HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 43 • • - ft 4?Ofin° ; e. .E S7 t. Itto see Separate echools abolished in dersonebf Henetill,to preach, Mr.Simp- e clooeive schuvrIcelst attl boe'egli1Olck tx8i j. A41 41s1 xi' s Ontario his leader in Dominion poli. on, of .Brumitield, to Adareee the 11 tics refused to ebolish Separate echoole congregation, and Dr. 1,7re arid Mr, in the Northwest territories, and Mr. Anderson, of Godenoli, to addrese the Meredith makes eto =Theta. - minister, Ottawa Free, Press.A. caU from the congregation el „meal s Reformers shoulEgmonclville in favor of Mr, Georg( DEUGGIOWd not forget that in Needham, licentiate, was enstained 1882 Mr. Meredith declared in the and the clerk was divided to forward CHEMIST - AND , fiCKET AGE:WT lettielature that "at the time tile it to Mr. Needham for his considera- 1 rate Schools it was the Conservative members, and accompanied with a ' party who supported them in their promise of $800 stipend Alia manse. ACT 0 N Vil TELECPAPii CO I risk of loss of seats and infleence, He The Committee on Systematic Bene- ficence presented. a report, showing it o 0 I p . 4 . c.iailu. mid atuirica them., at the • the liberality of the people in con- tributing toward the general work of the church to be on the increase aur• ing recant years. Roman Cathdlics Were asking for Sopa- don, The 0.11 was signed by 107 MR. MEREDITH MEETING 0013. Brunswick Nouse, W • ingb.am, - Ont. OUR CHOICE. HON, OLIVER 1\10WAT, for Pre- mier, • 'J., T. GA,R1tOW, for West Huron. A. 'BISHOP, for South Huron. T. GIBSON', for Bast :Huron, A. E AHRENS, for N'ortli Perth. II. P. O'CONNOR, for East Bruce, Electors who marked their ballots 'for and of these candidates will be 'helping to support one of the best +governments that.ever • had an exist - their now recognized . also declared Witt "he did not favor forcing the ballot upon the Separate school supporters if they did not want it, but he supported the proposition to extend the ballot to the public school elections," caliugipin EURO tse FRIDA.Y, MAY 23, 1890. Mr Meredith spoke at Alexanciria,in Glengarry County, in the campaign cif 1886, and he was reported as follows by the French paper at Ottawa, Le Cenadien:-The leader of the Opposi- tion for Ontario made a most happy with -previous years, the production speech, which was synspathetic all having been in 1886 00,530,000 ; in i lit by the electric light. 1 r. . . • through:to our people (the French 1887, $15',000,000 • Ana 1888, $16,.1 Ce'erster, Preeident of the 'Yonne Men's Catholic population). He said the 000,005, lt would thus appear that Liberal Conservative Association of true friends of the French andOatliolie in four years the production has in- the town, oocupied the ohair. In a people were to be found in Conserve- creased. over 85 per %int., showing peat speech, heiutroctuced Mr J. M tive vaults. They are those who gave that Canada is rapidly developing as Roberts, the Conservative candidates them Separate Schools and recognized a mining country. Some of the miner. for West ;Huron. their clainis to a share of 'the public als show a fine steadiness in growth. Mr Roberts, on toming forward,was patronage based op the figure ot their Thus 000,1 shows an increase of 30 per warmly received. He said he was cent. in the output of 1877 as corn_ the regular nominee cif the Conserve - done gallant eeork for the preseivation Oared with that of 1886. The out- five party, had resided in the county population. The French race had of British rule in thistountry andabey pat of copper has gone up from 3i for upwarcle of •30 years and was as are factors in moulding the destinies of million pounds in 1886 to 6 4-5million quainted with the retenireneents of the Canada. They have been given Sepal,' pounds in 1889, an increase of nearly people of the Riding. He had not ..."•••••" wil•IsatAM-4 LAW= OATIMMI/ON Ontario Leeislature atsveyo bean true to the Provinces ..Wteen differ- l'eaces arose between. the Provrace an.(44 I the Dominion, the Oppositioo elweyi- ecintended that them) queetione eborild Wednesday forenoon's train brought he referred to Mr. Meredith from Lucknow, and the realm fsn. eettlettetut, It was not there were upward:a of a hundred at ithe polies of the ()position to returu the T R depot to receive ()alto the system in vogne fiefore the e_ah alighting from the train, and atter Ipaseing of the Crooke deatieg ho was • with the tippler interest, but to allow driven to the reeidence of 13 Willson, the commissioners inpeetors, to shaking iitmas with awn -niter, be appointed rof the county commits or Begs, whoso guest ho was while here. In the evening, procession wee that they be elected dinnttly •by the forme(, composed of 13ellYst factory people. 110 wee not la favor of give band, the town hand, a mein= es ing the women the franchise for gentlemen on heereback, and the Parliamentary purposes. He gave vehicle ethicli contained Mr. Mere- the llefozniere oredit for battling for rights of the people. Ile was in • ditto Mr. Roberts, the Conservative the ri candidate for West Huron, ea favor of eatending the franchise to ancl others.'The procession every man who couli be called upon left the park at 7 p. and proceeded to defend his country, The ballot e - south along Josephine street tb John should be secret, so that no one °Quid street, west along John street to bo able to tell how any man voted. Minnie, south an 'Minnie to 'Victoria, In speaking on cdueational affeirs, he east along Victoria to Josephine then, said a mistake had been made when • to the sheting rink, in which the the charge was mule from a e01111111ti, meeting wes held. sioner to a minieter. The education The rink .was seated with chairs, of the -youth of the land should noe nicely' decorated with bunting, and be made a party question. 'Party men p hold up for their leaders. He did not hold with Dr Chisholm in his statement in reference to lir Gibson; who has represented East Huron for many years,but would say that no doubt in tho past, Mr Gibson,in following his party, has given votes that he would not Bove given. had he voted as hie conscience dictated. Still, ho did not hold with the statement that party politics is a, muddy stream, and that good men should i'toteto into polities. What is required is that we beep the bad men out of politics. In discuss., ing the School question, he said that English should be the language taught, in the public schools, from the east .to the wet, in this. province. In the east there is a large section of the 'people who have declared that they will build up a nation of their own. Had the tine Who caueed the trouble in the North-west been a Protestant there would not have been those frantic appeals to save frona pay- ing the penalty of hie crime. 'Kr Mercier is in power in Quebec, having gained power on the. nationalist cry, and we meat see that our rights are not trampled upon. The Mowat government would not have appointed a commission to visit ,the public schools only for the pressure that was brought to bear upon them. The Op- poeition did not want to proscribe the French languag6, but contended that no foreign language should be taught side jay side with the English language,. In the Roman Catholic Separate sohools, the Hierarchy claim that they have the right to direct who shalja, teach, the text hooks to be xused, (tte ttr Mare -lith said thht his policy was that these schools should be under the samo laws and rules as the public schools in regard to teachers, text books, &c. He was not so unreason- able as to say that the Separate schoole should be wiped out, but was in favor of repealing every amendment to the Separate schools act that gee e the Catholics exoepnonal privileges. In closing, Mr. Meredith appealed to 'those present to believe that he was sigma) in what he had said. Ungeneroos insinuations and charges had boon 'made against him, but he assurei his hearem that if he were rettirned to power, andefonnd that he could not oarry out every promise he bad made, he would re- tire from public life. He had appealed three times to his fellow eountrytten. unsuccessfully. Ile did not blame them for not returning him in. the pest, but hoped. the Conservative party would be eteeceszfal city the 5th of June. Mr. II, W, C. Moyer was called upon by the chairmen. gr, Meyer attempted to address the audience, but there was SO thrtell conftteion that ci‘te dmorwithoa lee could not be heard, The meeting ictiihrrs for the Qaeon and the hieheet tribunal in Teraina in vanada. The report of the Geological Sue- vey for 1889, containing a statement of the mineral production of Oanadit, has been issued. The general result' is seen in the OW of $16,500,000 for the Year. This compares favorably • ate Schools by his (Mr. Meredith's) 95 per Cent Gypsum shows in the same a word to ray against Mr Gartow, his party, end their immunities and privi. period an increase of 27 per cent. in Opponent, as he was a gentleman f --- -"......... --...,111••••• leges cannot be altered, as they are the output. Iron an inerease of 22 whom he respeoted, but Mr Garrow Political Pointers. assured by the 13. N. A., Mr Mere.. per sent. .Steel has risen from 7,326 was a supporter of a bad Government _....—::_."------ .---r--------•;-_ — LETEVERY Liberal consider well dith said that they were sacred rights. tons in 1886 to 96,333 tons in 1889, Ho .(Mr Roberts) believed in the LL j'ohn Macdonald's declaration: describine them as the 'oak of the covenant that no saerilegions band e, times 'greater as the result of increas. Meredith, and which was before the showing a pannufaoture over three policy enunciated, by his leader, Mr "You can't strengthen my • hands could touch. The French paper, ed activity: Silver shows an output people. He seld there should be men • 'more in any wify than by turning Mr commenting on this speecti editorially . in dollars in 1889, which is 80 per of principle, not of politics in the • Mowat out end putting Mr.Meradith in in the same issue, i51d-We have a sent. of an increase over 1886, and Legislature. He believed in equal 11.is place.'' BrenchSenator for Ontario from the Conservatives, and vet Mr Mowat is which probably does not represent the rights to all and •special privileges to real increase owing to the derwecia. none. keeping down French representation. • The -developinent of the manufacture from Mr A II Musgrove, the Conser• tion in value during recent years. . The chairman read a telegram of sulphuric aci.vative candidate for That Huron, acid is very marked, the output in 1889 having been 10,- regretting his inability to be present, 998,713 pounds, againa 5,476,900 on (Lenin -it of a previous arrange - lbs. in 1887. Gold remains stationary. ments compelling him to xtddrees. ta Tun general elections in Nova Scotia 'was held on Wednesday, when the • He will not give us a representative Reform government are sustained by in the,Cabinet, but we have the as- surance that Mr Meredith (more lib - au increased majority, the returns eral toward us) will swear in Mr Sol. •'showing 2,8 Reformers. and. 10 Con- White the very first in bis Cabinet es , , servatives. - ' ' - representative Of the Frerich, element. • If the Tories ever get the Grits out 'they will keep them out. They would little timeed ou Prelieb, sobools. 'fortify themselves by a free use of the The Rev. D. D: 'McLeod, of Barrie, 'liceiteing and appointin,g powers. Sins bne of the commissioners appointed to they now condemn would be accepted examine the French. schools., deals as guides and the Gerrymander they with the deliverance of the Equal denounce woeld be used as It means .Rights Association upon that clues., of warding off a Liberal triumph,- tion. Toronto Teleerain (Tory). No one, we presame, will deny. During the eighteen - years in either Mr hicLeocl'e honesty or his whiell Mr. Mowat has been Premier ti- ()rough knowledge of the queetion. of Ontario, the average bonus received And among other things Mr McLeod ay the Ontario Government has been They ; •$751 a square mile. For the same They urge that the Government, area ot timber lands, the Dominion shall secure that English shall be the• 'Government received a • uniform rate language of instruction in all Public of only $5 a square mile. the side • Schools in °uteri°. of Ontario timber litieits last held (in And this the Government has 1887) reelized for the Province the 14i*d° provision fen magnificent average of $2,750 a mile ! That every teacher in a Public School shell be able to use the Eng, The Fort William 'Journal, one of fish league ill ' I in' • ge e meat y imparting •• the leading journals in the District of instruction. Algoma, says that it is not a portisan . This also the Government has made paper, and cannot therefore endorse ample provision for. every act of the Ontario Government, That no text books shell be used 'nbut," it ittlas,"we believe the legisla- except those authorized by the Depart - tion enacted during late year's to be ment of Education. as proetreseive as tho people of the This also the Government has Province indorse, and the administrae • "floe of affairs to be in harmony with the regnirements of the times," This ought not to be the moo. Tho meeting elsewhere. • DOW Mineral, asbestos, in the quality Mr Wm 'Olegg was 'called uporfeland of -which Canada leads the world, responded by saying he hoped , that shows a satisfactory condition of .de- Mr Meredith wouldbe returned at the. 'velopment, . the quantities mined approaching elections. Mr kowat's having inereased from 3,458 tool in governmeht was on trial, the electors 1886 to .6,014•tons in 1889. with every were the jurors, Mr 111owat has prospect of a ,large increase in the centralized, too much power in himself. 'current year. The other tew metal, Mr lqeredith wished to restore to the nickel, has not as yet had a place ,people the appointment of License given to it in the return of the Geolog. cum missioners, bailiffs, division court Teal Survey but the present year will clerks, &c, The Mowateovernment undoubtedly show a large -output, as refused the people a secreAullot, and all 'reports from Sudbury indicate that the only reason the speaker could see the first expectations are being more for the refused was that the Govern than realized. ' merit might terrorize over the liquor interest, as well as' see how those under them vote. ,Mr Mowat takes Vast Waavan.osbe ' An Orange Pic-nie, under the the power to himself to sell oar tim• pines of Belfast Orange Lodge, will be be' how, when and to • whbul be eels. held in Mr jellies Edwards' bash, on ehe"esi and he -(the speaker) thought' and Mr Meredith's policy is, 'that when a splendid programme of music, the Oth con. on Tuesday, June 10th, beforeiarge tracts of the public domain sports, etc,'will be given. are disposed of, that the Legislature should Approve of the same. He Mr Edwin Gaunt, of this township, believed our school system should bo .siiimai is 0. under a commissioner and not have a Sold to Mr Wm 'McLean, lately, a very fine fat heifer The political head for that department, as little over two years ole, and weighed 1,500 pounds.. is has been shipped our eclueational system, of which we provided for, The farmers owe much to the Mowat Government. While Sir Solna Mac. clotialcl hes been robbing them by malting them pay taxee, Min Itlowet has (tided agricultural societies and colleges, ereaineries, fruit growers, entomeiogical, bee dial poultry assoch amens. Ile lifts also supported the Agricultural College at Guelph and given each tenuity a grant of money to help support the poor. Princl Ellward Wand has bad a 'Cineetvetive Government cola as it result finds itself face to face with diretet taxation The Government announces a deficit of $10,500 this year. lied tiniest?, its gots assistane,e from the Doiniiiion exchequer a direct tax hind be imposed on the people. Menitlowat hits A different story to Our Province has a •stirphis Of ..'s:0,000,000 and plenty Irmo where that taunt Iwo and not a cent of debt, • Itte.Vereditli eould not improve tipon the e'xieting condition ot affairs if ' v1ae in power for a century. lie eenttet. obeli:11i or in tiny way interfere were ell proud, would be sure to he to•the old country, and the price paid injured by bringing it in the arena df for her was the handsome suer of $100. polities. It pays to raiee•good stock at Ur cents Dr. Chitholm being called Zmon, said he wished to say a few words ,tn. Mr Musgrove, who was not able to be present. Mnsereve was a gentle- man of stainless ee ‘e Ode speaker and a, clever dee:tee/n(1nd weela be an honor to East Limon the Leg- islature, The constituency 'might just, as wall send rt cordwood stick to. the Legislature as the present member, Mr Gibson and it would be 'a good' deal -cheaper to do so. tie 'Meredith brought in a bill to have beibery. pnnishd by 'imprisonment, but the 111g:twat government voted' it cloevn Where would they be ou the .5th of June if that were the lsov ? Mr W Reston reed an address to Mr Meredith from the Yount; Men's Liberal Conservative Anew:dation of the town. ir Meredith on rising, was reeeived with cheers. lie expressed lies ple0,-. sere at being again permitted to visit Wirgliani. Ho thanked the young men for the magnificent reeeption they had given him. Ile ane to epealt on the public questions &ghat. in the public mind, and did not went And in my judgment 'Lis° th°1 per pound, live weight. Government has provided for les e matters much more effectively Hutu in the method that is proposed by the Opposition, . mean Presbytery. The Presbytery of Huron met at Blyth, on Tuesday, 13th inst., Mr. Aches000noderator, in the chair - The Finance Committee presented report showing the amount contrib uted per family for general church schemes and for all purposes, in the various congregations during the year ending Dec. 31st, 1889. The committee were directed to print ma distribute the report. A minute in connection with the death of the late Rev. Geo; Jamieson, of Hayfield, expressive of his personal worth, and the value of his servic4s in the Neese of Christ, was adopted and recorded. The Preshytery also expressed he sincere sympathy with Mr. Muegrova, of Mcitillop, in his reeent afilictinns through the death of his wife. Mr. Robert Henderson, Iniente ate, 11 WIll , uecepted the call from 11e,yfield and Anti Olin poor, foolish, ignoble faees of Bothauy, vas exemined with a View this World, and: lietene to ilia chatter tottny a word to offend any man. ne 11111,11 to be ti -,1 2or life to the tailor. Hon, 1. Itl 1 reed° girl, to ordinatioo Rod indettiou. The re. • of the poor and foolish as the faces, one, undeeetood fleet the 'with the Seperate Scheel sysaein- stilt being aqtisfactoiy it war re.SOIVed ink order10 have any peeper respect Illens had addressed a meethig. lately Itionahhehenglit snecees1 in ineking ffei meet in Merited an the 27th inst., -for them, is fortetl to lennember that in this t0W11, 1711011 be hathbeen Dhart; It ie smell T15111304 to tety that an atth , Itiepdrato scheora illoirniqut arid inter. i 10 ordain Mr, Henderson and to in., solemnity of deatheotedeh la .eilently ea with being a traitor La Oritarhe dress is it roes ono. If i;, it . 1flgotiith ortitith*Opylitiorrin go tatt't 6'0101(1o^. . 14 'tie Itypneris,e- it toet traespareot idaet limn iote the p9Atoral oharge, At64,. Belmore. The residence of Mr. Edwaed. Arm. strong was burned to the ground on Saturday last, nothing being saved but avfew bedclothes. No Wan:Alice, --The many friends of W. je-ffrity assembled at •the residence of his mother, op Friday last. The amuse- ments of the evening was dancing, in which tell took an active .part. Music was furnished by Misses jeffray and 11eeGlynn and Mears' D and W. Fryfogle. The crowd dispersed, well satisfied with the evening's entertain. ment, as the gray dawu appeared. We regret the departure of Mr. Jef, fray' to San Francisco, es 'lie took an active part in the church, Britons and 0.0. F. He will also be greatly miseed in tho social cirole.-Metsrs Graham and Hell attended the teach,' ere', Convention in Paisley, on Thurs* day and Friday. 'When one looks on the thousand 130V,16' Winghatn, Min 1Sth inst., the wife of Mr, Andrew Holmes; n daughter. Aanurtsns-At the Manse, loderich, on the 12th, inst, the wifeof Hoy James A Anderson, 13 son, 2.11matt-In St Dekns, on Siitday dth, the wife of Mr It ft 611116r ; daughter. DIED. Olinttn, tile 10th %et, D Macl alloeh, Public Inspector tor .3.10431.taten, aged 66 years 'Snows -1n Dray, on May 6, tirt Jaunts DrOwn, sr, noeti SO years, months mid 88 days. (NVEtt,tvaolt—Ia Ior-ttrWingiati), on Sunday, tho 18th May, Jane Wallwood relict of the late Jolt Stre1lwood, ;bred 71 yeater 8 months and 1 day, Every beginning is cheerful ; the threehold is tiro plate) of expectetion. It is need fate for the self Made • • y Cir I I • Oie• - • - 1 • '` ' • 4 ' • e•• •• • • • • •• • • t BASIS BA.1, "edtparties itt Cewan'e otfil lath inst., ¶ 'were elected President, 1 dent, Geo. Davidson; 0 • hs. Fox, 0 and J. J, Sanders; Captain,W. •',tickers we e'er Maples hack lines 1 4 1 Mr. B. mare one ped dead N -The corn sonthliue their pieni all kinds nthletio sp vided; a 1 Mr. Wim Michigan bis farm t 'will mane meantime A shoot Londesbo Wednosdt three me and may barn was guard ag attached was not c and it str Cole, Ila their bac Bali also At last a The 11 -to ill -he months Mr Mole College, the cbu oence.- the 4th $ct'ool] her diet L. and -Tara to mill at -son is a giving f guilty I ed. tete has bee rather now h the lei rom t Chart( Jno. P with a -en • anoth 'Count ing tb 'Malin 'brut!' Bryal kitch this Musg tions ence Thurt ver were anyti by 34a defen gonet Mr. peop to tie -JJuilc .whic at le SOU .set blue •neet -won inan the 'And Mr. inSi, ' rtleP ,C1111 less ,53:( fle 'tee -.rot •1016 /OW,