HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 17REIM sDAY„ NOVEMBER 27, M4 BROWNIE NEWS h tst La.cknow. Brownie Pack their meeting att Tuesday, her 19th with singing gam- , aklanes. was Fairy Queen • ate placed the Toadstool for •e Ring, • Brogan Owl did a far a neat and tidy am the arawities. hopped &conk Gold. Brownie Ring with the Brownie Prayer. alma. ceremony WAS held and ca Cameron. was made Sixer 4.1• Pixies. Brown Oavi present THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ed Janice McInnes with hr Golden Barand a Seconder Stripe. Luanne MacLeod moved from the Pixies to the Sprite Six_ Shirley Loree and Anne Hamilton received their Golden Hand Badge Trom .Brown Owt as they have completed all their Brownie tests.. At Pow Wow the Brownies were told that they would visit Pinecrest Manor on Tuesday. Deeember 3rd at fouro'clock to sing Christmas Carols_ During work period the Tweenies worked at their braiding and tying a Brownie Tie. Theythen practiced for the enrolment of the Tweenies next vveek. The meeting closed with the Squeeze and Taps. r TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP / wankf appreciate your vote for Councillor on Monday, Igemiler tad my years experirre on council will he'helpful to Wow hoard and t will work in the interest of all ratepayers in Wawnstaft-' [1 SIPICERELY LEO FORAN ••111n e Alas. n. a3:4 ant: t an& Mts. .07g 4:1 last r • TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Again sack your support for councillor an- MoniaYi, December 2. SINCERELY JOSEPH F. HICKEY Big des TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWAtLOSH TOWNSHIP rgzsappart an ereCtiGEL day would be appreciated twookl he pleased to serve as a councillor in West Waw - Ilia& wog give the pawl:ion m serinus attention at all SINCERELY ARNOLD STOTHERS TO THE ELECTORS OF WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP served for two• years as a Councillor, I wish to sat - 141r' sultart for another term fele r will continue to, give the business of the town- tr.4 ale:dolt at all times. sn'S SINCERELY JOHN RUTHERFORD LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat of Teeswater, formerly of Langside returned from a six weeks holiday through • the .West ' where they visited relatives and attended the wedding of Mrs. Moffat's niece in Vancouver. Miss Margaret Moffat spent a few days with them on their return.. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Young and Mrs_ Robert Young spent a day in Kitchener last week. While there Wesley called on Mrs. Thomas Hockley and also talked with MT_ and Mrs. Russell Moore. Mrs. C. Nell of Stayner is visiting with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob laregirran and family. Mrs_ Bill Lipp spent Saturday afternoon with her mother Mrs: Wm. Orr. The Langside Presbyterian Church and Sunday School are holding their annual pot luck supper and achievement night in the church basement Saturday night.; ' The Langside 'Community Hall program committee are busy with plans for their annual Christmas. Concert. Mr_ and Mrs_ Jim Young. Mrs. Donald Wall and Christa. Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wan motored to Kitchener on Sunday to visit with Donald Wall who is a patient in St. Mary's Hospital_ We wish him a speedy recovery. • Fractures Leg On Kinloss Visit SOUTH KINLOSS NEWS Mr_ and Mrs. Donald Bell of Islington visited with Mr. and Mrs_ Leonard McInnes on Saturday_ As they were leaving Mia Bell slipped on the wet .grass near the car and had the misfortune to suffer a compound fracture of the leg. Dr. McKim was called and Mr. Bell was taken by arribillance to the Western Hospital in Toronto for surgery - Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall_ Mrs.! Clarence Ritchie. Mrs_ Harvey Houston and Mrs_ Virden Mowbray of Kairshea Women's Institute attended the Area Convention, itt Ripley on November 18th and Nth.. South Bruce won the trophy.. Mrs_ Bill Haldenby. also several other. 441 leaders attended the Royal Winter Fair last Monday and Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton went on the bus from Lucknow to the Royal Winter Fair last Friday. Mr_ and Mrs. John Hamilton of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs_ Gilbert Hamilton on Saturcfay • evening. Miss Jill Malleck. Neil Hackbart and Hugh McInnes visited at the hurtle of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McInnes. also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie. who is the uncle of Jill Malteck.. 1 limminiMENINt TO THE ELECTORS OF West Wawanosh Township I would appreciate Your sup- port fix councillor on Monday, December 2nd. SINCERELY MARYBELLE CRANSTON • PAGE SEVENTEEN TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH ELECTORS POLLING for the election of a Reeve and Four Councillors for the Township of West Wawanosh will take place on Monday, December 2, 1974 between the hours of 11:00 am. and 8:00 pm. at the six polling subdivisions in the Township. Poll 1 -- Dungannon — Home of Mrs. Annie Bere Pc» 2 — Auburn --- Huron County Library Building Poll 3 — Township Hall Poll 4 — St. Helens W.I. Hall Poll S -- Home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacPherson Poll 6 — St. Augustine Church Hall JOAN C. ARMSTRONG, Returning Officer Former Resident ;• Child Passes Pisses In B.C. At Age Three MacKENZIE WEBB • MacKenzie Webb. a former resident of concession 12. West Wawanosh. passed away at Peace Arch Hospital, Whiterack. British Columbia on November 12th. 1974. • He was in his 76th year. He was a son of Wm. C. Webb and Isabei MacKenzie. In January. 1922. he married Jean Scott of Ashfield Township. Huron County. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn a family of three: Russell of South Burnaby. Dorothy of Arm- strong. Bill of Maple Ridges. all in B.C. ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren: also a sister. Jean. Mrs_ Allister Hughes of Wingham. and a brother John. Calgary. Alberta. Mr_ Webb was predeceased by his parents. a twin brother. Cam- eron. a sister. Margaret. and one granddaughter Bonnie_ • itt 1947 Mr. and Mrs.. Webb moved from this area to British Columbia and resided in South Burnaby. until moving in August to Surrey. Memorial service was held. Friday. November 15th. in South Burnaby United Church. conducted by Rev_ Morrison. with cremation following.. • BOBBIE FORAN Suddenly. after' five weeks of llness at War Memorial Children's HosPitaL London. on Thursday. November 14. Robert Ronald Foran was taken to be with God's Children. • • He was born in ' Wing4m General Hospital on April .15, 1971. The only son of Ronnie Foran of Blyth. he is survived by his father; one sister Karen. age 5: his grandmother Mrs_ Ebner Foran of Listowel: his great grandmother Mrs. George Philips of West Wawanosh Township_ He rested at the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel. Lucknow .until Sunday. November 17. when serv- ice was conducted by Rev. Cecil Whytock of Blyth. with interment in Greenhill Cemetery. Lucknow„ Pallbearers were four cousins. Tommy Foran. Jimmy Foram. Billy Foran and Wayne McDonald_ Flower bearers were four cous- ins. Colleen Foran. Carol Foran, Katheteen Foran and Bettv-Jane Foran. TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP Having served as Councillor for the past four years, I wish to solicit your support for the office af Reeve of West Wawanosh Township. - If elected I will continue to serve all ratepayers, keeping itt mind the best interests of the township at all times. • SINCERELY J. D. DURNIN • TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP I would appreciate your vote for Reeve in the upcoming election. With eight years experience as Reeve and three as 611111- eiitor. , I believe I am in a position to serve' the tovvnship, giving my utmost attention at all SINCERELY ROBERT W. J. LYONS