HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 23611ESPAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1974 THE LUCKNOW $ osent Long Service Pins At Annual glow Legion, Branch 309, Banquet or Memory Of Fallen Of Past Wars leatembrance Day was marked this community on Saturday in the Lucknow Branch 309 of Royal Canadian Legion held it annual Remembrance Ban - 11/111d" Thompson, 1st vice eat of the Legion Branch, chainnan for the evening Eh opened by the singing of 0 ids followed by .the Grace ilted by Rev. George Garratt, ich Padre. "Old Ritchie, branch 309 sec - proposed a toast to the en followed by the Last Post Reveille and the singing of God iThe Queen. Os MacDonald, president of ludmow Branch, extended a ane to all. _ present and limited on the large gathering. 'welcomed sons and daughters the Legion members, now ge for membership and some g their first banquet. Thompson introduced the liable guests. Imiiiediate past Oat Gordon Montgomery is vital and was unable to be id; Mrs. Ford (Eunice) Cun- • ningham, president of the Ladies Auxiliary te the Canadian Legion; Irvine Eedy, a past president, now branch service bureau officer and Mrs. Eedy; Mrs. Bud Thompson; President Angus .MacDonald and Mrs. MacDonald; Rev. George • Youmatoff, guest speaker,and Mrs. Youmatoff; Harold Ritchie, secret- ary -treasurer and Mrs. Harold Ritchie, assistant sec.-treas. • Chairmats Bud referred to the two memorial services to take place the following day, Sunday. . The veterans marched to the Lucknow Cenotaph Sunday morning and following a service there attended Lucknow United Church. Follow- ing a luncheon at the Legion Hall; served,by the Ladies Auxiliary, the veterans went ,to St. Helens for a service there at 2 p.m. Reeve George Joynt sent regrets at not being able to attend •the banquet and .these were 'conveyed by the chairman. Those called on for a few words were • Crawford Douglas, M.P. for Bruce; Murray Gaunt, M,P.P. for Huron -Bruce; Don Thompson, rep- resenting the Lucknow Sentinel; Rev. George Garratt, Legion Pad- HARDING. „ tillElANESE CARPETS. CARPETS • iwoja ;mar 'MAMINf00%""""oqinoft".6".•"",""sews.".0%""""""" ‘Dr. .-KkWirLz, -kk; . zUkra .. Armstrong Cushionflor and Inlaid Vinyls TIER tbetptEn NONE DECORAMG CENTRE nunwtoweas CUSINOWOR AND LINOLEUM DRAPERIES WALLpAPER AND C -I -L PAINT3 PHONE S1-3434 NTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO re. A toast to the fallen comrades was proposed by P. A. Murray, a veteran of the first world war. Appreciation was expressed •to •the Kairshea Women's Institute who catered to the meal by Lane Gardner, 2nd vice president and, this was replied to by Mrse Clarence Ritchie. The guest speaker, Rev. George Youmatoff of the Bayfield area, himself a veteran of the second world war, was introduced by Elroy Laidlaw. Rev. Youniatoffwas born in Finland •but has spent the greater part of his life in Canada. He is a noted world traveller. He related many of his war experienc- es and urged the Legion Branch to keep the goals /of the national group, friendship, unity, freedom and brotherhood. The speaker was thanked by Jack Button. 25 -year service pins in the Legion were presented to Freeman Olson, Harold Ritchie and Bud Thompson by president Angus MacDonald. • Mrs. Eunice Cunningham, Aux- iliary President, announced service awards which will be presented at the meeting of the ladies group. 5 year, Mrs. • Harold •Ritchie, Mrs. Marie Hoffman; 10 year, Mrs. Carrie, Woodcock; 25 year, Mrs. Eunice Cunningham; 30 year, Mrs. Ron Forster, Mrs. Margaret Mac- Lennan. A dance followed the banquet. • PAST PRESIDENTS BRANCH 309 1941 - Allister Hughes, 1942 - Geo. Burgess, 1943-45 P. A. Murray. 1946 - Harold Allin, 1947 - Geo. Whitby, 1948-49 - R. J. McIntosh, 1950-51 - R. M. Simp- son, 1952-5-3 - G. C. Greer, 1954-55 - Kenneth Cameron, • 1956-57 /Harold Ritchie, 1958-59 - Garnet Henderson, 1960 - Wm. MacDon- ald. 1960 - Harold Ritchie, '1961 Earl Cranston, 1962-63 - J. M. King. 1964-65 - A. Ernewein, 1966 - Walter Arnold, 1967-69 - Irvine Eedy. 1970-71 - T. J. Morrison, 1972-73 - Gordon Montgomery. Allister Hughes. the branch's first president, was in attendance at Saturday's banquet. SOUTH KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacLellan of Listowel visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.lra Dickie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton, spent a few •days last week with • Miss Betty Hamilton in Niagara Falls. Mt. and Mrs. Bill Haldenby and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Murray at Drayton on. Sun- day. Ashfield Township Council Meeting Ashfield Council met on Novem- ber 5 with all members present. Stock claims of Chester Hackett 1 steer. Jack Ritchie one ewe. and Karl Lohse one ewe were approved for pay me n t J. A. McWinagh was present and the various insurance policies.were renewed for a year. Tile Drainage applications were approved for Robert Simpson. Merle Gunby, and Cletus- Dalton.. Council endorsed a resolution bv other Huron County municipalities requesting of the Board of Educa- tion that there he two dates for payment of rates in 19-5. namely June 30th and December 15th. By-law g2.1. 19-4 designating con: 4 - 5 from 'Dungannon to 021 hig,hwaN as a Class "B** road was passed and for.% arded 1.0 the PAGE TWENTY-THREE ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow — Lanes — Phone 529-7248 PURITAN MEAT BALL STEW 24 oz. 79c • ROBIN HOOD' PIE MIX, chocolate or • banana cream ____ 71c • HOME PACK LIGHT BULBS, 2 - 60's and 4 - 100's $1.29 Enrolment and Flyup at Guide Meeting, Present Badges and Crests To Guides • The regular meeting of the Lucknow Girl Guides was held November 7th at the Town Hall and Was started off with a game led by Lorna Boyle. The meeting opened with roll call followed by horse- shoe, flag raising, and 0 Canada. The following badges were pres- ented: Aquarist - Marion Raynard, Ettabelle MacDonald; Susan Thompson, Lorna Boyle, 'Faye Forster; Cook Badge - Kathy Brooks; Jr. Camper - Susan Thompson, Lori McKim, Faye Forster, Nancy Thompson, Marion Raynard, Lisa Peterson, Debra Bolt; Outdoor Gook - Lori McKiin, .Nancy Thompson, Lisa Peterson, • Ministry of, Transportation and Communication for approval. By-laws 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, . and 28 for restricting the weight of vehicles passing over bridges were passed and sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions for approval. Council decided' to hold a rate- payers meeting in Brookside School, Wednesday, November • 27th at .8 -p.m. Road accounts of 520.259A5 and general accounts of $287,554.09 were ordered paid. This included the 1974 school and county require- • merits. Council adjourned to meet Nov- ember 19th at 7.30 p.m. DONALD M. SIMPSON. --,-Clerk Treasurer. Kathryn McKim, Faye Forster. Suzanne Kirkland; Outdoor Adven- ture - Nancy Thompson, Debra Bolt, 'Kathryn McKim, Lori Mc- Kim, Suzanne Kirkland; Tracker Lorna Boyle; Camp Leader - Kathryn McKim; Horse Woman - Suzanne Kirkland; Swimmer - Fave Forster, Lori McKim. Kathryn McKim. Following. the Badge Presenta- tion was the Enrollment Ceremony. Terry Taylor of the Scarlet Tanager Patrol was enrolled. Crests were passed out to the girls who had played in the Division Volleyball Tournament. It was announced that there will be a day of Crafts. Music, Dance and Drama at the Lucknow PublicSchool Saturda, November 16 from 10.00 a.m. to 3 p.m. The•registration will be 50c and milk will be provided. Guides and Brownies are to bring a packed lunch. " Following announcements was a Fly410 Ceremony. Elizabeth Wilk- ins flew up to Guides and is to be in the Blue Bird Patrol: Acting hostesses for the evening were Suzanne Kirkland and Brenda MacLeod. Both passed their Hostess Badge. We were honour- ed by the presence of our District Mme. Commissioner Mrs. C. Mc- Kim for this special occasion. . A couple of games were, played. Campfire was led by. the Blue .Bird Patrol. The meeting was closed with vespers and taps. 44fe' s*V.s-sNZ4s1W-z:air*T ;4W-4 z's Gift Today NO -CHARGE. at Ron Machan Home Hardware F0 nal FOR DAD FOR MOM BAUER SKATES HOCKEY STICKS AND EQUIPMENT FOR CHILDREN Rocker -Recliners by aerkline RON. MACHAN. Home Hardware Ltd. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME