HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 19pospAt NOVEMBER 27, 1274 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO jrs,pnvid Ireland osWlSpedcer Homey Houston was •host t the gairsbea W.I. Thursday, Ver 21, this being the Public mfg MiCe Ritchie presided resided and ngeOng opened with the Qde 1e Mary Stew' Collect. and 4. visitors were ed to the meeting by the . The scripture Romans lead by Mrs. Philip Steer. ndence was dealt with - ladies attended the Sewing "Sewing with Knits" at and three ladies took the coarse in Lucknow. ing committee reports were given, followed by the roll call - Bring a surprise package for an auction sale. Mrs. Philip Steer took the chair for the program. Community singing was enjoyed «with Mrs. Leonard Clarke at the piano. - The District President, Mrs. David Ireland, was introduced by � Mrs. Gordon Wall. Mrs. Ireland spoke on "Public Relations" the 'theme for the meeting. Her comments were - Public Relations should begin • in the home - we relate to each other in home and community and school. It is good to have parent, teacher relations, also interest in municipality and public affairs. These all make for good Public Relations. The speak- er was thanked and presented with PAGE kiNIETEEN a gift by Mrs. Ira Dickie. Mrs. Leonard Clarke rendered a piano solo, followed bya dialogue "Christmas Shopping Spree", well acted by Mrs. Philip Steer and Mrs. Ted Collyer, was much enjoyed. The motto -"you speak a better sermon with your life than with your lips", written by Oliver Goldsmith, was given by Mrs. Evan. Keith. A reading - "Novem- ber" was given by Mrs: Ira Dickie. The 4-H girls had their exhibit set up which they had at Achieve- ment Day (The Club Girl Enter- tains). Debbie Allen gave the commentary. Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dougall reported on the Area Convention held,, in Kincardine. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie was auction- eer for the sale of surprise packages taken for roll call. Note: the December meeting will be held one week earlier (Decem- ber 12), .1.30p.m. at the home of Mrs. Donald MacKinnon. Courtesy remarks by Mrs. Ira Dickie, and the meeting closed with singing 0 Canada and Grace. Lunch was served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Philip Steer and Mrs. Ira Dickie. The Kairshea W.I. held the "At Home" November Sth at the Institute Hall. This took the fortn of a Pot Luck supper at 7 p.m. -with. 100 people in attendance, members and families, 4-H members and families. An enjoyable musical program and slides by Marjory Wall followed the supper: Ripley• Hur district recreati complex In 1927 our parents . built the Diamond Jubilee Arena, which was one of the earliest indoor ice surfaces in . the .province. It has served the Ripley Huron district for many years and been a great wet to the community. The RESPONSIBILITY now lies with usto do the same for thisand future generations! •.' $how. your ppforp I support :ro ecour .t:..•... Attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Tuesday, December 10 at 10 a.m. in Huron Township Hall, Ripley .' ' s .t 4 '_,...,r.. . Projected Public Coniribufions and Fund Raising Contributions. to Date Piedges to Date Goal togo----------- $150,000 82,000 8,000 $ 60,000 ln the near future our canvassers will be calling own all residents who have not yet been ap- We are requesting your support in order that this facility may become, a reality. Plan Now, so that you can say in the future "I HELPED MAKE THIS POSSI8,LE". Rcnert anemia MacDonald Md mat Irwin MacKay SEC _ TREASURER • Doug couites C©M MFrTEE ' LENMERS Elmer Courtney Jim Needham Albert ids Bill McCreath . Marlene Coiling Marg Rouse Dave Henderson Danny Dodds - .FINANCE CELAIR .AN Clayton Nicholson Carol Bell Sam MacGregor Carrnoa Courtney Gayie Messenger Brian MacKay THIS WEEK CONTINUED. FROM PAGE 21 visit with friends at the . George McLean store. * * * * * * With Jack Treleaven's Ripley grain elevator closed up for the winter the large flock . of sparrows have been noted looking for new sleeping quarters. Also present is a sparrow hawk which looks well fed' and no doubt will help to disperse them. • * *. * * * * Our thanks to Mrs. Elaine Pollock for the Ripley Juvenile Hockey schedule and account of their win over Hanover in their first -game. Also thanks goes to Jim Brooks for the time schedule for the next week at the Ripley Diamond Jubilee Arena. Jim is the new ice maker and manager and as such is a very busy man. especially on Saturdays when it is hockey from early in the morning till.a late noon and then afternoon skating for the children of the area.. Received a call from Norman Schmidt in the Coliseum in Toronto. on Saturday evening. Norman was attending the closing day of the Royal Winter Fair where he had Many prize winning entries in field crops. At the time there cc as a real downpour over this area ,while Norman reported not a drop falling in Toronto. Ripley street blackouts • were cleared up on Monday of last week with 'the replacement of koose wiring in .the north •end of the village.. • On' the front page of last •Saturdax-s Toronto 'Dail% Star was a small news item from Sacramen- to. California`. it w as headlined • ."Bee rustler, corral 8-'0 hives" and it hlame, this new est actin ity on the high price.of sugar. How come Ontario ioa it, surat industry' In our traccls down the Huron and Bruce CtiR line from Wingham to London. hack in the thirties. we ha%e on oicasit'n cttittnted as many as PI car, tilled with sugar .beets sitting on the railway 'siding at Exeter and waiting to be taken to .Chatham. Donald Bell. nephew. of Mrs. A. ' D. 'Mart.n. had•the• misfortune to fall on Saturday evening suffering a fractured ankle. At the time they were ct,inn al- the tarm home of Mr. and Mr,. 'Leonard Macinnes on ., nee•„ion 2 in Kinloss - east of • Olitet h -x three hloc•ks.• Donald and his c, ifc Angela had •just returned tram a gathering Of the squadron tltc r, in London. England. who sank the•mid-ht: German battleship -pr.r ;n the Sc•.,,nd World War. He teas also ',Tie of the air force . ott .t r, in the 'Tam Bustingin ter and Mr, Be :?. 15'5 _ l.. �ctnue. i,itr�t'n. hsec t, t .,ern;n,t t, R;hic'c on creek and * hi, aunt , \1 ” 17 , f h,:rl,,ttt. • st.: a patient :n V' ��.... Hcsr Or, Saturdat D•'ra;d tc t, taken h tr,•nl the the Leonard MaJniiL, to -m to «'ingham Hos- p,tal and then on- to Toronto tt %,tern Hospital where he is now a pa; is nt Friends rn this area evs-Id their scntpath' in. this r.:,f, rtune and send hest .wishes , t. hi, t— occr.. Oar thanks to \frs. Harr% Rar::,a'. of Ripley for •th's tier..