HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 5�.,., ntat<rla'1.+9�~ ►etnrc1t11''�•at�vapu hamG � ui Qtrue to the Brovinete .Sly hen differ• tencos arose between the Provnaee .' emothe Dominion, the Oppositirt t.Alwaye ut . ` centendied that these questeone eltotiltt brought' Ye referred to the hit•,bee:t tril,unitl tl aw, and ' the reale) for settlement, It \vm not ndred at lithe policy of the Opp•)sitinn to return. iter, On t to the system in vol;iii+ before the Id after ,.passing of the Crooks; .t>.eeein• dealiu;; with the liquor interest, but to allow the commissioners and inspectors, to bo mppointed lav the county ()candle or that they he oleeted directly •by the people. He was ant ze favor of giv- ing the women, the feauchise for parhtamentai•y purposes. Ile gave the Refoeinert, credit for battling for the rights of the people. Ile was its favor of extet?.ding tate franchise to every mau wise 001113 be called upon to defend his country, The ballot .t should he secret, so that no one could .,,.. be able to tell dhow any man voted, In speaking on educational affairs, ht said a mistake had been inado when the charge was made from a commis, sioner to a ntinieter. The education" of the youth of the land should not be made a party question. 'Party mels hold up for their leaden'. He ala not hold with Dr Chisholm in hitt statement in reference to Mr Gibson; who has represented Gest Huron for many years,but would say that no doubt in the past, Mr Gibson,in following his party, has given votes that he would not love given had he voted as his conscience dictated, Still, he did not hold with the statement that party politics is a uturldy stream, and that good men should slot •go into polities. What is required is that we keep the bad men out of polities. In discuss, ing the School question, he said that English should be the language taught in the public schools, from the east .to the west, in this. province. In the east there is a large vection of the `people 'who have declared that they will build up a nation of their own. Had the man who camel the trouble in ten North-west been a Protestant there would not have been those frantic appeals to save him from pay- ing the penalty of hist orient). Mercier is is power in. Quebec, having . gained power on the nationalist cry, and we meat see that oar rights are not trampled upon. The Mowat government would not have appointed a commission to visit, the public schools only for the pressure that was brought to bear upon them. The Op- position did not want to proscribe the French language, but contended that no foreign language should be taught side by side with the English language, In the Roman Catholic Separate schools, the Hierarchy claim. that they have the right to direct who shall,- teach, hah, ..teach, the text hooks to be ruled, eked lir Merei'ith said that his policy was that these schools ehould be under the same laws and rules as the public schools in regard to teachers, text books, iced lie was not to unreason- able as to say that the Separate schools should he wiped out, but was in. favor of repealing every amendment to the Separate schools act that gaee the Catholics exoep'donee privileges. In closing, Mr. Meredith appealed to talose present to believe that be was sincere in what he had said. Ungenoro s ineinnations and charges had boon '[nude against him, but he assured his hearers that if he were returned to power, and'found that he could not carry out every promise Ile bad tirade, he would re- tire from public life. He had appealed three times to his fellow 'countrymen. unsuccessfully. lie did not blame e ,$ . thein for not returning him in. the past, but hoped the Conservative party would be euecr's.iful on the lids of June. Mr. H. W, 0. Mayer was called upon by the chairman. Air. Meyer Attempted to address the audience, •, he was Wills.tn, pile here. ;ion was e factory Luther of and the :r. M ere- iser vativ e Mr. B. yroceseion proceeded tb John street to Victoria, blue then, which the Ali chairs, ,ting, and Mr. E. F. ring Man's ociation of lair. In a .MrJM candidata • orward ,was d be was L Conserva- he county Led was ao gents of the e bad not Garrow, his gentletnan 11r Garrow ;rovert1inent veal in the leader, Mr before the ould be [nen tics in the cl in equal irivileges to a telegram the °dieser• $est Huron, be present, us arrange address a ed upon, etad hoped that turned at the. Mr 1Vlowat's , the electors' Mowat has Ter in himself. estoro to the of License Hylton court government ret ballot, and aker could see the Govern- er the liquor e how those Mowat takes sell oar , Ctn. to whom he )aker) thought. olicy is, "that ) public domain the Legislature he same. He .tem should be and not have a department, as I, of which we be sure to be in the arena, df g called iipon, a few words ,fee A not able to be. ,P was a gentle- ieer, an able .t,,eten/1.rd w„telci lnron in the Leg- aeney might just >d stick to• the resent member, uld be `a gond' . Mr Meredith e have bribery trident, but the votedit down nu the 'otli of Ilaw 2 read en address the Young Men's Aeeonirtion of 3n;;, was received freesod Itis plea-. emitted to visit Iked the young but there was so much confusion that Ire could not be heard. The meeting closed with ohoere foe the (ween and Mr. Meredith. norat o' f iv[r n,Andre v 2Iul x s; anughteinlost., the wife A:tn,.asnx--At the grease, 'rioderich, an the 12th Inst, the *Hoof Rev Jaiteb x4 Anderson, 8 A ; a s,n. attttnn--In St tielcns, on Shaft), 4th, tho wife of 1,Xr It K Miller ; a+laughter. %%ED. iwfaataoir ZIn Clint.tn, on the 10th snot, D Mac3 liatloeh, PubttcSC;tool Inspector far •N,rth ituron, axed 66 years 1110aineonIvsmns'Brown, sr, a yesrm hs dMed (lvrrutvtnn•»tn to "'or Winghate, on Sunday, the S4telwMay. o 1, a ed 73 Y ars t0 months and 1 day, Joh itioettt retlieption L. Ile earns to Iuestirms agitat• and did not want id any plaza. fle, ho tion, A ti L iitt'oting- latily.� eliad•beetl trhare liar to Ontario,. e t lyfitiOnrits tali Every beginning is cbeorfnl; the threshold is this place of expectation. It is a sad fate for the self main night to be ti,id for life to the tailor• rondo girl. It is sin'tll i:rlhift to any that an atIA dress is a r•1re tree. If 4, is. 'tare al4,. tivan't bo'weil tt'Oit''M. • Wroxeter. f interest. DOA Bann..—A. meetinga 1 a tedIparti'es in Base Ball was atm in Mr (3owan's office en Friday evening the 16th inst., when the following officers were elected for the present year: President, W, M. Smale; Viee-Preei- dent, Geo. Allen; Secy.T'reas., John Davidson; Oenimittee of management, Jas, Fox, Geo, French, Thos. Brown and J. J. ;Rutherford; manager, J. W. Sanders; umpire, Albert Pauline; Oaptaiu,W,Kakke. With such a staff of offfeers we may expect that the bil- e er 5'ilelan Maples will not be found in the hack Eines of base hall ranks, •s ,Brussels. us a u The Tar sale b asall club h bay a secured Miss. MoManit, the lady Whistler, of Indianapolis, for an outer- tainment, to be given itt the town hall ou June the.6th.--••Tile I.tev. G. 13. Howie, of Rnox church, intimated to his congregation his intention of plat- ing itis resignation in the hands of the Presbytery. it is rumored that the post oliioe will he removed to a building no t'r tllsbriclge.-Tito Foresters have engaged the Cosgrove family for a concert to be given this evening.—.The following is a summary front Assessor Stewart's roll for Brussels this year;—Children between 5 and 1.6,254; ohildren between 7 and 18, 166; children between 16 and 21,85; total value of real property V62,480; total value of porsonal property, $46,400; total value of tax- able income, $3,600; total valine of property, $912,480; number of dogs, 54; bitehes,7; persons, 1,243; /sows, 99; hogs, 30; horses, 95; births d.urtng. last year[ 18; deaths, 4. East Wawanotb. Mr. 13. H. Taylor lost a valuable mare arta day last week, She drop, ped dead while°lie wars working her --Tho committee appointed by the south lino Li.teaary intend Bolding their picnic on the tenth -.of June all kinds of itmusement in the way of athletic sports and games will be pro- vided; a large turnout is expeotod.— Mr. Wnt Martin intends leaving for Michigan in a few days, to work on itis farts there; Mr, John K. Edward 'will manage his farm here in the 'meantime.. Mr Mahoney, of Guelph, has a largo Military letter, written in its entirely by General George Washington, New Windsor, dated 1781. This letter has been examined by experts and pronoun` cod to be genuine, The owner hes had it in his prossessiot about 15 years, during which time lie has had liberal money offere for tt,all of whiele. he has refused. It is assorted ou good authority that there are but three genuine G. G. W. letters, two of which are deposited at the White house, in Washington, D, C. Hallett. A shocking accident happened near Londesboro' in Bullet Township, on Wednesday morning last, whereby three men sustained severe injuries and may'yet lose thole lives. An old barn was being torn down, and to guardagaiust accident a rope had been attached to the purlins plate, but this was not enough to prevent it falling and it struck three young men named Cole, Hamilton and Little, breaking their backs. A young man spired Bali also had his shoulder dislocated, At last acceunts they were alive. 1110 T'eesWater. Beigrave. Bev Wm Colborne occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday evening last, and on Monday 'evening following lectured in the same ahuroh on Rornainisnt and Jesuitism.—Mr. I. C. Owens, Thessalon, who has been visiting at his parents here, left on Wednesday last. He was accom- panied by Mr John Boll.—Mr J. T. Garrow Reform candidate for West Hnron, will speak here on the evening of 24th of May.—Miss Tufts and Miss Mamie left on Tuesday morning last for an extended trip to Winnipeg and other places,—R. T. .1?ingston,after a. residdnee in 13elgrave of about two, years, removed to Brussels on Monbay last, where be will'engage in the tin- ware business as formerly.—Me Leach was been engaged as cheesereaker here for the season. He has now all in readiness to start the cheese factory on Monday next. Tho General conference of the Meth ()dist church of 'Canada 'will 1)0 held in Montreal in St, James Church opening Wednesday, Sept. 10th next.. This conference meets one0 every four years, and is the legislative body of the church, being composed of an equal number of representatives, ministers, and laymen, Seine itnportant mat,. tete will come itp at the conference, the question of college federation will be threshed out again, and the proposition to lengthen' the minister's stay on a circuit will be discussed and legislated upon. ' This will be the second General Conference held sitce the union and the second hold Lin Montreal, it having been held twelve years ago in Dominion Square °hurdle The Rev. W. W. Sperling, owing to ill..health, intends taking a few months leave of absence,to recuperate. Mr McKibben a student front Victoria College, Cobourg, will take charge of the church here in Mr Sperling's ab- cence.—bliss Farquharson, teacher of the 4th department of the Public School has been unable to attend to her duties through illness.—Messrs L. and I1;' 'Lowson have ;one to Tara to take charge of the •grist. mill at that place —Some foolish .per.. -son is annoying the town people by giving false alarms of fire whoever, the guilty party is he should be punish. ed. Glenfarrow. Mr John MrBurnie had the raider -1 tune• to lose a valuable mare and foal, on Friday of last week.—Mr A. Gem• mill started drawing milk to Bluevale from the 631 con. last week.—Miss Aggie Robinson, of Wawienosli, is visiting her sister, Mrs A. McBurnie, at present.—Mr. W. D. Bentley is ,spending:A 4041e of weeks in Blyth. Mcorris. Peter (:antelon, of the 8th, who has been indisposed for some days, is rather worse, it being reported that he now has an attack of inflammation of. the lungs. as never wholly recovered 'from the effects of the lie grippe. ---1 Charles Proctor, the eldest son of 143rd' Jno. Proctor, of the 411, is laid up with a severe cold, which bus settled •on hie latigs.—Mr. Jos. •Clegg, made another shipt'nent of cattle to the Old 'Country markets last week,aoeompany. ing them as far .as Montreal,—Miss •Malinda Clegg Sundayed with her 'brother John iu Urey,last week.—Mr. Bryan is adding another story to bis kitchen and vengeriug it with brick', this spring. -- Messrs. Gibson mill • Musgrove diseoested the political ques- tions of tl'e day before a large audi ence in the township hall, last, Thursday evening. The moatiog was a very orderly one and the speeches were characterized by the absence o anything of a personal or ungeatletnau ly nature. Mr. Gibson epoke first, defending in good round terms the general policy of the 'Government. Mr. :Musgrove contended that the people had been deceived itt reference to the cost of the new Parliament ..Buildings and that the manner in 'which the plans were obtained was at least open to suspicion. Mr. Gib- son 'proved that we hada very cheap set of school books, while Mr. Musgrove contended that but for the netters of the publishing contract they would be still ehteaper,- -141r Musgrove saw a mountain of negligence, miss .;management and undue inffttence of the dhui'ell of :home iia the French • and Sep trate school questions, while Bir. Gibson looked at it as a very insignificant tnn1e•hill, iudeed. The 'meeting closed with three hearty .cheers for the Queen and a more or lets disunited cheer for the candidates. On the complaint of Donald Latront, a resident of Listowel, William and• Herbert Johnston, of Gerrie, have .been committed: for trial on a charge of l f old: watch fend rot'bing: Lemont oa g othain, in Gerrie, on the bight of April I ,"S. lb)th [nen have .procured bail -and the charge will be tried nt.'thn pit*atter tt tliota• "ECLIPSE BULLETIN." Arrived this week, an immense stock of • yr ordon Meini car .74 U se U 0 124 or 0 0 ,a o v a ,0, a 0 ere wo t 0 04 rn • 171 Stott 'ti3i kvags pre Aro oft©ring very interesting bargains in 11 • BANANAS, PINE APPLES, LEMONS, SWEET HARES, STC., elm Lee .44 sa 1 c' e CURTAINS from 05c. per pair up to $6,00. New, handsome and cheap Soudan Lappet Curtaining. 1 —Beautiful Flouncing in WHITE and COLORED. Ei IE DB0 1 Ti M R_ H S. all widths, and at taking; prices.. Charming things in GRENADINES. Inspection invited. ri? The finest range, of Walt...r , Veen) we ever offered, from 5c. per yard up. —o Gar StQQ' •afS SSS selling rapidly. No wonder, for the quality and price ettles the question at sight. and will be sold dirt cheap. JOHN KERR. Grocery p�4�Ti1.3 is receiving special attention as usual. 10 lbs. of pure uncolored strong Tea Dust for $1. try it. RDONEz 1\ cI T RE is the time to paint your houses, and OAR LOAD FOR SALE. All the most approved varieties for Ensilage purposes. MAt1MOT II SOUTHERN SWEET, R.'+lD C013ENSfGAG'S',. GIANT PROLIFIC SWEET, &.c. 'NOOL —is the -- B T1 T in the WORLD, None germine unless stamped "Rubber Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best a ND EDI ..any Paint1 You can got any shade you desire, in quantities ' costing from 10 cents up. 40,000 Pounds Wasted. ,Look out for biggest prices con, sistent with outside markets. on Full line of our now ' famous YARNS, MANN ELS, SIIIrE`C- INUS, TWL +EDS, S C.,tlow on hand, . 4 '.- 1 For Whitewashing and lialsomining, ask for I'.S„> a<U u 11:9 and don't take anything else. HARD WARE MERCHANTS, Wingham. thi RUMMY. g eon MiSsEMURPHY has just reesIved and opened oat a largo noel: of very stylish SPRING and SUMMER dater The Brown Anchor. r,...r SUE - Wirrch2 W. ! o WALLACE I'Ias just opened out a large new stock or 0 r bf.1 (.v�,at4,..:,, alyrng ,snj 1 ill.,.te, a.r i a Nal 2 •• lct ttt and a n o t h Post a 1 1 e I t r south of e In the store one ()loo so , p i. ,� great bnt'cains in special. lines Of LADIES' GOLDWArrillEs CD 1.1 CD hats nonncts, Feathers. Flowers Ribbons, Laces. • etc., etc. ; also baby Uhrieteninst Robert The Mantle Department centaina all the iatest tuaiSthO of Silks; Satins, lire. a:idcs, Fringes, Gimps and MantictMoth. 1,iautles uredo to ilia matt suit olio ,letil*tries and at prices to staving bought at "very (doss 'prises,t;rcash, 1am determined to tell at a small udtaoce so as to suit all purchasers. A (ail solicited. Sggs token de Cash in exchange for troode. 1ISS 1. MUliil'1f.", Yin tittatllr,. ill t4 Oppositet),ttecn't hotel. 1 J.0 -Si GEN TLEURN 'S GOLI) and SI LV1R WA'ICH E$, °LOCKS, EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. ACLES. REPAIRING arid NEW WORK —Done on the shortest notice, and all work ruarantccc'i.— An inspection of -Goods and conapa,riann of Priesint ited Goods left for repair with 'Mr. R. 11, \'nnstote will be given out. We o VI LA , Winghfn'1, Unt 1890 189 M 1S S A. B YD. Wishes to intimate to the Ladies of 1v ingl,arn and surrounding coati' that her stock of a$uniicr in t g ni ut has arricetl and is t10W opened out. The stecle is n rll- assorted, and contains all'tlle fashitetable styles for tl+:•: year. FEATHERS, - FLOWERS, - RIPLONS__- ACV E1 4. *e,,_ . A lai'ti(S:1�4 Cls of The itr t . �y , .. Yt asSortin�et,fit;l tt of .,'ntiit 1+ n;au ,, yrt,e:ttlefs, Mtttlt..-qqti>,tlt, to shoo$ o yl'E:,f ext l Ialost f Shioiittble ga11tletI kss , a inn•pe' ion uli isms, deer north 4E01; cr's;ewe eel• XHu WhliOtltt.. breis 0,1890, .3 r rt vari