HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 10is n 11 "AGE TEN ThE LUCKINOW SE.NTINE „ 1I1CittiO:M,o c.hairner's WMS Instal Officers WHITECHURCH NEWS On Wednesday, November 20 at 2 p.m. Chalmers Women's Mis- sionary Society' held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Wallace Conn with the president Mrs. William Rintoul in charge_ Mrs.. Rintoul gave the call to worship, welcomed all to the meeting and all sang Jesus Is Our Shepherd_ Remembrance readings = We' are the dead, was giveai by Mrs- Wm. Purdon and Poppies are. for People by Mrs. Don Ross_ The scripture was Revelations 6th chapter. The Opening of the seals was read by the group in Unison, Mrs.. Wallace Conn led in prayer_ The topic - The opening of the seals was given by Mrs.. Victor Erraersoaa_ The first seal reveals a white horse with a rider going forth to conquer. This white horse rider will bring a peace of short duration followed by war. famine and death. The second seal gives a -picture of a red horse mounted with rider . with a state of open arms, when stage rises against state and nation against nation: The third seal has a black horse anddenotes famine and a time of lamentation and naour acing, Theon' o main cereals are dealt out by weight and sold at famine prices with wheat and barley being named_ The fourth seal shows a horse pale as a corpse with rider Death and hell folloowing_ The fourth seal .produc- ed a . corrabinatiorn of pestilezace death- The fifth seal reveals bloody persecution_ Everything which is riot in harmony with the teaching and spirit of the Bible must be forsaken_ In the sixth seal we see the conflict between god and evr-l. God and Satin- God . is dealing judicially with the world. The tine has come for folks Ito get On their knees. rcpenu and get right with God and them sing the hymn Jesus Lover el My Soul The roll call was answered by 14 giving a verse of scripture with ward Remember_ The corresp@aad- eance was read by secretary Mrs_ Dawson Craig_ The December meeting will be held December 11 at the horse of Mrs_ Bill Evans_ Mrs. Victor Emerson read a .letter from Rev_ Lloyd Murdock of Dartmouth. Nova Scotia_ Mrs_ Russel Ross read a letter from Rev. Bowman. concerning radio broad- casting_ The treasurer's report was given by Mrs_ Wallace Milligan.. Mrs_ Andrew Gaunt then instal- led the followitig officers - Presid- ent. Mrs. Wan_ Rintoul; 1st Vice, Mrs_ Don Ross; Secretary. 'Mrs_ Dawson Craig: Treasurer. Mrs_ Wallace Milligan. The dosing prayer was given by Mrs- Rintml after which the Ladies Aid was held with Mrs_ John de Doerr again selected president Lunch 'was served by the hostess Mrs_ Wallace Conn.. Bruce Presbytery Receive Two Local Candidates Bruce Presbytery, of the United Church of Canada, met at Clifford on Tuesday, November 5 at the call of the Chairman, iiev_ Glen Strome of Hanover. The meeting featured , a visit from, a minister of the. Church of Christ in Japan, and the receiving of two candidates for the United Church Ministry from the Bruce Presbytery area_ As well, being the governing Church Court for all United Church activit- ies in the Bruce Presbytery geo- graphic area, the meeting dealt with massy items of business and admirnistratiota. A guest of the Presbytery World Mission Committee, Rev_ Taiji Takahashi spoke to the Presbytery of the work of his own home church. a pan of the Church of 'Christ inn Japan_ His church is involved inn rapidly expanding urban work inn and near Tokyo, and is presently setting up a series of "sattelite" new churches toearn- on the work of Christ in the area in a more efficient manner_ The beginning of the ` afternoon session featured a service of reception for two candidates for the United Church ministry_ John Wood of Caiffor+d. and Warren MacDougall . of Crawford �(Alleaa- fordA_ Both are presently studying at Emmanuel Theological college Toronto_ Speaking- at the seivioe of. moon/ion, Rev. Allan McDowell of Kincardine. chairman of the Pres- bytery Coaaitmitttee of Ministry. Personnel. and Education: attacked' the teaching in some Highs 'S-chaooh - DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Orris Gingrkls, Pastor SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 ate. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH. Rev. Doug Karin i Minister • DECEMBER lst 10 arra. &May School ii am. Morning Worship' Sacrament of B oz Locknow Presbyterian Cmc. Rev. Ohm Nom, KM. Nilasiserr Pbote 52:1-72410 DECEMBER Zit 9;4S a.m. Sunday School 11:OI a. a. 114' ,Worthip ARIO WEBNEsDay. BI Donnybrook UCW 1C;r .i k Use Christmas Seals Sociology classes, that the purpose of the Church is to serve the community, keep people content, and keep society together. While accepting the social implications of the work of the Church, Mr. McDowell stressed the spiritual. dimension of the Christian Church_ "Withoui the spiritual relationn- 'ship. everything else is meaning- less- The chieef purpose of the Church is . to bring all of life to Jesus Christ_.. John Wood, of. Clifford, echoed these thoughts, as he spoke of his "inward call of the Holy Spirit of God" to become a full-time Christ- ian anainuister_ He had been a salesnnaia in the direct -sales field, Where he was often in people's homes, annd often hearing their problems. Increasingly. he realiz- ed ,+ at he was discussing Jesus Christ as the answer to the problems he was encountering_ Warren MacDougall, of Allen- ford (Crawford) spoke from both personal conviction_ and - floral a farnsily back -ground of several generations who -had' given leading service' to the Church_ He. too, stressed that preaching the Good News of Jesnns Christ is the first and primary task of the church and its leaders annd ranimisteas. He also expo his calling to express this Good News in whatever community - +city. towns. or village - he is living, by becoming a real meaningful part of that community and its life. Among reports and business dealt rwith by Srnuee Presbytery during the rest of the day were report of a rent drool for Evangelism. The report was presented by Rev. lan Lilley, of Walkerton_ The Christiana Education Com- mittee gave notice Haat it will attirapt to sponsor a Parent eness Training workshop somewhere in the area served by Bruce Presbytery. and starting probably late in the spring of 1975_ The series of Pasant Effectiveness Training workshops would be led by the staff that organized the Parent Effectiveness Training pro- m - All wembcrs of Presbytery promised to give serious atteantiau to two United Church of Canada documents dealing with poverty. The booklets are called "The Poor Man at the CM/We". and "les- pouse to : the Working Paper on Social Security in Canada". Both booklets are available to the general pinblic_ The contents of the books will be discussed ire detail at the FebruaryPresbytery /meeting_ as wall a United Church of Canada recommendation in favour of a Guaranteed Annual lraacouae for all Canadians_ The C+orrarnnnwicatiorns Committee drew attention to a series of Schools for Elders, big held in different pans of the Presbytery. each Sunday of November. Curl nitteeS inn charge of the Fiftieths Anniversary ry Celeebratiouns of the United Church of a urged each pastoral charge to select one young who - would then become pan of an on-going Youth Exchange Com- mittee for the Presbytay. And from among those so appointed, one y'a'ng pia in Brace Pres- bytery wil. in fact_ be selected to ravel overseas inn 19"N_ as part of the Youth Exchange Program_ SektetiO115 rartrst be made by the pastoral charges. though. by, Der- ember 31. 1974_ Donnybrook United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. E. Robinson Tuesday afternoon with nine members present. Mrs- R. Hann'ana and Mrs. W. Jefferson were in charge using Remembrance Day as theme_ Hymn 402 "Lead on 0 King" was followed with scripture Psalin 709, read in unison_ Mas_ W: Jefferson led in prayer and follow- edwith hymn 399 "Faith of Onr Fathers". The meditations were taken by Mrs. R. Hanna and Mrs. W. Jefferson_ Mrs. R. Hanna took the topic "The Saga of John McCrea" taken from a Legionary Magazine. He was a soldier Doctor of World War I and wrote ""ha !Flanders Fields and several other poems_ She had a display of army relics which she discussed. MBs_ Hanna read a poen "Plea for the Nations'', following with Hynnnn 394 ".Happy the Home"'. She then conducted The business. A number of thank you cards were read_ The Regional meeting held at Goderich was discussed briefly. Rev. Potter closed the /meeting with a benediction. Chalmers C.O.C. WiffffECTIEURCF1 NEWS On Sunday, November 24 Oral- rners C_O_C_ held their meeting during church service in the Sunday School room_ The call to worship was given by the President Vicky Scott_ All repeated the C_O_C_ hynm in unison.. The scriptere was read by David Ross and Gregory Gibson led in prayer_ The offering was rived by Karen Elliott and Doiaalil de Boer gave the offering pras*er. The minutes were read by the secretary. Clara Wag -an, who also gaged the roll to be answered with a verse containing "Gly;". um which 1.4 replied_ The Birthday Calendar was marked_ Mrs_ Archie Pardon gave the story Wonderfirl Window for the Juniors_ Mrs.. Hugh Simpson gave a Bible Story for the Seniors.. Mrs_ Sinnpson was pianist for the dosing prayer sung by the group_ °I 1 Annual Of U.C. Unit S cif a op n rn ited. chi, berl� Rip3ea Thee Robert Osb e Nirs. '9Vagl; e as Dea�ptir� yard •sWoah7tviliTnraensgr._ h, QMehslilbsw.,a r rsCythose aith p hereSOpsbt' is a a9D'.'►i reatnrnnt liar L a�vanrtlasa•laile ;, reports ave -e Mrs. Francis oregano] - Social Finch P�,llau : I� Mrs. 'gym. W�elf'are - Christian Fra : Christie Rea Moore: Mrs. Graham Friendship -Mrs. to Board of Stearin McDonald_ and Ham Colling. show=ed a meat d beeal donne but a d the mess 13&r in Mrs. Baas Vann& treasurer's rem change beaire the Plans were rustic couple who had las ;fire.. and to help au for the Junior Goa most acceptable_ Harris read the moanninatitao rantnnait was not complete. 1 lit ,CW&. Thu 3 Ilk changed Their m 1975. Mrs.. NUT Mad! accept used cardsh Units 1, 2 .and 3 wil in the church in Ilei was served by dr YP E.WR1JEI I F YOU ARE COUNTING ON A T P FOR CHR I STMAS WE . SUGGEST YOU B b MIL:=1111111 ago eme f MMGPOOMO .999 I QQQQ91PO'e QQQQQQQQQoe '40111111110- 41. es 4