HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-20, Page 504110VEMBER 241* 1974 EVENTS COMING EVENTS iota* BINGO issiaa Biogo at the twom„ Wedns- 1u." Solt9:gU)-ro- 15 Pt each THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO games; JaelzPot a 6 mos with $513 zratiosien $1-01 3for5kor ON ETING istas if Royal ca- Emeth Luck- kggeted to attend the rtegisT„ Nov- roe- , SATURDAY ajta IPrewel ere on Sat - 014';41 NtAtA," tt,"" in the 0000 la honour o tibit daughter erabant Rev& Ron lob, and room &rat - t nolo for dam- , aid be served - WI &MEMO Idaff 306MiNg 10 the Wes*, Noverder WM. Skes for the w21 be kl,m!,LotIce„a,E: ••••••=•••• ilEtES CLINIC trit,7! Ear name ea - a referee is tanamiSadly, am Et is hoped II lung Pee* in tt Rita &orb&eiff this jab naive' a referees It Raft infarmalka 1:•;,o -o5/1/4114. LOST NONE HANOVER HOLIDAY FLORIDA TOURS AIR 1. Daytona Beach, 15 days„ Dec- ember 2.1st to Jamiary OK Twin PS& 2. North Mama Beach 9 days, March 15th to March 23rd. Twin SIM .•••••••••NOSIN MIZ•• MOTOR COACH TOURS & Cypress Gardens St. Petes, Ftwt Lauderdale Daytona Bech, 15 days December 21 to Jemmy 416. Twin $32:t 4. Cypress Gardens St. Petima Fort Latudesdee Daytona Beach, Washington, 15 &ks Febtmorii 21 to March 6. Twin tria. 5. Daytona Beach, long day 3t days. Departure January 12 and lvaituary IL Twin 6495. 29 thais„ departure March 7. Twin 642a. 6. Gettysburg WarMwtaA, Myr- tie Beach Jake !shoot, Daytona Beach, St. Pete; Fort Lauder- dale, 21 days. march 1st to Mardi MIL Tyke $442. 7. Daytona Beach, 9 das,, March nth (ercesieg) to March 23a Twin Mt- ,MOTOR MAO. AND MR TOUR & Gettifshorg„ Washizigtox Myr- tle Beach, Jekyll Isla* Daytona B ach St. Pete% Fort Loader- dde„ 15 days, deportee March ;rebting by air.. 'Ma $996. .1.1=111.1•11•1••• Stootraght Coritheare awakes. &medic sad laternadortal air - roe reservations, c and CP.. nil reservation. AR tour departures direct from your ans. For descviptive boo:fames and perms:el travel assistance maid NANO= TRAM SERVIa FOR RENT FOR RENT — 2 bedroom apart - mem in Ripley, heat and water paid, available innmediatelv. Phone 3O -51n. FOR RENT — downoothiro heated apartment lady or couple prefer- red_ Available iornerfiately_ Gens Apartments, phone S28- 33 Lueknow. FOR NEW — mtall apartment, ele" heated, furnished or "led available iruntec4- altely. Phone 3-2.174 5rX-3134. FOR RENT — heated apartent, newly decorated.. Available this month_ Andersen Apartmems 3111O. FOR RENT — apartma — 2 !edreems kbtheatt nininf and th- ing MOM, 3. p bathroom and tarattryreem_ Avagable January 1 Phone KZ -2174 or wo-atat_ FOR RENT — furnished, heated, bed-odttixg supplied, all utties paid' . • d ms Aprt- meats phone W3 -31M Loolmow. tl.att APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR 1 witistaxim ON PART TIME INASIS Duties to commence December 1st Apprmatiern to be in the Road Soperintendentos office by November 23th at Frank Schumacher R•ad Superintendent Maass Teminship WINGNIAN WANTED Appikcalineas axe ,a; fee wimgman for the asa tio petrol. Starting rate nat rer hr. -6 hoer state ak, Maritid ett LiSt experience aE nd ! former ecopfoyers. G. YUNDT. BRUCE COUNTY ENGINEER So& MB, Walkertoat, Ontario APPLICATIONS TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH •Applitations.__aaledi and PLAILN128 WARNED, • • !• large kitaben, two complete walls he rect**1 the undarsigo--1 et eegibaeles extra brge riving LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS • %err Ira eezi weir§ right Were in • Catelant, Tearicei. T Deaseriblie • Panveineene.essistaiste g•Brard•ed° • Weeland %%Wag She ii•OW•bte! • , appointive:I are eirirez Wenn :Draerestient Tee Oannesine iestinsie el ! Irreoar Trailer. Training lei I A? Clenen's Ore" VC Taman Geotarkr ! or Can - • I. trarienrin Trants-Carinda Traimarit 1. Trainee.) 4 HOLSTdi REAL ESTA.TE IF YOUR FAMILY DOMES FIRST You must see this older Pk gamey !male in excellent condt- ,•ion,„ situated on a lot12 1411' ard altering 4 bedrooms 3 pc. bah large Fraing room. diming roam wad Littben witb plentty of , capboards„ attached garage with concrete floor, also an extra barn 1 .. &Mated on Comb Sreet„ Vleof Ludlw'. MAIN STREET LOCATION Cammercial building on sqaare feet of area_ Ter- rffic lacation parking Owner ariximas to sea, let as preseat par offer.. •• $122410 PER MONTH Tostorey, 3 bedroom home ed egPuro_ Saturday, Nov' - mere "11 OrePliamceo falte4' rozEt- ITi4 for the posiiian of W tar• Wage- . : ROAD SUPERINTENDENT ! , for" the Tarnshitz d • ! OFFICE • West Waw , . 4135ml/ions Eilit • be head • 357-33411 • igratten. aitd• previck deltasto - Street, Ramover„ 381312511 Ontat-Towa Meets 1-11164853/ri Taft free PtE 9E SLIMES rar Metaltra aft inot annrectino „iittanglik camp& "tkli eA.AS. and ,z•oi tia forward Le•ftatalY gm mr be - Per 2311/. vfl i esiet,„ **lards ar mole :Itt4 altilhea 1,11k that Etiltkajam - MORE ..,5igM Skit* W1111 zritha. /latkittd. Etk2Sr %MEE he,k, P',Ig•Iitip tkatax Elas;ir 4 Receptionist litaquired bo ft.Hugon Canty itaard at adhanation. at Its Certam. Dallas to not in mom as pasaibla. dada topling, maakkaa nano antiaatlast„, aparatlaire PALL watiltehboard mad other gemerat ahlite ditterh. Waxy end hemettle mite cesteet eetee•eginienefet Sp.. lin weft% ay Dec - bat 191‘ to — age, -its hit. ard eV/Me:Me- ILL to nammeore TJ Decembe:- ! 191OL , appraration ace&sarity aC- L• Joan ArrosAron% deck Township oE West WaommomOO • R.R. 2. Leabover, Ontario* . MPS . - _ KELP WANTED • 'FULL-TULE CUSTODtitti •Brute EkAtihmta '*-4' School. Lias Head_ °marl* - hours ! per week Moa!OLay throu& Fj- y inctuaive. • Dories to corar December Applicaats noot be wrff t 1 t shill, week if required =I be able to provide taeorteal milli- . ate and prOof of satt4actory chest x-ray or tabercuran test. Apply on or before Nor 2 toing' at/pa-Aim farm wfthiI (-4 be obta:oredb riting er telephoolog the employer be - THE BRUCE COUlaY BOARD OF t9t. CTI. @atzze •Tel iz1411it4 Attentiert:1e F \Nedra SOperv*er of Ikricki and Mainterance - SAND BLASTING BUILDANSS ALL STEELWORK • HANIWER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS • PIE srp-pon FOR ESTIMATES igmagarmaleile W. ADAMSON S211-7113 C. SUTCLIFFE 3524,0 1 acre farm It BermTh Gid 3 behroma electric heat Large ban. 145 actr of well o -mob' work- able kind 113 wtre farm in Ashrield TuipL, • cat 6 year �k brick laai-oe. beef and bag barnfar& implermeat shed plus two grain starre barker and upright stla goad crop land. 3 fad frame boozeM ' ley. on good lot. wail Eruct porchdtoe to main street Prie- ed to, delft Dais' s Goad Tut i good drY area,. dose t ,sailool Lucknaw. House and o acre —2 Sham 4 bedroom toad brick house sir- o- eolae of Lucknocr mak snail b priced to sel. h- mdeate pao-oessioo- ale acresBaron Townatip„ drake crop land. parttaY drainei MIL itabert; CarrPbea OfFiat •Q " ,eremmes. V•41.11•111111 Frain. • CULBERT'S CABINET SHOP AMBERLEY STYLES DISPLAYED Pioeer tompra provincial, winchestim oerriage louse FINISNES teak, vadat, thy and slake PHONE 395-5211 MID 395-5514 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Custom Rec Rooms and Ba ionrs Home Renovatof any MBE' Special Winter Rates VERNON GLENN PHONE SN -7232 AUBURN COLLECT •-•••404•4141411e-0410-410-0-0-40-e FOR SALE ONE BEDROOM FRAME ROME located alt Kugsbrikre OM High- way 21_ 1- - 4 via on piresitre; large lot; aLoa frame garage, ; suited for retirement or sumer residence_ Immedate posseion. 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on a drake corner kt Havekek Lu St. in cknow. Living room, kitchen and one bakoom down_ House has ad furnace and 3 piece bath. Ideal retirernem home lunnecitate pos- 1 CLOSE 110 DOWNTOWN, la Liadonow„ 3 bedroom home willa large &fag• ** &dig room, separate .***o-oso ; = 2 apartmert with every convino , knee. &Mated 612 2 lots this is exceidert home with an come. Sbown by 44 tru ass 4.,1 MO ARE FARM East Wawa:nsh TerilLt tot 410,4•4 bedroom blame; 1mge hero mid sao stalia- ! ed kr beef and hags Level to rokBag day :* or, ; goad sash crop soa. Possession to he moulage& aaaakolawa 11°3's REFRK, Whantr areain ttlecauatl, com prng L7 acres.. with a 6 room frame wain- re - &Medi we/il oat greare and sep- tic tank 16 ACRES SIM 41•,.4 ikkelk SPring aeek, as feested oegaol r hydro avatahle. •••••••••••1611.1. WE HAVE several excefiest bee - basses for salt is Ube general 2EVAL taqpire f ftber porde- dors. If Tra have agricultural property, largo or small acreage. amid are thinidicl seams, woehl he pleased to tallt t* roe. AR en. goiries coornholiat VOlaIMINNOMMISTIMIIIIMII113, WARREN MIN Phone S22 -73S12 &Mee & Goer Lifted WALKERTON Member or the Gm aid Remo Multiple Listings Serviee Litt EMS — Over 69 Salesmen WOW* Far Yea