HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-13, Page 8.t • t•' , •
Intennediate Hockey Teal Step Up
Into Ten Teem Grouping In O.H.A. Play
• The &rater Lucknow Intermed-
iate "C' Minor team, which played
in the W.O.AA. League last year,.
has step!, up into the Ontario
Hockey Assonattion Intermediate
"C" League.
The team has, imported some
new payers to • add a hitt more
strength to e regtdar team from
last •year. which won the "C'
Minor Championship.
The men virotdd appreciate your
support itt the forthcoming season..
Incknow is grouped with Harris
ton. Clinton. Goderiche Fergus.
NtitdtE Milvertote Seaforth. Kin-
cardine. Ron Eg
Harvey Livineston is the coach -
manager of the team.
Mr.. and Mrs., Gary Walton of
Siracotespent the week end, with his.
grandfather.. Frank Moto..
and. Evars,_ V IIJ Moulton of Sime
came' ftwr part of Cite week end with
his father. While. here they went
fishing 'but -were not suceessful.rn
'catching.. any., though they saw
some "big ones" being hauled in
around diem.
•, Mrs_ Ceeill.Btake spent a couple
of days, visiting tier son. Mr.. and
Mrs.. Jim Blake and sena Attiston,
Sympathy -is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Irvin on the death of his
Mus. W. Irvin..
•On Noventbe-r k Mrs, teed
Retie. Mrs- Jack Alton. Mrs-
-r Black and Mrs. Graham
NeNee attended a Nutrition Work-,
shep,in Aubtirne
• •Mrs, Lorne Hasty 'and Mrs,
Graham McNee attende.d the Pres-
byteriat Executive meeting inWa-
wa ort Thursday. November 7.
Mrs. Mary Bete and Mrs.:
• Richard Kilpatrick of Vrmgham
atteetted a Seminar in Toronto on
Visual Perce.ption. Aaditory Per-
ception and 'Perceptual Motor
Training presented by Pereeption
Devetuptnent Researth Ass -dates,
• Teias, with Mr. • Frank&tau.
S.S..M.Ed.... as speaker..
Sympathy of tbrtner neighbours,
of Crewe community is extended to
?dr. and 'ttitts. Otto Jonwsma of
NT -Meant ott the death of her
father. who passed away in Holland
at the age .of
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
RQbt. Wood on the birth o son.
Shawn Gordon.. en November 7. a
brother for Robbie.. grandson of
kitit.. and Mrs, Gordon Schultz.
great grandson of Mrs.. Les Shit -
M. and. Mrs. .Kett. Bowden and
• Debbie visited in Thamesville last
week end. Mrs. Bowden is.
recovering front about of pleurisy.
ViSitors. with Rev. and Mrs. R. C.
WC-lei:ugh:an on the week,' end
were Mrs.. A. R. Gotedie-and Mrs.
Maty Jackson of Kitchener and.
Miss Beatrice McClenaglian of
Mrs. Lorne Newbieeing of iist-
Nov. 15 •Lucknow- at Harriston
Nov. 17 Lucknow at Clinton
Nov. 22 • Lucknow • at Goderich
Nov. 24 • Fergus at Lucknow
Nov.. 29 Lueknow at Mitchell
Dec. 1 •Goderich at Lucknow
Dec. 6 Lucknow at Milverton
Dec_ 8 Harriston at Lucknow
Dec. 13 Clinton at Lucknow
Dec, 15 Lucknow at Seaforth
Dee. 20 Lucknow at Kincardine
Dee. 22 • Mitchell at Lueknow
Dee_ 27 Lucknow at Port Elgin
Dec. 29 Seaforth at Lucknow
Jan. 3 Milverton at Lucknow
Jan. 5 • Lucknow at Fergus
Jan. 10 Lucknow at Fergus
Jan.. 12 Harriston at Lucknow
Jan_ 19 Kin Ige at LUCIMOW
• Juvenile Hockey
Schedule •
Nov.. 10 Lueknow at Riptey
Nov_. 12 Lucknow at Port Elgin
Nov.. 15 Lacknow- at Lions Head
Nov. 117 Kincairditte at Lucknow
Nov. 23 late:know at Chesle3r
Nov. 24 Mount Forest at Lucknow
Dee_ 5 latAnow at Listowel
Dee_ 8 LiOns' Head at Lueknow
Dec. 12 Lucknow at Paisley
Dec. 14 LuAnow at Mount Forest
Dec, IS Tiverton at Lucknow
Dee.. 211 Lucknow at Hanover
Dee. 22 Paisley at Lucknow
Dee_ 29 Chestey at Lucknow
Jan. 3 Lucknow at Tiverton
Jan. 5 Port Elgin at Lucknow
Jan. 112' Ripley at Lucknow
Jan_ t9 Listowel alt Lucknow
Jan. 2.6 Lot:know at GOderich
Jan. 311 Lucknow at Kincardine
Feb. 2' Goderich at Lucknow
Feb.. 9 Hanover at Lucknow
owet is spending a week. with her
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Culbert. Cheryl and Linda.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
Leonard Reed on the week end
were Mrs. Adkin• and Marjorie. of
Dresden. who also visited Mrs.
Cowan of Sheppardton. Mrs. Ad -
kin's mother.
Mrs- Chas.'" -Fowler returned
home from hospital on Friday
Dungannon Youth Group met at
Brookside School on Wednesday;
November 6, with a good attend-
ance. .
Everyone has been enjoying the
tine Indian summer weather •anij
Mrs. Graham McNee ,rettorts
ing five ro•sebuds, which is unusual
for November.
Mrs. Murray Oke of Scarborough
spent a few days with her mother.
Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and Mr.
Higgins and visited Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Chishohn and family and
other relatives in and around
Men's 7 p.m.
PHONE 528-3532 •• LUCKNOW
Ernie Webb took high single of
the evening with a 283 score. High
triple went to Ron Stanley with a
score of 707.
• Games over 225: Ernie Webb
283, Ron Stanley 275, Terry Taylor
252. •
• Team points: Owls 5, Cardinals
• 4, Vultures 3, Hawks 2, Sparrows
5. Crows 2.
Team standings: Bob Cranston's
Crows 33, Bill MacKenzie's Vul-
tures 23, Wa3nae Carter's Sparrows
18, Pete Chisholm's Hawks 18,
John Hogan's Cardinals 18, Wayne
Cranston's Owls 16.
Kinloss • Bowling
High single for the men this
week was Jack Needham with 226
and high triple was Gerald Rhody
with 575. Jake Conley had a triple
of 556 and Lloyd MacDougall a
single of 211 and a triple of 540.
High tady this week was Merle
Mindy with a single of .230 and a
triple 4581. Nancy Swan also hit
the 200 Mark with 2 points to Spare.
Team points: Kings 2, Snows 5,
Wealthys 2, Spys 4, Macs 3.
Pippins 5.
Team standings:- Spys 27, Pip-
pins 26. Snows 22. Kings 20, Macs
20. Wealthys 13.
• Dungannon
• Men's 9 p.m.
Donald MacKinnon took high
single with a score of 261. Ron
Stanley had a high triple scOre of
• Games over 225: Donald Mac-
Kinnon 261, Ron Stanley 256, 236;
Hugh Todd 255, Bill Button 225,
Jamie Elliott 225, Gordon Carter
• Team points: Oldsmobiles 7,
Fords 0; Mustangs 5, Dodges 2;
Pontiacs 3, Buicks 4.
Team standings: • Oldsmobiles
• 33; Btucks 30, Mustangs 28,
Pontiacs 23, Dodges 22, Fords 11.
Lucknoliv Y.B.C.
• High singles for the week went to
Marina Park with • 235 ,and Jack
Caesar 'with 293.
High:triples were Marina's 546
and Jack Treleaven's 678 -
Ladies over 225 were Marina
Park • 235 and Irene Blake 230
. Men over 250 were Jack Caesar
293. ' Jack Treleaven 272. Bili
Stewart 267. At Hamilton 255 and
Ron Stanley 251.
Team points: Foxes 2. Cubs 5:
Polecats 5. Coons 2: Gophers "„
Chipmunks 5: Kangaroos 0, Squir-
rels 7: Wolverines 3. Tigers 4;
Zebras 5. 'Lions 2,
Team standings: Zebras 45.
Coons 33.. Wolverines 311. Foes 29.
Lions 28. Polecats 26. Tigers ,26..
Kangaroos Re Squirrels 19.. Goph-
ers t4, • Cubs 13. Chipmunks ID.'
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Martyn were
guests at an anniversary party in
honour of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Boyd
on Friday evening at Reids
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. -Jim MacKenzie were Mr. and
Mrs.. Ivan Emmerton and family of
Deep River.
Duncan Simpson returned home
from hospital in %Vinglzam where
he had been a patient.
Rov MacKay of Lucknow. form-
erly of this community is a patient
in University Hospital in London.
David Farrish of Sudbury was a
recent visitor at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie
and family. were guests at the 25th
wedding anniversary party for Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Elliott of Luck
now .
K. L. MacKenzie spent a few
days visiting in 'Toronto recently.
This week. the Youth Bowling
Council bowlers competed in the -I
Beat My Coach Tournament"..
Each competitor paid 25c to the
bowling league, which covered the
cost of the crest and all additional
money was given to the mentally
retarded in Canada. This camp-
aign is a nation-wide shell -out day
for all bowling teams to provide
money for the mentally retarded.
High singles for Bantams under
12 were: John Hopf 154. his triple
405; Michael Humphrey 132, his
triple 388; and Steven Machan 136,
his triple score 380.
The high singles for Juniors over
12 were Roddy Havens 204, Allan
Stanley 191, Austin O'Donnell 165,
Irene Reitknecht 151, and Debbie
• Searle 135. High triples went to
Roddy Havens 518. Allan Stanley
514, and Debbie Searle with 3%.
Eddie Karnitzchky had the high
single of 190 and high triple" of 448
for the seniors. , '
• Team points: Wednesday night -
Rookies 24. Cheetahs 19. Tigers 18.
Tiger Cats 18, Pussy Cats 14, with
team #3 trailing with 12 points.
On Thursday night the Streakers
are out front with 24. the Pok Cats
17. the Bears 12. the Genies 11.
the Foul Liners 11 and the Born
Losers are living up to. or down to
their name with 9 points.
Ladies 9 p.m,
High single: Tina Gardner
high triple: Merle Rhody*
Games over 200: Tma Gard
221, Anne Wisser 207, a
Riegling 207, Merle Rhody
Irene, Nelson 211.
Team points: Lynn Wall's Ill
5, Merle Rhody's Daffodils
Wisser's Lilacs2, Zena Riegr
Hyacinths 5, Irene Nelson's bo
2, Anna Johnstone's Nateket
Team standings: Lilacs 46,
cmths 46, Daffodils 32, Qum
Tulips 29, Narcissus 28.
Town & Cow
• The high single for the b
was Anna Dexter with 186
Anna Johnstone had the
double with 331.
Bill Sproule had a high oil
the men's single and BM S1,
and Harry Layis tied for the
double with 305.
Team points: Reds 4, °mg
Yellow 3, Green 2. B1ue3,
Team standings: Green 19,
19. Blue, 18, Violet 16, Yam
Ladies 6:3Opi
Gladys Moffat bowled the
single of 241 and FerneMD
bowled the high triple of 61
Games of 200 and orettli
et MarNay 202. Pat Liviregsin
Anne Purney 202. Gladys
241. Donna Stauble 1203. M
Cameron 22'.. 201, Kathleen
Donald 208, Grace Blit
Ferne MacDonald 225, 232.
Team points: Pat living
Sapphires 7. Trudy Fount's
0: Cora Thompson's Pal
Grace Gammie's Rubies 4,
Thompson's Emeralds 0
MacDonald's Diamonds T.
Team standings: Sappli
Rubies 35. Opals 34. Pei
Diamonds 31 Emeralds 22;
LE. MacDonald