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Wingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 6
AtugpmEimcs. F ,CI,i) & . MAY 03; 1890, 1#'JITUiRIAJ4 ictQTS 1ttitei kfty•seven I efai:iiiel:s itil,I ti ire . IlUe Tori©a in slid Ontet• ifs egislatdie, just dissolved, giving' ental tt niajority of twenty-four. '}'ilEin is apparently good reasons to telieve that all the :cotton mills in Canada .dill pass Under the control of fin Qttgliah sybdioate, alio will hen bet Mit to make Money at the expthee s of Canadian consumers by restricting the production and putting up the rice wore effectually than can be p hone by the present combination. -=-Globe. To overthrown a Government w hich has at its head a ratan whose equal, as the Primo Minister of a Christian country, is hardly to be found, and which has so ably and suacessfully viudieated the imperiled rights of the. Province, and to put in its place a Goverment composed of men who !lave im all oacasiOns displayed a disregard tif'the priveleges of Ontario and an indifference to its interests—to do this on the alleged' ground that our Pro .testantistu is in danger until we get a Cloverlueut in alliance with that of Sir -John Nlaedonalfl and in subservience to it, every seined and thoughtful Liberal will, I trust, see to bo the ems treine of folly. Our interests as Pro- teetants, as well as other interests,are, I have no doubt, in far safer hands than those of the men who are now charging the Goverment with indiffer•. rime to them.—Feil. Dr. Mictdleniss, NOT a single Conservative ,journal in he Province has dared to print Prin- etpal Caven's letters on the Separate School gnestion. The would throw too email light on their peculiar tactics l:Iere are some of his statements : - All attempts to make party capital out of the Separate School question are either ignorant or dishonest, and will be discountenanced by every fair Minded man who knows a little of Canadian history. It were a shame less thing for either party to make the I, other responsible for extending the privileges of the Separate Schools and almost equally shameless fa the com- munity or any considerable section of it to lay the responsibility exclusively upon our Iegis.ators. What has ,b whether for good or evil, done with but little criticism or lemon stra11Ce. I desire therefore to say (I speak fur myself), that the measures adopted is regard to French schools appear to -be satisfactory, as does the legislation of last session respecting Separate School supporters. Whether the entire provisions of the statute ou this' batter subject are iu the best shape is a point on which I am hardly qualified t1, offs r an opinion. The recent modifications of the Separate Seho)1law are in substance ghat our platform demands. To al► men of any party who have Shown- no Interest in our organization till they imagine that it might be used for personal or party ends, eonseien- ti0ta3 and intellig"rat friends of Equal Rights will give a wide berth. life and tram thin, until 1861 be represented South Ontario in Ile had . old J,'mrlfamen„ cf Canada. soaroely entered public We when his "batties were recognized. and in 1868 he Was Provincial Secretary in the short lived Brown - Doriou Administration, k'rom 1ay,1803, till March, 180, he hold the portfolid o! 1'dstmaster•Gouera1 in the Sanditeld Maodonald-Derion Government, and held the ane offioe in the coalition one ' n fotlo w ed 3t. He whiten t C,royerumen of the fathers of Confederatide Land took a pcomaepart art in the =lieu don!erende at Quebec in 186. On retirlag from Public Vioe Chan• life in 1864 he asWappointed oellor of Upper Canada. This post be, resigned iu 1872, and formed a new Ad - 'illustration iu Outerio, becoming Premier. and Attorney -General, which offices he has since continuously filled. Ou re-entering polities iu 1872 he was elected by acolama tion for North Oxford, and has been re- elected for the same coustitneuoy at each election since, by large majorities, that last contest being 833. That he has been a sbrewd, careful and efficient leader even his strongest pyi$ldal opponents are forced to admit, and under his guidauoe the affairs of the Province have been admiuie- tered with singular ability. Mr Mowat has also a knack of attracting able men to his side, mud man for man his Cabinet possesses Very much greater ablility than that which today rules over the affairs of the Dominion. Ontario eau make no mis- take in giving sucle a leader and such a party a renewed lease of power. Mr. i eroditla's ShifLingi, Guelph Mercury. There is no doubt that Mr Meredith and his chief supporters are of two different minds in regard to the Nay in which they should work the Local elections. Messrs Creighton, Clancy, LI E Clarke and one or two other of his lieutenants did not go to Ottawa en an idle errand. They know well that Sir John Macdonald has no sympathy with the Equal Rights movement, neither have they. When $1:r. Meredith seeks to shape his policy with that of the Equal Righters, it is wall known that those who act with him do not syfnpathize with his views But all the same both he and they are seeking to make capital for their party in their own way. While Mr Meredith: will appeal for the sup port of those who favor the Equal Rights movement, the others will en• deavor to keep up the old lines, and act iu consonance with the Govern- ment at Ottawa, with whom there is entire sympathy and understanding Of. course nobody gives Mr Meredith credit for hi,llesty or sincerity of pur- pose in trying to use the Equal Rights Movement as an agency to serve his owu ends. In 1883 the "Facts for the Irish electors" were issued under Ws sanction in the endeavor to show and of the fact of that at every general election he has shifted itis policy in order to catch the popular breeze, he now asks the people of Ontario to entrust him , with their confidence, throw overboad their tried end trusted leader, Mr Mowat, who -troughout his public career lilts been consistent, which on a quits it. who ha8 not shaped his sails to catch II )(netting and the popular breeze. but who in govern. 1 bspbce is an an ileus ion g pp tA Moral supremacy is the nori ot ruins. Which leaves monuments, behind it,. It is true that friendship often ends in love, but love is friendship never. The finest day a lift, is that on Mg the Province has done pietism o all glasses, irrespective of creed,• and years'rule - to eu h of d'ot whose record' g been nue x. hat, we may safely say, singled in the history of responsible government. The people of Canada are to be congratu- lated on the feet that Parliament has,how- ever tardily, vindicated its regard for own honour and purity In the two affairs which have been before it. The reports of Committees on the Rykort and the Brem- ner furs caste were such as the evidence deina.nd and both haute been } sense of vacancy is a toretaSte o death, PATERSON, maws o1" EIGITu Dimwit Coon, IMBUED OF Mew: iti.aa LiOarlsEe. WINGIUAM, • ONT. H. P, CHAPMAN, GT•. LICENSES,, NO'i:AR'f $SSUER or MARRIAGE PUBLIC), (`CIIYGYA:ICEIt, Etc. ONFlOE—" Bib" Bookstore, RIPLEY, O. Money to !Ann on Farm Security at Low Rafts S' manifestly , ltromptl�^ dceelited by the Commons. If !)tterest. No coh)mission oha)ge there was any iepttai ton, auy members of the don:in:O"(s, or of tine money to Loan on NOteSr< d' 't' on the part of House, to Burke iuve,tttgatiou, or save the oulprits from the just consequences of their own misdoings, all sueh attempts have been. happily frustrated. As lir. Rykert has already withdrawn from the jurisdiction of tl'e House, there was nothing to be done in his case bat to aocept the Report of the Committee with as few words as possible. Ae the late member has actually had the nerve td• come before Iris old 'constituents: for re-election, it is now left for them td confirm the verdict which decrees the final banishment from public life of one who seems strangely destitute of a sense of the requiren+eut of deceuoy, not to say honour in a position of public trust. Now that the disgraced candidate has beeu unspar- ote Discounted AT REE.SONABLE RATES• cent. with prbVllege of paying on the ofttanypy"ear 1 tee air! accounts collected. $OBT. MOINDOO. OrrtOE,-Beaver Block. Wineham, Ont. s at eerece ht'ating*Eituts -IB eniiL3SHED- 'b STU FRIDAY M0R1'1111G, -�-A'.r tliE••-• TIMGG OFFlCZ, JoStCRHLNE Sirtzd''l W CI3it!i, - ONTARIO: BANK OF HAMILTON, 3';3.A. Capital, $,1,000,000. Rest, $400,000. President—Jon" Mar. Vice-President—A. G. IlenakY.1 DIR'LrC,`t'S1tS OTOS CHAD, GUDDAY. GAO ltonou, A. TI W'ooD, ' Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to 1. IJeposits of 31 and upwards received and interest allowtd. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United Et to boulrbtand sold B.WILLSON, A#ENT. Aii1`g];R & DICKINSON, iugly 'condemned by his own political Jou" Pao A B• LEE (Toronto). friends at Ottawa, it is altogether unlikely that he will be able to justify his boast in regard to the readiness of his former con- stituency to re-elect him. It is only to be regretted, for the good name of that constithency, that it did not sooner repudito a candidate so uuworth of political honors, seeing that the essential fats of transaction, which has uow been visited with condign punishment, were before the public at the last election. In the case of General Middleton, Mr. Makes pitilessly clear speech swept away every refuge of ignorance which the charity of friends had er'edted, by showing how z«nmietak&ble are the principles and traditions of the Brit- ish Military code in regard to such offences While we are sorry for the man we cannot 'forget the supreme importance of estab- lishing a Can'zdian precedent that shall stand as a warning in all the future, and at the same time of showing thet Cana- dian justice knows no distinction between high end low. It would never do to toler- ate in the commanding officer what would have brought swift retribution upon the private soldier. But while the treatment subsorii,t ouprice,SlIistyear,itxealveasee, ADVERTISING 1'tATrS • space l l. I O :no. . mo 11 n,o, Mil .' 35 00 "n 00 1 00 #"1f4 .. 00 00 t 00 I 5 Local mid other casual advertisements, Su. per lino for first Insertion, tu,d Ito. per liuofor each subeigUent insertion. Loral notices, in nonpareil type, lOr. for first in- sertion, ami to, per line for each subsequent 1, ertien No local notice will be charged less than eau Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Sftifatiousq and Business Chances Wanted, not,.xeeedtbl; 8 linos nonpareil, 331 per ut oath Houses and Farted tor Sale, not exceeding' 8 linens 31 for tical month, 5:0. per subsequent mouth These terms will by strictly adht.rrd to Special rates for longer advertisenents; ter fit longer periods. Advertisements without specific dircctiohs, will bra inserted till tdrbld and charged accordingly. Tran.. sitory advertieentonts nmat be paid in, novenae Changes for contract advertisements must be I the office by Wednesday noon, in older tb apperyt• that week - R. ELLIOTT PaoraudtOa AND PQALI'snEt�2i l n. MiACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, lVlSUttAM, - • ' DR. F, E. GODFREY, First•elass honor man and general pr fiefenoy medal✓ ist Toronto University. Member College Physicians. and Surgeons of Ontario. Buenos, Orr. Office—At Methodist Parsonage, O 4 • n sW o0 v.i•, n4 ad1 00 5fi quarter " 20 00 10 0'' � 00 400 One incl) 1 00 ,was gen that the Roman Catholics were not dove, t, getting fair play from the newel l Government. Ile failed, however, to convince the people of Ontario that the charge had any foundation in fact. This style of warfare having turned out a complete failure he tried the opposite tack at the general election iu 1880,wheu the chief charge brouglit agaiust the Mowat Government was that too many concessions were being made to the Roman Catholics. That line of attack also failed, and now as a last desperate resort he repeats the same eharges, though in a somewhat different shape, and seeks to fortify his p'isition ley adopting as his plat- form sorra of the planks laid down by the Equal Righters. We fancy the Re- formers will attach no more impor- tance to his charges now than to those advanced by liim tit the previous election. Oti every occasion hie pro. fessions have been proved to be hollow and insincere, and assumed for mere party lturpo3es, For iustance, take the case of the ballot to Roman Catholics es au example.. In 1878 he voted and spoke against a bill pro- posing to grana the ballot at elections for Separate School .trustees on the ground that the supporters of such it it ilei that . not asked for o' is had Rcl o t 0 ONTARIO'S GRAND OLD MAN. trKO WILL LEAB Tn& LIBERALS TO VICTORS'OF J :;•.e 5-A EeIEft 8HETOH. oiD A Lurie Alia r:ssr•'CI, LIZ n;VOTED TO T113 INT5P. $or 01? CANADA. Uon. Oliver irfowot, remarks the Brock. viiia Recorder, is th 3 untrue figure in the .+ tt rig' g oiu oft in OI a now le ., • etre g 'tial Ito struggle rig which there is not the remotest reason to it would be wrong to forge it upon eubt will end in his being again triumph- thou. This is the very reason, given nitly returned at the polls ou the Gth of by AI.r°11I )wat and his friends for de- Visitelie is tt Mau against whetn the clining to give the ballot now. if fir of these scaudals has been now vigorous and satisfactory, the cause of this suddeu rise of virtuous indignation on the part of the Goverumeatis wrapped in profound mystery, seeing tii.st both these offences were committed, and were well known to have been committed, year's ago, and that both have repeatedly been brought in previous sessions to the notice of the Government in vain.--77ie Week. reath of suspicion has never bseudirected. icuorable, just and upright, he has run s tiro I t -n this Proviuco Ii o liflifepub Its l3 h+"sse qualities which cballeuge admire - ;u ;...iii. Have }rept the politics of tire Meredith.'- reesuu in 1878 was good, Why doth he not adhere to it in 18001 Again, i t 188 bill. lileredith voted at'ainst ainnotioir favoring the use of the ballot in Paulin and Sep rate reviles tree from staiu or scandal during , SeAtool trustee elections. Now ho hat t,:ghteeu years he has been at the head't.tlfe effeon.ery , to charge that Mr its aftaire, Ile is a loader whom auy Hoe fit• sh;uld be turned out of office ,,n may Le proud to follow, aud. under beuf.uie he will not give the ballot t.) Bea .,ar it is an Hour to servo. ; for Separate School trust( tc elections ,,. t.luver Motet Is la his 'lO..h year. ; in certain. utuilieipaliti;;s, whilst there ,rate bosU to liiogetou, and wets ' is no demand for tanking the same tel far an t stalled Law, and was compulsory in reward to the 'e1t'etion to tlf.r *bar at the age of 21.1 of trustees for Public Schools, These asg'r of 311, his sxceptionsi ability are hilt exa•npl' of the gross moon -- for hire the distiti3Liwu of t1, ueau's bietel1Oy cf which :lit` Meredith is 1. In t t;,# 1st sutsre;l politic df guilt/, v And yet L+" bit le,to stf ftis DAVIS IS OFFERING ON- 4.1-61VI P1R.OPTVVZ AT VERY LOW RATES. STEM PEIM I OF'F'ICE-OPPosiTE THE MARKET wli,tinAIL OcrODEa 4T11, 182S4 NAT B. TOWNER, Member Co11ee8 Physicians and Surgeons,'Ontario. —Cefehor for County of Huron— Office at "Tti i"ttuttacv" - Winghar:',; Ont. D11. J. A. D1ELDRIJM, L 1 Honor Graduate 'of Toronto Univcrsi Y. and Member of the College otPhysicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence -=Corner of Centre and ialrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. %Vinonen . - • • - HALSTED &SCOTT Josephine Street Wiaghaii , Oht. Pearls! of Troth. The greatest luxury a man can allow himself is marriage. Pleasure is the flower° that fades ; remedibcdnee is the lasting perfume. A gloat writer does not reveal him. self hete and there, but everywhere. To learn to die is better than to study the ways of dying. Why should sorrow bo eternal h 1MIen surely weary of pteastire, why -tthould they not weary of sorrow 1 By being contemptible, wo set men's minds to the tune of contempt. He is best served who has 110 Oaca- sion to put the band of others at the end of his arm. We mingle in society, not so murh to meet others as to escape our. selves. Society is the master, and man the servant. Toloranae does not mark the pre. grecs of religion. It is the fatal sign of its decline. p. VAN3TONE, 11�L BARPwSTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eto, °p Private and Company funds to loan at lowest,retes interest. arm plu charged., tarcn and property bought and OFFICE—Beaver sleek, 'WfNOHAM, GM. • .1. A.. HAt.STND,I J. W. SCOTT, Mount Forest. Listowel. Deposits Received. and Interest Allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Speciosl Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and Notes. Agents Sn Canada- The LIOrchants'' Bank of Canada. Office Hours -From 0 a, m. to 5 p. m, A. E. SMITH, Agent, J. A. MORTON BARRISTEIt &c„ Wingbum • Ontario MEYER• & DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEYER, Q. C. I E. L.. DICKINSON, 6. Ai BARRISTERS AND S€LICIT01i.S, Etc.. Eto., So- licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on rfottgag,t seeurit" at 51 per emit.. Money invested for prifate persons, upon the bosh mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North.. west. 0aice—gent's Block, wingham. DENTISTRY. --J. S. JEIROME, WiSetlAM, ,..0 I> uranufactuing Celluloid 'Plates Vulcanite plates of the hestmateria as cheap as they can bo got in the Dominion. All work warranted. WEST HURON VUL MILLS, W"INGNAM, ONT. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painlZrei extraction of tooth, tiro only safe anesthetic known. TARN NOTION. -1 will extract teeth for 10 cents earth. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Ilotel. TNENTISTlLY -W. IL MAODNALD, Wuscoev. Maker of ,tAlloy, , Silvo.Gold, eo, Plates, Celluloid, in prices from 3500 upwards per set Growling and bridgework. Teeth ex tracted without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. Read Office, Wingham, side entrance op- posite the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 0 a m to 5 p in. Will be at Blyth every 2nd and 4th Saturday of eachmonth-Otliccat Milne s hotel; Gortie:1st and 8rd Mondays of each month-- OBlr,e at Albion hotel. :.:xtraetintt 26 cents. I N L I 0 0 r. To-inprrow is a satire on to'adity, and shows its weakness. have thesemiti3in full operation, and are in a pool. stun to do custom work of all kinds on them notion. Illusion is brief; but repentance is long. E O !lfLS half the deed dotto who has wads a beginning. Troubles, like brbies, grow larger u axahanga for sdtss or custefta aifork, y nursing. Simplicity of character is tete.S 'alien 1A03, elk„ Dre>ul�. Vg04. 14041,00i 41040, I 10,4i i' WOOD titilD WOOS; WANTS: 'li CAIN ItircinE, tJ GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W1U nAM, Oatexid. IPGlIERT CUNNINGEAM, •l INSURANCE. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, nu DEAN, Ja., W1Noflttt, LICEINSED AUCTIONuti, FOR THE COUNTY. OF 1IVRON. Safes attended in SI part of the Co, Charter Shyk Moderate. JO.f:IN CtJRItIL, WisanAst, ONT., Tantrism> AUC•rION$klt von Ten mum O1 ilrJnON. 1 n All orders loft at tl e.Ttttta office promptly at *xi ed to. 'loons reasonable. p. l 7 JAMES MES IIENDERSON, Ltcc"sab Accriosadn fort CoSzirite Mixon em, Intros. All sales attended to promptly and of the Shortce Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guarantoad. Alb necessary. iarra1$onents CAD„ he made at thr TtIus office WnsollAU. Osr; BOtT'C,,N & HAWi t,XS. P. L. k D. L. 8vOuven8 AND Ctv(1. Ella Lfs'TOWEL axon WVINGIIAM. Ali orders left at the onto of ***NI unlvr prem* tW+j miy y, k I' '1 initz "'Dolutt-n tdhlitwll, Th oinp-Up" shirts is one of th iftlost annoying: and perplexing thing that young housekeepers. have to lean nor do they always learn to do tet work web, In fact there are fe, young or old housekeepers who ca laundry shirts well. I. have been through the whole roe int of trials and troixhles, and lino' 441 about it; but, at last, after conside table expense and a vast deal e iplrienee,, I believe that I laavo fiof nal mvercolne all obstaeles, and can no .1 can do yli truly and proudly s shirts and do them well. And, as know how gladly I welcomed the ger tidings of how it was "done,), would like to tell the sisters of tl Journal. First, on wash -day, before bangir the shirts out to dry, 1 starch t bosom, cud's and collars in cotntnon h starch; though in freezint; woath ".. this would be hest omitted. Then, when folding down the clot es, I sprinkle the bodies of the rhlr and fine -starch the has )n1s, cuffs a ,collars, as follows: Per •each shirt I take one teaspoon of starch, dividing it evenly, and p1 •ing in seperate dishes, one of whi should be tin. I dissolve both in cc water and place the tin dish over t fire, stirring constantly ; when hoili add a piece of sperm candle about t size of a hazel -nut, and twice the s' of coach -candle (these candles usua porno in sets called laundry candl and a teaspoonful of gun -arabic wa ;(which is made by dissolving t ounces of gum -arabic in half•a-pint boiling water, then strained and b tied): let boil five minutes, then renal from the lire, and into it stir the e starch. I then staroli the parts to starched, being careful not to brush the small particles of polish which . here to the linen and ars needed s help give it the gloss; the starch 1n he rubbed in, the plaits raised u the fingers, eo that the starch will pe trate all throngh evenly. When perfeitly starched, I sh ant the starch well, fold both side,; the bosom together evenly, pull wristbands and collars into shape, th,ttn smoothly upon the shirt,' t pkto at the neck and roll the wi tightly together, wrap in a towel let remain several hours before it Now for the doing -Up. I first - the back by. foidiug it length, through tete centre; next iron 1 sides of the sleeves and the wristb£ ironing wrong side of the latter then the 0olltrr-band, yoke and fl of shirt, except b, sou, Now, I p the bosg.m-board under the bosom, stretch via fastar, securely. spree Wet cloth oVer and iron quickly wi hot iron, began at the tt.p and owunards, continuing the opera ' util the bosom in dry, or nearly then remove the husom-board sang the shirt near the fire t thoroughly dry, when it is ready liol'isltillg. When I spread the bosom o smooth and very hard board, 1 der it a little with a cloth dipped in gum -arabic water, and iron until then use 'poly the rounded part of polishing iron, using it briskly short strokes, mostly crosswise o. bosom, This will put all the frictic a small part at one time, and the full benefit of all gloss in s Ar linen.. any women have an idea tha put into starch the propel• inbred is all that is necessary to produce much desired gloss; but this is a take. The ingredients only give • and to bring out the polish pro .-a good polishing iron and a little f grease afire required. This is a true Chinese laundry ish, and if these directions are fo ed, there is no reason why anyon, not do up shirts as nicely as Leming from any laundry. Tr and you will certainly be pleas Duties Journal. Obesity induces to innotibity. 1 probably why he fat office boy seeks the man. - Put two doors nide by side and small boy will go through the that squeaks. • A woman's idea of a trap frig one who will admire her childrei as much ad she does herself. Before getting into the "swi man should be ressotiahly aura he Can h p -his head above watt Tt Make* no difference what a ;lzrst !rapttlge is in an argument ' Wotllart 1 hitt last is to run. The sestet in ft'ont you gc Wire people there will be to e' zeurtonod&villders and sidehi: