HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-30, Page 5:leers restated 's t, S X Tayl(il', 8,, Miss A tluwan, ,, A 11 Plummer, Executive cords t, Ptciltle.rgast and isses Hillen anti 4tn to Previlleial leant, ,S'e"aforih, telogr1tu was re. st Bruce Teaelhers,. Albitd at .Lineare lir sympathy with at Duron, in. the ived through the Malloch, of Clinton, fever - ea a reading, which rendered. .sad an instructive„ ,Ting Methods. He ould always endear ...1t.. age of existing air- eve a number of ex- ,w this might be ac - instance to teach the aterahe(i, take the sol yard, after a raid nen the numerous find weather send . the open air, under ,e of their. number, notes of lessons, for ,Make use of fila• in case of geography gave a number of arithmetic, The t spend time in work- [cal problems. Do Lions for ivattentice Lttetnpt to teach a MVO their attention. Punish out of school 5 SSMT, n opened at 1.30 pan. Tc by Dir Dearness, on .eery. In the outset he .ice went to elaow that ailed cethools tank the t Ethtrathce Examin: lght the rens n for nud in the fact that graded eel -eves• were • more independent it in'eavor to develop • , power of concentra- er should bre developed .0 rlirectiol, to the at- ir says, "The object is the direction of the e will." Sir We Itaru• - a good rule, when ho performance of the tsttt'al,lii than the met3- est awaken interert. • )f the teacher is reflt ct- .Pial elitli Rater of the - ine your pl11111e, and Can discover defects in. i.. 11 your efforts to bold til 2 your pupils lsecrp :their 3ig1)t. (rive systematic ltic nproises. , After giving ting description of the nomory, 1111r carnes r. that in teaching rorty should be an effort ire the memory. 111 any trade rapid progress in sere, often, in a short • lose ground, and often tilers to whom they at aperior, This was often ;Rory being • abnormally he expense of other fticul• keep one portion of the occupied. The chief evils ire are largely due net to if subjects, but to lack The ability to retain, re» til an impression depends physical condition of the s assisted by association t was discussed for a short G,)ugh,who took exception .k drift pupils from un - es wore superior to those schools, claiming that in pupils from ungraded 're considerably older. )r electing being. near it ry to draw the program to 'he following resolutionfl s vera then adopted. Ro- t this Associatian place s deep sense of the great ed by the death of D. , EAT, our late inspectors ulearP'd himself to every his kindness, .his broad and his untiring and oboe to the highest inter- schoole; whose inatare hcl ftiondly Itand were n each of us in our work as That we desire to offer to family oar hoavtfelt spri- te p,linful affliction it has el to lay upon them. That ly pray that they. may be and tom for tea.by Il,ini who give eonsnlation to tihe heart; and that a, Copy of Ilion be sent to illea..Malincb it regards ofr th(' Fast Cl siroti<:: Aciioei;ttion,,, TAla lai(,l. ,pvett resolution ,k, n eettefe taprouhotioit AkExatninations was, again laid over, 1 r Qted to roti f - was est u X hesecretary . all trusteed of the attendance or none attendance at the convention of their teachers. The usual votes of thanks were ,.. then parried and an adjournment made to meet at Winghatn in the fall, Just at the close of the convention ,the following communication was re- ceived from the West Huron teach- ers' Association assembled at Exeter. lezdarrca.Y.. RAY Mr Ayers, of Corrie, ocoupied the . pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday last, in the absence of the pastor, Rev A. E. Smith —Mr Van, derdaeeen. has the centred for repair- ing Congregtaional 011lareh this sum- mer, and. when completed it will he a beautiful building and a credit to the pipet). May they continue to prosper spiritually as well as financially.— Ar and Mrs John Mitchell, of Wood - stook, are visiting friends here tele week.—Mrs d. Kincaid, of Wingham, May 22nd, 1890. is spending a few days with friends. To`Nerth Iluron Teachers' Assooia-. here this week.—b1r W, D. Bentley P ion a greeting from West Iiuron spent Sanday at Rosie.—Crops are Teachers' Association, looping fine after the recent showers. The following resolution has just Ate been adopted and a copy ordered to be sent to you. Resolved. --That it is with feelings of sorrow and regret that wo, the inemhers of your sister Association learn of the unexpected and sudden .demise of your late inspector, Mr. Malleoh, and beg to jells you in tender- ing our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs Mal - ,loch and her son in their sad bereave , Ment. G. A. HOL3tier, Sec. -Teas, TIM. Muncie, ?resident. East Wawattosllr The Council met at the Connell room May 22m1, 1890, as a Court of Revision and Appeal. The Clerk reported that Devid Robertson had been duly elt'eted,l9th of April last, to 2ot1a44. Mrs Orvis and family, of l3luevale, etre visiting at Mr Geo. Tervit's, this week,—i11r and Mrs Geo Thomson spent the 24th with friends in the vicinity hf Uensall.—Miss Lizzie Kennedy left for Luclttlow this: week, where she intends to remain for a time.—Mr William .Pollard, of Me- Killop, paid Mr Geo. '.Thomson a short visit on his way to Teeswater.—Miss 13e11 Campbell, of Whitechurch, was visiting at Mr T'homson's last week.' —Mr Geo Thomson has his trill run- ning in full blast again after getting in a new engine and chopper, and is prepared to dochopping for the farm- ers in this vicinitp at reasonable rates. •Llatpwel• The Queen s Birthday passed off very quietly here. Coming as it did on Saturday it was regarded as a holi- day on a very small scale, the post office being about the only place closed ..—The ladies of Knox church have secured the services of the celebrated whistler, !Miss Mcelanis from findian apolis—Anothor of Listowel's oldest settlers passed away to the land of the dead, at her son's, Wm. Petheriek of Detroit, on the 16th inst. Mrs. Petheriok was up till last fall, a very active and intelligent old lady and very well and favorably known in this community. She, like her late hns- band, was a consistent, earnest Clhri•• titin of the Plymouth Brethren 1 persuasion. Her remains were brought here and interred in the old cemetery by the side of her husband. ,She wag in her 79th year.—The Listowel Gas Co. are putting up a new and larger building and otherwise improv• ing their works: --.Listowel has lost one cf its citizens ;,y the departure on the 10th inst., of J. B. Dinkel for fill the vacancy iii the Council caused by the removal of Win. Roche, Mr. Robertson being present subscribed to the declaration of qualification and of office, and took his seat. The Coun- cil then severally subscribed to the affirmation required by statute, and proceeded to consider the . appeal of Mark Cassels, lot 42, con. 14, (adja- cent to the town of Wingbtun,) who complained that his property was too high assessed. After comparing bis assessment with others in the same locality, and Mr. 'Classele not being present, fin:il avian in this -ease was eferrud till Beit meeting of Council. obt. Gillsoth, con 2; `'Vin J Martin, -ern 7 J el;son 11' Wightmen, con 7 ; I.+raneis O'Neil, con 8, and Thomas Lind, con 11, on application had eech a dog struck off. Richard Leieman., con 8, to he assessed for a second clog. Several names omitted, farmers' Sons - and others, were ordered to be put on the roll, when the evert fed.e )purred for the present to be reopened again on Saturdey, 21st June, 1890. 'Council resumed, The minutes of last meeting read, approved au'l signs (d. ). etition of Alex:tlorton and others, taking the Council to reconsider their action taken at last meeting of plat- 'fug George Sowler, lot 33, con 7, on division No 46 for statute labor, insteadofdivision No 31. It reedallow Mr Sowiery as finallyya , • to to perforin his statute labor in •division No 31, as formerly. -John Agnew was present, asking the Couneil to deepen tL ditch on road allowance.ta earry off surface water at present forced into a drain on his property, "lot 38, con 9, and as alleged by him destroying said drain, it not being of sufficient caps - city to carry oft' such .a11 amount of water at certain times. After discuss' sing the matter, it was deemed advisable to take no action at present. COM mtuiie:Riot) recta ved from r'ilex Morton, asking that the E; N lot 38, con 6, now owned by hire, bo transferred from 13 5 5 No 6 to S 5 No 18—Filed. John T Currie,lot 82, eon 13, wet appointed Feticeviewor in place of David Robertson, resigned, Byelaw No 4, 1880, confirmitl ; the appointment of Patlinhasters, Pound - keepers, and Fetheevhewers for, the 'Will ® a-, a l ria A LE. present year, read and passed. Tlhe D .G. 6. ts l' L following debetitures were passed and All 'the 1nost approved varieties for signed, viz : R Elliott, `.Tues Office,: i nsilaae purposes. printing account to dent, I jMOTH SOUTiERN' tiVinghani, pltn l g f 1l1:Alti $16 ; P Porterfield, expenses of luulii- I SVv Za ET, i; li;D C3OD EN c1T LA GE, I cipal election, April 1901,1890,$17.50; GIANT PROLIFIC SWEEC, &c, Morris. Miss ;alma Tucker has rr.turned from an extended visit in Detroit.— When starting from Wingjism, Satur- day evening, a team belonging to Mr Chas. Proctor became frighten• ed at the band and turning' suddenly broke the baggy pole and considerably frightened the female occupants of the rig.—The School in S•. S. No. 5 was closed Thursday and Friday of last week, the teacher, Mr Blackwell, being in attendance at the convention at Seafortll.—Mr Chris Machine has completed the building oe a straight rail fence along two sides of the school yard in S. S. No. 5. Denver, Colorado. Mr. Dinkel filled a number of responsible positions dine BANANAS , PINE j, P'1, , ' j, ing his residence in Listowel, and for !est couple of years was town treasur- ° ECLIPSE BULLETii T.'' Arrived this week, an immense stock of Qrdoa av McIntyre 5, ete 8 0 0 O m h 0 t c -' 5 h - FF..IF ig g µ ri? P Te tai* ci Are ofieritlg„very interesting bargains in . LOA.lai9 er. He was also known to be the 8 ET ® 1D m% neat active society Iran ill the town. In recognition of his services in thoi b axenic society Bernard lodge gave Ihim a farewell supper. Mr. Dinkel, who has had considerable experience in`Gorman newspaper work, has gone west to take a position on the 0,10 endo Journal, a German daily publish ed at Denver. ' Ilis family will remain in Listowel for the present. and will I'm soil dirt & :sap. a °CURTAINS from 65e. per pair up to $0.00. New, handsome and cheap Soudan Lappet Curtaining.. --Beautiful 'louncing ._,_.-...w • in WHITE and COLORED. M 3 01 1 E 1 all widths, and at taking prices. Charmingthings in GRENADINES. inspection invited. C . The finest range of JOHNV.'J OH f ....> 7B ,aS .t.d. . cfia n,i Y• / • `Q. is Cm time to pain lour hn, c,sand w.sart• o>r-+ ." '+.amssvf w:Km 'i =• •+• fro.... , 1 PA'' James 111uteI ,digging drain opposite $2.50 ; Fountain , —ori lot 29, cutis 2 and ev, w ,i, ,T ,,,.,,___... Naylor, extra work done on bridge, sid©lime 39 and 40. eon 1, in 1889, 8; Fountain Naylor, services as Assessor, 1890, $60 0 The Council then tide journed till Saturday, 21st June next. P. PoitTxx rIitLn, Clerk. A large number from this locality attended th sporty at Winghani on the ()+teen's Birthday,—Mr Elam Living Atone has got a tatltnber of machines 4-®,000 Pounds Wanted. inx for manufacturing barrel lhead, - which he will run in c(hnneetion with Look out for biggest prices eon - the saw mill ----Mr John Com pbell iytent with outside markets. intends having bis barn raised, this po------ famous lour lay --Mrs Ferrier, of Bluel ale Full line of •ours now ry eras visititi rfri0nds on the 6:h line ,yAtiNS, kiLA.NNET.1S, SII1gET- this week.---'l'hP warm weather of tire+ INCSr TWEEDS, &..,now on Band rest week has greatly improved the t' :growth of vt';tetlltio' general y, ll, f Irge't the picnic in Ili•nnet'S Grove, on 'Tue'sday, June 10th. Arrangements ` clave been{ made with the 'St. Helenst't(Iit fjor a t asAall lliatiille . • `t a 79 ene• in the we ever offered, from 5c. per yard up. Our lk' Suer 1100I cad FaT¢: • selling rapidly. No wonder,for the quality and price settles the question at sight. r r ORL None gemdne unless st.:mped "Rubber faint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," 11 c aisohave the best GAZIADIATZ Bidhe Pain e You can get any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 Bents up, t For 11'hi eweab:nn 110) ftalsominin„ ask for and don't take anything else. ti,1ti.au LP I HARD IVAI1E MEii.CllANIS, Wingham. C eejr is receiving special attentil::n as usual. 10 llee. of pure une,li')r•ed estrong• Tea Dust for 5;;1. try it. GORD m T^ cj NT 17) Tile, 3rov , ai '. . - New - .- 1010 - nuiNERyo ° Miss E, R HY has jastreecived and opened ort a iar>;e stock of very stylish 1" VV a H. 4't ALLAC a Has just opened out a. large new stock or in c= 21) y® eatJlCI( _ , /. 1 nae 're uE Ey„ RAl nOf o -F pea. C voco <t CD • r) In the store one door south of the Post f )Ells'\, ami is prepared to ei e c great bargains in. special lines of LADIES' GOLD WATT ELS, GENTLEMEN'S GOLD and SILVER WATCHF,7, CLOCKS, EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. REPAIRING a n (1. ETW 0 ,7°_ —Dono on the shortest notice, and all work guaranteed.--- An inspection of Geode aria comparison of Prises ineile +°r Goods left for repair with Mr. R. R. Vanstune will be given ('a. TilAIM" , (s ' t c^ .,.t C.. SPRIG and SUMMER r 1=c',5 hats et,.,Emmeet, ;•ab oibabyere bChrLaces. Christeniersng' es. Von Leeinthh Department emitalnv all the latest material of bilks, Satins, fhb. ,'ales' Videos, Gibe and Mantle Cloth. 3lanttrs salt the times. madeIn the most i.e. itnnsblo stoles and at races to Itavin,tbmight at very 01400. prices, f rrasll, Lan, determhird to sell at a small odvatoms° as to cult as purchasers. A can solicited. Igo taken as cash in exchange for coeds, M ISS F. M .TRPtIV, W.}xVfhani, Al rit •t , Opl osita Queen' IIoto1. 1 110. 90 .L MISS A. B YL, wishes to intimate to the teidies of Wineli:ten and Surr,unedii'r*, t!,ii3?it,i`y tllal; her ht,)ul. of 0 r 1 Tip 11 'illy t; has arrived and is now opened out. The st-,Pk in'1 ll :tt•. assorted, and contains all the f ts..letnoble style , fur FEATHERS - ALOWE S >s EMBUS, '' S, - . w1: ,ie . , 'C,. A forge stock of 11 A IT 0 Y GOODS >w ',always on panel. A' ili.ho II s ., TM 111' contains a t ...tl..1 ._. assortment of' Silks, eeiti1m, ,caul) I'il'oefhdes, I lhtxj,es, let%e,ts sin Mantle Clr,ths, to choose' Roes Part ei fe et fittiilr', and hitter tit , most fits}hioh:ad)le gat'Ilh0ntrt. An itlllheetiOil invited, Virg door north of 1 E. P. Gerrotter's jewelers stere. ,cL',TIl S.. ... :801r,"10.. ,11arch 20,1t31!0,:,