HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 11NOVEMBER 6, 1974
inoured On
5th Anniversary
, October 26, a very
�sfparty was held at
int surpriseat
home of Orville and Grace
ist in honour of their act h
'dfmg anniversary,
of which was October 29th.
'y after noon on Saturday
couple were whisked off to
'fig' Jack and Mary Fisher as
of a prearranged strategy and
ewhisked home at about 9 p.m.
Ind their home filled by about
fiends and neighbours. await.
he recreation room was taste -
decorated with silver and
ite streamers and bells and a
Aly decorated cake.Oer .
a pleasant social evening
imuple was presented with a
generous purse of money and other
individual gifts.
On Sunday evening they were
further honoured when members of
the MacKinnon and Elliott families
gathered at the . Mayfair Banquet
Room for a dinner and party. After
an address by Fraser MacKinnon,
Orville and Grace were presented
with a money tree and a silver and
black decorator clock. The neph-
ews and nieces presented them
with a lovely relish dish and a sum
of money also.
The remainder of the evening
was spent at the home of Orville
and Grace.
The couple have a daughter
Karen, who is attending F. E.
Madill .Secondary School in her
final year;, a son Donald who is
presently in Alberta and who was
unable to be home for the occasion.
Their gift to their parents was a
beautiful oil painting suitably in-
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Smith were Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Guilbeautt and Kelly
of Essex and Mr. and Mrs, . Karl
Smith and family of Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hicks,
Nokomis, Saskatchewan, ' spent a
couple of days recently with - her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Graham
McNee and also visited her aunt,
Mrs. Ken Bell in Goderich.
The Fall Rally of West Huron
Presbyterial was held in Victoria
United Church on ' Wednesday,
November 30 with the President of
West Huron, Mrs. Graham McNee,
rin-the chair; Mrs. K. K. Dawson,
Mrs. LaVerne Pentland, Mrs. Nds
Pierson and Mrs. R. C. McClenag-
han conducted the Bible Study
Frank Thompson and Gerald
Kerr 'attended the annual Insur-
ance Conference in Kingston a few
days fast week.
Percy Horne, aged 87, who lived
in and around Dungannon • all his
life until he went to Huronview
some years ago, passed away after
a short illness. His funeral was
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Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill
With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang. Your .Beef From
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For Home Freezers We Sell Choice 'Home Killed Beef, Pork
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ABATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961
conducted by Rev. R. C. McClen-
aghan from Stiles Funeral Home
with interment in Dungannon
'Congratulations to Rev. and
Mrs. R. C. McClenaghan who
observed their twenty-ninth wed-
ding anniversary on Sunday, Oct-
ober 27 by visiting relatives .in
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. 2.11 you consider that your OHIP coverage may
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ince charges.
'3 Always.carry your OHIP card with you.
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Remember. you will usually nave to make pay-
ment on the spot for treatment outside Ontario.
But OHIP will reimburse you for insured services
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Describe why you were outside tif Ontario –
vacation. business. etc.– and .provide complete ,
personal information plus details of the medical
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address of physician. hospital. fee for each
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OHIP Traveller's Guide
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Ontario Ministry of Health
Hepburn Block . Queen s Park
Toronto. Ontario, M7A 1S2
Mtrnstry of Health
Frank Miller. Minister
Government of Ontario
William Davis: Premier
Brown Smyth • is a patient in
Wingham Hospital. "
• Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Garton and
Mrs. Gerald Tepper, Leamington;
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Champion .of
London; , Mr. and Mrs. • Robt.
Fleming, Lincoln Park; Michigan
. visited Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Smith
on the week end and all, attended
the 40th anniversary celebration. for
.Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of
Ripley, Which washeld in Lucknow
Legion Hall on Saturday, Novem-
ber 2nd. ' . '
Mr.' and Mrs. Patrick Rouilette,
formerly' of St, . Catharines, have
bought the,house previously owned
by. Mrs.. W. A. Stewart. Mrs.
Rouilette has put her application in
for supply teaching. Welcome to
Dungannon. • .
Mrs. Ryan has closed her house
for the winter and .gone to stay with
her daughter, Mr.. and .Mrs.
Gordon Kidd, Islington.
The young people of this arca are
to be commended for the, way they.
conducted themselves on. .Hallow
e'en. The "Trick -or -Treaters"
were well ' Mannered and not
Dinner guests on Sunday with
Mrs. Mary Bere and family were
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Farrell and
grandson Jeff Palmetcer, Kincar-
dine and Mr. and Mrs. Graham
About twenty teachers from the
southern part 'of Huron County
were observing classes at Brook-
side on Tuesday on their Profen-
I'sional Development Day. Teachers
from Brookside observed teaching
.in other parts of • the county the
previous Monday on their P.D.
The Board of Trustees and
Committee of Stewards of 'Dungan-
' non United Church held a special'
meeting on Monday to make' a
decision regarding the future care- '
taking of the church. The position
of caretaker is vacant with the
resignation of Mrs. Leonard Chis-
The U.C.W. are invited by the
C.W.L. Kingsbridge to attend
their meeting. on Monday and hear
a lawyer, speaking on Women's
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fowler
and family_ of Parkhill visited his
father on the week end and took
him to Wingham to visit Mrs.
Fowler in hospital.
Mr: and Mrs. Paul Henderson
and girls of Mississauga visited
with her father, Harvey Alton, on
the week end.
On Sunday Mrs. • Cecil Blake
attended a 35th wedding anniver-
sary dinner for her brother and his
wife. Mr. and Mrs..Richard
Kilpatrick of Wingham. The
gathering was held at the home of
their son. Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas
Kilpatrick in Listowel.