HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 5TOMER 17, 1174 ING EVENTS • HOLIDAY A TOURS r.,114 eh„, 16 days, Bea- ta Jamul 4th.. Twin rd &mak 9 daYs. to &larch =A COACH TOURS Gardatie„ St. Pettas,, eak„ D Beach, a, kb Jemmy aaa Gardena, St- Petesh Eteach„ February i 1.110111 'an ( U110011 iiiith ark 1'1 PUKE rut t II 40:t111 10. Iit tttlt ;1111 Mg' Kdaildt, riatES,, Fort Laufer- aaa Mt. 'Bain 1,1a it.ttitt, ,, (Wake tte Mfarth aaal 11.! (IfIttetii iat,"ts. at mealtimes.. aira CN awl CP.. touritigaztanies tired &UM 11 tfit 111 01 111 11!!., disrobe 0(10,04600.a.... trIvui 111110VER and in SERVICE Zit Steett„ Wanfriceir„ THE•LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUMMOX ONTARIO APPLICATIONS Notice To Creditors APPLICATIONS FOR 1 WINGMAN ON PART TIME BASIS Duties to commence December 014-tantiams to be im the Iliad Superintendent's office by, November 4.1, u alt 5 ID _EEL Frank Schumacher Road Supierintendent Kinross Townhip* APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH •Applications„ sealed and • LAMY NARKED mil be received by the undersigm- mita 6:all pro_ Sativaday„ Map - ember 3% 1974 far the position @f R A SUPE RI NTE NDENT far the To of est NiVawanasitt frac:Whirs most be writtttei . and pravide details as to age„ ealmcatian mad Duties , cammemee la December Nm (401 it 11(1) v171 " a"11. tip '}ti01t 440 01ai ..loan C.. Armstrong,: Clerk, Township af Wed Wayeanash 2„ Luidenevare, Ontrairka • WIG Mk COUNTY QF NU ON , REQUIRES SENIEOR SECRETARY Riersera 1 la Ill 17 a vat: haintot to as- sume &lies a; Sedair Secretry. , 0,0000, ' amvitrigu flr11Ikwiing elan, bolo re oh. ( ("Mt Do lattigbarie mat sitorthant„ and a wawa Ea - Matta toWark wttlt ffitttle iuttpiut (".L0 . t1.1 .110 "1110.101 Duties wall• Mamie datly car- respandence,.. cararnittee worik a• nd attaea aaabanamaas. hal t.i1011000L00110 111 VIM o;uoo Achniniatirattar alt tttat Comet House,. Croderich.. Salaory range and fringe , Els are Duties to commence im fl ntedijatta More_ , agglicatians must he car 4 ...(441114,arr tivi ?Jay.; 04001(11041111 SM74$ (16/1m' hee II; at t hittv t1J01tt(0' "1 titittt,tat 1(1,01 011 oat, 111.0 at a.11 524143K Mean •41 .0001 II).:10 01 G. Berm Adininist' rator„ Gratelkama Otant, cif Nituram, Caw* Ruse. MOW WE free radiaiiker„ Ontario NM NM 4114%04 WAIVED ir interiiar ette„ MU? L! 11.7 Mistriett. Has - gar .3 !twilit 1 ILO MI110 Ms. or fmr _Can i01„t0; Saturiky„ Iltth. Tour Support eadt 4t471;itoi Core- WOM JOLLle 5293- Xgnstonean It; —mud an coal stame 1114011 111, prim al! Twits ma C.;0t Mkb... SIVA e andireW,, 7 !Arabi aa winter bane, Sur a ordi atilt Charalaas Etta • lasepl.mot:• mote detail ta aft Ur the Litclimmw ea Janet Bangs - EL:P WANTED FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN! Sau Distrialt Poet , Went: 0101 41b bAturS per 'Weel1.1 a taw.; 1 in a 1446 F - indasive. Duties re aarrinerme unraecro- defy, • A4401earli flLUS he werlit if 1 to 44 40; and he lr provide medical cert.& mite .:01.01 000)'I Dr ; sattigracturs ehe543i-itaa,of tulteretonm testt. Apply-- am tar 1,14011 0; December MI using applioa. tem gum aaa u trt .at" 01 by or Ganng talc; einpliver ham. THE BRUCE COUNTY WARD OF EDUCTIONI llax la% talesley, Ontario • .Ttiiephonez aMOTell Mefl F.. Ngedrimp StLEKsvr ffmartngs and IStaintenanee itor 1 t 011.7 '7•0 !an :,.111t4orti At • • i 11014:t NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate af . SALENA Ruay . CRANSTON ALL'1 ERsoNS ving clairma agatast the. Estate . the abave mentioneak.late af die Ta of aeqdield.„ ha the County of mon, widowwiau died ani Auaaa ust 11) 1161 11 a-st it 0 1.1) 125 acre farm in Barak Tawnr- ship. •a 0 Ili 3 • 11 0 1(01 0, hause, eleetiric heat Large barn, Ha acres af well - 4.0 work - 1,9Z4„ are required to I able fatal file larva of same with the mtiLi ai before dersigned Gni or y of November, 19a After that date the Executoss. vwilI1proeeed disaramte the Ea - tate, haviug regard only to the - they ahallt then ve had notice. DATED at Ontario this 'Oh day a Noverni,er. 1974.. CRAWFORD„ MILL & DAVIES Wingharn„ Chit-ara i SoNctors far the Executors eliatitititis of width " 0 ta,OG'11M CAR OF T ANKS if would like tto sincerely thank the medical team for their care and my relatives and &lents for • tateaa• maw -a a to me during my remelt Abless mid since my return home. Nary Naebnityre We would hie to thankr every-. ame for cards, gifts. and flowers. Thanks alsa to Doctors Cerrim„ mac= Hanilatita, MIMS im the dace and EIMIT•SeS eni IRE flow_ was deeply-. appreciated. • Marie and Jason 'Illaldeaby 41.01 •The fiarailya •'sitter and brothers • the late jack liewittt wish to extend their' sincere •It *aka rei1attiis. oaata, '0,0 00, frktods far. the -Man• g' off sympathy,. acts of tan, ohn an ati time, at Weir dime thrall tattles,. cattis and bans11n ttlie Ontario 111eart nand- Miami.St Leda. trin.: 0 tIn Rev.. I •Itrumardine; .Pallhearers,, the lades of &CAC. a 1 ;AO 1 0 hi- !tit inao 01;*: 106.0 011000';, 00 00'01 Z 0 ua 01110* 1 who served die Kana ammf k 4010 off • the Mae- enzie Memorial Chap& :IV The firandly off the late Robbie Ream %Waal hae tta express our gamete la 0 , reilatWeS,, wad eon for their expeessions of sympathy, Also manly •Al 1N. tin these whi Seratt 10 0 01 &Wall in 11r and dari- to • The at..•abmt 0 .CalliZell" Stacit4'.. A special 161..01k., ra, Rem:. Cecil Vii•hzitaelk and 110 a 0l1 Mae- enzie for their 00,0a aa ta, Your always he re - Nay Gaol lass you Rare* Farm and Karem„ Mrs 2iltost 0,1 'Foram,. • Nike mat Tardy- Fran Gordon and Pat .411.0 - t.,01.0/1 001 The family, sister and off the late MacKenzie' Webb ex- press, deep) a p -..1,7i'at for of saanpaithy anti Mad- *aaess stgAttli therm their re- mit bereavement 1rsMac Kenzie Webb« F John Webb Jean am211 "111 er Ellighes 000 . biti Dol. ok, lI 11' We wish tta ewes:a thanks for cards, gifts and visits whifieini hospital. aLSo) to) Ilortnits Cords and MTN-11T and nursing sta.. Aill was.depty Kathy andi Xennifer MarfUnnam 0 .I01.'. 0.11111 "0,4 SIMS DISPLAYED 'Pioneer, 11empra3,pi Vaneliestar, carriaw hause • FINISNES walut, ehomy and witrIe 193 acre farm in Ashfield Twp.: with 6 year ald brick Itcoase„ beef and hag barns, large implement shed plus two grain storage bias, banker and 000 14,0 1 Stall good crop liana 3 40-o 0o00, frame '0o 11 4.1" m /ey„ allt goad tat,. with front sum - partite, close to main street Prie- to sena 11'0 al 1 miss it 01, i ( out (11 Latin goad dry area„ Lacktasw. 1014o I A'OXESe and one acre — 2 storey 4 beim= solid brick 'femme situ- ated an edge af LICKAELOW with small 01 priced to sell_ int- aw.,ohi.. ft a at PAGE FIVE FOR RENT FOR RENT — 2 111 011 or vat- menli in RiPleY, heat and water paid, available • immedately. Phone nsvaz FOR RENT — downstairs- heated apartinent, lady or couple prefer- red. Avadahle inrimediately. Giena's Apartments, phone 528- 3723 Lucknow. FOR RENT — heated apartment, new decorated. Available this math Andersen Apartments 528 - FOR RENT — apartment — 2 la- a 0 0 000 kitelket‘ dining and U hog mom,• 3 pc. ball 001 0 0, 0! • and laundry; room. Avanable January 1st Phone SM -2.174 523-3134. Fell RENT — heated:, room, linen sup an utilities paid Mentes Apart - men 5241-372.3 Lackii0W.. 111000 1101 0.".1110 0' ncT ill ; urn 1 ut.v t.0 • Robert Campbell 52S-Te17 Ofrice S2&2031 MEA CROSS 10440 41-40-40- 40.110-1010. 010, 40,-41.0.410• 41040 • 40.9.-410. FOR SALE FOUND CO4M BED (.1) tti FRAME ROME located alt ItCmgabridge on FouND __ lagys ray in the ,..Way M. Drilled welt on ressure; inity of Imaaa enzie Final large la; also) 0, ..aa garage, flatue„ lateiliow. ?•0 0 n ' smut ideally suited far, retirement or summer a..- 0 ..,o , haMedirate 1:11 Lto, • READING THIS AD WILL . NOT DO Yaim "must" see thi' heaufful 4 Okkir '010 00 heatto; oni CI:outo! Street im the friendly ttoatut af Lu. am a. A few of the man pleasing features are the e, large oak wills and 00,0a, of all„ hiadiered am due sick hy the river_ Cadet-ou ask for naore? tozoitt 00 no 4 FAMILY FARM Ves„ yam should insect, this MI acmes oi highltit' prodnetive farm landV, I 0N. II(..01 GELLY a; miles east of Ra Pal., Pointe, conting of three -001,0 0 0 00i storey- and half home wilh large &fig mai, 4 iece battlekitchen with boards aphoity„ large L shape harm and driving shed. Dead well with vaatter throughout Wise and harm Land well 0 •;'r and workable.. Priced to sell with tetras. . WANT TO ENCHANT YOUR lt4iCohte lniect yam awe it to) yourself to in- . speel dna &pla touted on Havelock Street, Linknow, of- fring one - two) bedroom avert - with large living rooma dim- ing roon,. kkelieit with cupho mita second apartnient has large : dme, Iing and doing room &Nam, and three 'bedrooms and bath upstairs,. and oh yes the •price is ige. OFFICE 35/4840 000400 • W.. ADAMSON 5112333 C SUTCLIFFE 31%2-6969 •C COOKE 33S -35B L REID 314783 n'.0).".N-1:4•11:1 0 01 3 BEDROOM ROHR oheat00.•,, 000 z...0 an •a &ogee corner tot am Havelock St. - too )" Living ITOOM„, ream, 'A It 0 and one dawn_ House has ofi and 3 piece bath. Ideal home -rule po 101;40h 000 001 400 111.1' 01.001.:41111 o 00 — CLOSE TO DO at 'Am o 7 WN, in W. 3 wo, 0 0 tot haine with large t• tiatz; MEG,. drnng room, lettchart Mot sun porch; ea het_ Separatte a - nal 2 11'0100ra (dab is o with every conven- ience.. Situated on 2 lots this is excellent home with an in. come. 'Shawn by appointment only_ •2111 ACRE FARM East Wawanosh "Awl, 0 1011 , 011 1" 4' h home; large barn and sib stabil- ed fir beef and hogs. Level to o clay - 001; good cash crop sal. POSsession to he arrangd. ...OM1 10011101011.1 00 - 0 0 t 001 qui"- RETREAT ini the co Clacknnw,. Winghant area)-,. com- prising LT ares,. with a room home. requng =kw re pairs. New hydro line instaled,„ thriThed well on pressure and se tic tank. 16 ACRES mostly husk spring creek,. Well heated an gad matt hydea a, hia., 0 flat WE HAVE several excellent bus- inesses for sale in the general area. Inquire for further partic- ulars. If you, hal* agrituftural property, tai,u,e air- sinalif acreage., and are thinking af selling, we wasikli be pleased to talk to yam. All fa. qes canrithintaL, WARREN ZINN Phan* 522435. • Wilfred -McEntee & Co., Limited WALKERTON Ntenher of the Grizvir and Bruce Kultipk Lintings‘ Service List XL& — ; 601 &demon Working For You ••••40.10".40.4'..41041.40.10,444,1040.41.1100,-.