HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 134sDAY. NOVE BER 20, 1,74 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO -• • useelle.eeeSerheee" PAGE THIRTEEN REVIEWING OUTSTANDING BUSINESSES: ....by. Bob and Garry Burns tip TAVERN pacE5 520711 tiNand hospitality which is sue - who is well known take note of the 11th and goodness ON is the home •od cooked to your ivy eating estab7 istie area families, othe counhnh Since g place of the inviting Minns' lie sustaindings- *dug and listening qday , a per - Act. laRESTAUR- for the "X - SHOP ORS, 5148132 olnieh, unexcelled t awned and °per- t underlands the sis that afe bigh- ts gyour service I are entertaining, od to give the le in For Floral h tore than ade- tthis fatal trthute PUMP a wide L the best stock sit to ane who is Eton satisfaction Flowers' from Ars Flower Shop isne sign of ap- niE 524-9181 armed and m- iler firms in their 1.. istabisbed since *tit a record of de is a besinewe lis Ili has corn- Vilk fully under - 0f matching tza spec - Ism ns out this *a roll -ever, we 41"111 s EMI per - Pio' car. so 1110106._IN work. i'7"'"Issassiss' IAD 01 U4Set. *111 tans is a els, 01k7 robin the gaiii_,Ins Wetted esesteret PPsv hitt es, Yere well !wit Sakalite. -ftised tiere it_Si§hetion Voillt we Wined ,thetnisiaess to every elel Pea* CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING A SUCCESSFUL FIRM PROVIDING EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD SERVICE TO THIS AREA 376 Bayfield Rd. 524-9571 This is one of the most actively engaged firms in the Water Conditioning business, serving homes, commercial and industrial re- quirements. The management and staff have extensive technical knowledge and can certainly answer your water treatment prblem. CULLIGAN has been established in Goderich since 1954. and is distinct credit to the community. It operates •and very successfully under the capable guidance of RUSS GEM.MILL who serves the region thoroughly which includes Hanover, Owen. Sound, Kincardine, Walker- ton, Goderich and areas. CULLIGAN, the greatest name in water conditioning, aids in cooking, drinking, kitchen and dishes, laundering, bathing, soap sav- ing and helps the life of the plumbing in your home. This is also headquarters for all types of water handling and treatment equipment. Service, sales. rentals and repairs are available on all models for people with problems other than hard water, als• e sulpher and iron removal from water. CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING, who are associated with control of water pollution: in industry can definitely be of assistance. Their engineering department is well qualified, to handle Commercial and Industrial facilities. They test water at no charge, so why not give them a call today. For dependable service and proven record of ser- vice call CULLIGAN, the logical choice by reputation. BLUEWATER CLEANERS OWESUCCESS TO QUALITY METHODS AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 38 West 524-6231 With the Town of Goderich as its home base of operations, BLUE - WATER CLEANERS, has been providing top quality service since the (kin was established in 1958. a service that is now enjoyed by hundreds of satisfied customers throughout the districts Some indication of the growth of BLUEWATER CLEANERS, is evidenced by the firm's expansion of facilities over the years due to the demand for their service. • Many men and women. highly skilled in the dry cleaning indust- ry are employed by this firm, which is justifiably proud of its reput- ation. • Their services include, dry cleaning, •a cleaning and 'finishing service on draperies, a distinct feature of the services provided by this firm. We are pleased to recommend the service of BLUEWATER CLEANERS which is owned and operated by PETER MeCAULEY who is actively engaged in community affairs and have always placed Workmanship and Service above profit. ARGYLE MARINE and SMALL ENGINE SERVES THE AREA WITH EXCELLENT SALES AND SERVICE Britannia • 524-9201, This business originally established in 1959 and is capably man- aged by SAM ARGYLE who offers the outdoorsman the best in sales plus service. . The success. of ARGYLE MARINE is due to the fact that it is owned and operated by people who really care about their customers. Although they are a sales and service centre for SKI -D00. . they truly provide excellent service as well. This is ,why the people of the area depend on them to supply their requirements for all types of equipment. • They feature a full line of Cutter and Starcraft Boats. Mercury Motors and Trailers in all price ranges and include sales and service. This firm is bothsales and service for. the famous SKI -D00 !inc of snowmobiles and maintains one of the . finest service departnienee They have stock of ReplaceMents Parts. and have Qualified Mainten- • ance men to offer you speedy and rciiabte repairs. These services will save, you time and money when you require it A good place to keep in mind is ARGYLE MARINE where honest value in Sales. and Service work are completed to customers satis- faction. • JIM HAYTER CHEV-OLDS LTD. WHERE PEOPLE FROM THIS AREA CAN DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE 74 Kingston 524-7314 Through honest dealings with the public and assuring them of ser- vice on all products represented by theist, residents from all parts of the region buy with confidence knowing that .JIM HAYTER CHEV. OLDS LTD. will be around for many years to come. This business, originally found back in July 1471 is directed by JIM IlAYTER. Every member of the staff has contributed to the success of the firm. It is not just an auto dealership: it is people who care. They are sales and service for Quality Built Cars in Chevrolet. 'Olds/ail-Toile, Chevrolet Trucks. Saks, Servite, Parts,as well the finest -selection of O.K. -Used Cars offered in this area. All new vehicles are properly pre -serviced as -well as excel- lent service after sales, something you don't always find in many dealerships these days: Here your complete setifattion is their first consideration. They already have a /large "family" of r customers from this area who have purchased cats here..because they know the integrity and reputation of JIM HAYTER CHEV - .01 DS LTD. As business people. who appreciate an ethical • honestiii--7M, .we give ear highest commendation to JIM HAYTER CHEV OLDS LTD. DON MacRAE WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER • ONE OF THE AREA'S FINEST CENTRES 166 Square 524-6572 • This well known Jewellery Centre, established in 1962, is very successfully guided by DON MacRAE who has been associated with the Jewellery trade for many years. Whether you are selecting jewellery or a gift for yourself, for a wedding, birthday, Christmas or any occasion, you will find that when you make your choice from this popular Jewellery Store you will not only be selecting in good taste, but you will be choosing quality Jewellery that will give great pleasure for years to come. DON MacRAE WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER is a recognized headquarters for quality Jewellery, in fact everything that pertains to a complete stock in the jewellery line. They feature imported Jewellery, Quality Diamonds, Silver, Watches, plus expert Watch and Jewellery repairs. • We wish to compliment DON MacRAE for the high quality Jewellery and gifts which he has chosen in good taste and made available to the people of this district, and also the manner in which business is conducted. You may choose with confidence at DON Mac - RAE WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER as their excellent reputation warrants your patronage. For the particular people on your gift list for any occasion, shop at DON MacRAE WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER who have been serving this community and district very faithfully. • O'BRIEN'S MEAT MARKET ENJOYS LARGE PATRONAGE THROUGH CHOICE QUALITY PRODUCTS • 138 Side Of Square 524-8632 This place of business has been recognized as a MEAT MARKET since it was established in 1913 by D. M. O'Brien. JOE O'BRIEN has taken over and is assisted by his son TIM. Individually • operated meat markets such as this, that supply choice quality meats as their main business. not a sideline. assures the consumer of quality meats. properly cut and wrapped •and • equally important the freshest meats possible. The Company's excellent reputation. growth and expansion are • due to the publics confidence in their products and services: They have the latest in refrigeration to keep perishable meats in jut the right temperature. As well as excellent meats. their food and vegetable departments are stocked with the finest selection with vouthe customer in mind The large patronage enjoyed by O'BRIEN'S MEAT MARKET at- • test to the fact their products are ahvays choice quality, serving a • very important need in the conununity and a great convenience to the housewives of the area. We are pleased to refer this fine bus- iness to all our readers. HURON CAMERA CENTRE• . - IS PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADQUARTERS 114 GODERICH 112 Square • . 524-7924 The photographic centre of the 'entire areais none other than HURON CAMERA CENTRE which just opened. recently at their new location on the Square. This is acompletely locally owned and operated business: ERIC CARMAN who has a professional staff which assures you of continued satisfaction even after you purchase here. This policy in business of selling you the photo supplies YOU REQUIRE without overselling you, backed by dependable service, combined with the largest selection of. photographic stock in the area has, this busineks very high with cust- omers. Here you can buy the hest in photographic equipment and sup plies. at lowest possible prices without sacrificing quality and service. Photo fans are assured of all leading brand names such s KONICA. NIKON, PANTAX. POLAROID. just to mention a few.. This is Goder- ich's headquarters for projectors,-scrcens. telescopes and dark -room supplies. • The manufacturers of photographic supplies and equipment have put on the Market. goods that make it easy and fun for the layman to enjoy a hobby which is talth entertaining an4 rewarding insofar as personal achievement is coneerned. Visit HURON CAMERA CENTRE. for all your requirements in the art of photography as this business is highly recommended as a place where you can shop with confidence. RIECK PHARMACY LTD. EXTENDS VERY PERSONALIZED SERVICE TO PEOPLE FROM ALL PARTS OF THE DISTRICT 14 Square 5244241 This popular Rexall Pharmacy in Goderich, features a complete line of drug and sundry items including perfumes, colognes, toilet' waters. cosmetics and a wide variety of medical supplies and baby needs. This professional concern has always given an exceptionally good service at all times. In keeping with their modern policy, they have kept up to date on all new items on the market today. Under the personal direction of LARRY RIECK, P.H.M.B. 1951 assisted by ARCHIE BARBER. P H.M.B. 1951,also the capable staff Mrs. Clara Stewart, Mrs. M. Broadfoot. Mrs. Mona Clements, it is well recognized for service always extended to custome.rs. W,e are glad to compliment this modern store both as a business and as a professional concern. which is right abreast of the times, and to those Who desire anything in up4o-date drug S and sundries, it is suggested that you visit RIECK PHARMACY LTD., established since 1957. who have many satisfied patrons throughout the area.