HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 16/ k THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW. ONTARIO TO THE ELECTORS OF ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP AsafirmberreverinLocalGovernment„ I respectfully sol-- idt star swot for the posMen el Cleminer th the cmhbNg bsnmt, IR)r the past two years I have enjoyed working on your behalf and f elected, I will mnthtue- to we* for you to the best 4 iny FOR COUNCIL JOHN AUSTIN • TO THE ELECTORS OF •ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP I have had two yews eaperience as Ceoncillor in the Town-. dtip .AsMe ld and have kt ray name stand again for office, I would appreciate the epptwtnnity 4 serving see If elected 1 wall give s+ - business of The Township ray1. close attention '1414:: SINCERELY ALLAN GIBSON • TO THE RATEPAYERS OF ASlinal) TOWNSHIP. Your swat on December 2 would be greatly SINCERELY GRANT FARRISH AMBERLEY rtite tions alb 4 Stizpkv tread a lattitipwz in Rd's Comers oit Wicdnesda•,;• mightt, There was a large crowd anon& ted Ntr, and Mrs_ !Staz• BAxtis -Met ,w,oddnv atrrati4er-sal7F ort Friars Noveniber- Set, witaitit was held Rti,nid's Comers Ittat Mrs- Wm, POCe trstinaW3 W1rZe kora the Cmoderietti Horiaital ort Friday, November Mr. and Mrs,. Vt-le NUrtplay spent the week end with Mr, and 'Mrs- CLUttZtit and fant-kc, Carruthers Carchesna stamped the trate for a reception in hollow of Mr, and Mrs. CliTff Entaterton. which was Itteld in Reid's Comers ha- Congratulation& The Pine River Church !cow/toga- ttiint had tetreir potiTJ&stappi Friday evening, MS*, -10417a FOLV4L•WItitt =ea Nfro;S sazier4:432a um& Kelatatoear slue re* 114;Mel1!i. 1:1-19,40 at Pint River OVUM* k01 Sttri4C,. NiFtsrs Margaret Anne Coarriary c‘if Waterton von the week end with Mr_ and Mrs. lluim Cointraty and famaly, have bee. Rey ityPethy Let's make the proposed projects a tea% and en- ich tive Uwe of an our "ens. REET — MAN COUNCILLOR — VILLAGE OF RieLEY Agricultural Tidbits With Adrian Vos Will we have a ;rotten banana scandal next! Someone said at a meeting I att ed,. that every week as many trailer loads of bananas spoil in Montreal alone, as trailetioads of eggs spoiled in a hole year, However, since no marketing a.geney of farmers is involve& I doubt if we will See anything about irt ,ita the papers. %Thy does every ve.,e1-4, glovvet have to dump tons of camas every year? •Because the Consumeir refuses to buy them if they are not straiten and slender, • In meantime our taxes are spent to irayestigatte the loss• of three trailer loads of evs, s& Beryl +Li • rime c keep WI- $40,4104 job., and the opposition jimmies. phis a disgrun- tled ex -cabinet minister, (can have their fteld-clay, • Quebec is tin) 1144411610411 1i0 prey-ent first ohms farmland from being taken out 4 prodsctiora, Ontario is still contemplaritro such a move. 11.C'. has idone INAS S41StakCWX-4111 iS drafting straith ' legislation now,: h shertento see that rion-tfaxin people at last are biaittraniing to realize that oar graradichitidren should luve some- thing ito eat also. In the rateantinie ollkialls of the Orataino- .government are trying to y ontre farmlare& one Inandrod acres of for a lagoon for the Blyth sewage S:k.'leta..• WWII/NIS Wel R• UCS a population •of•• less than tone thous- and,• it e.,etns that ten acres will be needed for each man woman and child in the province- Does 110410411B0 rase this taissela sewage disposal Nxiicie? Mink not,. tor then mist of •Ontinie; woad be one big lagoon - The question its., what is rroore =portant, Itee eXlittr41 13a014ty Itreatitarern ph= or permaniently destroying food pod- •tecial land- easeens Park must be one confirmed ban& basetoserairs. ***** Some American •farmers. who killed their eaves some 111teettS 4pga.. tklale trAel1 a afferent tack. They Organized a padking plant. truckers and other transporter& aid donat- ed their money losing cakes for toed aid Itarricane. vtitickent Honduras. Trucking arid process- itn isms done tree of charge. News And Views From Huronview • Mr._ and Mrs- Luther of Hetisall /ed the Sanday evetrin seav seirVice ,voirmorred ttlri. Sbr outh tikTann titaiSer.41M ,WelerMta'N 4tC-:‹OMISti4Vilati 4tR' terr-70404. Poor North and Cletitte :area were guest's ion Tuesday etening of the c Kntiettes„ The cketatt was tied ill 1A1 11;Ak t,4,111 • &lad •ala tZtiVritg glainieS *2401 bIktksin 41714,1 tiValV, The Kirreares- have adorawil the tresid- ems born these. ZS 40; Gr:P.314=pkitattirS. 41111A taxtt4 41.1T 41371tgtir- ; trained sewirall. times diming the , year by the chat, The Or 14)t Oalb met cat Wednesday &tantrum = the 1st tfizior timer Sittilng room Twenty- 'sin niennters. were abile to atter and enji,tveli ,Aizett pwraint tooursitignir* 3 .5in*•swag-, treles-trags titiy Ntri..; • MeCitraMilti WIZ 01=0 ii:M=311NrAt- t aiN kC*Wt-'f tt tntrk- •MiZittibt5rS 5tlelat Viraibtr- •hGrIn,) <4146 x(Nikiith- ZZXTS wirlittactinifies and lociped -same tea and! coolittes pn.ixadreil by the kitchen snitil. Mr. and Mrs Edgar, of Arwood.. WEDNESDAY. 110/8/4/11 TO THE ELECTORS OF ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP Ravin' g served for five years as reaNA, I attsmt re-elected that I willCentin• ne to serve yr311• best 4 rky a/A14- 44k Ladies and Gentlemen, use year &mom* and mark your ballet REED Mt REEVE gvrnment. • SINCERE1„,Y • • GIRVINVI • TO THE ELECTORS• OF ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP lI Meld Township as Cooneglor anti Dkpatzolesm mina/laving decideir :Ito comite§tv matitte 0E7 id Ram, 1 the • and 11 elected I promise to serve all tte ratipeas ttz of my abilikv. 4M • SINCERELY artrangeql take• -.Fan* NrrOta" program with ReY, • introducing the ateratbers and giv- keg two trearditrags,• Lawiro Edgar and Viggo Sorenson played sem-al 1 violin selections aceomparnied the piano bv Mts.•Ekat. Coleen • - Edgar &splayed• 'Se. frate step dancing accompanied by her par- ents and -the entertainers wine tkanked itnY Mrs. HO on behalf of the resident& 4-H Entertain WHITECITERCH NIEWS MandaY„ Noveanbier II at .3 pist the Whiteclittiorcla 4-11 Smelt- tes esate" the Executive of n W -I, and their =zith- ers to 41 pre Christians parry ina the prerttly deortated hat. 1 presider* is Pardon tod the meeting ttot ple4e„ AtiI the il2 umptrztiism+s, prL-4ein, The trairoates wore tread by Amax 8401:94- toia FkujeleCi bilk's, 4 MI betel' ied. the dab and wild the h*lilight u,,tr each =cern*. The etatertrizzarenticeman:ince. them tool. kvocir, cyntsitti,„i_i JTZ Ptarit.ir Lori lamieszini, Faye Irani, 14,1rsttr 11%smima- •'The ozaant:rsti,:ce ,ivisidactied topotil eral =retest* laminas as well as mean• aims& received prizes tin felt tebt :aittlateNISITE14611tni64 d'aiMWS ZEE= vat10.- nat 4:11:031itterS Vat her isilann Airta, Ze4tt' radmIt war& in thirattera. mem* ditn1 Cam& and tile inland A deheivaseinterwasn mothers aril tile iditt Tistbelimind HUM