HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 10r..
Bill VanSchip returned to Hol-
land last week after spending seven
months with his sister Mrs. 'I -Jay
Miltenburg, Mr. Miltenburg and
family and helping T iiiy with the
farm work.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miltenburg
---.and family of Welland were week
end visitors with .Mr'. and Mrs.
John Miltenburg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch and
family of Waterloo were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Van Osch.
Reverend Father Ed Dentinger
C.R. and Reverend Father C.
Hauser C.R. of Kitchener are
vacationing in Florida. Rev. Father
Sullivan is in charge of the Parish
in the meantime.
John Sheardown; who has been
working in Timmins since Septem-
ber, was back on the week end to
take Anne and son Ricky withhim
to their new home in Timmins.
Use Christmas Steals
J. W. Iran stem p cart
10:00 gene Service
Dutch, first Sunday of month
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
•Presbytery Orth
• Rev. Gloom Ned. ILA.. LIM •
Phone 521-270
• 10:00 a. School ••
♦ •
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
.Yang poople are taking t
zit the service ♦
!Guest Speaker -- Student from:
Knox College 4••♦
.._ — ® •
7:30 p.m. M , .tor of the :
Presbyterian *, 7A tit m
Dr. laugh Dam,
the guest speaker •
2:3o pan. &today School
Christmas Program and
White Gift Service
St. Augustine CWLI Mn. Lorne Sparks
Speaker At UCW
The St. Augustine Catholic
Women's League November meet-
ing was held November 1st in the
vestry with 8 members and 1 visitor
present. Father Dentinger opened
the meeting with the League
Prayer. Mrs. Wm. Kinahan, the
president, was in the chair.
The correspondence was read by
Mrs. Cyril Boyle, letters from Mr.
McKinley M.P., from the Prime
Minister's office, Mrs. Frank Rieg-
ling, C.N.I.B. and Mrs. R. Boyle.
Mrs. Boyle thanked the ladies for
helping with canvassing for the
In Church Life Mrs. Gus Red-
mond reported sending out two
cards to Mrs.. D. Dalton, Mrs, R.
Leddy and gave report on the
Thankoffering meeting which she
attended at Auburn.
Cultural Life - a report was given
on C. N.I. B. and Mrs. R. Boyle
reported on the Craft Festival
which she attended at Saltford
Valley Hall. • Father Dentinger
discussed the Parkin Bingo that is
to be held. Material for new
vestments was discussed. In place
of exchange of Christmas gifts, a
collection is to be taken up and sent
to the missions.
Father Dentinger closed the
meeting with prayer. Lunch was
served by the hostess in charge.
South Kinloss
Mrs. Allan MacDougall was
hostess for the W.M.S. meeting on
November 6. The president
opened the meeting by reading a
verse on Remembrance Day
Thoughts. The hymn "0 `God our
help in ages past" was sung and
Psalm 46 was read by Mrs. Herb
Buckton. The meditation was
taken by Mrs. Bruce Hamilton on
Remembrance Day. Mrs. Douglas
Graham read a poem "Soldiers
Welcome" written by the late Dean
MacLeod. Mrs. Frank MacKenzie
read "In Flander's Fields" and a
minutes silence was observed.
"The Old Rugged Cross" was
sung by Mrs. P. Steer and Mrs.
Schmidt read a poem "Onward and
Nineteen members answered the
roll call on Remembrance. The
offertory prayer was ,given by Mrs.
Needham. Mrs. W. Maclntyre.
Mrs.: H. Austin and Mrs. H.
Campbell took part in the prayer
Mrs. G. Hamilton presented the
report of the nominating commit-
tee. Mrs. Ira Dickie is to be the
president for the coming year.
Mrs. Buckton gave the courtesy
The hymn "Stand up, stand up
for Jesus" was sung and Mrs- L.
Sparks dosed the meeting with
prayer. The hostess and directors
served iun+ch-
Orris GingsielS, Pam
10:00 acct. Sunday School
11go a.ra. Morning Worship
Unit 1 Lucknow United Church
Women met for their regular
meeting in the church parlor on
Tuesday afternoon, November the
Sth. Mrs. Sam Gibson, leader,
opened the meeting with a poem
"God needs us". The hymn
"Jesus . Saviour Pilot Me", - was
sung followed by prayer.
Mrs. Pete Cook gave the treasur-
er's report. Mrs. Clarence Irwin,
convener for Citizenship, gave a
paper on the law and property
rights of married Women. Mrs.
Walter Dexter gave a reading.
-Friendship and gave the report on
visiting shut ins. Mrs. N.- J.
MacKenzie for membership report-
ed two new members for our group.
Mrs, W. G. Hunter gave the
report for social functions and a
good financial report of the fowl
supper. Mrs. Al Irvin gave a
reading on Stewardship "Don't
Despair". The roll call was
answered by 21 members and one
visitor with a verse on peace.
Mrs. Alex MacNay, convener of
the program, for devotions opened
with a reading "Advice for living,
Thoughts for United Church Wom-
en". Hymn 523 was sung. Mrs.
MacNay read scripture verses from
John, chapter 14, followed by
prayer and meditation. Mrs. Eva
Freeman gave a reading in keeping
with Armistice Day "Time of
Remembrance". A piano solo by
Mrs. Wes Ritchie was enjoyed.
Mrs. . MacNay then called on
Mrs. Lorne Sparks, who spoke in
her very pleasing manner on
"What it means to be a Christian".
She took her thoughts from
"Epistle of Paul to the Colos-
sians". She said two of the
outstanding characteristics of a
Christian must be "faith and
Mrs. Sam Gibson thanked Mrs.
Sparks for her message and
presented her with a gift. Mrs.
MacNay dosed the meeting with
prayer. Mrs. Sparks favoured
with singing which we all enjoyed
before lunch, which was served by.
the committee in charge of° the
Whitechurch UCW
On Tuesday afternoon at 2_p,m.
the Whitechurch United Church
Women met at the hone of Mrs, S.
Wa . Mrs. Cliff ' Laidlaw
con of Christian and Mission-
ary Education opened the call to
warship. Mark 1:1S and gave the
comments. All sang Take time to
be Holy. Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm
read the poem Wings of a Prayer.
Mrs. Quipp read the scripture,
John 4 followed by prayer by Mrs.
Sleightholrn and the singing of
hytfnn In Christ there is no east or
Mrs_ Ehnen Sleighthom gave the
story "h means just what it says".
Mrs. Laidlaw, gave the story
"Compassion circles the worm". It
is a ministry of love and helps to
sene the countries all over the
Mrs. Millan Moore presided for
the business. The roll ' call was
answered " by 13 with a yet
beginning with I am. The minutes
were read by the secretary. Mrs.
Dave. Gibb, Mrs. Albert Coultes
gave the treasurer's report and the
collection was received and dedi-
cated by Mrs.. Moore Mrs. Moore
gave the courtesy remarks and
dosed the meeting with prayer.
The Travelling Basket was passed
Mrs. Cecil Blake
Was UCW Speaker
The November Meeting of Unit
2, Lucknow United Church Women
was held at the home of Mrs.
Harvey Houston with 15 members
and.l visitor present. Mrs. Vernon
Hunter opened the meeting with a
quotation tothink about "Swal-
lowing angry words is a lot easier
than eating them", followed by a
hymn and prayer. The roll call was
answered by a verse containing the
word peace,.
The treasurer's report was given
by Miss Lorna Campbell. 'Mrs. A.
Ritchie reported on supply and
welfare. Articles not suitable for
the Angola bale were sent to the
Salvation Army in Wingham. Mrs.
Garfield MacDonald reported on
community friendship and visiting.
Mrs. Gordon Kirkland reported on
social functions and thanked the
ladies for helping at a very
successful fowl supper. Church
calendars were ordered.
Mrs. MacDonald opened the
program with a poem "God has not
Promised" followed by a hymn.
Mrs. Kirkland gave a .reading.
Mrs. MacDonald read the scripture
and gave the meditation. Mrs.
Houston and Mrs. Ackert sang a
Mrs. Cecil Blake from Dungan-
non spoke on "The Influence of
Environment Mrs. Kirkland
thanked the speaker. The meeting
closed with hymn 434 and prayer.
Lunch was served.
Presbyterian w
y mooting
The monthln
Lucknow n
Missionary was we,
sionary Society was laa
Sunday School room
The theme of theold
"Remembrance", �'
meeting with. presided
Poem m
brance, followed by hymn
the W.M.S. purpose. (tp
The scripture from
chapter 13, was
Reid. The medic tion4aa
was given by Mrs. Wallace
Mrs. Robert Reid .r
Glad Tidings and Mts.
Sherwood led in .prayer, I
entitled The Lesson was
Mrs. James Little,
A list of the offices va
presbyterial executive was
the secretary and nominations
called for to fill any or all et
positions. The Bible.$44
given by Mrs. Lone to to
Ephesians, chapter 3,
gave . a great deal of
thought about ways to
church and Sunday Scheel
ance. I�
Hymn 544,,,ttbbhtthey46
was sung and the meet
with prayer by Mrs. Jarmo
Unit 3 U.C.W
Unit 3 Lucknow Unit
Women met at the lased
Clarence Greer on Tum;
ember 5 with 19 memlxts
visitors present.
Mrs. Glen Walden
meeting with some thot
late J. F. Kennedy ern
need for faith. The bye
of Love" was sung, f
Lord's prayer repeated in a
The roll call was asset
submitting written s
1975 meetings. The
special ' "Stocking "
received and dedicated by
Walden. Mrs. Eldon l
be hostess for the Da
meeting. Miss Ada *ban
appointed secretary for 191
Mrs. C. McDonald, repel
social functions thanked al
had helped in any way neat
dinner. A good profit watt
by the Li.C.W. Ides.1
reported visits made acd'.
sent. Mrs.. W.
Christian and Missionary 1
tion read an article fid
Observer, concerning east
ned for 1975..when t rk 1
Church celebrate its &a7
sary. Mrs. Wigha to
members to salve the tads
for aid to the Leprosy
treasurer's report eras 01
Mrs. Jardine. Mrs. 1
! expressed the thanks ef tle
i to Mrs, Greer, for the
home. ,
Mrs, George Jardine iv
• of the proga
• prayer. The hying, "Lew!
was sung and MTS. J
read the scripture from 10.
reading "He Smiled i111
'COS gotten by Mts. Tem II
"Love" was flee
interesting pale'
Jardine. A reading
These" vans given by:
Hymn 49S als sins
Hackett closed the
Clench was Vat.L4 41'4
time. enjoyed.
Unit 4 U.C.W.
Mrs. Gordon Cayley was hostess
for the November meeting of Unit 4
of the Lucknow United Church
Women. Mrs. Leonard Ritchie
opened with a poem "Do you have
time to pray" followed by a hymn.
Fourteen members answered the
roll call with a gift for the Victor
Home for Girls. The treasurer
reported S356.08 as the collections
to date, Mrs. Harvey Webster
gave a very favourable report of the
Fowl Supper. Profit to date is
51126.20. Mission Study for the
year is entitled "Missions and
Mrs. Bob Struthers took charge
of the devotional portion of the
meeting and opened with "My God
is no Stranger". Mrs- Leonard
Ritchie read the scripture. Follow-
ing a hymn. Mrs. Murray gave two
interesting readings. Mrs. Murray
Henderson and Elizabeth Ritchie
presented a dialogue entitled
"thou Shalt Not Something or
Mrs. Struthers and Mrs. Ritchie
gave an informative talk on Abor-
tion and Mercy Killing. Cheating
,and Right and Wrong Doings.
Following this ladies were divided
into "groups . to discuss these
Mrs_ Hatv'ey Webster favoured
with a solo and Mrs. Struthers
thanked the hostess and program
comrnittee. The meeting was
dosed with the benediction.