HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-04, Page 11• • Dity‘t sCendillF . %jib Tont the a I balm& elite' di Gm& ate digit Sum anneerr for the evening foto:. FboulilielT MI" anit Off Laiaittm and •• Oat Laiilliam received word 'day; that Mrs.. Faialjawrs first Ilhalhle%„ hadi been ki iintheliouseen Farm Ailltal04113-iin*-• The naidlaw' iva with amend) the fanerall ,„.1caelifatiCliimit GU Mandry.. !band:Mrs., bulk and 'rat aid St. Paula visited Saturday mos, t Atone YAM - lip thit • aMelling tiothr son wag, , tinclity• Ji team YAW; -Vairiaga- itItiSaver marl* Willa was a paitientat • &grim!' nTuesdny„ Welke timid his' removed Mffralletiglit servile is being ,,,ti at Clialimers, Pheskytteriam rincolkonnfterali8i pun_ whirl lillAitatiOn ttiEtiendiEd tteattenit. mtr. ard grps„, edify' tr, ant VVentyon Saturday .ftivatenclitit the Ifirtruly• Night an Eingaidit• Chutit- mittitnealfgettiite att Clinhnee's ;.,,:hyteritur Chiral is, war 110145 %tit %nth* Salina Factilie imiliteristmas Cannot. at 110100) ,10, fir antinilier tit. • Want Nits: Elan Emeriont, airdilittenthr were Rid*. evening rss whir Mir- and Km- Allan affliiwell and Ake Wali end with) V, it audi, Viantrffinerstan anal Sato raw with tar..,-andl Eta om. Fla Veane limy tin repot that at mining net= am the °Mins. Willtt Saliwinfo- Stem Solna Mantilla,. that she was, still] skewing .1111r. lot MAIO I • • ;5,, • .;„ ihriconISSaretriler atiiitant Mina. Mese Words studenterwhelhiste elkliteetarns. The faces off StildieliSSItliWedi at sign off &emelt endi after liasiiigg seven GIT ,eiglit (ains inking* fin= one altdi ai latirelitiurs. The mixt week fiur of ill 1151CM-tem die reports came, *art Mhs. Ehnen Minter wail off Ilandirm spent the' week . and Gant in& Ms. 111I (("lirtli aft s sent 'Sunday, with) hill, .11 4' al III 1 IA .1,"11111V 101 THE LUCKNOW SERMEL. LUCRUCCIA, (WARM CEIRESTMAS PLAYS LUCKNOW CEMTRAL PUBLIC SCOWL AT a P.M.. IlFRIAT„ DECEMBER LUCknoW PAGE ELEVEN LES PETTER SHOES mother Mrs.. fault LW. and Mrs, Re1ion3 Falconer and Lynn of Sarnia - the week end with ibis parents, Mr.. and Mrs. and ether rela- tives, Mrins Gayle t ro taf • 111 Baulk Staff di. Wingharn recently eitjaNtedi at week's holiday, which she spent With Mr. and Mrs Leroy mull and family of Totte_n- hum. _ _ Mn.. and rints, Wafter Flliort and• kiartitt were `, visitors w-ith his, sinter Mrs. Campbell and ttfr. ranlPhelt anal homily of Iltandini. Mr. and Ms. Garnet Farrier were Sunday visitors with Mr. and MS. Gordian Miirray of Walton. lEteeember 110 Whitechurch wiR held their meeting at due' limns- of Mfrs Garnet Farrier. Mr.. and Mrs. _Fun McIntyre of Wail Caron,: Northern lantarieg. visit- ed !Plitt Monday night withi her parents, mut on TnesdaY attended due 1i al1oUtiWe- late Nur. Bill Parker at Exereir.. Mr. and Mrs. tarn McIirngham alSo, attended the Chu eVe-ivirrg Mr. and Ms,.ftllI le 'ion. ain mitt etegori visited with Mr. and Ms Esher -and firmilY of Ayron, mut on] Stindaly they visited with gis, inealrer,. M. Ittansil*It Gibson of LA Pi I o t tz..1 1 IttP II Miss, autett Sieiglithohn and her litrotlisur Day& Sleightliolin left. " la Where they liege tai remain for at time: lilt. 111111 Etter that twit, gift, (me whinlh will be appreciated all year Thing. Olve a new all hN4rTr11lwI1 to The Ifan2knrLw,- SeniheIL .1; ger ptar1111 SE for foreital: walll be sent. •Phone $28-2011 BORNE REID,- SHOE REPAIR DUNGANNON Mrs. Minnie lanes and Mel were plea.sPcli to have Mrs. Gladys Wallis, Mrs. Roy Pepper. Mrs. Luli Jones, Miss N4ae Davies of Clinton call' on them. last week. Visitors with Nits. Mary &re and family on Sunday were Gerry Bere. Mr. and Mrs. folut Bre and Karen, Kiss Kathy Fitzgerald of London, Mr. Knolly Chung and Mss Feemoy Chung of Trinidad. Mr. Chung is Mrs. John 1/ere's brother and his daughter Ititss. Leetnav Chung will be returning with him to Trinidad next week. She has been in Canada for the past seven months. Mrs. Graham McNee, Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mrs Elmer Black spent two days in Stratford attending London. Area Convention of the Warnen's Institate. • LANGSIDE Dawn Nicholson• spent the week end with Heather Young. Sandra, Greg and Shelley Gard- ner spent 'the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Wes Young. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penning- ton and family visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and family. Roseley Riskes spent the week end with Helen Weil -slim. Little Robbie 'Cayley returned home from Wingham Hospital Saturday. Efe had been a patient there for a few days. Donald Wall rtiurned home from St. fary's Hospital, Kitchener last Monday. . Don Robertson and Mrs. Osbund of Lo1called on Jim ,Moffat on 101 • Mrs. Melinda Nivins of Clinton spent die week end with her sister. Mrs. _Pack Errington and Mr. Errington„ Mr. ancEMrs George Ribey and e of Seaford: visited on. S.-turday with Nefr. and Mrs. Win_ A pre-scho. of and arhilt- clinic was held at Dungannon United Church hy Elarorr. County Health trait on Friday. Some ladies of II,C.W. provided a cup of tea for those who • Came- in the afternamt. posit of • Win dugs • F1t- ‘,4ts, t,,,k, •k,‘k, , ::, ..,,,,,,,,.., •; ,.;,,,,:" \, . Is '7.1. ,44 • •7 " •• , , stalks manse until pine slaty ft sweat itv ami teal, tues- make Wiry limn cleaners one of thin must gait, as-arab:1k act& hemp chain ant gem dtive ant years iserviree Nt. otter seams In- elevator tti reduces manure corm., 1 Et6vattir Wendt up: t 411 ft t mitt swings. to allow, tilg Mtn lin later wending- IIIB OEM IMAM 11110 NIL MB ME Ili 1 1 1 LO RY 'FiJ SYSI Mil TS K1 NIZARELINE ORM mitsu En= • 111 Tack• Caesar returned recently front a ten-day: tour tri Hawaii with a •grotip af 'advertising chemi of CEN. He brought track . sunburn, among other souvenirs.. Nfrs emit 'Make motored to Alliston Cla Sallirday to. visit her son.. Mr. and Mrs .Fas. Blafm and attend thehaptisnial; service far her grandson. Sean David „Fames Ella.ke. M. and Mrs. frvine Eedv visited Mrs Eedy's sister. Mrs. Helen, Blair in London on .Saturday evening. . Martha Eedy; FUCA, is, present- ly working in. Stratford General Haspital,. • . • Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Sillib have • mycelium' their new home at Nile.• M. and Mrs. Greg Jervis/ from' haVe moved in to the trailer home Clinton,brmerly , occupied by the %Rib' s. • .Wrs. T. C. Anderson of Toronto called on friends in the village on the week end. Mrs. Arr El I iort Miss Clara Sproul and Mrs. Gladys Rivett were dinner guests with Rev. and Nirs. McClen aghan n Wednesday. ,- SeNeral neighbours in the village came in TO enjoy 'an a_fternoon's visit with them. •. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling of •• Thamesville are proud, parents of a baby son. Harold Robert. born on November "Ig in Chatham hospiral; a brother for Darlene. grandson for Mr. d .Mrs . • RIlbi. Lrvrn. Miss Darlene Stirling Is spending this A eek A 1th her grandparents. • Mr. pwwrcti .Thaineville on Sunday. hut due to storinv weather conditions were mabk n' proceed w Chatham to .;et.' Belly .1.11d the balk - Saturday. DIED IN ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. 11- o rd YiaoTT received ward of the death of WS- Yomig'S uncle, Harry . Band, in Norwich, England. Mr. and Mrs, Bond spent some time in Canada about forty-five Tears ago and for a while lived at Efotyrood and worked for Sack Ackert's father. FREE SKATING TINS SATURDAY AFTERNOON , • Treat injuries At Hospital Glen McLennan, R. R. 1 Listow- el, was a passenger in a car November 28 -which, was involved tn an accident with a tractor approx- imately three miles North of Wingham on Highway #4. He was discharged following treatment for an injured right leg. Investigated by 'istringham. O_P.P. Alexander Finleon, R R. 2 Lucknow, suffered a fractured , pelvis and abrasions and contu- sions when the tractor he was driving overturned and pinned him underneath on the 6th concession �f Kinloss. 1/2 mile Fast of Lucknow Gravel_ He was admitted to hospital and his condition is satisfactory. • Harvey Aitchison, Wingharn, was involved in an accident 4 miles West of Wingham on 86 Highway Frank Bartgertman returned home Saturday from Part Stanley where he has been. working., • Mrs. Barb aregman drove her mother, Mrs. C. Nell to Stayner on Friday. Mrs, Bregman returned home Saturday.. on November 29. and was treated for neck injuries at the hospit-al, then diScharged. • Stephen Hass, Elmira, was also. involved in the accident and treated for injuries to right elbow and spine_ Discharged following treatment:, Investigated by Wingham O.P.P. R. Cameron, James Hetherington. Bluevale, received an- injured right shoulder when he rolled off . a snowmobile and avoided hitting a pole. He was, discharged following treatment. Investigated by Wingham O.P.P. MdGfirick_ GIFTS VD STRIALL.GIFTS 10 DRUM— GIVE 1 1 1 11 1 STUDENT GUITAR OUTFIT I EN ES Gnitar, Leatherette CGS., lestructio Book, s . and incks •5 Complete Unit S305 1 • UKULELES litstruttiart Back, and Felt Picks .1.95 Complete Unit ORCANA CHORD ORGANS (Any Model) - I• Price includes Bench, Phis Four Beginner's t Music Books - Prices Range From s79 95—$329.95 i . w t w g 1 , I • 80114 I 1 g 1 g 1- . CENTRE! 357-2811 a 11 1 a a It wouiti he greatly appreciated if T. C.0111T1111111t\- rCtildt2111,S W'UIli a11 IL their. correspondent. Mrs. • Mary . Bere. 51Q., bv Sunday evening to contribute news items.. • The Youth group held an Activit\ - Night at Brookside school on Sunday. night under leadership of Mts. Sharon Dawson and Mrs. Joyce Caesar. SIC WINGHAM MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SUPPUES AND REPAIR i a For tlle Professional and Amateur 11°47°1