HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-27, Page 20 1t PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Ll1CKHQW, WARM • • LU OW SENTINEL• LUCKNO$ Oleli'ARltna 4/4 "ThoSem Town" -Gin the Iforotearoce Z •• l► Second Cly Mail R ation Number • -4 Established• 1 a' -- Imo. e Wednesday • Member of the C.C.N.& and O W.N.A. • 2 Sullseription Rate,' .1O a l'ear in advance• •4 p,extra to U.S.A. and FlIreiga • • • Letter Seeks. Information On Sherriff Family. The fell i ing letter Was received by • Postnnasteer Carrie Milne. Any information on the questions iviL uld be directed to her. 12 November, 1974 Dear Postmaster, No eelcAubt you frequently receive peculiar requests frons the (general public. May 1. frons ' far away Smttland, please add another: Recently 1 came across four letters sem from Canada to, any eraradfather about a henadred years ago. Unfortunately ow grandfather died suddenly_ his widow and ?wing fannily moved Irons the district in S; atland where they had been living and. tlap,e, 'Tenafly)), an19 coatactt with the cousins ire Canada the time of The Micro -Maid Oven • &mit ageciitty • 2--: im:. t; Qilllltl�r utteirtra • twee lEiEip.ipage tldivek $ 2 41. ¢ltisitn" POLLOCK ELECTRIC P140fIE Malt RIPLEY was lost. one of the letters carne from a Da id Sheemff nn Lucknow (that apparently was all the address ser pessary in those days^.), pr any, people of that name., or known relatives, still reside in the IAA - now district I shall be most grateful if you (could forward the enclovsd letter to them. From the nnforrtena tion in the told letters the Sherriffs were farmers. If the name Sherrill means nothing to you then perhaps you would be kind enough to readdress Reserve. Champion At Royal WEDNESDAY. 1pyl` elk Raise 32 Arthritic the air snail letter bakes& to me in Scotland as undeliverable mail. In ! that way? I well realize that nt ns pointless to search the Lucknow area further for traces . of . my delatnons. • Th nking you in anticipation for your kindness_ • Yours sincereclo , Allan Sherrill (®.A. Sherritlf. Moray House Ctolleo e of Educations, •HollyrocAd Road, Edinburgh. Scotland. Letter To The Editor RATEPAYERS OF • WEST WAWANCISH 1 wish to appeal to the residents and others of our township who have veinttifl privileges to take yvinar responsibility seriimstly., h is encoura aznn4 to know- that interest ,a in our local council has grown exeleediregly, h is a healthy seri, and, t hope i.at win increase, ti We have, cm our slate, two pc tis, running fort Council who are new to susas possible Coma - lots in the nextteam, These are Man -belle Cranston orad A rnnoil1 Stothers. If You ileo not know these people_ personally, plea.se make aim effort to beware acquainted with them, Ancvrng with experienced , Councallors_ we need Newcomers. ,, and N131 vrbennte Cranston tared Arnold Stotthers will be. MR aSSiett teCn • mini Council. • A�.ann. tta&e i4>tnar prrgi-n`l>+ e to wee Detcentnbe>r 2. Pr -IL viziriiessliy, We. ours�c.liv ,are ;An fault if we ear not (seta Ca>mutrrrnlnYnrs who represent las,, adequately, Dorothy M: EIJECTIONS CONTINUED FROM PAGE. RIPLEYGeorge Trarntter is the new Reeve a by aeric time smx(ceed- I keg C rte n �G�� who has Three o,$ the presetzt cemzei bow %Ka seek tie r. Mrs„ Marg fliZonse. Rod Mad:boned and Howard Hodge_ Newcomers seek- ing a position to ern are Lewis Hnlib r ,_ Donald Martin. lee H Stege Bell and Lawrence N1111)1 There arr.! four ele ttner1 sears, opt irn may. ww itth e x it cur tis.. Canada Packers Limited of Tor- onto bid a record Slif .2S per pound for ,the Grand •Chaannpion market lamb at the 1974 Royal Agricultural Whetter . Fair. The 84 • pound winning lamb was exhibited by Driscoll Bros. of Elora. Ontario. Veteran exhibitor Thos_ J. Todd •of St. Helens owned the 89 Reserve Champion Wether lamb of ' the show. Saucerful bidder at Sy4.01) per lb. was Canadian Mes- sed Meats of Toronto. Pictured. left to right are Torn Todd. John Lee of Highgate win)) was assisting Todds with showitng. and Tom's son Hugh Todd. The Champion group of three lambs, owned ba John Kelly. Elora, Ontario sold to Canadian n Dres:sed• Meats for S1.75 per. pound, The Todd entry places third in this Class. Wally's Meats. 'Toronto, b e 63 cents per p and for the &sit prize load (16 lambs) exhibitedy S. W. Pettit & Sons of Colgan, Ontario_ Average price for 145 fibs. except 2 single (champs. was ac strong 66 cents per pound. Other l buuo not already rreentioned were Tom Jackson. Caledon Eat. Ontartim Grams Abattoir. Toronto; Peter Levine, Toronto; Ritchie, Fay & Arsanstrong of Tor onto- • The 19 ( by the" C�tteaonarr t;srsn Setts rt t t eetg a `:tui t��n�� ltave 1Gnu>�t� Sockty's amp* th r >>�tt, sac+ �r of the eofntral search ating to elle - arthritis eoal Thos. who pre (I tkit• e:a®nuw Clare Johnst no. morn. Mrs. -6 Ikhatk Ernest .Ac&e tt„ George. Md�, , chie. Mrs. Btamx Jack Ma koza Mac Miss Ruh bpm. Do . Ntts. Mrs. Water' C'IIillm e . Mrs_ Anuttug Mrs.. DOM CliteiNt. Struthers. Mts. llets 0 tai Jane A[�m.' Walden,. :um i, Ilan Helm. 1 BRUCE s Mt* formerb RAJ 11:01 11,1t eirignd 1905. and gill. Nat lut at The Imams a $1 extra far Sir $ttntr Jt�� AARDIN6 SPECIAL WAREHOUSE ENDS ist Quality CARPETS ARGONAUT NEW GENERATION HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE WESTWOOD BELLWOOD MONTERREY STAMPEDE II SIZE COLOR 12' at 7' 11" SPICE GOLD RESUIAR PRICE $219.51. 1 ' z 6' 8" SPICE COPPER 13155 1r x r r MED. GOLD 18'x7'8" MED -GREEN 12' at 7' 6" RED - DEEP PLUSH 16335 173.15 181.91 T 12' z 5' 4" - LT. GOLD DEEP PLUSH ALN (Also 3' mitts in Bellwood $12.95) 12' x 8' 11" OFF WH. AND LT: GREEN 1 SS 12' x 7' 9" RED POPCORN LOOP 6131 DAWN VALLEY 12' x 4' 3" GOLD 4516 (Also 29" x. 51" mats in Dawn Valley Ste) FAMILY LIVING 8' x 8' 4" TANGERME CLASSIC TOUCH 12' x 8' 8" BLUE SHAG STEP AHEAD 17 ' ae 7' 4" OFF WH. AND LT. GREEN 17.31 cuerEtuMc +... AND LINOLEM CIMPLESE ROBIN .,tf. J l.. 9 WALLPAPER A L.. PAM'S 'S