HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1974-11-06, Page 1be tliCKNOW SENTINEL
WO A Year In Advance --- $2.00 Extra To U.S.A.
°dal Comment.'
lkipal Interest At Low Ebb
iry Small Attendance At
lublic Meeting Monday
est in municipal govern-
klacknow must have hit a
in 1974.
Ow Village Reeve and
pfirs calle4 a public ratepay-
4 for Monday night of
kink town hall.' It was a
kierday, October 29 a group
iested ladies met at the
fths.Raynard Ackert, R. 1
to discuss the formation
*know branch for the
Arthritis and Rheuma-
itiety. MIS. Betty Janke of
Ilakerton, a volunteer
kite of the C.A.R.S.,
(Afoul) Will
Isar Panel On
Buddies, a local young
organization, will sponsor
ssion on drugs in the
'Presbyterian Church on
itiovember 12th at 8 p.m.
bet of area people,
gilt the problems of drugs
to their professions, will
panel: Mrs. Lauzon of
Addiction Research Foun-
it Owen Sound; Constable
communications officer
Provincial Police; .Dr.
III Lucknow physic -
Patter, Family Services
Walkerton; Dr. Bruce,
of Goderich.
'Bow Noble of Lucknow
as chairman for the
18 years of age and
welcome and parents, in
g should give those in
attinsight into drug use
En and attendance is a
awned residents.
Donate To
eel District Lions Club
meted $100 •to the
and District Association
!Wally Retarded.
loge'S is being used to
daiksfor the Silver Circle
k 19of Kinloss will
'491Parson _ meeting in the
Tuesday. Noiem-
&30 p.m.
is IL
being called by
111 give toil.nship"
d7.2 oPpoiluaity to dm-
t441IF2S4 Of the municipal-
:ratePaYers and
timely meeting, coming just prior
to the 1974 'nomination period.
Besides the Reeve, Four Council-
lors. Clerk and Sentinel representa-
tive, eleven other people turned
out, eight men and three women.
The evening was to take the form
of.a question and answer period.
Jitn McNaughton of Lucknow pos-
ed the only questions to council and
in a matter of 30 minutes, the
meeting had adjourned.
It is a rather sad state when a
municipality fails to generate more
interest in the affairs of local
government. The ' Council in
Lucknow were going beyond the
requirements in holding such •a
public meeting. It is not required
under the new nomination proced-
ure but council felt, and we
Former Resident
Of Kingsbridge
Died After Being
Hit By Car
Mr. John P. Sullivan passed
away at Bolton, Ontario. after
beingstruck by a car. He was 85
years old. Mr. Sullivan was a
native of Kingsbridge and still has
several relatives in the area. He
leaves to mourn his wife, ten
children and fifty-five grandchild-
ren. Mr. arid Mrs. John Howard,
Mr. and,Mrs. Bob Howard, Mrs.
• Bernadine Kinney, Jim Sinnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin, John
O'Connor and Ray Dalton attended
the funeral on Monday. November
Single Copy 20e 24. Pages
Day Sunday
Remembrance Day will be mark-
ed in Lucknow on Sunday. Novem-
ber 10th. A parade of Veterans.
Ladies' Auxiliary and other'area
organizations will march to the
Cenotaph for service at 11 a.m.
The'parade will gather at the
Legion Hall at 10.45 a.m.
Following the Cenotaph service
at 11 a.m., the parade will proceed
to Lucknow United Church for the
regular church service,
Gold Card For
Ten Years Service
On Sunday :Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Tiffin; Joan and Shirley attended
the General meeting and annual
Ladies Night of Stratford Musicians
at Victorian Inn, Stratford featuring
entertainment and a smorgasbord
Joe received a Gold Honorary
Membership card for serving on
the Musicians Executive Board for
10 consecutive years. The com-
munity extends congratulations.
Mr. Ducharme of Wingham also
received a Gold Honorary Mem-
bership card.
Family Pet Is Asphyxiated
Home Heavily Damaged
By Fire On Sunday Night
The farm home of R-obert
Purvis, located about two miles
east of. Lucknow on 'Highway 86.
was severely damaged on Sunday w
evening • in a fire that might ell
have completely destroyed the
'house had it not been discovered
when it was.
IBob was away for the day visiting
in Bayfield. He left home about 2
p.m. Shortly before 9 p.m. Myra
Lippert, on her way back to
Toronto, dropped into .the house
and found it on fire. Myra went to
Statement Indicates Sources
Of Funds In Lions Club
Swimming Pool Project
• The following financial state-
ment for the Lucknow and District
Swimming pool fund indicates the
sources of revenue in completing
the project.
The complete pool and change
rooms wereit.!/ project of Lucknow
and Distr.' t Lions Club' who
spearheaded the campaign and
conducted the public campaign for
funds. The financial statement
does nbt include the addition of a
plastic cover and wind break. plus a
name sign, which were paid for by
the Lucknow Reunion Committee
from reunion proceeds. in addition
to the donation listed from that
source. •
Lions Club Members (personal)
Lucknow District Lions Club.
Lucknow Legion Branch 309
Lucknow Women's Institute
Lucknow Fire Department
Lucknow Horticultural Society
Lucknow Curling Club
Lucknow Agricultural Society.
SpeCial Events •
Lucknow Reunion Committee
Public Campaign Donations
Public Mail Donations
Provincial Government Grants
• 1
.. •
• $40,443.68
• 11,604.40
•New Swimming Pool $51,265.02
Bank Interest •783.06
Kinlough School, 'S.S. No. 2 Kinloss,: Taken
Back row. left to right. Bessie
Pinnell. Hazel Percy. May Boyle.
Cora Percy. Betty Graham. Marg-
aret Malcolm., Edna Boyle. Gladys
Colwell, Florence Tweedy . Nettie
Colwell and the • teacher Mics
Annetta Steuart.
Second and third rim combined
!eft to right. Chri, Shelton. Jean,
Lam:. Harold !,,tanie‘. Annie cot-
vkt:rt. Bert Mcl can. 1 Richarkis.
John .Gram. '1/4Itr.nle Rh:hard,.
Clarence Stanley. Beie Lane.
Albert Shelton. Plieobc Hodgkin -
.Non. Jim Richards. Tillie and Vera
Ic'.i Eekonsu iller: Tena
Hodgm,, 4,nnic Alcrarlan. Evelyn
• Front row. left to right. Tom
McFarlan. George Graham. Elmer
Percy. Jalland Hassall. Arthur
Graham. George Colwell, Harold
Percy. Orland Richards. Jim Ryan.