HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 114101TEMBER V 3 Waril In Luclmow Anglican Church ee- was it allark was lit ant th int 3, •.‘ LArMileir SENTIKEI, Luotsow, ONTARIO ;. • bit ed ,tht Wax*, Pas ant ;In: I lg. PAGE EILEV1EJI Hold Official Opening Of I.D.B. •in Owen Sound The Ind itt-strial • Development thank, Atbielt rrriAtes term loans tro smaller businesses, belt a recap - Tion October 29111 to artist the Official 40 ,; • * new bran& Office at 1439 Second Avenue East_ Owen Sound_ , MoCept31203 UShieSS and professional people. The area. G. 3. 14.23Tch.4„ 31132113Swor cif the Office.. • r 10 ,t L. o` ;1, K_ Powers. general manag.er tie Ontario togion. Toronto_ and Mr- _ liaylloe. Supervisor Ontario rcon. The brace described the work de bai& punning ant Om PM% es' tt, •, • • .,by terigh lekElitS CT tb‘,oy (etriybusin- esses ccIr al -most otory tyipe Whidh 00 • AI 1 ' OL0 1 akttt rem tee malt JARDINE - WITHIN wive tif Barba= Whit- & Mrs_ S Whit117-y eijr. 'Whitby.. and sort er Mr_ mad Ail of Luchnow, it St Peter's Anglican on Sanntilay„, Mb .01 -7 pon. The teeorated with candel- 'with red •candles. red lithe daiSies amid it!._ TurgetGarren Lucktiow double ring ..10h1V74 Oen in -marriage by Anliv Whir* of 0 Nana SDEIT length cireiss ilnar-len: 4, , sleeve- bess was of Fre =One. and long offs The octal =bet hood. labia wai 71127213011). She hate irnested ant screamers with anthem_ was lift. Betty itiarlmow_ Sbeworea 1 tams of polyester , tiny white ilaWerS. bp S1341eiS. Id Belgium lace and a i the Imam of The =led a single tibiae saitt ind and white Aliovo do,,o pet 11 I 411011011 ,o+It4- were the brides EkirYlis of Bramp- ton .Mnsrl Dolores KCIFT f abet Their dnesses SimotitiMkterS•Itir.ere thit sae s The imam= horionfts_ Tracey MicEiemegb irLuchnow and Joelle Reay • ifieee Of the groom ,cif Wagha ere flower girls. Their. 04- .- were desienell e same as rhe bridesmaids and *eV earnied tuhi re bases of dried flowers_ Ross Forster of Liteknott 'Ittas giVEVITIShiall- Ushers woro• Brian Jardine fKitchener. breather 4 -the groom and Dong _Ullman Of Mrs. Tom Pritchard Of _ R. 11 LiBetailOW;" VMS o0Tgaltligti. WfrsAllan icilainsera if Liilekho&W as sciloist.. sun de -Lord's Pr err- and -We've Only Just sityl, - 1111 A -iilezeritiffil flowed m the Legiah HAL Liwknom-- The bride's morher 'wore a fietor-length dress Of 31 blue pOlyester Itnit and zorsage Of While iins tdllteij Vizi; blue_ The groont's micrilier chose a fkieaqiehgtill rose ecilentred dress with matching short jactket zine corsage ,cif pink oarnations. For ravelling The bride 11x dari green Iwool -gla ci snit with brown accessories. The Ocinple reside in llancicnott where the bride 1121.S The Eteautv &unique_ mil the groom is emploved wilt Davidson Well Dril11iag. *7iirieliann. 'yommommouro .....1=11•1111111! jAWFORD MOTORS 41,74:4.„.17Rxt; • L L L P.A PHONE 3574862 'N ••-• $ tort Dungannon UCW DUNGANNON NEWS The Paribile Of the Good &mar- ' nen was' road illy Raub Winrennue at the Ornwatniort United Chair& Woutera-s meeting. Elkton !Wks. ton& Fara in this dotutellar4.1 (under The conattorriet-Ship of stewardShip ,METIP117thinfee.. Ihilheihee4ithe Envirtannem.. our lives_ innside the home as wan the borne, was and given ba q;laike.. topic pphilited 411111 the maw aspects MA VItiried tre5drs0t environmental ,13:tersis as applied ille) <extidh and rvo the family • • All ladies Of the onnuionarion aro invited he Christmas poi ilata hallo -won ion , , '9_ The reomi. 1uitratte im- port Avas acectipizezi. t eihtSuitikiefh Of Officers to Ifdlow 'the lam mtvairreg_ Shm-iss will he remernhered dais mouth_ Hand ihediks tam® Rot ordered tfor the texecodue._ " ell1 :Nalue a varlegry Of Christmas dear- midelis. Annual Imports are tlin be oilmen aa the Merl itthetthlW. A social hoist lfeillowe& convened thy cG3oria Pearson_ •, , RI LEY ABATTOIR Custom Soliklaeries Octiing mad Solobils Ceditatg- mod Tifsapplog Satesage - Fast Fyiee" HOGS AIM CATTLE ON AIONDATTS CATTLE OVUM ON MOATS Have or74010 in enaOO .31 1,o‘i Frnales 1.••tot.N Conters Woe Site ANie To Name Y Seel FOre1181 TO 3 We - Wt- Your Stegaireepsoksae Per tame Ifilreetters We '';'•11 ankle and Unnit, En Anye ,..kt-4.1tinuo Att toweittt.i..0,Lir. lishims ., ALL 1,411EATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR youg PRCATECTION 410111.11111111111 MS -2M • are imable keibuiiion suck tFinantiall assistance elsouthenTintoa4Lonable terms and uotbirio. The Owen Soma was (qpituna libma three iniontbs ago to serve businessmen in Grey and Ernee Counties \Who bad protiousil\t- been sewed law the Kindlietier-ViTat- ' teazle Offiroe_ The bank, onarrenik- , bus over DO onsoiners in the area • . dopr se.dam niks,11, 4 door se-, rpower :Ikag and brakes , with medic 2 door, V8 arztonicatic- radic wagon azitainatic 41 door 6 automatic with ra4io 2 door rt -y 6 az:Monet:: , raait) Nta7;7 F11, viip .1., Ttinity U.C.W. • 12,13J Tim . ,*SiOi.v.05TiieT liTimiT!, Urn-oedema:7kt Women held • their annual Pen Una Supper with • : -414 latile„ -;„‘nrim down io btorrittithi] 1.mirptit_ . The ,4133 Can • was .t.47nswercil eay.13 one te3line Whar the!. brouglu 'to- The Supper. .A1e4. liacken gear the MeditarUM *Cto."1111T.I.rte ELS J. Alum .141r4.. Che*PeT11La470413.0.11Met 'CiLa1i.ge4 4trizzlic- solth *even „-tehcr iwIitni.c: Then ever -cone cozhanee.e ofi.Tc ulTh --SLITNhilie SoNiteT.' .2111.e .461`'W.*Plo'ere..d heT Ilitirr4 • Dow. Cartt•itr-nt if..t it a SimKyr .4,11m. zar3413..-Ict a .41i snit fuLt4:-...4mic int7- c---.1 .2oyuom HiTht. Blount Nita: Ra %To:4-e fr:4n ti r17 iimi- ...:•rrrtmr-Tet T1111- 'h ;„•:t ' 7%. loio rill it .....-titrittig 1r 0f.1RC4 01, VI „ivCT. v rel 1..Pr 11-1.t 1 14274.. 4.1.ev.t rtm: '.17147'i- 71114-7 . 'Mrs .Groorrol. To.nr•=3,6- 7,1-4 1 71' -..t17: zi;•itti_ 7r al Ihk• Tip7.4 poi'.. rotitt 111 X74.110•3t atidee ,t; •m t1,0111.04.1.V" 141 -No„ (C:trri, sa, .h4 it•-••-•;nt 1.4ting al" • 44 :ri; Int 14 teeltt.- trarizrrulkt smiat,w- • t147„. Di 1 LIZ 111 PVC t1,,t Xr, 111.4 ; 1.* .1.4 I ", 1111%.* -4,'-•‘ e -n tn.; ,00•1-1- 4,1Thertig fr. Alit& ...„ . ..... • ,„ 'with loans unlink- wear SI* Thet- indkude muds. meta stones, tiontritts.,. tregumoramtrs,.. kcconIiinactOrs., and other thorsinesses %v.Iiil11 Itiga. hommeit hods tio --- 1111 mow 4iipment.. make land invotornotats. stiortibentr workinv kc oou1L telikien aaumm • 3a1d It1l11rwegoia thusiny_.-ss purposes. 001 oar] Modem M s 30" wide Cook -'fl -en Centre! UTS AN .OVEN • a tamity size Z1tSbcCiiirrtg Perngnit4a4-3,7 CortIna...-^4,3:71arrirtz zwF,gre A COOKTOP Olttit! tow' ttieVri*'•goirdirarrt • 4to .Pf-rrna Coi AND A 11.4 A9E2 .0:4StitiAltr lexcLAtilitif Ar•t- 4`lior,OkentZ. Cydesz-vt. Rr.,,E7-Ttrkittzr-i6otta§trultzt See en, Maid - pelted Ix neimadairms. m CIL-bets tiffestyes ' 1 gs POLLOCK ELECTRIC FPFPNE .aiS49122 111N,J-7r _ volew - Tem .7.74 -E..D.S.2.1% Or- „7.414-04,24,3,,Z; f1/411102 • .4.1 ;.• a "r -o- tt- •, S ^-10 •