HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-30, Page 2t am(LIM CS
• ia no jest to Met kliss ()rave
Ns:UW(3r it may be to you, he sa
I quite sharply. I thd not expect that
--lima would make it owYea, wry
letaDAY, 'HAY 80, 1890. 1 coldly. I tui not a lovewsick f Jo!. 1 do
!solip0so 1 Shall got over it.
looked. at him reproachfully.
RONIANQE. !felt the tears spring to my .eyes at It
surds nod tone.
eilAittoTrh sTaALUY.
Oa ain't love toe as 1 lore y•n
u, I It's a Ile 1 I cried, looking straight I
Robert tonna gratefnl troubled eyes
upon toe,
God bless you, My true love 1 he
lam/muted s•tdly.
I And then Licathil's ' stern, low
is voieo broke in tn.laitt ; Alen search
hint 1
1 SAW it done. I sto them draw
U forth a ro:1 of bills—te of a hundred
1 do:lars vaeh, all math, ith n private
mark, and forming' a 1. er stun than
Robert could have coin, by rightly.
ts 1 lward Redfern identif them RR his
Oirit. Mid cleelnre that n
, ne but Robert
? had- aceosi to the side or vault. And
't dim, 1 lmard Robert say, with a
groan 44 agony ;
r Oh, (fedi My mother!
y 1 tanderstotd it ull. I stepped vp
to (erg( Itolferit and looked into his
d face.
/, Oonto with me into another room, I
each I will inakti IL bat/gain with you.
Let your men remain with their prison-
er here. And lie obeyed me.
'Men we were alone I said, passion.
ately. *
Mr Redfern you are a villain! You
have plutte 1 to separate me front the
man 1 love, and 1 last Lis ' reputation.
You shall fail in both, You know
tue,t, he is innocent,
111, an*wered quictly;
m not
1 a
his judge, Miss Craven.
He himself will tell you that 1 placed
those bills in the safe in his presence,
anti that no oho has since had access
to it hot himself. An hour ago . 1
missed them. You saw where they
were found, .1.et the ittilr decide the
1 wrung my handsin agorty, •
The law! 1 cried. Man, do you not
know be. has a mother *whom ,mob a
Change will kill? Will you be a hour-
He caught my band.
No! he said hoarsely. It is you—
Hot 1. You murder two of us•t-Alis
mother, when she learns thi stay of
his guilt, from which yott could 'save
hot, and me -3700 murder inel—for
the hour that sees you marry him sees
id into Redfern's face. Ile is innocent.
4 then, Unhurt* 1 Said, softly ; for if yt
tinuileried t weaty4wa. I W.I$ toya3 and Wyk! lilt SO, nil afraid
rich, trairely any °u. mistress, Wilt hero. SL ;it get ev//r
ceneldtwi mor,, than pretty ; and my darling
still, spite -of m thy Not-4unit low quickly his, face brightened t
opp.artAiltoes ti) OU toy condition, be caught (ny band.
3. w,• , •
• ' "" wadi wwarda Yot; say that lou insult it
taid•in.titl•ni:wo.t ; woltder peaple you doit't love 1lforn--zon wen
tn./ hard lea, marry hitu ?
1 1441 adze and suitors in f Jaye yoa, answered, ASlus da
; r,ho heirias who luta lArtus clasped toe close; 'und you oul.
:not ? Ana tw m -o loved me. , marry 1
I say two n, • 1 There wore tuany .-%tid so we wore engaged. An
who notio pro ./ ./i14its, and of whosa Rob.irt drove tne over to the eottag(
4ineolty 1 ha o.0 zu t julgo, Were and thou, to tell lii8 mother. aillt
bar t't • two 1 •
.Wet 1.Or I° will be sn pleased, he said. I
!!.t. api 1 know they 1*)"‘i iwii‘rr,, that stte Limpet:it-ea toy feelings.
Bat. 1 void(' hot t confide to her, lest
Never were two people ni uuliko foar of dL-appointuteut pain
• • cach other. looas, in tliete,disposi- (u sholdd oibtross
tione, temper, evvytaing ; it tieeniel How he loved her A little jealous
the strugest in the world that ..„, „ 8?10,. +bough my foolish heart.
o,o1.. . .
-httai-shottid ane. 1 fear you love her best, 1 said itoo•
Even their respectivo'cireninstancos
ancl positions in aered a striking r (biding, ho Said, halt chidingly,
Retit"ra was a one does no Z; tuelouro or compare such
wealthy and il,linottial bamkor; forty -31474j1. 0308 ; cacti and both is dem
yearii of age, gr.tve, quiet, mad .reserv.
est, Let my mother sailors from- 1141
el 10 lut'lau'sr' w`al an ind km'. I aihetioa of the heart. Any auxiety
ubie an‘ib1 sta,ii",_ s°c,iet5'" or paha must injure her, awl a sadden
Luau against wooin oFeatzi ot 511001 .woula Hu.
.reproacla or Llaine ever stirred ; ..(1(1 then it was first understood
while Itobert Deue—iny Itobert, rioluly lljs dovoted 081.o of 11,r, a cars
Avitorn I loved-w0i0 emit para.tive. y poor. wthoh, front that hour, 1 sintrod,
Next day Mr. Redfern proposed to
me. My heart, in spite of its •own
happines., acited for the bitter pain he
, . Laving only iiiirsalary aS eautidential
'. clerk in the Podferit basik. nit of
which he suported. a widowed tuallar)
(Ind ee.8 00.7 ot tboso inorry, cheerfni,
•liglat.leatarted fellows who sottaeluiw— showed "'I' 1 told him 1 was tillgagml
• ,
pernups frotti their love of tareatty .
i.i•ind P.icasure—get, the Mteit.i. (.106:1711,11; I had .set. my every hope on yott—I
•wild, without deserving it. Oertain cennot give you U) 1 110 ' cried, with
ixonsit. t. of passion that startled me,
•it is that -Itchert inerked no word oi ..
On, cliiiii, have merey 021 me 1 Think
•oVil, tliougn there was u, Line wheal it
av,(fit—oive tee time—i out inciter.
too.1.4.ed ottiorwise,
tutee you 1.1111218, if you ere :afabiti01.18.
I interrupted hint.
• l'ain not, ; I have w'altb enough
mid ("orig.-, only hanplutels. I shall
excopt for an ocaaaiorad „jet drive weary Elliott Date, the 0.11.0 I love.
`tvitli her. devoted son, who Idolized -Ws i"e" W(0, wurt° a". e"mtil*
bor ; so u.Looli s,, 0:41 grew pesitit.oly Yell shall not marry him 1 he said
.•: jealous. with 0 deep and bitter oath. Never,
For Robert and .1 umit.rstood e:teli While 1 live 1. 1 swear it 1
other, as lovers will. Ile. was very ' Aud he visaed out of my press
.Setisitive ani high-tninded, 1 thought fik ' it niarhil '11, luavill4 8014 shookad,
at first, that 0 -cause 1 4/18 an liei,.‘oss iriai"ili'd, PrirPh‘xed, aria with a
1 fel•.4 anti witivit I longed V° hear ; 1 said nothing abont it to It.:,bert,
Le vi,,,,,nta novo, ,p,...fik tim love 1 1813„,,,, sirani.re, sad cloud upors•iny happiness.
t the wel.i.nito deolarati,at came at however ; his riations with his eta*
ast. Voyet. continued pleasant as usual,
Aid I had Mr, Redfern. to thank :aid I did not -1>el jutitid...ci in disturb.
•• for it. I mot him ' at An's, Done's i10, them 1 ft;)t surprised whoa the
• etiti,c,„te one evening where he had " tOi,:i ma 1.77(1 :Mr. 1-.4,•ifern had hitriself
otokoied to sp.otit to Itob rt on sonic 0 aigratulited him, and made some
• b..ts.a.:;:ii, nivin4 chanced 12 800 him in i.ligi-,t but graceful allusion to the
Om-garde:1 as he was rithitg past. 1 disappoinationt to 11110801t; but I
24e.i tti, tU.i WitttiOtiP, lealli.o4 eta, anti i!;-,t1C:litle:1 to keep silence still. What
,;io ,v wi!,. I anew, 'afterwards, tnit. v,eti•tlitt nee Of creating : ill -will be -
that -,,,,a0 Oita reason he astonished tween them ?
.t..,.,oto.,•-.1. ny. twt:.(1.•to.4 oat invitation to .17(43:thly, 1. thonght, Mr. Redfern
• ort•4 10. • rep:ets his in,enipera.te warmth and
tie v,...,i a vary quiet, rotiripg men ; foolish 'voids, and takes this method
•: goin4.; 11884.' ir.to seciety, .8.94(1 beariii-:.,, to 1...,t, me know of it, -•
the rput•aliett of it confirmed 4)41, And I thought It a very good
•lialibolor, out afi.or that evening he tti-thoti, too — infinite:y pleasanter
/lit U It persottal epelOgy.
1 t.,eik.i..1g tO, timet 11110 everywhere. .ii;o ;Ia.., time flow swiftly liy, and 1
:.110 snide the. lactrutintAice pi people '221,1 linguit the preparatiors for our
vimin I- %leiter] fie t,-.•ok to going in,wriage, and our engagement was
to balk, theatres, operas ; and when 1 nod.arsiond everywhere, when the
bud met'hini 8 good many times, Lc ntorm ''Ii instinct bad warned 200
l'Oine3,ett peri.nssioil to call eti tee.
ii3Ohe/1; lwae'd of it, tuvi grew jettloot. inntrd that .1.1ttca, threatening oath,
One ci,'e.kitig le. canto to me ; his dear, hur.t satidenly.
,• handsome face- leekitt,s,,! gloomy and sin/ 1.t. wits etening and Robert and 1
cuough, were, 'hitting to...t'!tlitir, talking such
we have loen feiervis for years, said
, ail, att.1 1 bola(ve yon hhe rue well wi.ro nixie, save for ati aunt who re-
0.1) 2441 to g -ant me a favor. 1. love sided 't.11 ti nm„ und who had fallen
• yon, Lite. riat's no news, to yin, is asleep io aer easy eltair, when slid -
1 \o e.1, 1 Ile( er sheold have told (11-1,1 coo. unemennatiously the door
/you so—never shouiri have asked. you was flan4 ol.vit meet and three 113031
to betInifIn HI SO 'HI beaans.e you etre 4.41 l'r!',I• . .
ol 11 1.74,, poor ; init, ivy git,is 1 Two of *pin were °tracers. The
can't stand .ouictly by told see Jai:other inliiglifnion which their rude entrance
i 4.1(e what I'd latt,e ditit ro wit. ; $a caused govt. pl.ace to Stclieliing fear
I wit:wpm to t -it lad truly if you when. I. sow the third —George 114(t.
,, .
intend to"inarry Redfern, nun if it's ter:. I
yes, 1 shall go out of the country, mai tie 11,(eil Ids hollow, horning eyes
loy inn, until 1 inn 0/et over it. upon too liven in that moment of
' (Jia, the happy gir,'"1 ;yes when - I enetteoit•ot I was sensible de shocked
heard him 1 Tile precious wsn,(.6 1 surprtso at the str•ange eiange in. him
had longed for wen spoken at la t mime litsb we met.
He nuoirt have seen the joy iu oty Mtei, do your duty, he said briefly.
face. I felt my cheeks burn and toy .1`ct•I'xi, minute. Itobert waS tuder
eyes erow bright With happlut SS ; ariest. ,
btu he kept hi, hoc uloonvilly tor,,,,I 1 don't latiov what I said or -did in'.
1,1111 . toe first horror of it. 1 retnembor
So I stole up- to litm, half sly, half eilogio4 roulid Robert's neck, and r
Wield, all joyful, and slipped my baek being pulfoil itsvrty,by auntie, I think
about hie arm. —mid some one aakina, What i/ the 1
And .can you get over it, d1 - you charge ftgalitst, Mtn not) elldtle the ' 1
I asked demurely. . stern unswer front George Redfern's a
NM looked at me then,. and this. lipg: Roblaly I
ngteged his Arm. fle thought 1 wiit0 I.Vith that word. )137 senses oaine • s
rifling with his pain, find 15401. v4i,,,i back to iiik. 1 tore myself front
WI we. . - ., -. -. , .44114ip's and ilew to .111 lover's side.
Lti.•ne had been nay dear, dead
niethor's Naturaily I often
helot JO visit 'her. She was a great
invalid, and bartily over went ont,
01, trenn the nlontent in which I had
otot.ebse (r.t. lovers will. Wo
We a eclipse.
1 snatched my hand away.
1 will anarry him, I cried, if the
whole world calls hint
lie answered quietly,
And kill his mother!
What could I do? Turn as I would
he hi -ought me back to that ab last. isi
The son's imprisonment on a shams -
fill charge, and prebaele condeinna-
tion(for the plot vras carefully laid)
would ..starely kill the mother,
• 13o 1 accepted the alternative lie
offered. I promised :dot tO Marry the
man loved during the litetime . of
late than 1 hated.
Never while 1 live 1 he said.
That was my oath and I have kept
. •no
We went batik togother. George wo
Redfern formally withdrew the charge f tel
lie bad made, nod gave ono of the col
hundred.doifar hills to the .tiflicer as a 1014
bribe for silence. wli
SO Robert an& I were parted, And Me
his mother's life was saved. And the ly
world wondered and called tue a co- ale
quetbe, and hard to please; and a year eau
went by and found me twenty.two be
—unmarried etill—Itobert's true have bat
still—and miserable..
Row many .titnes bad seen George of
Redfern during the year 1 More than rol
a hundred times, He had come to
me praying, pleading for love—oh,
how vainly! Often as I saw bon,
though, 1 noticed how he chaiged*
he terribly—so rapidly! 'tom
Worn alnaost.to a shadow. Pale, to 1
with all the life in hitu seeming to be hap
centred riti his burning eyes. They Y
scented lit with the tires of madness. Ket
Poor George Iledferni It would be bps
hara if 1 should not give him pity who wit
gave tue 10) tuiteh love.
The mid came suddenly. One its..
winter:e night a messenger summoned
thi. two v,,liont he had wronged to his
bedtide. Ile was dying.
Just 'the sante int over, Strange,
abrupt, half -crazed. Ile triolt Robert's
hand without noticing me, and storud
into his eyes.
brought ,you pain and sorrow,
hawin't I that's nothing! You
Inive brought too (lw to tIt4ittin
1 loved that win 1,7 -toyed her! Ali Ot t
Woven! that (10,411.pross it., Yor
became a villiitt* ithlier sake. nun
I liked yott, Robert. 1 Meant' to
make you purtner some day. Rate,
turning soddenly iv/suds vivo, you
know 1 took the bills out of the safe.
No muter. I've 411 41114 aneolds,, Inn
lying, and Robert Deno is my heir. sktil
it gat 'true. We remained with T ra
Om till tl • In o , (Inuit way
norning be roue cold and quiet •too— and
t rest! nfon
You may marry bee vory soon, ho that
aid in dying,. but not 'while 1 live. for N
Poor t0e.or.o Itotlferitt MI loved um I day,
well, :t Wetted the noting daisies on; erg
his grave with tea l% before J. too
freedom that 114 death bad g
After, that .1 1441 sorrow by,
married Robert,.
ire was rich flow. And his in
to this day helievod it was t
quarrel that kept tis apart oo
Better so, for the inomory of the
who sought to blast our liveR,
lost his own, is spared. Ann
spare bun to his fir kve, and p.ty
l'or Uy lifo's romance had a
on/ling, nod 1 am a happy TVO
ttfter all.
the trips ulOU,O, but in the coarse of time
ivell. 'my boat 'Peanut a •recogoi4ed retry.
and it was the starter ()filly lint o Ocean
!stilton/vs one 40 the mono/ made. ,
other iStorwa rd. I've helped to 1 Soma
yees nf Lb(' other fellows -I owners of hettPr
long. Wilts. -1%1d bright fell ms too; they
dittoit let;ve enougb to pay their
814(11 funeral expensc.,s.
=ow tiltaigs
TE ,IANC' coLuum
ionn 1.o.1q101T1) 101 einuitor •r, W. C. ,J1• r.
ye--tr.'• to Cazatimt Costici Tqirgieut't•lce
•Weviv !a wootniRri mr..th
1 hag G 40:all/et; reatAtro,
ny IOE acne
To bo s1i0e•-•st4fit1711 anything re,
plan of work ; nothilfir it;
• worki it; more tlinotiraing to a speak..
; er tba7 to arrive in a tows untl find
-ONO that IllattOrti 11:1,‘ 0 »Ot arrimged
Dad properno Theroforo we give tile •
find following stigv•st ions to ail workers,—
ot.on; I: 1, f;imuld ;von (1,..:iro temperance
work (lone in rot town lct the
ortpuization, of whatever 'mine, call
noneeting, at such Meet -
"(I illIg 8 committee with powPr to engage
11;11 , ''„
, sputilit
hot'. 2. J'.ppoittr, coonnittee to secure a
wit.. 1111; or 6w:eh foe ttie lowl:st price.
There is 'au old sa3 hug which r,
thus : ''L. ty even a snake's Load u
seven years, and you will 11.1d
for it, if sou turat it over 0110e 11
in the meantime,"
I doo't +advise you to out accord
ly as .faz us shake's heads are vow,:
ed, It there is ft Wealth. of weal te
in the feeling 014 prompted this
saying. It Malls that ,you Will
use for anything., no matter 1
hasignificant and valueless it seem
you think of it—'turn it over'
(lewdly enough.. 1 am lemindec
this ridiculous. old sayhtg about o
a weal: on. an average, as 1 go thro
this world and nytice how pe$*
remain poor lactiaysc they do not,
prove the advOttiges withig IJ
reach. liavillun advent* is
good unit find Kola way
using it.
General Fremont, the-limons 'Pa
finder,' use to toll a pathetic story
a miner who starved to death on
riohest vein of geld -bearing rock i
ever -had boon discovered to
mineral belt df the Far West; Th
was plenty of gold thu rock—
made twenty fdrtunes atterwer.la
but the discoverer didn't know how t
get it out, and he was not the kind o
man who rettlizod that his brains vit
given to him to be fl 7(1,747) 14,1 a,etua
laid himself down ard died of start
tion on the very chi of quartz frt.
which millions a d.Alars vide aftt
wards o pined. 11 foal war: worth
mountain of shakes' head, but
didn't turn it over ; that he did
set himself to thinking: how, v41
and through whom. he etlitt work
to the best adveotage
Most pei.1•14.1 ore a good
him. If they ,hare enythhig
llg,they never tiro of talliinu• ab
it, but wh-ni the time o nir>s thsy arta
nowhere. It realty seouis that some
people. would rather die than think.
hen you 'tiro exctvitnis th
ru4c, you are lia•Ay to surprised,
for they neverure the bril:iant, dash.
ing looking people. The leap 10-10
thinks sekluto looks brilliant. If
were to go into lir.Edison's laboratory
in search of the invelitor yon would
ver recognize bim by his lool.S. Yon
old Dud the most striking lookipp;
tu to be the fellow who twos the
timeliest Work witich requires the
st thinking. b•li you to he
a is caod contriviw which
ens that yet1 7;110Uld think frequtiu
fUld long, t.11 over and ail e.round
out any property you may have tlz
Id be turned to good neeonnt.
despondent bccausc mouto you kust,
'e mere proir-frzy or quielir wits,
light here lot toe wedge ill .vors
b'cripture, LI well wert!
ling orer in, your Lehlti trret.,
ny tunes :
filo race is not to the owi1t,. rim
703 hut H., is not said alr.t the lawait priced
hall 1E the liest ilace. Always secure.
the most popular pace If yon wfsh
th• to pate!) fox, you will ito eompelle(1
of to set the tan) in the fox's ran.
th" 13. Appoint a conitnit b.ie that will
lid meet tlio tinc.,81ltti, (it his 0(1.1731 at the
1110 tlation. Pow things aro more morti•
fyirig than to stand in the depot and
/it • enquire wittle 1.h lives,
(1: :bet teeeption committee .
oil hand ill Wile to conduct the speaker
to toe 111711 or church, • Clive him
faniatiou in regard t11 any matters yoU
wish him to know,4, to use for the
benefit of tho town.
ro Always see that the speaker has ;
a :Warta room in the winter season, as
J' going into 801)1(1 room is liable to.
1)1, bring 017081 17 severe old.
0. Previous to the ("outing' of the
rp(al4er, hol done or two meeting's using
.:(.4,1 talmit for speakers.
Le. 7. One of the main features for sue•7
ut ones of Itny meeting is email sinoitor
.1tiere 8nottld lie from to 80 voices
on. tho Us,: (impel hymns.
istng wiLic the cengregstiuh'is
if • log.;
11.• Eden a chair:tem from the
audio -he.; ; uolavt, !row 01' Women of •
high stantiii.g, 418 thi^s 1,1.1% o tone
to the meeting. Ile best ,Ttlan is to
settle on a eltairintio, intet vicw the
person f•cleeted, then, when the time ,
for the bieethri, Las arrived, lot, some-
ot.e nottlinato itnerviewed.
Ifievt•i a committee rtipttinted for
SPoUring 1400'44 and pl,(-1;•.;:;„ ttee
the close of tbe atie(4,1q.
e- 10. Let every ehtitaian come and •
sign first. Then ins;.itt.to yourself ft
coounittee ttsk others 1,) 02)2118 and
11. 'Invite the p1. 4413'4 of all 'demi-
0 73718141.u»0) to OeUnpy C8.7.te OO
8 pl,i,.tfortn, also pastel -J. of Item an
t 'Outholie tlie5 tetcper-.
taco worn takes 111 all the neopic in a
• town,
the battle to du, otrintiz, mother yet
bread to the wise, nor yet riches to
; of understatiOing, len ;yet favor
nen of skill, hut time and chance
penoth to them OW ••
our time' and c;i:ance will como
•p your • liro;os twily to noke MA(
of your opportunity. 11 114111' be
Lin you reach now, bot if you
11 1.0 crio4b into you and notke
if koown, wink your head is full
of something else, yoa ntAke up
your mind that you aro i.3eing to got
Old Commodore Vanderbilt tozi.t1 to
tell a geed story that boars (IR 1.il16
point :
atm I was a youngster,' Naid 110,
'a. let of 11,9 Em•tuers' boys 011 titateit
islaud bad •ortil boats, and once in a
while one of us would make a sitillinn
WO by carrying a J911. 174732? to Now
lc, It winat touch monoy, but
my was so scarce in time days
let a of us hung around waitit.4 •
for a job. 1 hadn't the boat of
the lot -1 wasn't the bed 7.311101.
either—but, ono day !Mae Up lay
miud that tho boat and le V Bailie', •
WU all the capital had find that
ust got my living out of it some
. took aue mouths of thinking
.contriviug, but ono day, I went
g the shoats and told every family
thereafter my boat wonid start
emt York it certain hones of tbn
whether there were any ptmeng•••
r not. made a geed many
111. Be sore that yon are wide awake
and full of 'filo when 3041 oo to the
113.1818442(1 iig.
0A1 (y:oettnpltileld• with e
• most powerful agent to wake a, meet-
ing a sueeesS. The factor is printer's
41178. .13artilto 841)111 for stIeeeSS bfisi•
liess, use prirstor's f,. Get out
tioiLters, pot them into (NO • home,
state where the Mei:Wiwi tie !le place ;,
on the bottom of the 1*.:e.1);er state
that there will be ut the door a
siker collection to di:fntY e8q.)(418424.
1'713 80)111114 the tiewr:pliperti 141 your.
23,310 80 IA0T11111111.--A111,1.-M3 tt42t,9h847 t414 night
4,120 14(1473(5(3 of .pa.tr Itst hy 41.041141 stifiefins and
trying 0101 pain of Cat.t:!,• If ao f101111 at
Oileft twat n'an,sr Wilighpes soothing
.4yrn.;," fro (:4,74(7o3146 value is fneallal.
1:2,1,4, 19 will rtii.`.st, to 7•1.:or Itztle • sutictor
inn)3outiately, til 11, 05,4:I7t81 Acre in Stl,
rtat:ta!to allunt it. it cute:4 Ovetvitters anti THavrbfba,
rea Stumaat 14#:1S NUTS W11810.1.liet
NFI the (R, re1011.11 arid given
taut, ana waws to 78‘ w13108 layi,tatn. "Alm Wis-
Plat'a • SoothiNg b)'/t37, 8 181 c'..,thircn 'teething nt
pla.v,laut to tho uste ntut 4 net pi,vriptiot 417 07(0 of
41,,,,,wa unit Wut, fcmale i,hyqhioroc and 041440(4 01
1,n1t4.4 Mateo, (ma 33 mi• ntic: 16 all firttm.riat
mavatritout ti4a woo& PriN• twinpave rents 73,
bqtve, 10 sum rout aroi 1,n• onts. wts&Lows
.18octronc0 extturt"tlett 'take 110 e51.7,(9'.11441.1.
Lovo is not altogether 31 tiolititurn
yot it has many points lin common
therewith. _I call it rather a discern..
'ing of the infloite with the
—If your entt•oription io tki 172141
TrettlTs an earlw payment 1)4 11114 iiitlebteltl,
04475 '0 111 be aporeotattd b tht, propristor,
12e 821Vj tii0 13,0 otifPulleott'n
Inc loo Icartr
000 years prior to the landir
• viattesal, 171111:31,ahltitrob;tt,b,de.toInciLi
tabliwled the empire Ott alit
connected the country by t
straight roads, often 100 nil
and all ce»ntected with the (
Along 1,.Ite4;• roads were pl
of repose lna entertainm
kinceo miners, Agretaultt
annoll attetitiou, and, on nee,
scarcity or rain pro...ova lo
the ilthla were watered by c
freak 4'1v('3', and lakes, Tho
vated maize, petatoes, and
had quite an extensive 00114(4)
The religious character of
Perusinik, is an interesting st.
were nitwit inure developed
• spect then their southern lick
while tlio worship of the kW
have. been the religion of VI up
priests seem to have held the
lief of a pernocal Cod,,ereator
and other heavenly bodies,
Human ;•;:eriticeo were a
lino...via and cunnihatl,
found, 1..);:liala wr1ti144 W1/43
great 041.3,3., and 81. Wooral
:kept by a system of knotti
Thoy had (pato d'aveloped in I
we have st 1,olnotth11.ty or ft
songs, were txtainly upi
fections.—.0100dellibia Ledge
Varietie» of fungi, or tot
they ere popularly called, 1.
out light in a dark plaeo hat
ported fro:a Australia, and ot
the world. The appearance ,
Wresting growth, as &coo in
scribed by 4111 English natural
One dark night, about the'
of Decotobor, pasatig,
&tracts, 1.(•)1.14l•rved some bo,),
themselves with some lumin(
which 1 at ilrst, supposed to I;
largo tinily, but, on making
found it to 1X'(4 beautiful 14101
fungus, 0,83 wns told that g
tautly in the neighborhood, on
obtained a great many spec
inches 1773,1 nail' across,
The wi!Ao Idnut gives out
bright, ploviiltort.,neont light
greenish huo, vitniltir to that
the larger Vretties, or bytho (
bodied matino animals.. The
out by a rot, of those fang
room, woe staileient to read by
• 7.3'.:4ero 140;(7
• The po717.1:t1' eaptain of C(
Twelfth 'Vera:ont regiment,
ing in to •,,c,:g•ds- Ala out of
1,0 war, when lie
au/viz:tor Cif 1/;:i company sit
, stump or 18 1,4:113 and looking
47737' 111(1(2 ildaStlit :Val;
464 11(47(2 reply;
"-,No, sir," sa
some resoo .lent, "nothing el
wtr.,, are you thinki
asked his vey,:iionor. "1 was
-Bald 1.1114 1,
"that •
%vat; 171 4:7 ;:p•ther's barnt".
father'3 'V1x0 021 et
you do 11 were in yo
• 4117a1711.:1:(
hou'As 1174,7 T-,1310"—Surein
ihzwr 41Giames.
2"f•trr7.ng tx) strong 18
giusit;cs er'...,ti;m:ously the near
may 11:.0 ve:'y increase
eased coif: 74 the interio
cauctul, oy lead to
loss of mid even feta
Then, fa tnloie el!SeN Weari
g1a5,1 (nay do vez7 much ha.,
we fregoautly notice( peoplo
oseghtsioa 1ip;.-1;(1 at Various
these easo;, tkat glam actin:1(41*1 .
fo 1,10C c'z',.,stier; CIO WOrk it
i,s.caub1n441 t; t ea in upon the
niv 147 tho stai•t,
a long s,,ries Of rzervoutidisore
the wflirin...r of ..finer eyegias
tocles witlion rhos 1428737 171
caneo vory entl,tyiu;.; alld /JO:
t01144 fr.'t t11;3 (.41 r0 duo
)nst..'e (2:l17 ('7' the edgeo2t
,Uoy 77112 snow xtro
(Lirellooluirtst•nit of orperieiu
doula, 741 of numerous ear.
who 187(1(7 142,44 tatithigat bflt
„ . •
itOOlitf‘' 171. t!1, elteept, p
(Ira eft rou:,,I lazines$, 41111 I
thaw, (1178(2378111.41,1
velopoi in 1:(tv 11(42 12)42*) iaze(
Thi•usual r(41(-,, h(r,vever,1,,,,2,»
it' a boy poiNis; to turn i.ut )4?
3142 0i4us of f
( arlyt.arcer,17. f.;not
b(licatiens to 314143(4,11, 711.1434;
("lowed with the ewital.,:n
vigor which is tkati41,..1 V) c
the tTont 14141.if lie et,t;.:,17341
Titelcvneh et../.ti 1,
171 nut1 getWtt,..lati) tkna; tat
1887. lho nu,ria,o lvoulst
s.Ill larger but foe
ruiners in the largo.4 Cst
rritatsh APO nitaki &PAWN