HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 16.�rte. Mn 9 IRE LOW. SENTRUEL, MaltW1 WARM TO THE ORS OF IaD TOWNSHIP A kilt star sweet'°the Per i4pt"-' past � tt n leansIt have, UWE and BE I vet tiaTary,. b believer ina Load Gomentittent, 1 tL<o t et,, "400 it w.etj&43 :..at. 3samMt the bast FOR COUNCIL JOHN MS Pi tiDi Il ihrite had ttunD years emparia as elminzilhir fm t tLt - ship aE &MAE and &atei mname stand imEar a. rt mat aggireisam the to„a;.aat attrrtttt + asenvate$oiu 11 wall giVe the busfness aE The Zi z chase Wim. ter Silpiet am Etegmater 2!ni WiMidi beilF aggregated SINCERELY South Ef airlit Sunday. S hoott teachers and iritgiIi, are aim. preparinw thir their annul ] t tttxstt crt. gixr carni waren c4,ilt3 httlina the (C4n6cratiOnail Dinner at 132..10) dim. tarn E tern e r . it:. and 'Mts. ilu& Needham leitt arty c tirtr then- winter. tame in Want 133moity Ell'itrida. Mts.. .ins.. Mitten Tergus, Waited thrr two, week% wctt 'fr.. and Mils ,4FThu t dk 'atilt Mt BRUC HAVEN NEWS The tt ortttit Octabzr begun with &GideOn Service in , our chapet at 7 pun.. On Richey,. .0iteher 4th we 2r1 itt our auditorium with as large num.ber in atl endance The Walkert an ministers wok the Sunday service., October Sth at 2 On Tuesday,. t etoherr Stth hus lard of tacta IA_ went t Beaver Value to) the betundid dolours of the leaves- ft was enjoyed by ail. The shine evenirg welted Martha and Eai411 Heywood 'o}W', marktrY terga which was very intere nin and enjoyed fir everyone_ Pie T `a Cann& ret lar the Rotary at teal a.m. cam Wedttes- y.. October 9th with a . void lin tile affteirntaom. our activities, co)—ordinator,, M.%. Has- sey pit on al Eche in th vi Father Walsh well Walsh arms ire ()tord wit on Qatttabeir With] at tiQL1) ht the r::t ttc m at ?Z tom- the Ripley i S gut om a grogram in die and distributed treats tial alt ouaff The •E.; a li At/lard t) t Walkerton legion, QinaaE veom[Friday.. Oztoher tfth at I1..30) walk Rey.. Sas.. 'eitr;, Presbyterian Church.. 12Catzcardine toot the Sun- ; carr service on Cliather 113t31 at Z putt_ Ohio Tuesday uranin at T glint El evs-_ L Carver. had Even- ing Eitm e - Erti” gt Seuvice in ourr with at large til ,t e.. Ott 1 Thursday,. ,. Octol 137th tom' c m - 13 1-1111 133 iiinhumh churches itektl a very program tr GMT resliteniZllirarse c ititrret trews for everyone:. We had a nt xie itt Quay - itt n GM FthiU9vs, OttotteEr Mil at 11-10) E gamed t he very- mt Mew.. Etatokid Clark_ Raptist Churcit. Rin took &totter 20th S_rtffir3tir ser ice aQ 2 . E j 1 31 «aitueirotiStr. Thomas t:at Chu cth:. \Walkertom held conunuit- iitm service at 1301.3 a t ... on ltd-' - morn)* gamer tsar all cnur residents Flaunt* birthdays ettotter was held in the .t s,w 15192t a ' D(1 0 i it m.t $ t Vitt ata�t Your "Someday" home can be yours nope for t"•e &dame us Get ttti he.ttl row—with the i t.o l V ltd itiQaliTt�Ggey Trust itt,t3 c --•. way if@r- it ais you a E111 it.. y .it tacky _ • Vaztathit an41 tic_ Iria78MitairCIrtadit t Insurance ca Ctu:t.0 atti 11(11 rr�vr a4.v4 69+.c> rte MAIVAGER4 III (GAM.OBass tin lit IING tQ NN '. Gcroisiacs VIEWESDAY. TO THE ELECTORS OF ASHRELD TOWNSHIP Having served for rem years as ree t r 1 to serve youbest af DAY - Maas and Genttemen, tie your derma -4k your heat CIPA3_. FOR VE for SINCERELY GIRVIN TO THE FIECIORS OF ASHFIEID TOWNSHIP Far the past six years, has been my pn Iawnshitz as ectunaltar and D ") -Reeve Waving softer •„OM 0` eft' fa oil ! the soling of support as the polls on Monday. Deter& and M. tm serve aft the ratepayers to of nay ahqty,.. SINCERELY WARREN auditorium on W iktob LIG 2 aLIGs_Annum . in enlarge . of the groom with gilts for the residents wahi ;in s;trtt \s and birthday cake and ice cream for ailL. Eimer qmore. Thursday,. Oztober attet and had mass in our well at tOU)& .1h Salvation Arm n m t to Hanover—helotHanover-helot servi eon Stand' .: ember 2!Tt3'n in our anclita tuium with) a large number attg Ripiky at on a program 1J les tu_ Qum er 221tit and gave out treats for attt W( tes4y.. October 30th some of Grade it t pupilS, off, t District Dist Secondary. Sawa.. 'cn utter ' viewed as number of our residents and toots gictu Qin Thursday:. bei' 31.. the t _Q. Ilaiftets of Walkerton Edd lifittlhweetttt Euchre which was e j ed by aEll.. Birthday P A haPPv gatherina the Sunset [(imam= ince on Eridrt eveniN when menthersof MrS. Ernest Ackert 5t met to honour her .or seventh btrthdau, Present for the ens one d anghter and thrt and Mrs.. Bill Grahui Mrs. E. arey Ackert . N Wayward ":kern: 1�f: Ell y t A(kett also hili Clarence Ackert anti NI Rtanrld Ackert and &tecteloch. . After dinner. a Blanciie'entettaired at north of Eiinordine enjoyed Ittagtes-sit Mrs. Ackert's favourite NOTICE Of POLI • Notice is hereby givat to, the 1'itrnicipat Eleete rs of TOWNSHIPOF &SHE 3,f IN THE UN's" QF HURON tlirPa whereas more eamildates have been wink eacit aE the foilhwing offices than the number req suck micas;. there gum will be held at the times ant std in this: notice for the gt rpose of electing the Eml such antes. OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TQ LEE t#E LIZ REEVE =NCIL REGULAR POLLS DAM DECEMBER Z 1974 Pall] 1Vm..It —. Leonard soil -: ,1 Residence EVE bi. 2— wtnslt''ip EaIL Frill tits — John Winter Residence PIE s —11 Ray Bitrie-I t 1 Pall Ni— p .st r i r. Teri Reidelice Poll NM - Willi Ftp Residence Nal 7- —Mks, Henry Iffacliemie Residence 9r:It EL4Ift vat he, open from t; o'clock a.m. until a Ram an nit Civem lumbar my lid this ttitit day of Note I:! DON SI etta i Offv