HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 7Ikeatia" //4 • Fey Report . it1 1. years have oat "'1 =mbar of Orldlltl+ li NW640 DtRlw� of f a 'Stt I! b01 414. ostllir; �ffi tale f Ir ��., 0)l' 11)10 0 .:I10t f EWS OW 11 1.,L1011##11 ar1cu,,,,010i001 Dt11:. viterethne Elam a LL..+11. 1401%,. 11 :to!!! :41411. : 111 tr11 III 1tfit • TWE MICRON. . SENNTINEL. LUCkCNQw_,,. ONTARIO rar'. Nementber • s a good time to Set ant raspbenies, The plants are dormant rro,Vsothey we wIa which is prpe to damage.gee. eral recommendatkna u 0.G+; to s feettapart ini feolt rows. Row with cam vary of iu~+uitLuou em your snmattkan bat S reliably he as clesa syeui %,e �wank TY - Ill( 1 cult - knew `1Th 0.t teastt li) feet. TO save a lot ofirk iii GGI GGIe pint fiile"..'t'1i 11> „ free of bath . �Itt€;�..Ulill'a.lries have a 7i(I0.rt 1'ptit�i,lll n a ( e ii. ow - ever„ they do not tolerate stt - Is water.. The kat,-{ son Is with. L1`l"'9tmoisture , OJopotrli'. I �I al 1110 10111.01Z The meat imam. m. wa ety for general 7p�I3r ;Ula 01111111Q: i�S, ,.. l� ti h. area y the free stack, certitirted11G oto 1 {the alga& awl from Eke Nurseries in tks- tQJ,i 100 11I&0 u411)1101itu. 0111 10; 110 111111 110 11,1 ad - viva on thisl "0.„ .at ei' the' off 83 Jackson Sit.„ 8. 1$ Ill+• 1 It 14' 111(::11 41111111 it.1 • hill to 0); ':I1111) •'•.Ilta 1101 A t t'tl 0140 #11.0 alabitSt- 1.1,01 it;. retuned. t; tilsrvic . ;fit, ,,tttr• otherex- toott& -6111 t! .andl aDedl di r; I•:,tnGu11 iln: too comer„ 0; 0.t) h ..1,;11 It7I�5° pati. itt l ;' in the. ninth 13j1t pi OW 1411 Mt ,g1 111 ; 1111::111 ' so Ittt:+l 111, Ate 0 ti, that two peed II,Ik lime MD MBA Ott NOM it* 141ttli 1(t�yi,t,�'� Bpinallit Witd Witt - ink • 11,1; Wit 1(111111 e Nit t 1101 ander. 110) Ill(ht 11110 Iasi' IV, 1U'l'to t:. LSI Ill VW!. 11::11 =it) t11Jt.;1111 i:I they start 61 LtC.'103tiLVln 341.1111'(:11, ince CO. I' 111196 3111,:olt:+t (1t 14 I0Oth`1111- EIBLEUTIONS '?:.D) res in Cii'SLLYiVkt;;,.,,''�ttr.7,a�ac1;' t 000.1 WAair- ^� ;.1 DI ,., it1010J ;L cres- (.12,aof Tee 1:010; spa W' S Witco- tter whe alt i!m attar* 11114 0.$1 Bar - Pacts eat- �,�,,,�y� �j .011)0 ;t7., ��A MA II+ 141 l;i 1ttor!, 1101 r. I. .41(.1) 11tH 001 DLo1:.011 111 111 ;:kt:.Itnatiloltl;t 4:391 Dyi 1,001101 I 0.;011 1.e JO111 lilace"„ 0111'1.11 (I 1,1! Ito t1nI.'1It0)Dt '44 1 (1),I ' 1� nJ+� 1 MG ME, the Vt ofi• Can- piractibianer fear a years,. is mailable ;from( lacknirat •, for Ali. Paul ft "Ip►a Ians G, Mar' , at . gisgs, mixed anywhere lir Cue- a Stalks at 11320 ".41111 0 ;1)01 tor.* !JI I 101011 • 11(10.: 11 :011010(101 PAGE Sin CARD O G S glinillinililiifinnummememmeliminassanime 11W 'e ,' G G Gi like to givethankst die Sp 11 I,.I G.D u area and I' sea e and moor ladies for tiho, rovely s wer1• gifts and helm at the time of owr wedding. Spec- ial thanks to the lades off the area„ ladies who) crated the Levelly quilt for ray aunt for tis:. It is all very mush .appiree`. �ei1 ! t) .ten i' II X110.11 ii of lo ll t 10. Lraccltndbw Legion nienibers wish to thank • I i these who danced tto the twat 00142iyearnass, elm to: eXpress to ,. a ;a•• for car‘-. Ctrs and ris i;s .white II was in hospital. and to Doctors Curia and literdin,. with. special (flunks to Jean Whitby.. All was eats.•appreciated: . an Makers • The ff :000 of the tate w'rill'i'ant 1D. Campbell wish to, extend their mere thanks. tte their relati>vtes, neitittanurs and ffliie for. the niany. expressions s acts of kindness; and help at the time off their herea, 400 t..4 A thank you also tto. those sending filo ral tributes,. (camels and thous to) the C"a:rracrIka Calmer Sacietc. The Ontario Heart Found- : the Auxiliary Fund off t hi Bl'rnic'1:rdimne ��« n7y'err�ca,`l^ •• ospita1 and the at io :.,b .01 Eith1G ���'aci ..' Mary Campbell and family 1 0 01 Do 010 01.. it would lily tttnl express 0.l xmks for uiSits;. ;10 • andtreatstre attswhitem i Wa / E0 "G `I[i Thank you tta Dtr.. Cauri*. Dr. 1GI Doi and nuarses;. hta Tial isfr 01 )•r3:i 011010) (1.:10111;t) 11:1 ritit) i11:1 0ir;a)l) Use Chriatmas Seal& ifs citmatter. lair a� clad breath.. tiek F etnpitvstam, tuberculosis, and atter res p l t atory. 1.5 ens es help Mry R. L. Honsberger one of our representatives will be at the Sutton Park Ina KINCARDINE (396-3444) ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th FOR ADVANCE' APPOINTMENT CALL IDS OWEN SOUND (376-44211 CARD OF THANKS We wisillt to) ' .11:..0 o; a special to Pyr.. Come,. thr. Sweeney amid Dr. . Door; '• and an the nurses who. were. so kindl tto me while II was a path , lffi 1 0/ wit,. . Kcar- dine and t oderich &so.;.•I.. ASo, to, all the neighbours and friends and relatives who sent rats and Hewers "thanks a ant very muck Bill( and Mae Pace 1101.: We world like to express our thanks tta firiend apd relatives 1 for the lovely _. 41 given to us,, Willi a Spedat ti tilts to those VAS arranvdi our rec ,D 11N0 #1 l &a.c-lc..4 III and 'M rion ` 0,0 0 Lon' CARD OF THANKS wish to) I a :' 01 t all who sent cards . and gilts on the occaasien1 of my 90th birthday, with special thanks for the" birthday Turner and to alhlwhop p cai'1'ed at: Open flotise, and, Pater' at our home to extend best a - .. An was, great- ly appy Jim Keane We would. • Pike to thank our family for the loiely gifts and dinner• on the aecasion of our 40th anniversary. Thanks al- so. lsol to Carrick. and Jean Coles for 'the • enjoyable mei-al eve} i presented a •. F -S P 0 D and the giltpresented and to others who remembered ' us` on this special oecaSmm. and • Alma Lowry '00 oat, 01..1 be Chiidren's Aid Society Of The COuidy Of Bruce Inc. TAKE NOTICE thata special meeting of the members of the Childre.n's Amid Society of , the County of Bruce Inc. will be held on ednesday, the llfh day of Decemher, 1474 at &.00 p.m. IN WALKERTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL IN THE TOWN OF WALICERTON for the purpose of considering the following arms of business: t The amendment of -clause 4, of the. paragraph as to General Meetings of t, being the General By-law of the Soc- iety, to permit the presence of 20 'members of the, Society at an general or special meeting to constitute a quote cif members for the purposes of that meeting, 2: The change of the name "The Children's Aid Society of the . County of Bruce Inc." to "Family ands Children Services of the County of Bruce operated by, The• Chib rete. Aid iety of the Cour* of Bruce Inc." • 1. TO amend clause Iof the' paragraph as to Membershiptopermit admission' to membership of persons over the age af eighteen years instead of the age of twenty-one yes. 4, To transact any other items of business as may be brought forth at suck meeting. • amendinents that may be made to General By-law Na. t are subject to receipt of the approval of the Ministry of Cam- rnutnitt anti Social Services. DATED at Walkerton. this 8th day of November 1974i