HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 5OyeroBER 6, 1974 EVENTS SHS PARTY Party will be held .m ,S Ball on Thursday, 'i at 8:30 SHARP. eel LIONS BINGO Lies Club, Saturday 8:30 p.m. Blyth 'Ball. Jackpot $150 on nmi!ar and share .the Everyone wel: gMAS CONCERT Christmas . Concert at Lucknow United Wednesday, Demm- e 8:15 p.m. Everyone LUCK SUPPER available for the wee onsored by the rtiodtural Society, November 12th at the Lucknow Legion Carrie Milne. I NGHAM BINGO Legion Bingo at the Ips, I,'Iednes- 13 at 8:30 p.m. 15 $10 prize each siniedeeWealth games; most. go; Jackpot 6 calls with $35 Admission $L00. Ex - cards 3 for 50c or VER HOLIDAY URS ver Travel for the following Jary 4 -- de - 15 day Florida 2- January 4 — ouu; and New Years (leach sPace Antequa, l .msi Februaaty 8 and – mar special 34 day especial' lly for sen - II to MarchII 15 motor coach Camebein vacation bternationlilau- CS. and C eP. 11: rYn10 treed from amistance conta t 1!11.4,1,JOVER ill , Ont. takes Clients ialArroli flee lennssimmommimosia wrest® NOTICE __ LTD. n� �nFlrrl" Grownn Dre Bet Ii::rr 0y, 1 will be ''''M� debts ally Hineald Howes THE LU manneisnemonnoseemossommaa LOST LOST ---,man's Timex watch on Lucknow's main street. Leo Mur- ray, phone 395-2821. M11111106. ®r - FOR RENT FOR RENT -- small apartment, electrically heated, furnished or unfurnished, available immedi- ately. Phone 528-2174 or 528-3134. FOR RENT — apartment for rent, available immediately. Phone Ezra Stanley, 528-2392. FOR RENT -- 5 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, kitchen - dining and living room, 3 piece bathroom and laundry room. Available January 1 or possibly before. Phone 528- 2174 or 528-3134. FOR RENT — heated apartment, newly decorated. Available this month. Anderson Apartments 528- 3045. WANTED WANTED — cob corn_ Mose Shet- ler, R.R. 1 Dungannon. WANTED — companion house- keeper to live in. Starting Nov- ember 15 to March 1st. Phone 528-3001 or 528-2045. WANTED — brass bed in good condition. Phone 357-2744 in the evenings. WANTED - custom work . for picker •shelter. Contact 395-5314. THE TIME IS NOW! Well, another growing season has slipped by and perhaps you are considering the sale of your. farm. There are a lot of things to consider before making a move, but if you are sincere about., mak- ing a good sale we have two inter- ested parties who will look at your farm: And if your farm qual- ifies - that is to say large enough, good buildings, fences, water, heat units, etc_, you will make the best move of your life. Do yourself a favour, drop us a line with what you have, we'll do the rest. We have twenty years of farm sales behind us: Our branch office is located at Kin - lough and our address is REG, L . POWELL REAL ESTATE R.R. 2 Holyrood PTL 395-5594 CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to nein,, friends and relatives -for their many acts of kindness. and expressions of sym- pathy and help in our recent be- reavment ment. A thank you also for. those sending floral tributes,, cards and donations. A special thasks to Bill McCreath and Bob MacKenzie for their great Help. Again thanks to ail. Bella, Alf and Wendy Herbert Clifford Hartman wishes to thank Drs. Corrin and McK nm, nurses and staff at Wingbam and District Hospital during his time as a patient there. Also many thanks to neighbeurs and friends for the many kindnesses shown him during his convalescence at home. The Family of the late Isaac Miller wish to extend their sane tiffs to their relatives,, urs and friends for the many expmssions of sympathy, acts of kindness and help at the tame of their bereavement. A tank you also to these sending floral , cards and dona- tions onstions to the CanatrianBrlele - Willtelmine Rutherford Helen Todd, Dorothy McIntyre, Isobel and Gordon niter I would life to say "thank you" to all who remembered me with curb, visits and gets w ' , .e I was a patient in ltincardine and Dis- luet Hospital_ Special thanks to the Doctor's and Nursing staff on first R: Richard Elliott, Hold C Kt:OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate Of HERBERT ELI ENSIGN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on. September 25th, lt+"'4, are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th day -of November, 1974. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at , Wingham, Ontario, this 18th day of October, A_;:1_ 1974. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Wingham, Ontario Solictors for the Executors PAGE FIVE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HELEN HARPER deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Helen Harp- er, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of October, 1974, are hereby notified to send full part- iculars of . their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Es- tate, on or before the '15th day • of November, 1974,.after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard ppnlyr to the claims of which the Ekecutors shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this. 24th day of October, 1974. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel. Ontario Solicitor for the Executors awVIANTIJI,DS,v ' CARD OF THANKS The sisters of the late Miss Gertrude Macintosh; .R_N_, wish to extend : ,i arks to relatives, neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy* and help at the `flume of their bereavement. A thank you also for those send- ing floral tributes, cards and don- ations. A special thannks to Rev_ Glenn Noble,., B.A. &D_ and Mr. Mc- Kenzie of MacKenzie Memorial Chapel. • Mrs. Janmes. Godbold, Shelburne Mrs. A. L. Brown,' Vancouver Mrs Hazed Anderson, Lucknow Mrs;_ Beatrice Reeve Pincerest Manor, Lucknow For prayers,on my behalf, for cards and letters, visits, treats and is and 'for kindnesses shown to nne and my family, while in hespital and since cenn,u- inng home, my very sincere thanks. Special thae s to finny sis- ter and brother-in-law, neigh- bours and friends, Drs_ Corrin and McKim,. and nurses en 2nd floor. All these things are great- ly appreciated_ Mr's, Frank (!Bessie) Mautden To all of our friends, neigh - boa -s, and relatives; who helped to , make our 25th wedding anni- versary such a happy* and mem- orable occasion we would like to express our sincere thanks. Thank you also for the many lovely cards and good wishes. Orville and Grace Elliott i would hie to thank all who sent cards and gifts and visited nne winie I was in Wirngbanii Hos- pital; also the kind nurses and doctors. Mrs, Mabel Campbell CULBERT'S (ABINET SHOP AMBERLEY STYLES DISPLAYED Pioneer, tempra, provincial, Winchester, carriage house FINISHES teak, walnut, cherry and white PHONE 395-5298 AND 395-5516 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS • Mew yr., can train • right . here in Canada! • TUition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaranteed! • Weekend training also available! For application and interview. write: Safety Department The Canadian test tote of 'Tractor Trailer Training Ltd, 207 Queen's Qttay W. Toronto 117. Ontario Or Call 416-10114-9,3111 (Formerly Trona -Canada/ Transport • Trainitg.): ' EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Custom Rec Rooms and Bars Home Renovation of any kind Special Winter Rates VERNON GLENN PHONE 526-7238 AUBURN. COLLECT Rfa! (Sian BROhtR 125 acre farm in Huron Town- ship. ownship. Good 3 bedroom frame house, electric heat. Large barn, 105 acres of well drained work able land_ • 193. acre faun in Ashfield Twp., with 6 year old brick house, beef and hog barns, large complement shed plus two grain storage bins, bunker and upright silo, good crop land. 3 bedroom frame house in Rip- ley, en good lot,' with front sure porch, erose to main street. Pric- ed, to sell, don't Miss it Good lot in good dry area, close to school in Lucknow. House and one acre — 2 storey 4 bedroom solid brick house situ- ated an edge of Lucknow with small' barn, priced to sell. Im- mediate possession. 100 acres in Huron Township, choice crop land, partially drained . Robert Campbell 529E 7417 Office 528-2931 WINGHAM Commercial property, main street location. One storey "having 1680 square feet of floor space_ Pos- session 30 days. GOOD INCOME From your investment in this 3 apartment home. Double brick construction, , full basement, hot water heating, new boiler, carpet and tile floors. Priced right with good terms and early possession. " OFFICE 3574840 W. ADAMSON $28-2113 C. SUTCLIFFE 392-6969 WANT ABS GET RESULTS ••••-••..-.-.•-.•...+-•• •-••�•••. FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME situated on a choice corner lot on Havelock St. in Lucknow. ` Living 'room, dining room, kitchen and one bedroom down. House has oil furnace and 3 piece bath. Ideal retirement home. Immediate pos- session. CLOSE TO . DOWNTOWN, in Lucknow, 3 bedroom home with large living room, dining room, kitchen, new sun porch; oil heat. Separate additional 2 bedroom apartment with every conven- ience. Situated on 2 lots, this is an excellent home with an in- come. Shown by appoint,Rent only. 1.200 ACRE FARM East Wawanosh Twp_, comfortable . 4 bedroom home; large barn and silo stabl- ed for beefand hogs. Level to rolling clay loam; good cash crop sou.. Possession to be arranged. QUIET RETREAT in the country (Lucknow, Winghamm area), com- prising 1.7 acres,, with a 6 room frame home requiring major re pairs. New hydro line installed, drilled well on pressure and sep- tic tank. 16 ACRES mostly bush, spring creek, well located on good road, hydro available. WE HAVE several excellent bus- inesses for sale in the general i area. Inquire for further partic- ulars,. If you have agricultural property, largeor small acreage, . and mr thinking of selling, we would be pleased to talk to you- All en- quiries, confidential- WARREN ZINN Phone $29-7350 Wi!fred Cos, Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Brian Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. --- Over 60 Salesmen Woking For Yon