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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 19
TorontoS traditional hospitaiity Ibeheart of downtown THE LU KNO holt the minas ttt outr &mom SIyS Vektottte, ikoxt Oy ttiht alto Siittnae s ctettviiNcialiiity sang tk &nattyRA Lon*, viii tri , .its$ cialtiokizikall' , tdire C ., moelitr %maim ttestrtnttuatmt ttaatett fort onv enstnioun, sucks ot ifs rill tcteninn tin, a>in aatttiitntaf thetnang &foe Tot .ettrfor 'atter ezte tiri't t huarlvltntts , the fFaiaaaoat 'ks Wt. wadi its nuttnutit all Et enu and mem niitpriaa me* tatsttte atitittatteUeS. Vitt bed Slaw& dlose to everything in the its esrt diatom& Val taffy Tomato mote and have mon , to ,f a on other thing,... Ftp ow= ii i it Nib is pu t3_ to i{q 4_aua. tice5 Ste yam naive aunt ttnr contact us a,t:.. i1SD Big Soarer Wit, Tomato,. - T e :'Z -ll atpgiatredliv Sztyrketkew thttiftrattizitaii t}tiovatts 'Ott eettf l r. aintl tfaukt, era 1,, Mil'tt.1� eff. K ststr VIII die week amid %tom !t s We flmi1teenan, Mr, amid Ms,. Jack McGuire, mud Wross Mile Reeves altemdail the Comitmaeen exttnent a3t the F.. E. mutat szwizakinv szbad, Wt's Fiftititgy teviteritau. SIENTiNEL. LUCKNOWfl.ONTARIO ZION Mr- and Mfrs. Gordon Kereatnd visited 78ttnnrstdaty afternoon of a ist II vim. att Heurunattv¢tevv: , Ccunitonn, with !) her cousin, Mrs. iDesF neCitaarttes. Wanda Humber of Burtvee spent the vote& emit at the home .of her (Parents, lir. and Ws. .diina tttnnntttettr. Mr. and Mrs, aina sties 1eWp�fiiTfinS airne(ij fain* had 8nas nephews, Mr. and Mrs.. Ernetst Weaver award ffa rttiitiv awned 'Mr, anted Mrs. Bin INteatvvetr and fFarian6dv ` u dthery , duffing, the week caned, . Mr. anntd Mks, Tom Nara, Jutting' and. tkugtims . had Snutmtd F eventing supper untests iftver. sed ooll -iirQ ftiri<enads, Mie t atrttteort* Tout tuff 'tCQsllna3vaa until Miss Wen WI -Ilium of e.,.., LW. mind 'Mrs. Ruby; t£itat rtt, I! . Done, Gg era and as ca eek (CM- tuitd ff l)t). visited� unntteda3o :Afternoon and ev er9arit an die borne l; tog his sasuter fir. aiirad Nttrs.. Munn Riiaec@niie and Bmiteee_ Mr.,, „ Alms, tett lades �Wiitkiims, artteun+duai ttvaeeru , fifth vie iiie anniversary er sary ffic>rr his iter, ; heer. ttr Lund Ws. t armty: W illkinns u the..4u a The treeeptiean vuilniuin aaa3s hekiihas Elonnvutoo d Ifilmi j team Firidia,F evtetAl6ib tiff Mutt %citee& for atm etitekuautts and d friends., vitas a eontiptetie nIr ri a nine Hurry sunned Grave tafto uaae'rtLa tGtraneee Cie off titfite t , tffa3sa armed_ ' Mr, as Eters.. Russet t Sw arab and i • trunanidy wis`ntted Stoma* vuvtth pumas. and Mts. Ctort4mo tEanuntern tt u, tuff Kineurtdiiante, Itlostgs Newer speutiakta3 tom:.: t v visibitikg with hirs gtmtitpurreants. Mr. and Mrs. ear White, When Choosing livestock Minerals LetYour iorag� Be Your Guide.. Mr, and Mrs.. Niamey. Itittcttoiite sauce: Mrs` Orswaikins 4igattl taiirttorm ut t etradeed the grartdanuti; ono telt tc utt F. E. Wall Seeendar5. Seho,eeufl_ WisiVtarat llsa Frvuttlsa ee`Ytmlittg . fear M iiire--hiiee and W;+�3ii kiimis. Mr, midi Mrs, Ernest Bogie'. toff', . C cgn vusnttced $rant tt- AttVrnnutuv�n �! 43G the home e f their diamightter, 43rad Mts. titin trtiite hie 43 try mro _ ' Mr, unnull Mrs.. Cluni*s W4Vii`tlkiins ifunaa* untended u rte atitute ,guthetittg taro Sauta as Aititetttvonn 41111; the heave tuff gaiis taxer, lam- and I Mrs.. tttl W a iit3 and dim*. Receive Awards At 4-H Achievement the �i� -��e�a ntf� ��fif�C1}ed. wlme sitippor wits served to uffae rthatitzt. pit a, • ST, HELENS NEWS nmogrtAid Motu die dhAmfikatr step t C fC.aW_ u*tf Ttsiikt- Cu%cd `Ci Ra,e trmits, a,r it] ; tta, fro Todd Batt at. CBnaurt io, Ala6dkd,4rttte.t u ► a +,a 43 putt Ftti ra (11(03t3 41 Rut ttitalt41 WW1- 4i- ii teaii>etr otrtr i'rustae_ Coo - Nip& supper torr 4;lnir ihernbeirsiiao Cwamtma. 4}411. AAtclloikvetzutcta3a i fitted- t trataultatnaot s ate,, alit `. thaw xearauag the tc Oatm:ctl t�taxc ay � '; i totii 3 Met ildrettera tteetd ved the r^.,,tx: stt throat, tour tw, ,ante ea , • titin. Thole, vat ask)) tiv .1, r 4ttr Ptuiutria;r ' eW>a :batt$ Nit the entn[tfaW itn0 xtttct:�r tt tt}at Bao at?�. Nt t v33 tsars v txu�vki e in- li' t Susr nate . awn** sett 11 I) PAGE NINETEEN BIG DIPPER GRAND RE..OPENING • •PECUALS a` dI V„141Cr'4Lift. V.% MR. BIG DIPPER 11 SEZ: "CHECK THESE SPECIALS" 5-16-17 AMBERLEY STORE ONLY 5 UTILE DIPPER !URGERS SUPER BURGER 2 --4 oz. Pana Tomato -- Lettuce Senetrigi Dun x1.25 3 PIECES CHICKEN. FR FRES & HONEY sl •50 1 !IG DIPPER t /SMA. !OR6ER and Rios 9 9c EAT 'II OR TAU OUT HOURS: FRIDAY --Sz0© p xn:: - 10110 p.m- • SA1URDAY 11:110 a n - - 1O tie. SU DAY =-- 11:00 .m. - 1130 t tr ate mr �naectg :bn al y act a3Ci1 4ttrt eti it<uac8r . �r Ems t> tr�tIeritaecid E�uedtrfeC�i ifaotars 'new. Hammer, r_ Ole Roughage portion of t ;., Ration nt dicer tt tttemalinattion 1ff essential R.t aptrierrallS itneeded. AIL. SIIIIR-GAIN MINERALS awe how ffriDnntui Ybrtted grey, ifs nuttitiionally trtightt, Ute t may, tttt'S iairlif itigt., tt® select the Wit{ SHUR GA,AIN uniirrii- Inilictuste fair yew livestock - - SRI1ER.GAI\ ESSENTIAL f r=lNERALS 7:11 -L --FOR IDII-LEGUME FEEDING _ .. _ va +tnete Roughage is gRais env on. men silage .G IINI ESSENTIAL MINERALS -2—FO (LEGUME EEEDI 4° l %rte., tt® balance the high calici>tttwnil, HewSIL Dll -GAIIN ESSENTIAL MINE ,ALS ,:3— LT FREE able Itlrrl ttitfe waiter or othersottusce. Sif41U-GAIlNl ESSENTIAL MANE' LS=4---INIIIGI-€I P jjest pear to heshetniing, 1 Sl-IUR • GAlNl FR NNIt E MINERALS cooditions, where stt¢dci:s ani a ttwgitp NA, or paL`quiTte raw., wttttr salt milled seperatte4.. .11111.10 ger 11 1.r, fNPd NiG �ttttittthl {feed, wham salt. is •availt- OSPHOR US _ .. for w } , ;: , ntri, feeditirig ►e Anderson Flax Products Limited FRONS, LUCKNOW MIrs. tome ISAirster vis iarec her mother irx Eutt$ Magnus at St.. Thursduu. M NItodgitm ttunnder v►ctttta ttbaipir 14111tptir5 ova FtricataF. Fen ivnatztd aft Ftn awwa ifettmt Etiittc scodsvoa mtt the tt$tdin tawno u Eft'rors went. Mrs Mre. t Tatatr ttf ti�tgram and Gtdtn • Srtntthe t . Atixtba seeend tit wing toe Atha Miler and Waw Todd - The f ass do* was were by ttim Wm. Virtu and ttte most stems t>t� AdinSilint Ceamtt Wt' s,. ` r ie twat parts uas Neve tatbe r 3tstt, Switch!' ufaitoas with Mr.. a iWf tk ClIttettisom and lux* were tt+t ..iirort t i'3s. 1111,11) Motion Ankil 'Noma (di NeontEked.. Mrs. Nun Aitatisott (Ikti t , t#t MO.t6tti)) Mrs. Nikon= st ion and fantal and Mr.. and Ntes. Komi=Wawa- Andrew Gaunt uistted with Ws, kitottter arta- @ttatt3tietr t Ott Ottuersky tt$asi iratL London on Inesday.. Etevettei iltueehetsoit, wItto,. c e trcgtt.,e d :;Eu Facxweuttttretr scur .I L- c n,.. vent a3 'tevi virct c hee. . Imetarts: sac mrd `3 ;:. tett Nt` , Phers n- anti tz tthI. Her cert is, itcluilev C arat:b t vent the .week tint ,,1:1 .wa earn