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Wingham Times, 1890-05-30, Page 4
la East Haran, the indtoiitiousthare e 'Haat _r, i - T3la ma ort er a J '� t lr tU g ttyy Art friends , tihaultl , z1c)i relax an etffu tutuae ' t so lar x thin o 'll not be given, M Gibson will ba returned w iviLLIAms than at last election, O. EWLLr milks his majority ,1s opposition CHEMIST wt sett a ' a ' on Tau otlicirlnominations ab;reo- s t>1 Ontario were held yeM erday, R PhD ~ mens, lion. Mr. Mowat and Mr. Meredith �'� pry., were not opposed, and were elected by ! 4J b�� {, $�, �'• the other r Constetueil.otee ale plaa@e ill all MirTixas have been held throughout the Riding tt,;e week by Mr. Garrow and ayy his friends, n,x-d there is no doubt but Oil • AGENT. Y Mr, Garrow :11 be returned big are ods Pi �y �� e majority on Thursday next, ��+,^� 4�' TELEGRAPH CO.turn out and vote and work as they i`'d t!l ! .iii.. iii i, should, a Post' At the Meredith deliberately'' taken from theowords ord $o sloe f the book of this prophesy " drier a this end then vote for e. supe anew e i Minister of l�,aItton. and w will their religion or wbioh they value most, their politics. We will know whether they are Presbyterians or Grits, rit Cannot be n my they daye e Y' .lied into y opinion, year ago they were howling ttgaintst the • 1� gest to lie down. meeting in Wingllaiv on Wedneeday evening of this week the calm, dis• passionate address of Mr Meredith was quite a stritsing contrast to the impudent insult of Dr Chisholm, who affirmed that a blocie of wood with a hat on would do itt well as the Local Legislature ea Thos Gibson. The Dr will ascertain that the electors of East Huron are not of the same opine ion when the polls close on J une the 5th. Mr Gibson is noted • for bis honesty of purpose and straightforward - nese 'of character. Dr Chisholm's statement had neither point nor wit. Opp:. B unswsuk House, % ,xl,gb.a; l., - - - Ont. ST HUig,O flEf�RP' N1E lL R. 3.. T. the, Retorm Ca Huron, will hold m from now to the en I1.OL1M1t;VILLV, .ship, Sat 'day, p m. PORT ALB at 7,3 'CIODERIC 7.8 p m. The CI ,osition candidate to attend. Ge. di% ate for West ings as follows of the Campaign: oderich Town- liay 31,at 7.80 IGS ROS, p m, \Y ednesclay, llonlay, June 2, Juno 4. at invited IV (AY it yw.." edition is taught syn Now, GQxnp tared ;the youngest pupils, ,ten only 'the higher classes w . r na. t. sot. I 1l 0 or x on. it 1 write compos compositions the attention should bo directed chiefly to improving the ponstruotion and arrangement of the Boma' - tor sentences. and. paragx,'e' . . uvegita. .ale they al.nowt willing reasons he eonsid'erad nRitlQf l`t �p under must nciwhap (e y heat important suleahi faasthe eu >: megt now thank ytt� raucit of your % allowing, me to occupy you have not plum. A. persOls�s ltbnguage was often valnabte spade, for although y, taken as an Index of his inte[lepttill correctly reported me this time, 1; have was theeg1'ea always considered you fair minded and character, Language. "etual cutttie! tie impartial, and I can assure you that i£ this mit instrument of -in't matter had only affected myself I would It was time to begiib i ton dornposi- es not have oondesoeuded to notice it, to tion as soon as the.pt�prl*'was able to whim I Found that it,was being cider iujure Mr Musgrove, I considered it 1nq read script, 'Their compositions duty to say that if there was anything it his should,lrof sh course,rbe very 1f anp1 objeotsuh proper in what 1 eaid at Mr meeting in Wiugham, 1 a the party to or stating oigse of its 'dualities. He blame, and not Mr Musgrove. T. Commix, pointed out that pupils who can easily wingham, May 25,1890. •give oral expression to a statement t Persons Entitled Vote. mar be unabled to dictate it, a 1. Must be on voters' list. at a tt,ibte for anethelfl thiel should ould beerson o given l e 2. Ifust be blitishsubject and 21 it.'" Praotio l the wordsiof years old. frequentl,yeg.,:Arranging 3. Must have resided in Ontario two o three shortlst having s for nine mouths preceding time fixed p }, y �' pp by statute for beginning to make ass�s- re -arrange on their slates was a useful ment roll on lvlii 18h 81 tsunlessbased, te altered sis of read- exercise les ons was ofteriting n abused by ggiving 15th February, , by bylaw; see R. S. O. 193, sec, 140, too much and not properly examining or •twelve months preceding time the work. Ravin, pupils,frame goes., up to which complaint utay be made tions based upon the sentences of the to county judges under Vters' List oeted by the ereading teeice has the answerswass, and then na Act, viz., 30 days after listchap. valuable , exercise. Insist on care clerk, see Ontario statute, 1889, 3, sec. 13. Get certificate at once in A the lose Mr Dearness's of saddress from mnni.ipal clerk when p Miss I(illora'a's, class `again favored the Association with a soug, in a manner which reflected great credit upon the pupils and their instruoe treses. Mr Dearness being . again called upon; took up the subject of temper- ance and hygiene. fle thought it should have read hygiene and temper - 4,10. %Vara Imo Y-I+"IIID AY, MAY 30, 1600. OUR .$TJPPLE 1ENT. \tt'e this week send put a eupple- ru'utt, eontainieg a report of the ;:}teethes delivered at the great Reform gathering in Toronto on Thursday even' -n, of last week. The questions which are agitating this Province at the present time were fairly and r' t•nueeicntately discussed by Hon. S. 11. Bloke, Hon. 1d1r. Mowat, and the Reform candidates in Toronto, tlessrs ,McDougall and Tait. We ask e. care - fat perusal of the supplement by our readers, feelleig lssnred that they will be fully repaid by the information they will receive. PM CHISHOLM'S LETTER. At the time :of Confederation the Roman Catholics, were secured the right of selecting whatever text book they desired pertaining to religion, but on other subjects they were to use the authorized text. books. There are 238 separate schools in the Province. Of ed. this number 203 were using the same 4dent Must of and have been bona n municipality resi- drawing books as the public schools,�J2viz.,for ait the same history, 73 the same arith- I at the time aforesaid, metie 78 tho sante geography, and 43 tnencing assessment roll'or for making the same grammar. They are finding complaints against voters list. text- Must on polling day, be a resi- the authorised 5t by -..., es that and of 'ire letter than their own and are dent -of and domiciled in iridins,, 'din cantina• The election of ofbaers resulted cs follows : President, S Y Tl yldt', Wroxeter ; Vioo-Piers., Miss t'1.' V,uwun, flexr,artll ; Sakti 1'rea8., 'A' 11 Plummer, a d it . ., at tv ee 1 o u 131a ill, t., r It ctla , .C`r Inittee, hleeers Saott, P,'endergast and Blaeltwell, and Misses Hilton and Uovestle* ; delottate to Provliloial t ttissouiatson, Axr i12ob'aul, tS �tfors At this juncture a telegram was re« eeiyed from the \'Nees Bruce Teachers, in convention assembled at •Linear4 dine, expressing their sympathy with the teachers gof East If uron, in the loss they bad received through the • death of Inspector Malloch, Miss Struthers, of Clinton, favor- •od the auditnee with a reading, which was very pleasingly rendered, 1V Lr D. 1+aclyen read en instructive paper on TimeASaving Methods. lie said the teacher should always ended- ' -t. vor to take advantage of existing cir- cumstances, and gave it slumber of ex- amples showing how this might be ac- complished, as for instance to teach the definition of a, watershed, take the class into tho school yard, after a rain and and show them the numerous 'streams, ete. In fine weather send chases to study in the open air, under the direction of one of their. number. Have pupils keep notes of lessons, for future reference.* Jake use of dia.. grams, especially in case of geography and history. Re gave e. number of short methods in arithmetic. The teacher should net spend time in work- ing long mechanical problems. Do not repeat questions for inattentive pupils. Do not attempt to teach a class before you havo their attention. Make few rules. Punish out of school hours. • rOURTU sossreei. The last session opened at 1.30 p.m. with an address by Ur Dearness, on attention and memory. Tit the outset he said his experience went to t`liow that pupils from ungraded 8clinols teok the highest marks at Eattraece Examine atione, He thought the r,oaasou for this night be found in the fact that pupil: from, ungraded schools• were contpell+id to do snore iude+pendent work. We must in(leavor to develop in the pupils the power of cioneentrit- tion. power should be developed bo adopting them, and that fact may d+e must have resided in ri l g satisfactory to the'Protestsnts of the : ottsly since the time fixed atlsieoirert id + to lIe otedrt uencer n h otscion- ' c ©`s, Province. The speaker also justified f viz , for commencing against I tilts accord to a knowledue of hygiene. italic mem- I ar for tnaliin' complaint.; a�, the ptting of Roman Catb hers on the high school boards, as the voters' list, at the case may be. schools are for all classes. .,,very con - mariner, 4 a absence, B.8 hum erman, cession made to the Roman Catholics in separate school matters was a disqualify. l �e and at the dine of its TEACHERS' .tyi i.ai,+�, est meastl , N 1,EAC 1 approve,' E3ST IiIT „� passing the lienee had the app of Mr Meredith. Was it right for A Ls of1thc a ease the Government of Ontario to be less friendly to the Catholic minority in Ontario than the Quebec Government was with the Protestant minority in that Province. , Referring to sectarian tion of business y utt cto thou teaching ,�speaker ointed out how matters pertuininb at,liools, the p • • dumb Mr Dalton McCarthy was aldout gt profession. gloom was Cant over the conven the Roman Catholic, Methodist, I lennlican and Presbyterian ,scir Dominion inspector,oing to tti' death of oury bof eloved reeeiving grants from the Domi i ,Y which could be teachers only l:i'lring of it upon their Grnverninenf.,' and I- tion. abolished m a day if so desired, -Hon ainivel at the convention. G \V Ross at London. Contention. a. m. of Thursday, the I'reslden, be sp trine in (heir condemnation o r TIMLS lr H. Stewart, f 'Myth, in tilt• chair; I I last issue you rel,ott me as Y I After tt readily, of the minutes, the use of It was one thing to say a sub;Inc should be taught; it was quite a differ- ent thin; to tetols it. Purely text book teaching was worthless, as shown by the answers given to quos• Hans set by the Bruce Association. Instead of comitlencing the teaching HURON 1. i another column, we publish a letter :newt Dr. Cihiehohn, in reference to an '1 his speech f II use a made . c,i w in1.e t..liC,,.O lnet week. He says he was not correctly rel•orted, end gives his version of what he eeys he said. There is little difference in the too reports, only the doctor does riot v. it : table bo made the parent of the ex - 1e made use of in speaking of M. Orison, the local member for East _Venom The. doctor may have qualified 'l,h speech, as 1:e now does in his letter, lett .w� e did not hear himntree the l language no doubt rays be diel, and have but }Cul deeds who were present will endorse (err endement. And to prove that Tr. • 1'?orrrlith (lid not approve of the doctor's sere >Iled-for allusion to a gentleman who la. k•cets ddentiflad With the county for 1 thirty 4Y ere' and 13 known • b v aesoeia- of hygiene .by a study of anatomy, that it may ;give direction to the at - Tho members !! tetitinn. lliertc4t says, "'Phu object tion met in the assemt,ly rootus of the I he would perhaps begin with the sub- aof all n, Alli o is sag direction of the • Collegiate Institute, Seaforth, no t1 j leaf of digestion, To teach the sub• attention by the will." Sir 1i' . Elatn- 22nd and 23rd of 14lely,for the transac& Iject properly, chartlt were necessary.1 After dealing with tate question of hien lays down a good rale, when he A elav'; F :Ilse diet performance of the The, first seseion opened at about 10 digestion, ho would take ion, respiretion, off.eat meat' t?lietsnrahlt, than the tltni:l- and then go on to ventilation, teach • ' semi, It e lutist awaken Sntereet. in, it by appealing a tilg withritence The character of the tesell �r is Mica. of the pupils. In dealing tern• perance ho performed e, number of ed in the general elm -meter of this experiments, to showy to the 'teachers pupils. Examine your mile, and holy they eould easily illustrate to and see if you can discover defects its t their pupils the effects of aleoho1 upon yourself. I:t till your efforts to hold the tissues and the different artioles the attention of your pupils keep their of diet. Ile urged the teachers to not will power in sight. Give stir.tet,•ltic f coneentrittioll exercises. , After giving a very interesting description of the operation of memory, Ur Dearness went on to say that in teaching many Hort 1 b e an e subjects there should ni:tde to organize the memory. Many children, who made rapid progress in their earlier days, often, in a short • tithe, begin to lose ground, and often drop behind others to whom they at first seethed superior, This was often awing to memory being abnormally developed at the expense of other faaul- ties. Do not keep one portion of the brain too long occupied. The chief evils e due not to or aver pressure are largely multiplicity of subjects, but to lack of variety. The ability to retain, re'- cord and recall an impression depends much on the physical .condition of the person, and is assisted by association of ideas. The subject was diseus:,ed for a short time by Mr lesugh,whe took exeeptiorl to the remark diet pupils from un- envied schools were superior to those from grade schools, claiming that in most clew pupils from ungraded !drools wore considerably older. The hour for cloning being near it was necessary to drtlw the program to an end, The following resolutions and ni .tions were then adopted. Re- solved that this Assoeiatian place on record its deep sense of the great loss sustained by the death of D. \l . Malloch, 1:11;, , our late inspector,. who had endeared Itirnsoif to every member by his kindness, .bis broad sympathies and his untiring and sincere dovotinu to the highest inter- ests of our schools ; whose mature counsel and fiiendly hand were a blessing to each of as in our work as teachers. That we desire to offer t) bereaved family our heartfelt sem- lathy in the painful affliction it has pleased God to lay upon them. That we earnestly pray that they may be nnwtadned and 'e ore forted by Him who €trona sett give consolation to the sor'rotvino heart; and that a copy of this regolutiou be seat to ¥ sMailoch with tender regards of the Vast Moron!! Toaohete' , ,ssociabtion,,, '.1'.>»i laid QV5 t To rut EniTalt eir TH1B IDiGti is ,-' \� ewe. , o + a u your • `sa the tobacco. ing at lir Itiloreditls'meetiun that "'lige ,er to pp Thursday evening a public enter - cordwood eta might just gi well as the and a ad ou to neat madettees were until ithe tainenent was held in Cardnds hall, 1 d Gibson, member, Mr cordwood stick to the Legislature ae a ail an a1 jo and it would afternoon ; business committee,�iessrs participated in by pupils and teachers present d d 1 1 per to da so " What I ,7 King, ll d h leen and A Scott ; of the Seaforth schools,.. assisted by be a goer ea cheaper did say was „ that I ltin heard oft said n committee on I resolutions, Messrs. other friends in town. The leading that hrespectable, tede, tine old gentleman of who had represented East Huron for the Clarkson and i41C1+ ttul, and MrsiKirk- singing f p(�nartett�p Clnt ub, were the the last seventeen or eighteen years, 'that we 1'Man awl Miss Simpson, p g g . the fano drillte.and calls- multi he might just as well send a cordwood stick to i comm itte,.s, hissers, Hamilton, Black- performance y this „Local up, Legislature tadis that 12r Mowat well Z Dewar ' entertainment nom- theme exercises by a class of young t p put I l,+ C an pupils t t t a lest on it and count it 1 we and + 1 Scott d 1 d' pi's of the Calleniate, in great say.loar. an ac .. tothe country'" I did not mentionMr n1,51 of the se 1 u when he required a vatic; that it could be shines, gttst.rs, a ,.au , ° Charge of their teacher, Mr 1 lion, and t Prendergast. would b h such effect, a g t 4).1`11) gr'isI ldreess on mode by Dir DNarness, ilia 1e r!7't n � respectful mannerBritain were ahead in which I spoke able) in the first place bets at 1.80 p, in , l , ' Lough, inns- Ours in the studyof C. We was intendedtoshowtilatnothlugpertonal .cip�il of Canton model Seboo', of ou was meant, but that the idea I wished to trated, with a class, his method of do not cultivate the emotions enough. that I objected to a member ,,, inns an deeeimais le study Of 'music would remedy convey was 7I .1 neve 'oozing a tyro v .tin„ math ev and y i teaching vu air rant to some extent. It should be taught sieve to party. leer Meredith evidently i by means of easy problems, followers so as to ^rive it an intellectual value. difficult anti coin- expresseit to Toronto for fifty cents ; thrtt it w to e cheaper `" Ill his address, 117r 1)enrness said the meth Q and the ( Onthe f Great B Gibson's urian 130n1s o Gt \ r juin- s 1 l l,v^'r1 h c), , hue the sane idea in view when he s t)tl, by questtotas morn c,t o 1 tat i+1 of lrounl' e,i bty rt 1 tl t" SIr Gibson in fol. pis led the pupils to see that When well taught it bad a r flex 1f.t°ereY'.' l't,l i°. 1 ir,txl<(tlti • Ise dist not l.olt1' t. itll 1)r. C ii•:•- "I :i- 1?t 1 tF E ttte:! tui; in references to VI' to t(: ltect : <+s 1 , as you reps 7rm, Ian eX P tt•IO worth, we lists' only to quote Mm 1 lowing lips per°y,.had given votes that he alt'the cases presented the division effect on art cUIation. It may be M of °''h would not have givenhadhe voted est bis l` ns clialtgt'd to elated the and `an'efia .live aid to r1I i^+n}duo. It is a e• nsale,ce diestated. It was n l I Mere l,tt1'e statement that conveyed to the ghat tiles result wv ss protlttCnd by 111- au ileuat; ties idea of a cnutradilsticn of vertine the division froin which the a ; :,r. (se.a•om who 1.as rept rented East 1 wh At I inad sntdbut tilt solitary and tinnily were able to deduce the rule. be E. :11:,111 for wary year:2, bat would say 1 '' hear 1 heart , of the Dominion Member Pupils . i ,1,=.. t et ear, teamedfor Beet heron, why, could hat MISS tilts In division of decimals het emphasized .. t .:.t, I <, t.t).t,.,, in the vet, .opportunity to vont political, and, 1 fear Y the importanab of the p to thoroughly aCgn !lilted with the hien era, Ion and notation, lie b teed that tootling of division of deeuu,ats oil knowledge of compound division: He broke the dividend into tenths, hen, dreciths, thousands, &o„ reducing tate remautddr to the next lower denomi- nation and dividing again till the operation was completed. From this he proceeded to conversion of wager ,. tf t Le wvot'ld sit have given had he "w..t,'Pl 1I -i f.i,a cr,n eience dictated." C•, i ,tinethrtttlredoeto. nt;0i theletns uage 1'. e it�twv ores he did, was not 1,is object in r ' i:1', is ate. (eiiWOU to belittle and i.r ,i •1; Telles, when Le was wit I:rerelst to 1 0'0 stone lofaotl others beside myself,lbyta. r'ft•ft'a•1 ltni+ �e1f and when no opportunity v„ry hill lantiul atsd highly mei peetabla :......-,i1.1 bo slid„w";e't�Y to arty of i, i3. (1ibtti1i E3 I:Y1fr)rtY.Cr from tli9 towvuship of'I'urn eery. ,it t+elte t') i- y a w,c,rd ill h::s ticfenee Y who sant Ile could hitt this tuna sal>port' the elotw1tt government. 1.t, not leo that the doctorhas din- As to the stateineut said to have breis fractions into de0ttn ,is and h llleinnrh . ea a eel Irl., p ?sitiona any by thestaton1011t; tails around town by te proininelt sup• ti'..tl of one deatmal fectetton y , both the petal's of the chess and •this ° ineel in hie letter. An t i the refer- porter of the Presbyterian Chure.r here , a ' ,'• ",. ,?:1,:'r for last that Iter liieretlitll e1 wi no 'i •t liar,,, it andjhnce n4 teachers . were .inucll !!•"', t r tales 1 canhibit i thatbeing r shell ti171�':; 1 will forgive him this illi'?retsr,+r'1 in the lesisclli, and at the e:trsn Pe that ss Troth screen and I may l g ...••••.,i, it dee:. _ peen 1 i, lima. I a'n a I v.. .•. ' • i'n C:ttnllttt:iii "11Ca.•, itear," at a i therefore take the libCrty o£ reeomtnetltlilly; erose i11 r, Loitfh'e was heartily applaud- , 1 : :.1 ill ed .::,,• ti.r;t:'lilli°, w,•itdt()ut li('itl,ir abated for l to that other sllrnlrxcr. who liar, circulated 1 • Te Y l many malicious feeleebohda regarding me i ,t�, r. -;.'ler. Tee rP' ereaLO ux tyre til0lnllc'�r3 , sinetf a canto to Winalxatu, and to others The seenect side ert 011 tbo pro. yr : b teiianchurch i ho tttity have tttiteu into the same habit, at lain le was a kitiuer„arteti wnig Mr. H.' =i :lcfnclesltsrif tri., " 5 vJ • .,11+ ERA" I" `ere riot to the I tints th v rQaa.awa.prollri:ltete leseir etoo. Mies li.lillorbn s olnsi -aftr st•h which or the glrr e l , �tlH,l •� • e Aitit)n, In his you�tg d t., I aWilt'tt'A, Veliola showe l the receipts for nt o•,mi))a You vnll wire notene th•tt I di not use ex/ r `5,;11+0 ay my own; I merely said "that 1 had, beard it s:tic." etc, and 1 may Hay here that I have fregneutly beard that remark pasn:f1 regarding Mr Gibson ; and I may add th„t only a few flours previous relaxer and cheer; :.•, Potter air 1 the instruetot' to not et,I.; with tee pupils. 1llany fail to teach lnusie suecesefully on account *of their tine pedagogical metho:ls, • TninD Session. The programme •of Friday morning opened with it music lesson with Chaste, by alio Ililyar, of Clinton, that very (fu ly illustrli,ted her method of teache ing the subject, and which, as wee shows by the results,is a very effective one. Mr Doff, a former member of the Association, being present, 'was called upon, and in a few grief remarks referred to his past relations with the teachers of Last Haran, and paid tI feeling tribute to the memory of Mr Wavle voicing the sentiments of the teachers of the inspectorate when he referred to the fact that Mr Metlloch was a roan that, while honor. int, his) as a citizen, he could love high t , as a fritxtlrl: e 1 the "It:4:A lit 1( a thn haat lt f tl f to r tb vague of the t DO�rapss Inepectot ofThe S. e.."Tr©ns., it$r l'datn+rler, read 11”1.11":41.1.11" Oat11`lel!t.i�,ai w:•ltlt solo ( twentv.seconrl ch tptar of the I;noll of .1+ t b1tt1tllese+t disensso l girth s11a,�,•Ct his report, tM+ether with that of the “ s. me Or (.,. a _;d ,n, ri i.02(5 Wllonl idevah\tions, a+ltd while they have tl e welts 1 I10 ref,,+''w t,,, `►+'e4 n') (s)ela Tao able tol, open tl,c,v may also rend tho w}itt it der, I,�t tO(ct) c t'o of 't',teiiit;ei1;t:i, Tirol+t t'.ie I nieeteetri thiaverge rof the 8 tnflchapt rhe sot 1i'uet ;es letter, it ie spite w.'i,I ?nt the + chant d e called " the i3ro berm uta++ with th nvivo not tall.a iu l,ie.%.':list plecee fourteenth veree of the same ch tpter irelat.., tient the rentuiuing rami ..eereM Iowa Heels x t ire said they did not teach 'composition but prescribed a subject to write upon, while the correction consisted in poilating out err+'r$ in. spelling, . 040, th • year to bo $1.4:.134. expenditure, 092 79; leaving a batlancn onban&pf i resolution to ' 1 • a*altdinattons was. again 1 7'be secretary was'instruoted all trustees of the attendant attendance at the convention rs. teache The usual votes of tita ▪ then carried and au adjourn to meet at Winghatn in the ofthe 1 close. Just a iiia Ju t ,the following communioatio ceived from the West Hui ers' Association assei Exeter, May 22nd, To't girth Iluron Tearshol `tion a greeting from W Teachers' Association, The following resolution L, been adopted and a cony be sent to you. Resolved. -That it is wi of sorrow and regret tit members of your sister learn of the uuexpocted. .demise of your late ins Mallooh, and beg to join yo sing our heartfelt sympathy ,looh and her son in their s anent. G. A, Honeir1, Trios. Murton, Bast Woman.° The Counoil met at room May 22nd, 1890, as Revision and Appeal, reported that Devid Rc been duly elected,l9th of fill the vacancy in the Ca by the removal of Wm. Robertson being present the declaration of qualifi office, and took his seat. • oil then severally sulisc affirmation required by • proceeded to consider t Mark Camels, lot 42, cc cent to the town of Wi complained that big prop high assessed. Af or c assessment with others locality, and Mr. Caste, present, fleet action in t oferrud till next tnecti eta. Gib:ion, con 2 ; .con 7 J, cltson H' Wig Trends O'Neil, con 8, Lind, son 11, on applies a dog struck off. Ittiol con 8, to be assessed fol ,S"everal names omitted, and others, were order' the roll, when ti ,journed for the present again on S.^.tnrd'ty, 21t Council resumed. T last meeting read, appy :,•.,, Yid. l,'elitiOlr of A.lex\lot' asking the Council to• action taken at last the iug George $otvler, lot division No 46 for instead of division N finally agreed to alto` perform hips btatilte la Ne 31, as formerly. •; present, asking the Co road allow' ov wt 1L at ditch on 'surface water at prescl drain on his property, and as alleged by him drain, it not being of city to carry off sneh water at certain times sing the matter, advisable to take no a (;omultutic:ttiou- nee+ 1\Iorton, asking th nW' lot 38, co , now rot transferred from U No 13 -Filed.. Jobe con 13, was appointee o4r place of David Rob Ey•law No 4, 1889, appointment of Pat keepere, and Tenet present year, read following: debentures signed, viz : R I'.11do 1Vingbiuu, printing $16 ; P Porterfield, cipal election, April James Mitch, diggit: lot 20, cons 2 and S, Naylor, extra work sidoliiie 39 and 40. e Fountain Naylor; se. 1890, 860 T'lac journed till Satm'cla P. Pols A large number attended th sports a (,teen's Birthday. - atone has got a 5111 for miii,faetttriut which he will run i the saw twill -M intends having bis Satur say ---Mrs I+"( was v,isititig friends this week. -'the w past week hits z re ;growth of vegetatto ,rget the picnic in 'Tuesday, June 10 iiave been made wi