HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 24GE KIT County Honours For 441 Club Members Eight girls received ' minty Honours for the completion sof six 441 .aubs at the annual achieve- ment day held at Ripley Distraet Vic: (on Saturday. rrearted, left to right, are Jane Mesmer, Reids Corners No. 1; Joyce Osborne, Clover Valley; Dorothy aatte., Kairshea , Debbie 9t►lllan, Kiirshea , Susan Kreutx- eiser, Lucknow 1; Annette Flphkk., mover Valley; Ruth Alton, Locknow No.. 1. Absent was Margaret Collins of the Pu pk Grove arxb.. The awards were presented b Bruce County Home Economist„ i nhtt, Miss Barbara DeVisscher. mil. YOU SERVE —111— BY GIVING THIS WEEK'S 'coca EBRISTM� SPEEI'1Th Wednesday, November 21' to Tuesday, November 2$ ASHTO S ARE FEATURING A SPECIAL THIS WEEK AND EVERY WEEK UNTIL CIIRISTMAs s , „ i4", ..ratifftwastart "tib :'7.;1• `"'�p'�5���!�! ASHTON'S Ladies' and Men's Wear Jim and Syke Sutherland Lutw PHONE Sastiac THAT On Ober Istt, 1974 Garry Johnstotn was promoted ted to the rank of Corporal within *he Royal Canadian. Mounted Mice. He is seconel in Charge of the detachment at Burns Lake, B.C. Gany is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Quaraie, THAT A referees" 'clinic to those interested in startin: .to referee W.O..A.A. hockey is slated for Lbw mesa on Sunday, Decem- ber 1st commencing at &30 a m. THAT The Sentinel would tae news 'e'f any lucky winders n the Olympic betters from this area. la the series of tickets sold it The Senttkrel there were three me wings but we have no record of who the tickets were sold to- One et the three Winning its was held Sways by a local fad, Mr. and Mrs. Tay Jehnsttone, Mr. and Mrs.. J. C. Johnsttone, Mamie, Johnstone., Murray Johanste ae„ all of Lwow mann! Mr, and Ars. Lin Hewitt of Bim: .THAT Ernest Carter Jir. i blamer sthwit a two year old bmf Nxibile deur lawn + ; r>i .y at Stokes B $g .Wednesday off i. ' 1•1 %t- It Md'�d 1'r,>r lbs. ghat one in the same area hast parr.. Mrs. Bert Alton Gave Travelogue The Lr Hoatirenalttursl Ste. liety had as per leek sapper iter the Liv Lem Haul, Tay, November 1tl.. A large crowd erafoyed the many varieties of rl INA chooser r y,ttp- Ham and turkeyau& potatoes w ',.Ti t> hooi by society a al members, the rest went ;:,1•r,, Atter the sapperYthe ashes Pec l r ar¢rd to the �tyc. !it h Ir�'e!ri Harvey' M, , Bttu �iiitwil- UII , IP'' 111 q ,ilil' i ��tilm II,/ ��uumtian�: TURKISH Fr�sh Rgs KLEENEX PINK YELLOW Facial Tissue KLEENEX rs Hi' ToeIs CANADA MEDIUM RED Pia OL CohoSalaon SAYE 10l 2Pkgs SAYE 11• Pk' P EAL Orl, RMONE1P NOTE: closed This Saivrday OK a1 3 P.M. Mt81HtIIIII MIMIU VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SUM NOVEMBER 21, 21: 2' PHONE LUDORINSfi 550,* DAMAGE CONS FROM .PAIGE I complete writte-a& Cad was. hauling newsprint and reams braking for a curve just before the mishap, No atter e was involved. It s bead the limed shiiifted„ sending the tracer into a spm and down a S® ftt embank- ment, into a deep ditch. The train and mint went 1hseand ohne tractor ended up ern top . the 7wseck, Valli, 413, who resides with George is God e, rem a gash en the bead for several sttattehes but otherwise was traoaira e • - *red. was afiscovered by a passive motorist who sleeked -die gaai111d naris tai :+1ai buil 1111urgedttIDl 111111•cab 11, the pih 1 sift ban ttlie The pant.' PriidatIc and OP lker iim h1 v.,;;;Irll.I iniWs disontt otra Mill S n*. inir.,i„ 1 r $1$1,i14 ac... 1111•. 1+1111 1'1 111114111111 al Dull daft toraiikir u l tag %Minixi t 4c:601407,1,72 Mild 11 ttk m,:ni . Qi 1•s !the et .. Gene+,1•,i t�dltb and tam ttliatt ittilzeir it lite7 Mayo= 1 16111111. ^• iii 1111;' S iP ,ff tilhr have Itlyzma ezve dit*r it 11 111•a 191,1 1111111' 41111 kill•++ isis, al Pain* di 1111 welcomed the gatheriing and intro- duced gayest speaker !Mrs. Klie, airstrizt cttor- Got to Hann° ter•. Mr<s.., Kik grate a very intereiti= Nortel valttariaiil work. Umblich and Tam Hester - sem ;:1•l e., 1 ;by . a' h IIItes, Nt the year were ever by the presides* lifoRasted by the ffisrataiist mon' tat thr =salvor D ' ^llmAr Pm. ahr `>at torr i I r' uvinontt %sirr 'Alm. SLIM g9'1�'t a hot tccl fit Itusr for (,