HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-04, Page 24401111It TOE LOCKWalf Sinr" LU CKINGIC 01111TARICA leo THIS WEEK'S iredisestity, neonater 4 to Toesday„ Deonoiser ILSEENNWS ARE FEAMME01116 St SPECIAL. WS !MEW MD MEW WNW UNTIL OS ASHTON'S Ladiesand Men's Wear lin and Syke Satfterkind LECKNOW PHONE S2S-ZIN Merges Askfield Twp. Gimes 00* tuft Of Discussing Matters 01 Wort. b inasicipiily .11110Y1 FRUIT AI1K YOUR `1LOWEST PRICS' I SEE The Saltine! :Armlet 51 gene s, aame: need e Ashrtekt Teiwnshipt ttateravers teeeetimg fest the likesakmieilt iechtermag semetrait Eatat Wrest W-amaaribsk., Benaller `.o0n 0slgi,at AMES 0.ht4t7011001,510t TIMIS, Mak= EilailaD 0 tain ARE& Ofttie Eft2EMET CADDSLF••are Eatipaiditite, Lruzzthana.. the meat ereetayr =Taker axe the Pakilutaft REtteir Settaaraitte Sekrahl Eittard thanked th \who, kg/4 txuatizzand aar antit prtniniisedt tie \wadi &air all the - fi int;4;0)•where varaSallite-EXeMati Eite gplire a Ltatku.re tzt•w CatiattF amiket anit the aitianuiLL vett cm warn/us-di" Ere ed the Settliteitim Ram %tenet sitchint chnigliatedt am EV& the pa/Maud that will he et:ea:met to - the lawitA1.14. wheta the ri4lay, Paat Elevelepoiretut Suhdfroisiatts, ate actinpfetati and the 11(fintrama Genre ifarzitinewith kfr the lawir- 'ship wraiktem awre maze kis, %path aiS Ereglifric Reeve.. Ere was cm. the comtniOiteefk die Comarma of Mama wiftichr ra• Eestaza-- 4itik for Noricaltinze. tktatuorail - §aisaces.. etc.. anNE amp, also a I (*Me Ea= SafettaB Gum- tifi&• titemk. tot trate aat a4T ikteztest iktE the ,,aiaalra'ata ETZIM and intend ptihke meetings when thew are hat to,Etaaultt what iistlftest for cweir(chre int the rawrishitp, Mbar Gam= Oar suggest- tisom, (If azatimue with %erre Ettg %pea; 0,az. mar- This r the Ti(mlursitti* lillf. MEW an `pktiehithetteilstm grant- like Amman,/ the- Enektraw Xrettiot, was now working (rhstimetherownsfitip atm= SyMidt gins dektentume pascritent hE 52ar arena ttzuktmati 114774. Iffle said the • Slue and Ifierd sigus •eretzted this, yenar were an. iinprate- met* and arse turd Ed rar tr,-,aqt?a"S detrirat tal purchase& mew wader aprikeEtEaggithVa410111. Aum Ethsrussed the Suhsid& litagpan and the teltict- awe oftheadrarigS of tthe Tvirmistep afTran and Ca • .194pa 4 ing eilintgen =Me! dith alX the • lkiistexpeztest that chat httchgdz aretwemit aggrar this year- Erie pitaiset the wmik et the Rua and thadt eraglett ees, Sameliasheeradianntairt&tibe attmeicikm 4.- and a gawk pregrairtof sports has hew coded Eie was pleased with the hur Mardi PHI whit& vgasenatiediatit. agitating trgi the 1-CLUCTIatki Paltk Wthitting the' to int& setevaAt ertifite- I it* at •mai :; Zacarafto' pi' rata ' t t1041,00f07 MAI II14fr... and ts- &barge ..ta a 4114 Of R.. 1 Linittaw renamed Iit weegt 00i ant wit/A*1We thacc. week ye. morel hs61 tikelaltarSV NW dS atri the ether week int Castle Rell Sok „ 'EMU ef the at tom " far aditorairai'mg having past, The Sett - keg tta m.o.' it ;no fli ...Aftte tab, ilitalide etrealkin triFIVITta yven: aekeirtmatitts- re this; isseeL These wRI all appear telig week - 'BMX milithers ati the Gaithes and gt,,,cities inet dIsx t NU '01 hif the ratents,"- 0 anataaa. Ws_ stuce game•a Report ani the she .attaa.a ra, Strait - at a Nit (Tag t ai au' arro 4;•. lktrk ana 110 ,0.17...otti 01:44 Dinner Party On 40th Anniversaii a tut a VINEEEMIER WINS gart*-' Ws- afteraziitt Sneer( eizzae thek- was., eijavee -.at the diefir-win Cark and Betty Brooesi',.. Seism and lifiriam. Guests *ere tilftr_. and Mks. flrendir Ihu a Natr$.. Mairris Skid Eif fligfer(z,1Iatra Mts.: tUro 0013 0 • LO' Mr_ &mit Wm_ OtNak E .01 Mir_ and. dtts,. Artt Steamer- Ur- and Mrs. Ntia;. r Rat 'itater- Eirnmr. 415C- 'Enzaais,Twziatiff .-71r-atakia, andters.. grl,(1, WifilkaailpidnOesless nommt: ammk Mrs, Shama efINEARtyL Thetram ttcraittea manay. t ntiakts, ankh gas_ 54k-- WI:1111451s, Martin- ail Plaint emir ama future* Qdf Mae Miter VgiTe aztE sibt grit% hum RItir Cerwlein 'sang camatiOar at the' SL vice arrk Were acertinn Erts G&W 4fr...4E4A4t..la at the argpar.. *46r... and Iltes. Wur... Pau= ant Shinfaiv with Mrs- Chia cunt kr nap • atterArt 10000 't t 001 clo r loita euziilattnattrull ,affaha gas_ Ike &mils win ohe t.,at this yieffr restmacti Erc SaiEtWarat litiCke% az: posted as orpalltli,-aftint Rad% 33/CE '4111 Ihrie t:En ttlikeedi 'sumo /407 hy-titetaketiso*. Pitaidkalardsaiidt tie Wetted titaL\ttaixt tar fris new 0,1a.-3ataaot 31S- DitglIatiy7 anpeandiertir elect WatiEng waIrk tfte present ratirTZERil,• Ere sank the nem Extra& Winks Garage ward he at gteat asset fir the eirtiniC4 years ma wandered what 41 t" dkure watt • the lawnsktv Fria_ Km- kfitill Anstir ma Grant 'Faaatit' athiteSsectrtfte meeting' and thaniited those Vitgab /tad al:Militatett tbilarn rat' ariantrilL Sae NatedilAyte;. ratfait •supetiatenereixt %vs =Lk& ,com. Fanner Eteewes Andrew Fittettie' and Mutat ttdraelkanzie spoke P0 4 0 tt t tfrit.ti The an:lath:rig (I:filmed with the taglatiOnall 441105=us, AYLMER ITOL PlUERPF4LE crashed, SSW, Etc. 1E- Lk. SWIM II OIL PURE Siniwberry, blips JELLO RAPD 3t 011. Jely Powders */MEWS 41111• ar.. PURE •Omge Joke • AYLMER•IS el. Chace Peaches• YORK 01101ICE li,at• CUL Gem Corn ',OEN Tras SUE 2 sue: 2T tammimumimmimmumwmienthifilimmiliwniliffiliummuffiumim mums AVE: .ntua4turr„ Fat ssa st ostEataart S.14, PHONE tillotwitvf • • • • Dories Sponsor Bingo Ai &west the ffatekarrmic andilikstrmat tes. Ifted TieligEady Wier:rest Mum- Nursing• Erne bad amettictyjahliat etnifirtg and many Olies were won- litaLT h3ope tot WM another in the near itittfrft Lin the •a.....--rtait.ratv a:. FiltittiValattfii the eget:ling he fun- it.`Ott.fte• The Cm:tette% ame also, Feud off the CrorEN Simipers who) ate an tatechkg and &lire great Jab air the home_ The Char the a- Stnitvers 000;4113K44... a.,.ar 0 attrs are an hams vegaming crafts *or the briantar ammf Eakime doe sae to be keikk Saturday.. Stayed in ()vein • During S • Mk. Mitt ttairs. tithe lit'aplisnik. off 44.1t3an, : Webster as& Watehemer weekc.mt with tlieiir and Nfirs,.. Wellington W CetLiio PartitreritT. abitheir returtrte.tkre Nottrs, is and this Patuireia mut arm,. a spu SiOnTIE air lialkaitn. ahmar &an their ?mime •Tintnpikt wa• s, Wide& Ears thet were Oxman nieriu1r&db Piety •tka) geta3M4itniniNtatillirtSIT the migfir in the or anti able gad. att, to, . intornint Dte: Vitriziky„. Motet St, pum.' Place: Ludiamor Central"