HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-12-04, Page 7PNESDAY. DECEMBER 4, ig 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO TODAY'S HEALTH TODAY'S CHILD BY.HELEN ALLEN '111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE TORONTO' ,.]-71t) SYNDICATE unmy is a lively, uninhibited tight -year -odd — an engaging youngster in both looks and personahty... Anglo,saxon in descent,. be is healthy and slim with brown iyes,bitinde hair and fair skin. • Tway craves attention's° he prefers the company of elder aple, either Children or adults. Because :Tommy was restless distracted he spent longer ihan usual in kindergarten last year he was an average Grade One student, and now, in. .Grade Two,- he loves •school. -A creative boy, he enjoys (drawing anti coloring.: 'Tommy:is interested in music and is now learning vardgalnes and -chess. If an eight-Year-old.tan besaid tohave a Tommy's would:be mechanica, • iioirombbY,my loves ramping, fishing and swimming. Ne pys baseball and.is-platining to join Cubs. - • . ..• Affectionate Tommy needs much love,. along with• attention and stitnulation: Young involved parents who can be both warm affirm will find him a fine son. Older brothers and sisters but sayoUnger OieS ) will be an asset in Tommy's adopting family: la inquire about adopting. Tommy, please write to Today's Chg.& Ministry of Community • and Socia l Services, .Box 888, Stilton K. 'Toronto M4P 2112,. For general information, consult • yourChildren'S AidSOciety, .• • . PAGE SEVEN Studies show dental •care should start at early age • b.3, David Woods THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY REQUESTS YOUR SUPPORT FOR ITS 'dentni care az really is true 'that an ounce of prevention is worth • • a pound of Cure. For financial and other reasons many people tend to:I delay visits to the dentist or to • go onwhen .something needs to put right, urgently— . • Early attention means les S WOrk and . less cost in most cases — a fact substantiated by two Ontario dental care studies in which 'e.arlier • means hoth.chro.nological age, and . • Betting 'to the troOt of the turouble (so to. speak before itt becomes too big prOblern. . him A few years ago It* sovough of North Yor and the County of Waterloo started ' separate eXperrii- mews .in piovidang coMprebensive, Ccintirnaing dental care. to randomly selected e,-potips of children H- at no • . :cost to the parents_ The idea was to see if it would be practical, from the standpoint of costs ariel ,avail- able ,dernal manpower, to offer such a4ervice to Ontario's 1..5 iiition elementary School children_ The ' 'North Yorksnarly focused providine. initial dental carefor five-•!.tar-olids. food by main- :. iti&ance care eachSucceeding. year to see how they were (loin. The first • eroup of . 3.31Z. children were randoinly • 'selected from. ineutary schOol:deratal dinics in the Romotieh. Each year„ a new' group enters the jr4togratto,. Which is now in • its sixth. year.: .A total 4. LIS It • children have been insolhed in the Prolject • The study• bas *owo that the children'S dental • needs varied .ac- cording to their age when fluorida- . tion was introduced . to Metro 'Toronto's water supPly. Iln general. • the children receicving,tthe proper amount of fluoride gained greater dental Protection and the costs and time of their dental care were a oat half those for children with - water fittioridation... The time I in. maintenancecare ranged :17 to '40) minutes per year. eu�in4.1inthe age groups of the • children in the. study: The Wamloo everinient was, • slifhily different in that at took two trout% of 11,1100 ' arree-yearorlds from families ‘of varying_ epormstryie, • ethnic_ rEn-al. • and, urban back - groan, .ds. and offered ahem dental care through private Tiranitioners. • That care included dinicall exam- ination_ fltioride treatment_ x-rays and necessary dental • procedires; the idea being to, compare the den- ial Prowess of children partici- . pain in the program with those V.0 had net. As both gairl have Shown_ there. is more than a ertin of truth . the ridal...xe: -Get TO a Child early (not* and yoti've .got him for , ntr. R. E. Feasb. to Ontario 141ea3tles senconsul- tam in public health dentistry.. sal..s.: -These studies are providing essert- t ial information on cost factors and Inanrcower :1-04fartinznTS Toward fu- ture implementation of .11 dental care prcigram for children.- HE NEEDS BIG BROTHER ISTRY OF REVENUE ASSESSMENT REGION NO. 25 • 345 EIGHTH STREET EAST P.O. BOX 670 OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, N4K 5R4 the Owner or Tenant: Takenotice that pursuant to Section 40 of the t Act, Chapter 32, (as amended) R.S.O. lave on the 2nd day of December delivered msed to be delivered, Assessment Notices to osatts and tenants in this region. The last day for appealing the assessment is 7, 1975, and the assessment roll may be at the Municipal Offices dmin. g regular hows commencing December 18, 1974. J. R. COSTELLO, Regional Assessment Commissioner An 0 ympic Lottery Ticket AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT $111 includes a gift card and ermelnye A REAL WINNER . Lucknow Sentinel CHRISTMAS BUREAU • ANY NEW TOYS, GIFTS AND CLOTHING FOR ALL AGE GROUPS MAY BE LEFT AT Wingham Salvation Army Citadel December 9 to 13 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS ISSUED FOR ALL FINANCIAL DONATIONS (REG. NO. $1114192411-1S) • CHILREWS AID SOCIETY 46 GLOUCESTER TERRACE GODERICH, ONTARIO A Class A Mechanic Albert Mousher Is Now Available To • Serve Your Mechanical •,Needs From 8 a,m. to 6 pm. :Or•lac -4iie 40- dir AP' Q.' (ieg jp. loer. KOYLE'S • SUPERTEST Luclmow • Phone 528-3401 LANTING'S BAKERY WILL BE OPEN FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON From Tuesday Till Saturday 9 — 12:30 • and 130 — 6 Starting Tuesday, December 10th LOWER INT/REST RATES Nov Averlstrie On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES •Anyarberon Oak) • On RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES. Financing For Nesr Construction & lend fteeeloplassa For Repressetationi In Your Ansa . Peons SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (5N) 744-8535 Nand Oats - SS Weber SL E. latowsner oint. —Ws Buy Existing Nortgegrei tor instant Cask—