The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-11, Page 15IRESSIMMItaillt ift, SEICIVENE4, GOMM Eleven eninvorit die Shoot tthmt, intE munwt., Eingit inn the. sh. i11Lmidi Films, went nil in in 1,1-12. *mail WI WinLepran with s;-eryntrii W. Sitwt Eliv. ant Art tilmans_ intorKwene 1 Rib U3WISaao Mlatrisonc has the newest hitilithat Dee- emlier 25.iiia 'Priv- new Siallt 'will! he ow tannoTy, Met Mk MILE Nfihs, Gardiugn 1141/ISt attic t attendiril die dielseninw ok, their torandiffinetnm, $arm Hub- chnighter of P4h. amid Ni/is,. kit Ibex were dinner el1te4s aart sit% Guilt hamieshOnz1: AR -14 • Cazae„ his:am:Warn, ns fra ti I 1 ni SPS t-7"tt 44P U1KIREIES Slunk anti nit Mks corroadiz.aumat $1195 WAN& MOW ORGANS gamy tiferdidt ihelinfies arnek, Faun- Elegjimatik Welts Rome .1ilt 1 a a 1 a 1 USIC CENTRO ,w-iontiata 3117.2111111 41510411.111150NEMBIES4,911MIESMSEDSERNIE a FarritiEeffirAliaAlikmail and . t 4 %Tie Gime Viromerellastitute helit Ilectunibmtneattittwarthe linme of Mrs. rettandS &Tie "T afternoon offlast wee& wit& die gaLesilfenu., Ws. E Meat the tmatehm °Remelt wait dbi etrte.auiI tewart Coilent teiteatecEJ unikm. MAI =II "A wa*. to) digirritem tsou Tti3 wadi litmetS-,. was aiswereth. IN14h5s.. Bbni mut the minutes of the IttEt rneetiim ant &are tho tomtami6--- ten'ttegorm Niks,_li4hri4xFaciottneadi diescrignare tiontlinke.. (Ampler M. Mks. gime ' e ostgort oatia th Ares Cortoentilne white& s anomie& as Earn' hinizeits am* ardEemzeicge tai*M. witufm cfifid& ° tdr., Wag* ti ilogra* ,:j4ayibtimiret. HINERTWORNEW,S anthliihilmixof Miami EftaF aitiootwigin taditaatit the r auttageaatiore Iv/eta-Lets oft; liediet; Unite& tear the tssfa cituili.-hammer*: chirin the plas Uw Vhr.e finisher& our ftitlitl • terntNiameratier walk &ChtiAr-ot masg wknd ndintegt A:4 cambers went dialthen, were sitninw Chtliv4mtm CaroiS Timm (iftins aniv mE int •wartniseril aittlie4arlithrmt with _Oils an& ttnt wislie:r. %name thanits to abiftert Ramat tar special. es. Wont dianis. ai.kor to ail, the rpptliers„, wilt1 haVe worketic Mott Mr make our tit- temitt Atamts-sfin • amt en abie ffir- the cliaidtrat, The play- school ts „ta co-operative anctittorderthrit- to run smoothly, ntothers must he willing:to partic- ipate anti w -e have Watt grat gong of rttotits. gray: salmi resuntesrantuar.F.jfrfarthe some* E..nr With dE 11111 rtration- ktf 11+ chili:hem EI • I *apathy of die al111111114110' IS- extendieev't r the relativei,ofthe late Urinal& Eflae 41)f IttpleY. Vit.; an& 1t Mike Wert* vent- the vg oh& %%nth Nli, Al* 1t ftobr Courntet- antic fannit. • Itlan erguon vgent the weekital&witit Mt: nett Mts. Lester Fe -mason: The CALL E Imict their Vesper- *i•Yrte Sitilth13" .11 Rile IIver Churcit, Their ieatiters are 14"atitier Minter rtet ritdr Coop, • Miss Vihrtstret- Courtnex Akertearrt the weel tent watt Mb' and Mts, Ltmnartic Courtney, ELIVLISIE RPM* WE NAME A% NEW ' MOE SELECTION OF 11111ZZASE delivina. oat ZSVememlierr lat. L94 lirranmwdlint. The mummer, Mil. Lltml was, im aff the Iffitlgllan and' nemil aa ClioiStmas Epaentk, %anis &Tie lett: the taunter litinditei- SantdisAllibTedl1 maw 1100242,: "01I t dittanients, aink ditecantiansi whit* we meat I try. INOlis. Are offirikertent who, wz umdite tot)h it.Mk. Gahm thimsegi Pi-- 1 • asidE gm* - epterf hrwhfi.; The ani etosetf vith dj %teem zap trom•e.- 4, intuit was Rat- that ehrittnas gift ane Wb tth mall he ant adi .aill year Rog, eke aa new or neensva,- , -titin tt The lioarknow Senthreii. SEE gar year he ChnaliN, VIE &Jr rtniei*&fliattraelike'gift wiill be seat. wroetil thelitratns anti Wm. ! Moan Riabettsaru walk !dim. Danalit WHILE Talk Paktr tar sixtents mamas THIS scruatrem, Esuns To maw iNi AHED SEE TifE NEW WEEEIT EM410)«r„ _Fammitz sEING meffessmeriar a ,1