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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-18, Page 1
sow gick wort- thl pkismnem —mow Ekttraiho umaik. wisaWslmn, ascamase. utg, tat Smite Cbtrif St 1975 mit .1j ; it44: citurwenfftit‘ !iitigittakaz 3 NitartParl-regkErateM Raab =Men ; 4ittft.e.gagittEfiStinattElegnnyifiranik Ntitalezr nab 8a trortriaistr- (xti-? tit tines& Allem woishittOii; master- .oiff the. t 'Mown& starzettatir. akier Ttatt-til:BtdikttEEqvatty‘CircttaaalerMaster-i 412e.i - Suptillisamit Illimposestamgarmigasswenvmmi • alqlprWaaisOilciatterguaidd :Eranki NtianWtir. ougterguattk 'May .Tlialtir stone- inner &wagon.. ' . • Abs.eal- vicktenr the T. *tom taken- wit&Walita Comm chaPhim Wt BE Anderson tri: Wm. Lie. senior clgorr an* Altar, Eyons., diameter -of Lvrentonies.i. Tirameggitp itfeepittwassiitantm. ow the tater*, gabltale, Orr 3a sipperied ttonft off tth. avOlittts tweivedc I labeeffat-7-teetiOdniktear , A:jar atirewettL antit &Tic: tijklagittitr bizt krauttlateeir M& met"- Siagreittitetteikar arctkgrttter-opprzt tgiSiga tirewash oar WITtIIt sins& six,. ;math ptob air *tisk* totaltsitft_ ti ticiillettry GlitittsItt COttnecitattionitteficuntiE ThesAio2- teitittetit hiss res*altiiiain aillemorm.13fteenither t7itir at .t .001 sistapitatienditatt anttl ppm Autsitt-itimediitz' 11004104811tINL claw. am:mkt& amid 10444',0 ittitinAiegtetki mAle thfw, eilbw -"oar, tenably &knits - gam' eke interviewiatidd wow 0,,obteitita4kiositio 4,1 iiljst 0411%, • Wtft 4-Ttet4 tibia was, pito:smite& * s Fkaar auk Ebtontittra ftkr,- tb agCeppittla in adt STWEItititaitegtt bias didriciss 326 siivaitonatith rack hipoida- it yot Einettures Rifp WiViamir Mitticenzin*%. fesidetiMtair Prne...trt5t- NtiatAr; Luaris.. vino *Jae. Slepten*r; ricenttni slditrede fitaxtuaretk hap- ter anddiuoararso: ;.platietta urNLt WeVesiey klitopliztaL Tocotitor„ yam ts tria Finr- 9901-.),117: A -4S., 32 former Lzzis.ttow reasitikntintarbiaslitresidettiiwt'ATOM, fter some. *me_ usittti Lotantw.4_ AkeercsSz Weis:nm Mann* • of. the %twat Canadian tegion ha& gurcitaselic (lmn- television set- to he ustt lir, veterans, their wive am& familikes6, who. might- he in hspitls, oar nursing: home& fOr an eadendeild periok, clunntititee Of. Etiociti. Cretan& 16e. Kin& Retty mat Anv& Nit3allonakic arange& for porabiase: of the set: The terieeir$iemr. whir terninte: commis. hs been' place& the• the -room Ws*Ir Eihierxesi- &iig atone kr Littettnow, limmumemommffinummaseminmet SECIIMD tinalthlertatli WARM NlaatelEARLE&, Miss Ntiy M emir, at -agitated. from Fanstiawe Coblege in 10 LithialratOlry Itiehnotow.. She, is, the 0 s. • Mt. and Nits. Sandy Mal-Carles. at' tingthitewo, eitermstiket floydt Lamont: The third: conneit s.a remained: inifilited. Pert. of Cithross. Nharray EP:asztra- auat'ss"ITavigarshigrvvii1W t" the- ett called a second nomination piebhAnriktttegisity..DeL;6mhr3etbi t,geiiiodr, tituilat Decern6er bita toot etc41)15- mut t° c-tWilul'iL•one (..onnt.-ili seat. FllOWing_ the frirst- amino/ann'' Three mien. aamarjuvis. mniey. • Ir/4eIV- elef-t0 Wakt at Roth ERR have been 323.4antaliotin. Reeve: Elitism. Katt*. nominatedfOrthis position and the UktioritAtflot: Attt NttgiVi in& 4tetiontralstieem sm. tOrtie• ek WfOlionn abaft,* 'made' 3etttir,,, Si Reastir.fs at aaketit to • note, thepubbikaationstheditlefor paper- over. the hofaitigk. pFiotL. . ElezrzseoiChtistailittgOna, Wethiesd*.• die martini paper- for that-week‘is.-bteinwagirratiteriltaL few cla.ys, at. WA he. datefic Ntitenir.. LINember- a: kshas-beearthectiotororfOarnatany. years,: there win be tior isswe. fok&ii the. Oh, mum, greeting_ ttuntberand_ the. rt- issue will be •plmtiObt*ort Wethesgtogr. larattrair. Ileasitirtr-rtews,:amAcasitriertis- it*.torthe Eleeenthern- an -tumuli, isue i* Wedesday. • Elecember- 41r 040 0, 4 It 140 ' Sistalkerisitra SidiniVree •A' number of • stories.. Yareditiek for this issue, t1ld4Dpgr 1 tat att. rW,U kW:v. •tell I akis, atraiirk• 111111M1110101=111011110111/ •Santa:Clans, mule his. amnia 'ii to i.. via, oar• Saamorday •thirottero the. eilitts•ofthe Lneknavo Eginsittett Chia- Who were assist -fir& by the lateisanw Bittsinessmeres Attssociatioar. The parade. atartgifk. * the Kinsmen.. left the Lurisattow Central %bite School air& ineituktd. the ClitC446 %mite!. %E'en& system. Loacknow Fate Thtit. andreas: %oats bry- the Kinmen. ROyai Elmer& Minton' s Witt• Marke. lalazkr Woo* Lanes, Lateknow Presbter ian roam Groan. ChM [last Reek Estate.. Elestkiner Prodnts- Cam Cook andithe Kinsinear Clowns:. MT& une. hum% Lula:maw Concert Hand rode on a flOa: and Saiit&%Nato oni hatftdr.. reindeer. sk& and an. Santa was aliSoiri the pasasle. The iiiinsznen arranged a ramie vaitibr matting amir afternoon show- itral. at the Legion Han. Santa met cint,4 41 at the Lilt• irt the afternoon and Kinsmen and Gil quidis• airs' trammed treats piovided * the Lireknow ansinessomfs isissocaliort both .0 0. and afternoon. Liacknow Eittsiriessinen provided fiee siraing at the am& durink tkie aftertioon.• • `) fake "IS nteroctel Alvik rtztitkerss Aitiftttuteiainksclert rtattet. tg/t pogr. thed ot hit• ‘'iqe Iseveted,.. tar k.s.aStIS, foot rt, -wherftitret7r1 • 0, ttigSt. •‘`‘4` octiertait bbir L-nrr Cozo. Crotn4 Sal • &Mitt' 'Mplez,-;$ Vitetlr! ittittiltt • e.t.tc,t- •tiagon ot tortil• wits, ta- MAX. rN t tttukr" tirte- trilagattotr (rrteattcer Ektkiva!t Cuh. tStotti- snh.tect to t 4.1groN4 atttaziol•Wittutavoi Reittxt th-c Hitettr* Liecentber . (Wt h gratwed ',tag r-;ocatton of', te. t*W ih tO, paEtr' UE e.ankession t I , btrrt trt' East* Of i• Mitachtsort. Thtttiketp kt S43 ttrixidc asixonnts 51...5.04 Niitta2kit* 'Arm au-vt* SILW641.03.", were, ortistred (Lroatmtts alvlaittWki. tint ri Dec T.: vire r br jad latilirf ait... 1Ut, LQ(1g.