HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-30, Page 1nt RVEflr s 'les and+ before 4 !EFL 'apestry ; - ne stock, le; natints, re Salmon,. 1 Liverpool TARE Ls -we • By • righam, Ont, rs for the Fire, 1.1e, now story, y Rate Eva rttSlor three ve a premium. vhere. Good, lissionS. Tun .A.clelaitle party. 1, on the cornorijj teems. owe sized wet: er frame dwel- t. Also enantity . et. GOIUMII, Wieghene Ir. S'r , 1.1.abee, Liverporil. 'Ws et9s fom SW to ;bin Rates. to Mouton • him. thesoysee xonmeelation WOW: c M Mentreal. etreali or Witquit,s4 iliellemeseselneeresessesaweisseemersre VOL. XIX 1 -NO, 22 SIUSONABLE GOODS Opened out to -day at the Bear, • Black and COlored Kid (Roves, Black and Colored Silk Gloves, Black and Colored Lisle Gloves, 4 Black and Colored Lace Mitts, Ike Cashmere and Cotton Hose, Lace Curtains and Curtain Screens, Embroideries, Parasols. Piles of new goods in every olarner of the store, Colne and see them. $ -A meeting of the yinglutm Reform Association will held 'ou Tuesday even- . • . ... mg, June 3rd, iu McKcnzie block. -Air Robb llisc eke, father of Mr J. XI ' 4cookeeremoved to Wroxeter, this week. -First of the Season, just areived, straw, er ies and tomittbes, ot J IdcKelvie's. he bricklayers aye commenced ou Jho flanuit's ni residence, on john street. -.Tile regulardpnthy meetiug` of the tdsvu council will b held en Monday even- .. next. Coveter is the oldest and has • proved himself the mast reliable jeweler eu town. • Its erZder, et t s. town, the "pee king," has on haud or s; de, a quantity of comb fotiedatioa. • . Direct importer. Tun 3344.1t, May 30, 1800. LOCAL NEWS. . WAHTED-a few apprentices to learn dresemaking, by Iti Johnston, dress- maker, opposite the Queen's Hotel, -The sconce, rk o the new town hall being pushed lone very well by the con- tractors, the Me 41% (Leghorn. - If yonrmttch or elook is odt of repair take it to 11 111 Gerster and get ib repaired. He will give you good eatiefactIon. - 1? Pa .agerit for the at Ayr, Out, hand. eeson1 as been appoiutecl ilborn thaws, in autifitetured • Itepe rs kept always on .....( ° WINGIIAM. ONT., FIli,4:PAY, MAY 80, 1890. W110GE NO. 9t;f7u ' -Huron County Co net will couvelle at I Pineapples mut hatutuae. at Jt 4ill'e. pe manse, t Goderreli ou Tuefelay ex , Juno 3rd. -Ur jar, i ClineNvhe:witsitst,a „ ed wth wfugNtitut:°0tuo, 1111day ou . Air 40 of Listowel, was in honest people to buy, at W Il Wallace's tuortiing last, a\..1 in iti a Yery n 'Weal con- -Iforteet geode at honest prices, fo fletumation or, the W Johnston, a /rangeville, was in town busitiass.J jewelry store, next door to Post Office, dition. Y " visiting relatives f a few days during the t -Mr F'reSeria Cook, f Bohnore, offers of past week..Eliss Btu ess, late of the teach - for sale a good re ante° Mal efftce, in that making zu anagram brooches, ear -drops, -14 V Gerster mitkes a specialty ing staff gr our puler . school, was in town village. See ac vertisei ant in auother bouquet and tie pins. oolumn. -Harper's monthly for Jt ue to hand at she is recovering fr• xrr her protracted. W- on Tuesday, We ar: pleased to learn Had .-If yeti want a refreshing think of soda the mealtime ' institute, I contains an week..Brussels otabi:reiTa oupoessn.t.ffitz tyagagNi Elliott, of Listowel, call at R. Hill's restaurant. interesting art „le lurking un the title, 'W. L. htiovses vinriteouwanb,itilli pis, John Macciou d aud Sir berles Tupper -A pair of handsome ttatues of Sir "Chapman Der s." Apprentices to dressmaking wanted- wife and daught r, of Winghttna,were vieit- are to be seen nhir E I' G rater's jewelry Apply to the Misses Flood,13eaver blot*. Sunday -Mr J Coats and wife, a St. ing at Jas Re s' and A. Currie's over store window. ers on Tuesd v evening, glum) ci, in their Thonnee, spent a days in town during -Hemeu . er the meeting 0 h� Reform. rooms, Efelie zie block, As, litters of the week -Mr and Mrs Geo Ayers, of importance ar to Niue up, e la go atten- Walkerton, spent th 24t1i •iu Wiugham, visiting their sou -in. aw, Ur L% Mitchell, Victoria street -Ur J E Brown, photo. grapher, of Prayt. 1, was in town a few days this week,vie• fug friends..,Dr Helmer), of Goderich,•cou ty treasurer, was in town on Tuesday.. M Robb Swau, of Listowel, was iu town on lentlay, on business, .Mr Made, of Clinton 'sited friends in this town last week. R v A lienclersou, of Atwood, brother o Mr 331 1) Henderson of. Whiteohurch, ser i a traireieut visitor iu town on \Wanes, a.y..Mr S 13 Webb, of this town, retur ed on Monday from a business and pleasure trip to Oshawa, Whitby, Toront mid Hamilton. -Miss Sadie, of .Clifford,sp tit a few (lave in town this week visiting a Me John Dickson's. -Mews S .1 Helvetia & Sou have alar steak of tweeds and all kinds of cloth, aud are gi vi ug decided bargains in stylish suits. • Drop In and leave your order for a suit. No • trouble to show goods wad quote prices. Mr John rdy, of Culross, left in . his office, on eduesd y, several stalks ,of wheat which measure thirty i.nohes. This ioj sure! an extraordinary , growth for this (thou. • -G T 1 tra'ns for Toronto and east leave Witialmin at 0.30 it,m. end 11.10 man. 4 Viit$ W G 8 13 Division, and, at 6.46 sera. and 8.40 peril., via Clinton and Graelph. e Good. conneetione by vll trainee :Ot -In preparatio for the meaner seasou now at hand, Jas theles has secure an . immense iee.orea free4r the largest size made, from ich 4 doubt he will serve the 000lin labes jy the hundred. -If you have I vet used alabastine whitewashing encflcalsomining, just hey° a chid with some of your neighbors who have, before you, begin house cleaning. Sold only by Jas. A. Cline ct Co. Beautiful Charm Baking t1.00, to advertise The Baking Powde chance nf getting,th instrument. Sold by an given a seder Co, val the powder is good vette, rgan. 131 MoIndoo. -The Rev D D ed in theliaptist last, bot toornne Mr Priest preaola A:ttwood, in the '111 Je evening. by the at over d orgau. d the ee -JH oe ess, t e great t porcine° leetur. or, will 0011ductI A temper ance revival in See,forth for ojie week, omrneneing on Sunday, June 1 th. -Refreshment a of all kinds obtainab at Hill's restaurant, Green's block. -The Trues will be sent to new sub. scribers from now till the end of 1800, for 60 cents. -The Rev k r Shot t, of this town, delivered an ad, (resit u4let the auspices of the EpwortheTeague lati Teeswater, on Monday avenin i last. -Bitter orangbs, for marmalade, to be sold cheap at It Rill's. -The Irst sitti g of the Court of Revision for tlje tow of Wiugliam will be held in the e non fbamber ou Monday evening next, nd 3tlne, --A. nice lino of baby carriages just received at S. Gracey's furniture store, Wiughain. -For fifty cents -half a dollar -Tun TIMES Will be tint to any address in Canada. or United Sta4es till the end of 1800. Who wouldn't setid.it to a distant relative ? Gerster has decided to remain jn town until Wiughtua liecsoinee v city. ,--The'eetiC •er's wave ing svas held . u,Seaforth Friday of lD1t week. proceediuss, I ill be found tion for this is a Thursday an report of the 'n this issue. claims: is requested. -Otir stock of Gentst Furnishings, such as shirts, cohere, cuffs, Mee, ,all kinds of underwear, &e, is verylarge and een't be beat for quality or price. J Maim & Son, -On Wean aday afternuo , while work- ing on the roof f Afr j It Rey old's house, Victoria street, rJohn,Grey 11 from the ridgeboard to the ground bolo v, striking on his head ands oulders. He 's injured internally, and su re intensely, ut hopes are entertained of la recovery. Saturday la ht resS ehirts, 05e; Ties 8,10, 12jo; M 's e 113ey'a waft hats, 503; Iluderwear, 50c boo • .1o; Suits at all prices, at ndo W. B. Gallaway, .Didriot .Pciponger Agent, Toronto • 'Winnipeg, litity 27-1epot:l2 just iu from* sections of country to P,egitie, Mooeomin Gleubora, Piaui' Creole, Deloraine, and Brsudon, showing an ihorease of about twenty per cent, in actieiage mider crop. Farmers in good spirits 'over prospects for large yield. Grain wiJ routed and pre - arises for good crop could mit be better. • L. A. HAMILTON. -The Tunis will be„,,er,t to new, Sub- eribers from maw till. OM of 1830,, .for o� tete uu iber of the townspeople aro improving • rid beautifying, their premiees. R Rayne is, on Victoria, etreet, has • placed a su etantittl stoue foundation -.teetitsi elotheableaued, dyed, repaired under his resi once and also giveu it a coat • and pressed also ladies' coats and dresses of shingles. -e r Thus Carruthers, Lesver dyed and preseed, Satiefactiou guareetteed. Wiegluten, has cru down the old shop Shop Oh Vietoria St., not door to Abrit- that stootton his place and has erected a ham's slioe shop. 11. MITCHELL. Emma along tee we • t bide of his proeorty, -The v John $ott, M A, of the Methodist hurch li,re. conducted the services in tlo Methodi church, Waterloo, on 'Sunday I t, both xorning and even. ing. -Top Phaeton buggy for sale. Apply to Geo Thomson, Zetland inilis, Box 1e5, Wiugham. -The Re JR Tatum, of Auburn, con- ducted the ervicee in the Methodist church, on Su day last, i the absence of the pastok. 'here We no morning service. -The Titres will be sent to new sub, scribers from now till the end of 1830, for 50 cents. -By a Aot wilick was passed at the recent sew ion of • the it ta.rio Legislature, it is previa cl that, all lgs whioli follow or harass peep e or rigs ou opublio highway may be kille -Drees awe, mantle making done promptly mid to order by the Misses Baxter ati their home on Victoria Street, opp ite the old Post Office. \ -A new eeltetne for eating unwary farmers is a loughshere ke. A farmer doeives on Wel a now plot hshare. 11 it suits ho signs hat he bell yes to bo an agreement but which turns out to be a mite, dr, of ljistowol, preach. ler Mock of pine apples, bananas, bureh 1 ore, on Sunday oranges and lemons at 8' McKelvieet res. and e ening. The Rev taprant, 1 iu tli Beptiet church, -The ne> horse fa will be held iti °ruing, 044 at Listowel, Wipgliam on uesdity no t, June 3rd, It is expected tha s, large n will be present. Farmers big horses to dis se of shot Of tjie firm •of bring them to Wit sheen an jun he lair factory, otn teeawater to Will ocunpy -Strawberries and tereatoect at the tar restaurant. -Ur Wm Fessant, Button & Vessant, of removed his. family Winghem, this week. the fine brick resides lately vacated by Mr bar of buyers a a others hay. be -sure and The result of onntetition wakitiever Srd. more clearly den narrated than by the reduction made i the rates for cabin passage by °the lien Line. The ridicuously low rat of $100 for a cabin passage from 3/ ntreal or Quebec to Liverpool and roto n, good by any postmarked only of the 14.tai1 Steamers, 4,xcepting "Po - address se of the card itian" or Sardinian, 110 8 no cotpment ce whore po ed and at the and can only be exploit d by reason of v,100.vinath other nide of the fact that the Aliens though never ep:ar for t e use of the carrying cattle on he Yell Steat'pi's irking, oItl must bp have to compete with th 'rateriltioted fering wit the 'ad. by Lines which carry eat o 4inl pas- ' rgengere 611 atm*, vepvil•• greittl$s improving Neil and Angus veneered their resid is tiepearance.-Messrs icGregor have Mick nese an Enamels street. They hate bedded tle.'r lawue and placei an iron fence in front, and now have a couple of as flue rebid° cos as there are in town. Gerstee can Ell a presentv.tiou or. other special orders withiu twenty-four hours. -We map the follewing from the Gan. anomie Repo" er of the 24th instant. The Rev 11 Grace is a brattier of Mr 5 Grapey of this town: H Greeley and hie family have th earnest sympathy of the community in t e loss they hal, sustained through the doat i of their beloved Leigh ter, Maud, which took place last Tuesday night. Miss Ma d was a great favorite with all; full o life, kind, sociable, and very intelligent, nut her untimely death at the age of 17 yea s, is a cause of sorrow to her many friend and companions. She has been out of ealth during the past year, suffering fro it wasting disease of the lungs. But sh never loot her abode] manner, nor showe 1 any impedance under the growing weak less and pain. Her death at last was -a eaeoful and happy release," -Fireworks of all kinds at R. Kill's. Pt to Xi t. See TERR-Dresi; ods, 4.o,121.0; 1318. Glove, to clear, 45 and10; ose, 8, 10, 12c; 2arasols, 43o et 1 Me doe's, Cabin atria Rettheed. Druggists 1 s'eeclatton, The annual meeti g of the Druggist• s' Association of the co nties-of Huron,Bruce and. Grey was lield u this town on the 22nd inst. Amongst t ose in attendance were noticed : DeWitt , Martyn, Kincar- dine ; Mr Wightmau Owen 'Sena. ; A Seaforth ; 1 J Muir and Mr Eby Port Elgin ; Dr Cat eron, Owen 3ouod 4 Thurtell and j IV Struthers, Tees - water ; T Pepper 511 G A Deadman, Brussele ; itr B�bet S'eaforth ; 0 E • yesisiseeie Wieglisen. !deers for the tn.' ening year were app nted as followe: DeWitt 11 Martyn, siclent ; Mr Wight. mau, lot vice. preside t; A Wilson, 2nd Tice-presideut ; ft J M dr, secretary ; Mr Eby, treatiurer. The 'Carious committees were appointed. Af r conoludiug the bines, the itssociat n adjourned to meet iu Wiugham on a dat The on ll1iuter street, Sparliug. • TIM A ober itouse. Gordon & MallMcliXyro are having their store ainted throt hoot this weelt, their 7 filen will s.be pl aged with the new office dslive bright appearanow f the shop and the. the card ontire flew goods boing p.. cod in. the ehakyos a 'will add to the at tivenees of° the 4811 er. P 8 Aethitieti. See their a vertisement next taken te 10°14 VVegTo I are* • -On and after the 6th instant,. Mews j • 8' litortiuth & Son will sell all kinds of boots and shoes at cost for cash. Call and Nee the immense stook and get some of the bar, gains. •;-Post on the fa both at the o ds are to 11 My phat • Lord Bacon, in his q aint but exhaustive manner. classifies the i fluences adverse to truth as Molted the d of the theatre and market -place. iu my me:William Ewart Gladstone was ol of the den. I cherished him in th inpermost shrine of, my heart. I add mire na still. as stetesman, financier, scholar, rator and Christianapolo0i13t, apoloaiet, but when e began to fraternize with the Home Rule arty, my idol,Dagon- like, upward man bu downward fish, fell flat Ain bie face. , the seventy years captivity fairly disg istecl the Jews with every form of idolatr ,sol hope, now whet' vergieg on my sev ntieth year, to give present (lay politics the go by ; give up every thing that has he garb of a pelitice.1 fetich, and, as the tip ails puts it, prove all things,•and hold that which isegood. W. Ln TgE 24t AlAy. A Grunt D brom. On Saturday lit t, LLirMtkjesty.:: birthday was eele • •atedin a right-, royal manner by the eople of Wint;- ham. The celebration was ander bit: anspices of the Fire Da ade, who did everyttiing in their po er to make ties gatues, the grand sue • se Wit.i.hitthey proved to be, The own and Dell's brass bande contrii ited very mato tal- ly to the pleasure of the dab- their 13 no selections b ing !high ly aupteciat. ed by the largo crowds who thronged the streets 511( pihric dura.g the day A. base ball mato heb,yeen theaThicardine alidWingliatu j *dors was won by the former. The ingbutu senior baso ben club stiftered 110 same fate at tho litincls a the Te swater club, The lacrosse match b twee n Clinton and Wingliam (dubs its won by the home team by two go istp ono. The hes,: reel race Was on ley the home team. There twing o conipunice to eutupete except fliyt , it 100181 teatie was gotten. up to give lie visitors. a race, whieli resulted in 'avOr of the, home team as stated. Th broncho race was won by Alr. Geo, McE..e ie's ponies, one tak- ing first and the t thy)! second. Tho programme was w 11,carried out and when the games ere concluded, the crowd disperseall appearing • well pleased. The come t in the 'rink in the evening by he Cosgrove family wag largely atter ed.- The entertainment, was an enjoya ono throughout. The playing and sing lg of (the different luembots of the family were highly appreciatetl. Distr et Scooting. The; annual D strietcineeting of 'the Methodist eliureh, Ingham Distriot, wee held in Tecesetter on day of litet week. John Scott, M with, or Wroxeter tary. The limp ea lueeilay and.Weducse ' 'he eintirrnan, 'Rev resided. Rev A. 11 vs appointed Secre- ' seeseion was devoted to the matieterial 1 retaren, a good portion of 8112 aftoruoon be ug /Uvula' to discuesieu or religious ordiva es. Rev Arch Mo. iiibbin was reeonnneu d for another yt,ar 88 Osibourg Uuivereity, The eupere.nnuat, ee aro attached to LI Kerr, Richert' rie'ruesele, and 'Wee' eteuiug a public theauepieee ot the . to bo named. ed ineuisters whom nit the Die:Atte; are itove ,Paul uud Swaim, t Blyth fa th weenie; was held uud Epworth league. Tie iely and practical addresses were given. b Revs I 13 eVelwie, 13lutiVitle ; A E Smith; roxeter, aud eley. • tomes. The pat,astr, cupiod. the ;wed by the ulturuii heAltaucial atl son tea from tilt: b and on Lue emotory.tm(1 tat !telt bolltey ouing.comtnitAttk, 3 .Iousg to the *voting Metes beral`Cle.es. On Friday evening la a largely attend. ed meeting of Young Li erale was Mildly the McKenzie Block, wl en it was decided to form it Youug Me 's Liberal Club. After certain preliminat • s had been gone through with, the followi officiate were elected for the current year :-Geo Mo. Xenzie, honorer e p,eside t; Vaustone, presideut ; Geo Banderol , 1st vice prof- , deut : Dr Jae Mitedonal , 2ud vice presi- dent; Geo Luke, seeretar ; ',Fred Thomson., treasurer. An exeouth committee was named, to consist of re eseutatives from the different manicipali ice, as follows: For Wingliam-3* E Brow ,W T Ilornuth, Relit McKenzie and o Ellacott ; for Turnberrye-As Maxwe Gavin Wilson, John Mo Archibald Campbell, ,Tas Henderson 1' for East WD ilson avid Currie, committee Was appoint stitution and, by.lewe fo ..the government • of the club. 1)r,11/ao.onalci. M P, was present, Mid delivered .. address, exPittio- ing most of the nuestio: 3 that are agitating, the province at present. The meeting then • adjourned till Tuesdat evening next, to 'meet in the statue place Sellery,13 D, Rev W W Spariing, Excellent/UW.0 WaS sol On Wednesday tuorniug statistical returns were pr various stations and . circ whole they Were very ea, improvement ou lest ye wee elected to the sta Rev W Torral, and 8uudity Connuireue ; r lowter eepreseu- naive of the MIS iouary Booed. Thu followiug lay reptese tutives welt: chneea to attend the Guelph Centel once ham, W 13 Tuwler 1 Geo Thowsou ; Teeswitter, GeoYeo •' N •roxter, NV 0 liais1181146,.weed ; BlueVale ; NVJ °Lai:Atm ; lielgraro,- 13 ilineseugh ; Drusse 3.10 Holmes, T Fretcher and W 11 err ; 'Walton, Wut Pollard; Inyth, N Youug mutt John Wilford; Auburu.o oh Muidoelt ; Louctuee bora, Sas Braithwitit . A doctor' bill of $15.50 iu comas:ewe t ith the IittniAss ui Rev j 13 leaves was refer ed to the stV isl,egent rtitul, and a i50 clad to the 4!..4•• ration Puna froen Beigrave rcuit.. /Mee Lave beep. built during the, y elt and. Westfield, au items ou pis teis elairch iu Wawanosh, t d asee for it new church in, 13 evale, . which the contrast is now 1 t.) The changes in the bound reeounneuded from Belgrave to Blue Blyth to Ilelgrave ; 180 lima front Wititon to 131 is approved of at Conte). appowtment will have reg ' Jae Ileuder'13", seeykie each Sabbath by th at; for Morrie - Resolutions were passed ou 11 endorsee, Thos question, on the extension Vawanosh -Wiz( tqrrn, thn. electieu of lay • Preseeeatwee to W G Salter..& Couference and to the .,reessvitter people to draft a con- for their hospitality. The Fall Distrait Meetiug will lie held t Loudetworo. The meeting was ',rough to it close about 3 ei'eloek by the chain n Iteouounenig the Benedietiou. lewlue of client.* weee veer 88t,3,,.nuttneut le t Sun1 eIron, acksou's motet- , 1111.. Lheve nee Jackson's lar af turnout, Myth prietor. 184 Fecleratiou of the peetoral Belgr VG. A meeting in the 1 wrests of Mr I T GSM% the Itefor candidate, will 'be hold at Belvave of Monday even- • ing next, when Dr Iarilonald and ia. colleagues are tr 9thort will. delivor add uses, Vrotestautisuh lo••••••••• Tun Ontario Clabit et is compost -A of six Protestants tt 0110 Catlionc. The Dominie. Cabin is mode, ..p of eight Protestants tont ix Oatilt :,cs. Yet We IS% told that Mr Mou,'s government is tauter 6 iron ot t t Rome, while Sir Jot • drat sita chatnitio4 •