CiaSS MAR Registratio' it Number OW Established 4/3 — Published Wednesday leundler of Hut C.C.,14-AL and (MIL& "inn Rate, WOO a year an advance # extra to IL&A.. and Ebteign Donald C.. Thmpson, Publisher • NOT A WORLD OF. PEACE AND GOODWILL Ours is not .a world of peace and goodwill among men. hL Africa, rival• races of blacks and whites struggle — in the open and in secret, with and without violence — for dominance In the Waddle Fast, great powers escalate each other's armament bids. Fighting has become so commoradace in seine places_ that newspapers hardly report it any more: Viet Nam, Northern Ireland Cyprus . ., And the repression of an make continent i ignored — in South America an unof- Retail alliance of mililaty regimes tightens the saws on a hondied million poor_ And in Bangladesh and Indian the Sahel and who knows how many more centres of suffering, millions more dle the slow agony of starvation. Mete seems to he something incongruous about cele brating Christmas in such a world. For Clnistmos speaks of kindness and love peace and goodwill. • Yet we should remember that the first Cteristmas was not a peaceful one.. The bah7 Jesus was born into a world tyramiy„ of hate, of vions dictators and bream:berms pnir ki MI effort to an effort to destroy that child, a pitiless Herod slaughtered all the children of Bethlehm. Nor was the iffe of Je particularly peaceful. He was always under suspicion, always under attack.. His Iffe was • a conifict with forces of evil, forces which eventually brought him to the Cross, So in celebrating Christmas„ we shisold see m the ore called Christ a challenge„ not wily to the Reids and Mates 4 24188 years agn„ hot to those of every day, of every nation. That was the hope„ of Christmas them kis.stil Rhe hope, of Christinms today.. But we wed to work harder to rea- lise that hope. An • Lottery Ticket AS A CHRISTMAS GIFTsis includes a gilt vard and.envelope • Lucknow Sentinel Let Us ow! Away fiir Christmas or Direa‘v Tears. Have stare violate Ciill os at The badmen Sentinell 52/2-27S2„ and tell us abott them. We'd l to hear from you. If you have a rural extravagant in your area, give her 2 =IL LustSenti For This Year This week's issue eine Sentinel will be the last until Wednesday, January 8th. As has been the habit in the past, there will be no paper published the week following the Christmas issue_ Sentinel correspondents are re- quested to send in their Christmas news as it happens allowing us to process the material as it is received_ The Sentinel will be open for business„ as usual„ despite the fact that no paper be published Phoneus at 528-2822 with your petSGRati$ or other news stories_ Well be happy to hear from loom. Community Event Praised By Those In Attendance • The Lucknow Community Carol Coracert l974held on Wednesday' night in the Lucknow nailed Churchwas an exceptionally fine musical giresentation. bringing to- gether aU residents of the cammun- ity for an evening in musk and song, commemorating Christmas and its true meaning.. The church wa.s well filled for the event - The LARATIMINF Concert Band„ trader bandmaster w Cayley, prolikled a background of Clist- mosransic for the entire progran. whether it be sok) band numbers or accompanying the group singing e carols_ While each choir contrilint- ed to their part of the program in a pecial viny. ithe band added the g touches really make the evening a success_ Words of welcome and affsecia lion were expressed at the beginn- ing and,6 ending of the evening by Rev- Doug Kaufman 'LI ILM±35MW United Church_ Resides the many band mum - hers. the following rausicol groups added to the evening: ciatineit saki by Stephen Pritchart aircompartied by his mother Mrs- Thomas Pritchard; St- Peters Angficarri Church Choir under de tierettien of pianist -music dire ctor Anne Pritch- ard; tedbillaiir Presbyterian Church Choir. pimaist-insk director' lkire- Aka Scan: Lecknow Unitet Clutrch Choir. pianist Gail Pritchard and music &rector Marilyn Johnsen; South Irmless Presbyterian (larch Choir. pinnist-ransic director Asia Spars St_ Ames Roman Cath Church Choir. Rirterselale, pianist - mask dffirextor Marilyn, Mannar littetroont ChtistiaT Reformed Chum& Choir. arm wira Van Shemin -eon and musk director Ikon imCauttere Mrs. David Elphidc Was WI Speaker PARISH oF • LUCKNOW • NRISTMAST1DE SERVICES AT ST. PEE= Christmas Eve 11:30 pan. Eucharist •'as Day 11 a.m.. Eucharist' and Blessing of the Oiildren 601oinummemal. AT THE ASCENSION, KINLOUGH Sonday, December 29 11 a.m. Parish Carol Service • DUNGANNON CHRLSTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) OM* Gingrich, Piga/Pi. SERVICES 10:00 aint.. Sunday School MOD am. Morning' Worship • EVERYONE WELCOME w-wi/ Poem "Giving". Mrs.. Roy Firdayson took the chair far the program Asing song included Jingle Bens and'Away in . A Manger with an arremp-: animent by Mrs_ Dorakka Scott. Rellowed by a leading by Mrs: Visdits Mowtray entitled Christmas wanted a wee._ Mrs.. • Scott favoured with 2 selections on ; the accordion. "Happy as a mas Tree" and -!•Charsinas Bells are Ringing. Mrs. Dane Elphick was intoduc- ed to the meeting by Mrs_ Donald Machityre_ Frances dated and told of mans Chaim* =as idea for decoratims etc_ which ore can make in then- - aliv2 home at sem little dist. She made a timing table anrangement and. a corsage_ These we drawn for. the winners hese „M -miniefialdenby and Roulstors. Mrs. Finn thanked the guest and presented her with a The tog call was answered, by A Book I Enjoyed or My Fe Mawl "nue_ • Mrs_ Frank MacKenzie , ,, .i,,,,. - ed a game_ There was a gift enriarage_ Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs_ Roy Futlaysont_ The meeting dosed by singing 0 Canada and the Grace. . Ii La and krarezt7rs Mrs. F=MarKen- The DL-eintreir ` of Kafir - Steal Women's lostioxte was held an 1. the ffiaare of Mrs_ Deward MaKa- non_ The presintear- Mat_ Chbrenze rtnchi.. opened the meesinm with a •nesse The Ii zeless Gift of I Chrintiras'-_ followed with the 02e and Mary Stewart Collect- V-'1s,iurrs Were VitteliOaaMi Leaders &or the nurse -Bread BIgking- are Icene liaidtmtm Arace DiAeunan and Lila= Ritttne 'and Matgatet Mcpstway._ These are a tame ustnruber &is SEP it itcaS necessary to haste 2 sets of lleads- Ilhse'teadess were NT,ranateers. Seteval standing tigwit..IttLee re- ports wire given itrillixued 6x ex scriptoon by. Mrs- Fratik tktiaeu- Tbe °kimono Storv- and al 1,41.14 the 3, .4' Mrs. Roy Rid ayson. January meeting: 1.341) Jamarry lo& Hostess - Mrs_ Roy FrialOwn. Ds - Mrs. CM Roadstore.. Mas_liank lirtemirk. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 10 LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH CHRISTMAS DAY DECEMBER 756 Semite — R)--4 a.Ta. CandaetEd by W. Vao Stettpstrit Special Qs* Vs* by the Joyful 'foam SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 Evening Service 7:3 pat FAREWELL for Rev. Van NEW YEARS EVE Service NEW YEARS DAY Service — 1t:39 Conducted by Setraty Student — Peter lkar Make by Joyful SUNDAY, Away 1.0g0 Smite* Res_ .alul vat Caroptts TAD p.m — Rearing Sr'.ct .111M111.1.1111....111.111.11111=7111.1. DECEMBER 31th NEW YEARS SERVICE MOO a= Sudsy Sled 11:09 ann. 1%ra* litrikg3 LUCKNOW :UNITED CH • • • • • • • • • • • Rev. Demi KLm DEMMER Wdi NEW YEARS SEITEE ID alL., Saida Said' 11 ane. Moratogs Was* Notice Re Change in Holiday Hours #!:›4e;stri°443Nr:›40.4%*"."-e9..t0•••0"•47"0"`c, THE LUCKNOW SEMI will be closed Al Day Saturday, Decesier 28 imam 4 On Saturday, Januaryfl the - .-.y- beers wa revert the same as always, Open Saturday Illowniug. and dsed t. y afternoon ..dooMMMosmorllr