HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 8II ' ,eggs MO state during >sty visit twelve years at;~«?. tlit+il l0taitad glia ded tlittG it WAS only a question of 'thou it it is would be developed, It p abundance the cereals of Iowa, Nausea and Missouri --with eattou is addition, I wag then. satisfiedthat Test at) would growth. have constants, 1 My obse>;vatiCll has beau verified, 1 . t ded. l',1'ttxP1 had, been located where Kansas or Iowlt,is it wou'd have leen filled up long ago. T'h; great rush has been, in the direetiou of the latter States,, Many settlers, not having their ,,icpetl- - Aititl r•,e of Toilet Articles, rerttnnee, sponges, --1 tat ons realized in Ai sacul2, Iowa clad .. en etanlc :, etO, always in stock,-- Kansas, are "selling out and coming. down here." BELL TE),.,;i'IiON'E : CL•'.NTlttlt I The facility. for raising corn and pasturage have given a steady Wolin; i9l•FIt,L, 1 P , r, lotion to cattle raising. This ioduatry STEAltta"rII? and Gi AND Ta sKTOWNTICi>ET, yields enormOuB returns when the fat i> to>J. cattle reach the market. Dallas has Ont. t* neat 'vitt:ttam, hi. course o£ erection a lar„e ,. packers, and refrigerator which will • 1 The developinent of Texas bas been itici aged, but Phot foul, cout2trY :voter aWtia a4nelu Dr. To , lor's Drug Store Pits t ictarx and Topular Prescriptions acalrately compou t Fzcre Drugs and ("iieiflicals tL s ecial(I! ; liDt(irlld 711A,11<KPATla. WLWu$LM, 2104q, , 1$Q0.. Cerreettu by P. Doane, nodose pokier, loon' r 100 Ito, $ 2 50 ti1 per 0 50 to Ball NJ]ieat per>duahet, - Spring Oats, Barley Peas,. Potatoes, Metter, tub do Molle, Eggs per dome, Wood per eiid, Key, per ton, LL„, ,., UBO• I reaoh completion by the next July. NIEETIHGs,ifnroolriao rapid than I ai p its eXtelit 4f, territory it dotes not show as it would in a. smaller State. Laredo, SanAtitonio,and all the towns along the 1ioq. have doubled since the International and great. Northern Railroads, were built. The people are well oft' and generally contented. have flEf08h'!. • i eo a sa tc •100 • 25 to 10 O2 50 s to 1s 0 00 1 25te 14 'te 11 09 'thee to 9 00 MR. 3. T. Ci•A 'eRO'ir:', dile Berorm Candidate f,. r ' «'set flare from now to clic suet of t,ho Lttu ► 24,y ;ffruit at asgr facilitiesatas Iin121anytr State of the Union with the annual production Slav 20, at ill additof fifty is dollars onwhich scatters immense May 27, at1'tvettltli nrnou, the laboring classes. ;U, Tn :day, When the hotel accommodations. ' of Texas reach the. high standard of the east it will be a crowded State during; do winter; season. Dallas is Take notice that tl now erecting' a hottal ai, the COSI of for the Stuuicipality Fix hundred thousand dollars. Hot sitting forthe'ye'r es a hotel tliat acorn-, • d, „ m ow'n- modates people, r. O n, will hold mect'iogs a follows BE IIA.VE, Saturday, .80pnt. LER, 1\Touda p l BENDS. 78 LO1 DE813 7.30 p BLYTii, \V 'dri 1? nt. LEEBU RN,. 7 30p AUBURN,Friday, Ma p Sri. y, May 28,, at 7.30 ay, May 29, at 0, at 7.83 NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation et the County of Huron will in •. ill the Court House in the town of Goderleh, •ti rW2$DAY, the Thirdlt day o Juno. noxi. County Clerk. May 10th 890. fl 64 WANTED. Tho Wingham Tanning Co. will pay $5 1:'M OORD P\R\.INI FOR 1 - I11 RAID pit 3 .. _...__..Dari: .. Dress Goods Department Has ecomebfamous for immense variety of colors and styles, and at.all prices. in HENRIETTAS, FAILLE, FANO`PLAIDS (BLACK AND CQLOIBED), MA):l.'VEI1i* L'l;AUa: Porioka; LL1'xon, We fail to discover a :tingle wettkness in aux Dress Goods. for this summer's peeling of good 'forelock Bark delivered,at their Tanner)', Wiegham. Court a and Appeal, be,' Revision Appeal bozo Eluevale, Sp'ine's possess y oto + Godericll 700 1 and utin DAY,. 33UL:i1Bi3a, Sata , stay there It was over rli.n. t rdu. i\iAl,tlt '•SO y through Fort at 11 o'clo: a. m. All persons hav Shlii, ,CjtL .n , y i • From ,San Arltonix,, , ,thisCou will govern themselves ace Jags LNItcuss, cry. May 9th, 1800, Y 26, g business with Bugle. ' p. UU,11Rn. p 111.4„,t, PORT ALOE' Monday, June 2, \'7olr;h to Denison and east of Diaflat f IOr 100 miles is as fine a country as at 0 p in, over layout of doors. Grand Saline GO pE14T01p Wednesday, Juno 4• at has ecellent salt wells. Salt of .:'7.80 p m. I` crest qualitywas re3,ched ata depth The Opposition candidate ks,invite°d of est to attend. : (.•t3• 'y .yy running into the creeks, thence in e '1?l' I;1.91) al i ,• i et•+' th., sea. Retained by the soil and. L ` l given back to the atmoapltere to fill ,r u 138 3?Iuuglling of the soil doubles its tnoisture. ft prevents tho rain from > d ouriah he roots or vege FIRIDA.Y. G1 A.Y 23. 1890, tatiun. , 'phis )has Caused hgardel man `"•• to Move westwar(•'l at the rate of At.r.' %A. Reid, prinoipal of Teeswatel the suit can ba cultivated aty • r ' • r near) 400 miles i'urtonte.is;• 1 twenty-five miles annually, until now Cheyenne,' Tur 0 UR PRINTS take in all, the novelties of the season. FIDERE CLIC® Our Tweed Department is well stocked in all the newest styles anti makes. Don't: fail' to examine our large and attractive stock before buying. HOLS•TEiN-FRIESIAN BULL. The undersigned will keep for service, this }earns,' on Lot 5, con. 9,Turnuerry, a pure bred bull, ” ton Boy," Itegietered in fifth velum': of theliolstein Friesian herd book. Terns $1.110' for insurance, to lie paid next whiter,.LAWRENCE LOVELL, Proper. • pablio Sohool, spent Sunday with friends Wyotinnt,'rerrito y, y in town..Settforth,Sure: 8lrteDr Cauipbeit West of the desert line. That was isle vialanes l pointed out to me. Irrigation to hard- ly resorted to iu the valley, the pre- cipitation being sufficient for two and sou Willie spout this w friends in, Wiugharn—Massa John IYee- lauds and It Elliott, of- this town, were in Brantford this week attending cu meeting of tete Executive Committee of the Calla. dial Order of Foresters ..111r 13 J Reid Via iu Gotlericlh, on busiueds, Monday.. Air James Mitchell, of the. Goderich Star, crops annually. The soil in the greater part cf Ttxas is well adapted to the productio t of- cereals. 1t is particularly giro ig soil, being ladeu with soda whiuu enters largely into the COltlposatiou of wheat and which Was ill toNht o,, b'ridmy et, last..111r J NV Struthers of Toeswater, was ill town in Englund glen d s to be aided to the soil ,1 on Wednesday.. M" Johnston Abrallauh, of Stratford, who spout a few weeks in town visiting hi:+ brother, ,lir. Thos Abrullarn, returned to his home on Saturday last.. Ur Geo Hughes, of this town, left for the old Country, on Saturday last. Li charge t L_' . 2 to ii18 a too. Railroads have kept pace: with the development of the country. They acre well bal'adted and supplied With i.nbstantit.l steel rails from Pennsyl- vania. Wteeks are nuwgnits'infrequent .s towards hat they were8to 0years ago. a 0 cost of f Cil^ col. Stir Joe eb+ Illi etsliatrirunntl, front Tara, is UOW asatst- Ritiiroad `tars and tonnage Less been ip Ll, :; ai tad Trui,kfreight idled 'tercel' Teat iltreduced: Il>tt•tut , of Gerrie. was ie town oil ° rpt of e,cttr„oo •Ialgl .. WWeduesdciy.. r 7'32 Stewart. of.Iianitltou, represtut,u'„ the iirre of L L) Sawyer Co, of that pity, was in town on \Vedues• day..Ur Joh,, Gentles, of Ii taatrtitie, was in town ou business oti?'"Nedoes'lay..Atr Win itobertaou was at Palmerstem, on Monday, on business...aim Lizzie (ilarlr. . u.nd ;lihtei 1L:i.ttrtf. r{o(.gsou are spending a eW clays fa \ 'caster title ween. 1H lonv„ leljf . pith), covering an • area of over 5,000 square miles, is another sourie of wealth. The fruit industry of Texas,has developed so that strawberry and utoluu traiva are. operated int season. \G hen I Grst traveled over the Union Pacific I asked the conductor if. Ste had ever seen Indians down herb. A IIT.P1ONITIr I> trExAS. Ile lifted his glut and allowed ale I hVht to 11e had been scalped over R9 21P`C[ti i OF TSI. CLIMATE, t'»Nlt a year a;; i. Hitt from tote ready TRIC.:+, L RD»Cil'.i, 1tA1LWA1:S Alli) bolt' PRODUCTIONS. (t. 'earn for the Ttntis.) Texas lits clog atea of 274,028 square 11t'' • , e 13 in ee.' eat to the middle • - tttatos, viz : New York, Pcul.slyvtLUidt t,nsiteta to the acre than. any other sec New Jersey acid Delaware. 1 L all tilt' tiotl of rho Union. ( oplh• of the United Stater were There are more acres of titxlber ill n? 'Tettx,ts it "ilia not b,r eta ,,, n iu an three ftlttecs of the doth,, dl il! Texas the y t t t•l ) 1•)n1v,,retl as L ruuChc, '.CitE ] It It 78 11e11 111 11 UI1,Cup1)(ir,9ll , tl) y 1 rU di:iv:n est oil troops to centres of dist url,ance the rough element, as well the Indians have been driven out raid Texas enjoys pease sereueiy. The Pau Uaudle country of Texas products the filio,st wheat and more CNRONIC CNN NUN For if you do not it ;lay become con- sumptive. For ConCttni rtient, Seroftikc, Genera/ Debi/Mee and Wasting Diseases, there is nothing like 6 Hats, Tie 9, 0 - Slee our nobby Shirts, Hosieflr, (doves and Collars. —o - ARTt ABB. tIT. DEPT. Big stock, cheap prices, best goods in Brussels ; all -wool Tapestry ; Union and l•ienip at lowest price. get p extend a(iicl coralal are goods to NoI to visit our store, trouble to show goods.liege stock, „Gt I111 I M 11 (f 1` JUST O?ENE .. . " SU^_rt *lt d g •tic Of Pure Cool Liver Oil and ce r Y.a m c..a.c3 e3€,c't.t. it is almost as palatable as milk. Far t better than other eo-called Emulaione. ' A wonderful tloah producer. t SCOTT'S EMULSION is pant up in a salnwn colo, wrapper. Be 1Dealere t> t GOc. and SIM. uo ville. t SCOTT & t<owxu, Bo retro and got the 'etenuLrto. Sohl by alt EXECUTORS' NOTICE. s has just Opened up a canal Polska at - Grocer St&e; opposite tele Market. The stock consists of Sugars, Tjeas, Tobaccos, Spices, R aisens, Cu rauts& Dsltts, Figs and P uncs. CANNED GOODS Og AILL RINDS --Fruit, Peas, Corn, Salrnon,. Corned Beef and Sardines. All kinds of Biscuits. Dried Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Liverpool Salt. A full assortment. of CROCKERY AN 1 GLASSWARE Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1987, chapter 100, eortion 80 the creditors of William i'itt yiiseocits,late of the town of Wingheen,tnthe County of Huron and Province of Ontario, Clerk, who died on or about the Stet day of March A. D., 1800, aro required to trend to J. A. Morton, of the Town of Wi,iglham in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the undersv.ned eyecutorn of the said deceased, oe or before the 9th day of June A. D.. 1800, their naives adliressts and descriptions, the full particulars of thole claims, &statement of their accounts and the nature el the eeonritles(ff.any) held by them, incl notice ie 'hereby given that the said Exectttorl will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto hiving regard only to the claims of which they (,bill then have had notice. J. A. Monroe, Solicitor for 11olir. J. 14lseot'Ke and Jons it. The a cies, . ;,clpiti:ttioo is It prt)Seiit about tWci atuf aa. -cath 1O11itJhii1. TItt' taxable valuta int'1'r:L;ed sixty ruiliiatls twf d,,l II" sett ars exhibited at the Spring1 l lionin 18."',9. Texas has thirty mil. , l.'aIft 0 at Fort ' UItl2, Team, The lion aareo. of land for aaitt ut :.? 1)"''i production of True alone it this age aifitil i o'ci y,•urs time for lrtV liient rivals the progressive strides of recent i11 fltll -•-if gL'ti tredr npa, to tht years, inspirirl the soul and nand It tilt rrl greater tl1 0,rltnr with deeds more noble than conquests agriculturist, mechanic, laborer aua in war, by this the grttatest and moat t gpitlzl"1st than nit), t»tate !i1 Bat 1332iuA Unique display of NY. uti'lt a mother rott1t itltttciu' you are het'. ills,+ Outside earth, bpl0. lltin :titi ; '` .ltanderin; I you iota wile!)11tattractions the ne'ck's of civililuthost, Erect far and r, t t on. nl i . t laying ► s thereby 1 t ru unexcelled, tl 0 lit. Inc l Ct3 6 Texas •. A d unex Y y 5 and t oav+) to ..t xa unseen vPUI,etC of New York Otte, 1;11( i Thttimders'r sed niters for pale his dwellin;Chon 1' q tlld)' rlundatiOn upon '1V11iC1] Silt lir) and Lao ar mora Aornn of gaud, as pltrcbas.or stay e o and TS 1118011 Clity are in se bee., l,91 the arch of peace and prosperity pn,tlire. Tl' prot.ertd is nicely lottC.rd, and bill be ,tiCtriC li "ilti3, sat ut ettrtr lyjoCAa sold on iii t)nabiOterms. For full ]aeticttlare, tppl st1.0 to; a b. ► to tko owners 1X kA &gtf tt,,i,e iv, e, .'.0 uttklk1a layO xnA CI1E1. ttit:uliani, llriliit?i,l , .• Y.l ,..T n41,,ix tiy,ac fi,'rt tLttrtttst(•d t,• Wingham, Ont., 0th ifav,1e200. EXECUTORS' NOTICE, Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 100, section 16, the creditors of William Mooney late of the Townehip of Turnberry in the County of Macon tend 1'roviueo of (Math), Gentle- men, who ie on or sheat the Otlt day of April A. 1'rnd to noel to J. A. Slorton of the cer, 1 died Union. L., 1800, ate rrc, h granite, alid luno tltuo. • loons o: Winrrhant, in trio County of IP tirn,Sto11cit 111 Mese, sandt m,iersitte rd lhxeetors of then iddeceased tyi Blies Of ti's ftLrtir, fiend, . fort'stG orrbefore the Otli day of June, A, D.,1800 tha'r uncles, ( eddreevea and deeertptinns, the toil partieulats of tluii• claims, 1 statement of their eeeonnts and the tate': of the seetn•itiee (if any) held by 'them. amt notice le' hereby given that the said Executers will immediately after tete neat mentioned day proceed to t,n tits clttttail titer tntha Sitz, be nt oral only to ttlhe 1• delete of which thee ++hill icon have hail nonce. 2. A. M..wn», Solicitor for W. 1t Ca::iet,etseste and Monet: Detomieo, texneutoi'8. Wingham, Ont., 0th May, 1890. 'in sets or separate. 0 Butter, tggs Dried neat, etc,, taken iii, exchange. As we buy focash, we aro able to sell at the cheapest rates.' By calling and inspecting our goads you will oblige R. A. RAH March28,1890. Wingham, Ont. PropODtV ;dor Salo 1 w •1TA.21 , IhG 1 25 REWA The above ward will be will give suck ht •trnatioe pension and 00111 ion huterlarloesry enter het:veee the hour the following 51 winghant d to any person Who wall lead to the apple - the piney or patties who he Witi'rham Public School p. i; Saturday, SOLS April and ay mo ung. By orde of the Se11001. Bonen. pelt 20th+1800 To Breeders. The Iloletein•lhieeian Buil, H U E ON LAI), No. 1 1G30 iterietered in the fourth volume of the Ti t ie in Vrteeian lletd Rook, mill be kept for service g the season et 1290 at Lot 11, Concession 1, Morris. Terms t<1,50 for grade cows; thot'eughbred 1101• stein 00ivs etie; with the privilege of rctnrnitig to be be paid at time of service, JOIiI A 51eRWVE11, Morris, AprilSth,1100. Pleasant Valley Apiary. WANTED --Readers for the Fire., side Weekly,contaittil.lg the now story, "° A 1•toliing Stmo," by Kato Eva Westlake. Send 60 cents 'for three months' trial, and receive a premium. Agents wanted everywhere. Good. premiums and big commission's. Tun Fxniiainn Wniiiiu-, 0 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. - PURL ITALIAN QIJIlltNS FOIL SALli. 'rented Queeue, during May 02 n0 I. dating June .............. 1 75 1'nteated Qucene, after Juntlith.. .. „ . 1 On or 0 untested, quecnct after J11tho 15th ........ 4 00 I arse have et quantify ot davit hill es rind a•tall ilii•n3 for SW: 8ttoeicktdedti in ailsbrdneNrWitt t Cogitator cl I'. TBII A. MILLER, . iVltlnllatei, t)iit. Cheap Property. Two thoieo bots, well fenced, on the corner of Petrick and Cetheril,e tlit etc, Wiftitll a. Good sited roller, new sterni wail ready for brick or franw dwcei1 line, l.xeeiient wall, stoped up. Alco gnantity lumber. Will be tole cheap. U. BI. G(,1tUO::, W'inghaul, ,ra. irk rti r . 11 . A ' "LS F : a„ , ;ts a .:Aw. TOTAL. 11>LyiIlr 8TnA.TzS SIPS, Ate hand, .1 to sill ate*, at,tkffrom Ik&ontree,1 and `tiyabe c, To Irr .aUU Liverpool. . i Isheritat Orwin ?anew. dive 'My* tam ince to: tanJ ,r,:.1/ Reduction in Cabin mates. CAnlla, $50, to 5.70, netcrdin„ to rot'attnn ; 1x•080• ' l forLeto ee •. li tit. t i k i!, all tet s incudt ,t 'rr 50 1 1 Ste A > )itnnrngo at iowe0t race. At:nnnmindatiutl miner - peseta. ia ager u? c^.n emle•rlr at Mentreah Apply to II. d et etLL,L:i, )htttreal, Or .1,115 in3,5' DAVIS, V1 crit ty.s pweeowr e VOL, x.. SlaSOIS Opened out to Black and ( Black and C Black and C Black and ( ..Ctanshmere and ,. Curtains ant 11loslius, Mob, Piles of n( corner of the Coutio and s Tmo 13EAtt, 1l —d. meeting c Association will lug, 7uue 3rd, it --Sir Ttobt Hi I3i icoclrs,•reulov --First of the erl~ies and tone he bricklayo Jahn Ilanua's street. —Tbe regular :011(5i-Wo own OOn11017 wi: in ; next. .E P Gerst - proved Sibuselr" 1u town, - .--Mr rs suflll 1iing," has ou lit ,Comb foundation LVA* ren—a f 1reesmal,ing, Y; maker, opposite , —Tho stollen"1 being pur;hed tractors, the gild —If your.. (vat talcs it to L I+' C He will give yon •ills F T4 FL 'asterit for tbo -- at Ayr, Out. hand. --111esess 7 7 stogy of tweeds are giviugclecid Trop to and lot• troublo to sl.tow Mr John II his oflice, on ' ,of fall wheat 1 Aches. This i growth for this —G• T Ill tri leave Wixlelsam s via W G & 13 . and $.40 p.,m:, ... . Good ocnneotio. —In preparit Dow at baud, 31 . Immense ice.ori Size made, fret • serve the coolil —If you hav, 'whitewashing O chat with sem( have, before y Bold only by Si --The Itev ii ed in the..Bnpti last, bot 't mors Mr Priest prep Attwood, in tin 7'int evening, Strawb„ rri tar zestauran --14fr 'Nm ,, Dutton & x Css removed his, f Wingham, thin the fine brick) lately vacated - Thti Gordon& N store painted 7 friends will M bright Appetit new goods sbe: r •will acid to i snide 8, fit]