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Whitechurch WI
Whitechurch W .L held its ,Public
Relations meeting November 11 at
8.30 in the Whitechurch Commun-
ity 1V:lemorial Hall with hostess
Mrs. Lorne Durnin welcoming the
ladies. The president Miss Merle
Wilson opened the meeting with
the singing of the Ode and
repeating the Collect. The Area
Resolutions were discussed and the
branch delegate Mrs. Russel Gaunt
given necessary information.
Family Night is to be held this
Friday evening with Whitechurch
members in charge of the Pot Luck
Supper with cards to be enjoyed
Inter in the evening. The Institute
Christmas Banquet is to be held
this year in the Anglican Church,
Wingham on December 2nd at
noon, the price of dinner is $2.75.
All are to bring an unsigned
Christmas card for shut-ins. A
buying committee of Mrs. Nettie
Ross and Mrs. George Fisher was
The roll call was answered by 15
telling one way a member caai
assist in establishing good public
Miss Wilson read a poem, In
Flanders Fields. Community sing-
ing of 0 Canada, Maple Leaf and
Let There be Peace on Earth, was
Mrs. Bill Rintoul read an Essay
on Remembrance Day. It is a day
set aside to remember two world
wars. Young people can't remem-
ber what they never knew, During
Remeitmbrance . Day they attend a
memorial service. ; What is- the;
good to wear a. poppy? It shows we
Walk we are honouring them if we
are ant : old enough to remember
Remo nbrance Day. As young folks
grow up they realize what it was to
leave home and loved ones and go
away to other lands amid the, roar
of battle.
Mrs. Victor Emerson read the
motto for Mrs. Wm. Evans - You
speak a better sermon with your
life than with your lips. We find
character is what a person really is.
Things that go into character can
be called stitches. The first stiteh
of character is love, next is
diplomacy, modes of behaviour,
giving praise and commendation.
These qualities strew benefits to
all. Mrs. Wm. Rintoul cionducted
two contests, Mrs. Tom Metcalfe
and Miss Merle Wilson gave
interesting informative reports of
the Bruce County Rally held at
Wiarton October 1?,
Tree meeting was then turned
over to Mrs. Gordon Wall. Stanley
demonstrator. After the demon-
stration lunch was served by the
committee, Mrs. Fred Tiffin and
Mrs. Albert Coupes.
Orrie Gingrich,. Pastor
10:00 am. Sunday School
11:00 a.ni. Morning Worship
Rw, Doug Kaufman
10a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Guest Choir fort
Wiarton United Church
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Presbyterian Church
Ray. Gismo NaMS LA,. B.O.
!'ruse SIM
SAS a.m, Sunday Schad
Na Blersing Service
7:30 pm. Moderator of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada,
Dr_ Hugh
the guestDavids be
J, W. Vaa,Stevapeort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 ,Sereke
first `�*��,of the month
MINN 4111•1•1.
YPS Entertain
College Students
On Saturday and Sunday the
Young Peoples Society of Langside
and Whitechurch entertained first
year students from Knox College
under the supervision of their
student preacher Mr. Bev Kay and
the members of the Society.
"Present from Knox College were
Miss Judy Archer, , Jim Biggs,
Raye Brown, Bill Elliott, Sandy
Fryfogel, Miss Caroline Lockerbie,
Miss E. M. Iona MacLean, Doug
Robinson, Gordon Smith, Bert
Vancook, Randy Dixon.
On Saturday evening the Y.P.S.
5- piece orchestra entertained with
leading in the sing song of Pass it
On, The Greatest Gift, Seek and Ye
Shall Find, Amazing Grace, For
These Tears I Died, What Shall it
Profit and Try a Little Kindness.
Rev. Glenn Noble of Luniw
gave the large gathering of Young
Folks a most inspiring message on
Y.P.S. work and their problems.
After the service all went to the
community hall where coffee was
served and games enjoyed, On
Sunday Langside service was held
at 9.30 and Whitechurch at 11.15
conducted by the Y.P.S. and Knox
College visitors.
At Whitechurch Miss Judy
Archer, Knox College, gave the
solo Be Thou My Vision. The
Y.P.S. odea led in the singing
of Give to Our God. Immortal
Praise, and Mi ie Eyes Have Seen
the Glory_ The meditation lesion
was given by several Knox College
Students. The anthers was Td it to
Someone Today ' - Miss Iona
At the elm of the service all
were invited by the Society Presid-
enrCecil de Boer to the Sunday
School room. where lunch was
served to the congregation by the
Y.P.S. and all had a chance to meet
many of the Knox College stud-
ents. This get together • was
inspirational and rewarding to both
Y.P.S. members and College stud-
entt$, revealing what they can
accomplish when they get together
and what they can do as a group.
Trinity U.C.W.
Trinity ' United Church Women
met in the church basement . on
November 14, with an attendance
Of 19 ladies and 1 child. The
meeting opened with thesinging of
Hyman 301, "Oh Master Let Me
Walk With Thee". and then all
repeated the Lord's Prayer.
The president, Mrs. Charles
Wilkins read a verse "The Creed
For A Congregation",/. following
with a short word of prayer. Mrs.
Frank Alton opened the devotional
part of the meeting with an
appropriate verse and a prayer_
Mrs_ Wm. Andrew introdirced
the meditation with a description of
"The Horne In Bethany", with
Mrs. Frank Alton giving a "Recipe
For Happiness", continuing with
an article by Mrs. Andrew, ' "Giese
Us Our Daily Bread". Mrs_ Frank
to ' gave a verse "Vitamins in
the Word of (sod". Mrs. Aka
Hackett read "The Kitchen Pray-
er", and Mrs. Doug Ray~oaxd read
am *azide on "`Tire Martha's" in
real life to day. Hymn 302 was
sung, Lard Speak To Me lbat=1
May Speak, and the
eked with prayer by l Rank
�►.lioia. .
Mrs. Doug Cameron gaze an
appropriate roadMg with the seas-
on of Christmas app sing,
"Cbsirkg Time".
It was
that Pito of our young people will be
Kiniough A.C.W.
The 'Kinlough Anglican Church
Women met on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Midford Wall.
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh presided and
read the scripture. The opening
hymn was `"O God our help in ages
past" after which the president
welcomed the members and visit-
ors and expressed sympathy to.
Mrs. George Graham in the loss of
her brother, the late Jack Hewitt.
Mrs. Midford Wall read the
minutes of the previous meeting.
The word for the roll - call was
"Remember". Miss Edna Boyle
reported on the Deanery meeting
which was held in Walkerton on
Monday, November 4th. Corres-
pondence for this month was a
letter from Mrs. Evelyn Hussey - of
Brucelea Haven, Walkerton, thank-
ing all those who took part in the
program which they enjoyed very
aitch, also a letter of thanks from a
9R year old lady who is a patient in
the Wingham and District Hospit-
al, Mrs. Patience Lawrence,
mother-in-law of the Rev. H. L.
Jennings, who was given the Altar
flowers following the Harvest
thanksgiving Service here.' Miss
May - Boylegave the meditation
"The 'Poppy Story" which was in
keeping with Reiuembrance Day
with the theme "Lest .we forget".
Prayer was offered before the
election of officers and each
member agreed to carry on with the
same office for another year.
Miss Edna Boyle presided for the
deter of officers. Mrs. Bert
Nicholson thanked the last year's
officers and also the hostess. On
November 28th Father Palmer,
who is well known to the ladies,
Having been here many times with
the late Canon R. W. Stump, will
be speaking in Wingham and on
the following .day at 9-30 a.m. will
be in charge of a quiet day in
The South Saugeen Spring Dean-
ery meeting will be held in Blyth.
The meeting dosed with the litany
from the Living Message and .
prayer. The December hostess wl
be Mrs. Bert Nicholson. This will
be the Christmas peogram and the
conveners are Mrs. Howard
Thompson and Mrs. Jack Scott. A
genero as amount of quilts, clothing
and baby things were brought for 3
lovely bales ,which were then
packed for • Keewatin and St.
Monica House at Waterloo, A
delicious lunch was served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Rose
Hodgios of Teeswater and ferments,
of concession 10. t
attending Five Oakes fora week.
The ladies are reminded that they
will he packing a bale next week.
Following the buiiness portion of
the meeting Mrs. Doug Cameron
gave The Trinity Tattler. A short
prayer by Mrs. Charles Wins,
followed by the last two verses of
Hymn 301 and the meeting was
dosed with prayer by the prod`
enc. Lunch was then served by the
committee in thane-
The regular Monday , ,o
ing of C.G,I.T. .,
Story Charades. the gi d,
songs for the yes
The president,
opened with the
verse and hymn. The
gave her report ad the
was hived..f was tanaa
$301.73 was °olio ter
The crafts night
party were eve
Thompson .offered to nit in(
foster child in Peru.
Parts were gives to la
Vesper Service to
December 8 in St. ms's Arga
Miss Ritchie's poop i2
quiz. Mrs. N"s &MN
Cayley's gimps
study from the
Foldout. The men*
Taps -
Youth Condit
Langside and
Young Peoples and the
students of Knox Cable,
conducted ':,.e eh {.t Strikt
on Sunday. Naim de Btu,
Weirsma, teal de Boer,
Kay and Roomy titbit
"For those teas 1"
"A Grate". 'le
sional hymn was "GinItm
in»tal praise". Fad k
gave the call towers*.
Young gave th.
,lessons were read by Wen
Sant and Marty Yeea i1
Thou my Visine"' was
Judy Archer. S9
gave testimouieseanditivall
ministry. Hada doe Bier
Unison Lesson. The
little child hie ete"
children's story ghee 1y
' student. The offer* vas
I by John de Beer and kaki'
The mass their ant, Id
senieorie to day" was
Miss km Maw. a
Knox College.. %QS
Ninon de Baer. The b?cam
Joyful We A " ims
The beiied1 was
the 'Reeessional hymn lb!
have seem the Gen'.
the Langaiide families
seri,�ce of � t
social bMIT flail `ny
The ,Young Peeples df
and Whiter:heat& hat a
Rally at Whiatelenel
Math en Sato a '
was otll atter ibt•
r101111g at heart. The fine;4'1.
Com stunts ant de
People led the rte'
praisies to Get R
Noble gave az
Eve them 6304ed
chart Hai eve
infer time vas stet
the god
lord ims -