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Wingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 2
tia eneeneente ' 0.000 "` :tett:tee Sr Fagot Ue453.fi Theta is to cam, a losvettlY Ab? ' A net to wciv mortela given _ Wien 'shrove of ell this earthly moil, We rest the rest divinely given. 'What tho' we reach three score teed ten, Though Intermingted. joy and CU% laber eml we rest anon„ T:eat, WA come, sweet rest trove rare, lieve soft end dewily bed of spring, now sweet the bleomine flowerets are, Itwmerrite flows the oeystal titreem, All nature plies the relliee ear. 1%e Sprit ezetime comes in beauty chat, The tleati nee rbed. in.varied hue, Ami Antionn'a golden Meow does fade, With Wiuter's hoary leeks iu view. *mix is the fate of mortals all, 'Vie sesames blurted onward go, SFthiSeeramer, Autumn bide adieu. We feel the Chili of Whiter's snow. Lewin the graves derk vault well. lie, Above ear forme the earthly elude eternal spring -time blame, 'The spring -time of oar Goa; TO 4 r onitaT egornen. Ala reel th nee bow, slenderly And frailly ;Ogee art reede e 'Tis fair to tee how tenderly Thou smilest in the shade. The -piping birds hop heedlessly Acrieet. the tenet), epot, But \maim; words; tome tieedlely• To- those wile wership uot. The lowly etate assigned to thee Beeteins thy pensive mood, And every fate is kind to thee, th rich solitade, pea's vita aettght thy covers From noon-dayte szerellingglerai The dove et night the levers are. Alia cherish thee with care. What een of man ean look within • Thy dark,lined, feet,. ekied fail to seen die heelt Thy puce seed peitiet graze: Oar world...Wand hearts are •datital To yield their Itemao new, W het*, fret teem tarts said beautiful, Sweet neterns tett thou. - not with seem beet - ethe:Veat tleee— That then weet bare is, heitness, Wo neteoiee. VA to be bob Me that—like nvnatla. eftiet really . meter „ ibeevaniebed in the "Jtettneepraring en the 4Th, Itteccurred to hire ,e0 theta all The eWitteth•Jilnd deep, and full of nitn-Y lettiltAs. lie could ;nmb into ft, hen:down behind the baskets, throw • ;1 itehigattlotb toter him, Ana e • they were ell gone. They were wet' i she refused somebody ; find wliona eeme ee his house, his wea his teal, re marry ? Jest the meanesie thing his tea -kettle, but not to his coon. in the village—poor and homely, and ateful Why, she'd have jumped. at Gouda Cass. He was very hand- some then, and, worth ten of the other buys ; so he is now. Only he's got over his beauty, 1 sup• Diseppeinted old baohelors getterally (lumpish. Oaes was Scarlet in his pencealment, What sp. idea I the gasped t as if 1 ever wanted that cross eyed, red. haired Melie Jettlima Pillkinst But again the sweet, clear voice of Kitty Spruce eame to his rescue. 1 never believed that was •Ito. It was all Merit:, jenailleale brag. Some girls are like that. Ile never asked her—never. She was always saying pony.. Feeling this a divine inspiration. Iu proceeded to carry it out; and wheal the yellow het followed the black . bonnet, and a little eceop, pale blue, appeared side by side with. pose, said the blue boarder. • Ine shade het as rink as hlush roses. No, he basun; •he's better looking there Was no sign ot Oass Newbold any wlaere. Under the checked. cloth cover lie lay at eitee, and listened. The great bedy WIMP to a pause somewhere near hitn, and he heard etemt Kesialne Veins say Now, fotIts, we all want to change our tramp shoes for them we've fetch- ed aloe% and 1 propose we do it here. Pat the old beots into this wagon, and go up to the House decent., Cass is jest ag' petickler as any old maid ationa Who does the work/ aehee toiled cal toward the house and Cass, his fioare. boarder's voice, not be honself crawling from under the cover cloth, arose flushed and excited on the other side, and sped by ways he knew well homeward. His pride was up. He was crusty, and cross, and bashful, was he ? had no hospitality, no friuedliness; he was a disappointed old baebelor. Well be'd show them—that was alt! setter 1 Kitty shell not bave stood up for him than ever, said Kitty. 011 my! sneezed the pink boarder, he must be a paragoe. I thought that was an unberallia Alipk. What d'vou mean 1 Otrengtheedate the POW, The English pliyaique deterier dug es the result of the decay of ag eulture and the unhealthier conditi of manufacturing life, A write " in the Fortnightly recommende gyaluas. tic exerciees to strengthen the kmdies, not only of the upper and Middle elate ses, but of the laborera If there were any room for doubt of the bene. fits of slab training, he says, evidence is not mining of the extraordmary effect of a course of gymnastics, re gularly continued for only a few moue ths. Mr McLaren lats given some valuable statistics of the measurement and weight of a detachment of non- commissioned officers sent to bine to be qualified as military gymnaatie instructors. The men ranged in ego from 19 to 28 years, in height frone feet to 5 inches to 5 feet 111 inches and in weight from 9stone 2 pounds to 12 stone 6 poundetnio that 'various types were represented. After loss than eight months training, they were found to have gained on an average 10 pounds in weight 27e inches gir. th chest, iu the size of the fore. arm, and 1- inches in that of the up. per arm, while there 'Was in every case slight increase of height. One man 28 years of age had grown from 5 feet 7i inches to 6 feeet 81inches; his weight had -increased frorti 10 stone 10 pounds to 11 stone 9 pclunde and he measuren 40 inches inst'kel. of 37 inches round. the chest, 11i in, stead of 101; -Melee; Torind the fore arm and 131 instead of lgiinchesaround the upper arneAnother man aged 24 years, had grown from 5 feet 81 inches to 5 feet 9 inches, tad weighed. 11 stone pounds instead of 10 stone 8 pounds, while his ehest had expanded from 35 inches to 40 inches ca gain of no less than 5 inches), and the fore and upper arm had gained 1 inch and 11- respeetively. A. third pupil aged 28 years, bad added 16 pounds to his weight, with correspouding devetopments of arm and chest; and the smallest gains IU He is a paragon, eteid Kitty, decid- edly. 1 wanted you to see we, had one man Ieft over here. That's why 1 got up Ore:party. Borrow a Webster's dictionary as soon as you cau get one, With these last words the party, flinging more shoes into the truck wagon, picked up their baskets and No ; old. Ben does it. Poor nu Caroline taught hint, said Resinh. I tell you, we'll see a real nice ?nee. You ought to set your ceps for our Cass, seine of you city girls. Though he'S afraid of women. Oh, how interested I am, said the. boarders voice again. \Thet nav-i salid JJ. for nothi"g—Kitty, who thought him Thank Heaven I hid naseelf ' handsomer than ever. 1 Hes very ,queisr, said a young manes And so, as the new shod feet struck • eese. to himself, behind the baskets. voice. I tell von he's queer, no pa ite,,1 the pereb the door opened, and Cass, ness into him, 1 shouldn't wonder if i-vF,itip las toilet Illad° to ‘r.rs-4ssF ' ' ' • inch in the chest, .i,- Melt in the upper arm. bear eel a-crarl and hes hand- 1 6 e e we a Pe s in e ' perfee.tion, his of a h ki d r 5 dud weight, Tlieo Old *out Tall% y want to eive yonanie CO. 1 know Ion Ate stet hungry advice. Dept never relieh that it takes a WWI deal ot seasoning to suit it to their tastes. But, letyte, want to talk Own what know, Boys, stick to the farm, 1 left ;t when a bey and stayed away matey years, but was glad to get hack Do not think yen eau get a soft spat somewhere ohm. After hunting a long while the softest place yen wilt r ongTa. islvol)irlel bo iLd ounuo Ytearvialeciral: sr; ta ar e :rsmfarm' it o turn 'tramp ? Where do tramps cones from, anyway ? 12 yea think them a set of idlers, too lazy to work,'strol- ling ahont the country for thefun of the thing,you are very moth mistaken. E have seen them turned oat of the inines,ond the oboes and factoyien and printing offices by the thousands. The were good weekinea at good prices. some of them are well edu- oneed. 1 °nee fed a tramp win) gradu- ated at Oxford college in England. What a. mighty army there is cone staatly going up, and. down the country hunting work 1 hunting work 1 1 Prom:hers, teachers, doctors, elerks, mechanics, all trades hunting work, No, not OM trades. Who ever heard of a farmer bunting for worn. No, boys, if you can't make money as fast at farming, you eau be sure of a lire ing; and if you keep 'penile% away' you will have some salted down Thr old age. There is no earthly blessing so great as health, "You buys new in the bloom of health will vase over this sentence ligbtly, but when the health fails, you will give everything, to get it back. There is no bade so con- ducive to health as farming. Most trades are confining, tedious, and monotonous. The active, independent farmer boy tied down to dull routine soon drives the roses from his cheeks, activity from his frisky tauten and • displaces his appetite by dyspepsia. Boys, if you prize health, stay in the fresh air and the glorious sunshine of the farm. But one of the most miens ob- jections to a-16st of the trades is that they draft the mind. Suppose you • bad nothing else to do but make pin 7-e heads, make them ten hours a day, six days a week, fifty-two weeks each year. Nothing else to do but keep putting the little bits of wire in the machine all through the months. Would you not be a drivening idiot before five yearn? 1 have seen hundred's of Alen sitting hut rows mak- ing nails doing nothing sn day long but turning a piece of iron over and bF given to their hearts and Image. cc over till it is coneumed, then grahh- y eonie face beaming Wail sunies,stepped send us peeking ; eay, get on , j I. dOn't Want no ezatpany. $111art Ali4". said Cass under the °°1-- to t•ret them. eover. This is an unexpected pleasure, he l waranly. Are you really going 'A • sion of the chest produced a ludicorons t to tab. itv pc a lo„ely bachelor? seed embarrassing resedt ; for, before the ); Or shoot us out of the garret win- ssid, Biwa ft a pang of cenecienee. I j'in! fourth mouth was out, seveeal of the men 1.1,idow, said another vilZage beau. We are told that the muscular additions to the arms and shoulders and the expan- oh. hew ehemieg. ta beard the noel He threw the shutters ©$ the big conld not get into their Jackets Mad tunics • parkr onen. He set chairs. Ile without assist d I ad mace, an when they • got them on they could not make them meet down tlie middle by a band's breath. In a month mere they coma not get into them st all, and were obliged to go to and from the amnasium in their great costs until new clothing could be produce& It is impassible to estimate the advantage gained by these men from the expansion of their cbeetseand the additional scope there - lag to Dr. Lsgeatt,l.rvninastic exercises ate inc.! another and dein.; the eame Frieea env seteillst 'we mune witle his den., I. aid, L1i; city ilmsrdtr ul )3 begged the ladies to take off their thee. t blue 4 1,neeritiete. He was delightful, benign, Vilaere reverent feethave troa, mere me a tjr sala wian e courteous, as no one had. ever seen Aieeeene enesvieptesretle ace dumb wen he's setti,z4?s cash ; kiraer thee., I him. __,s, 0.jomooi, ia Tat inestO Den - - e • lenery ere remerat erea., ietIthey supped i to hey him round, said. Aunt llaha. ' - - - • 1 A SUB.PRISE PARTY- 1 rc"kegr")dtaest7t7;11hhei„T'tritts.aund:1 lees larder. Tetev _ diem. oe:a _ to Ben's , qindle Tee were led ante the earden Betor... 'our Father That was an afternoon and evening balld 'n most forty, I. ationtl. say.. It feel ss Pe^dies would. admire WW1 ;MaDV taditionS, from the beetle- an't by ad. I reckon hell Zsave al.1 he it • _ v Nusitv rricA n24.1.5A6. has to my Imre, and eletees says teltene. utak free of the roses. And the Sallatiler bzerdere, Cses eeend Qhpal t Respect year 1ea el, e alter cutting Atick and Peter out with 4s - CaR of the surest means of diminishing thing. I have seen the girls paper factories and printing efftes folding papers each tike same way. This they k" did by the mouth. I went into, the heading factory to -day and found battle twenty hove at work. No two were doinz, the same thing., but each repeating the same act frim one to five timea a minute. 0, t'laiis monot- onousmechanical action, how it shrivels up the mind. I would as soon be in a jail cell es to stated at tae posts of a great mass of oar onl- ine millions. 1...liove different the farm, Spiced most abundantly with variety. The seasons come arid givis-, seedtime and harrez. plailt nod till and reap and gather into barns. The Man whcse heart is in his worL: and who recognizes elle giver of every goad gift will find the farm one round of health Living pleasure, such as kings may envy, sztla tad Lira 1 wsa „„d , 1,, was at zsra ilsear at Minty ta aerate the time to 4 the frequereev of phallism. And, ss Ever enene Lis Invtztex am—go Its sort. queerash. • tZie fawn- was tat fam, II Czu-sin Kitty Sprace, whe eeteereerma enstly observes, before this Ineeetne, munneeen. setae -et at Jaw_ • workte.i. pr-Jdurtrve set ut , te: nee inset, and who leek.1 ne anaitinn coulee be made to the chest, every ezes-ra'S +Ale 4..asketS. _beam vvnael Wiltilt tine stc--me tolt*: e -11T ,„.„r Ilzretty, as if s_1. -e had been sixteen. again, ' spot and jeint e the frame mustbave been yereetv an.1 eirted ena re:eine:el TheJj'elt"ea'ot',, "" trades happy Es, if se bad inerroved also, everY organ withip the body anat. MSS 7uZte tarr"-s., elea, Nr-crm-,1 tra L.:az,b,„..,:m...s ss,,,, txzeer, s, -a tbe A Vireeenia reel far the last dance to J eetied lite hest. 'eaten .r.r.aig.t. <1 ..linz hue : rar•oVkiisl•reink bzarder. ,4-4,„.,,131.„-,,,, welvq-eUen re..7..,..11 tz,:,-,e,vm; gresn in /tbeir 1,t1,1 .,„est, al.zi t ' 2. -a al 013. Belt drew hie bow, alai he sae 3 say, sae _ te nmi 4,erwara. to i bowed t n • z a e ! eree ne-araer„ taro:rang Lis beets peen - n.. ., n, • ,ne, ' ei , nal tkrm Nkoretiig •r ' , ' Z.V4i. weeene reennea. awn:aglow-a viol ataS aetnana • There are ceresin occupations winch t.trA. s k"1".1,1ES 1Z4s., , 1,,V1Isr.1. Int t;'..,2,e '5"T„Ii'''''e --'-' - -'" ! I 2t-inl •,...f vroT--▪ 4- at Kitty nrrene' cunet^ 1 predispe to the ocettrreuce of cm:iv:imp. A.'eath sr Oeses 4 eseseei A, 1,,,11". 1.4:121trir-4 ,,,,i,r,,,, .,,,. he- .....e.ais a h..e.,„ 'Teem, teeen: 11.1s3. asnzel Sp.. Tearg 1*-faTev Tim, itis onmanza among stonemasons, ne• tnerire - a wad teen -nest kennenet. te new tenet Ter : tv 'ea n - ' .. „ .' ...,, len eke great n&fl over the rcarke. , eneen ate trees en a rear, at szoss wane e. crar.asts and polishers of steel, dressers of ""' we-este:tee e lent Ws Me tn...d tae, ..,,,,i,,,. ,e.,,j1s.tt, ma 70_1,.. 3-1,:teken in. i_i where the hills were Linn j flax and feathers, straw pleiters, iron and earletie in• la ;I'''' grIc4*"1"*":4 a'lln)--1"''i''''..-. „ 1,1 lc D'a yea remember, Yeitty I he ask- wee „deers, tee:en seese,e=pg„,„ In =rest have been proportionately strength - seed. Tre4Spade.Circli to COIISSIgptiOn. .e.aht lee Linde seen ...net nss- Ile mod ..‹,..zmiZenl, • was =wers-'i .1- Yes. e tno to my. as ,thes - ,t.“1-kYTR' s 6. -...kr,. Ile pst:',--3 „s .11..eat% eeeel reenn ci ven,„ teile ze,,itm4r•I'l*.v2 larlEa- i mrn 1-r.=-:v;,otly.k.'it r...z,,,, '.:R/erai,y.. T, --,Te ...;31,1.11. _ • ., '" ... - . . 'The nain ateeni =ow., r/rzzo.5., vst-..ce., as a. ante: per at; 7 ' the =needteaSem; inhere ii -25 IreSUlt as - eler, s ceked a&OZ-...,et V.,:-,•tIi7,-....S1. CaSS,r, Wa'S Ilvf'-i • tis:n, 1 ozee---elemed ley the onTobistea opzratizon of was ee,e ea.e.e. ulea ,,,) NX.c•:_,-,a'a MI z'S,, a vy inDove witb Ton thz-n t ut ilY. t.2.' 01::§Valt 'el takinzz a L„.. , ''." ., .., ' Ne-ia3....7.a'.:,*.A.1%,ntive. er.r.t esaertary eMs,,ZaFmentimpare air, exliens- 4e., st7,?..-x:,, 1-i.a]....Ity ; - .. . „ IA or, 4...ass zslYtt ton-Sensant - tags, * ' * it. 11:131113.-n. '''-lhe' Ye-omitive wcrk,aul bla fold, On the other s..-3 !mow, fez ehe reateee• eel .., , - : - ' ; Away ;gain, leeth beans mew. aney 9aesett. eneeeze Rene e az muzzle Mena, cis, lr-Itzhers, tanners, tal!.kiw- t...., ..,:4„...a t„.) oin:,:.:I.., ..,,,..... .$_..-1---,....itt..., ..1 7.-...-1.:1--...„,,, et :len ees ?..-nE:;,kS U1.2111•1-nneizeg.„ ▪ tn. tee, g3; "..V3=' 11-122'11 '1'1e ' L3S.14:2ZaM letranniey t am this terrible .._ .3., I chenellers,at-.1 sesp-beel -.e*y to a great 1 — ,- ,- • 1 ar.'a sVj. Stil rf.f1:1 I ..`4.1•S1 IS's..-al; te talik end tee J .:'- - --" - • -, - 3,..;,„7 eiszz-irga.: They gat gz-za wae,-es an as a It ee leaned f,z7.i':iis -.: 4t,02't want: IZZ,"' le. ,f3 ' " f, -,,..D.!a ", - r--....:rre" many thes.e the intialadon of foreign parteeles into thb lungs seta up irritation, ttlizb. proves inIntious an deteriorates • 1,5rt 17. 113:...t-, %Ica brava 'slaty to eat a 'ente'veren tnza nee feanne area. nenen ,• " tints thee I tine= te tesne Yee. ' r- - arst-.2kocb.,.1st ene ecnsta,..it conzt with zia seez:1 ttgeieeeee's ,:..:iraZ,*,-.1.. ITT.) „ reeenewe I.11!•••.t :Mire fel 7'417.1 ea n • n se,a te lennee • -lee •• kb -tan -nen nen. a-ananea elenteg, • " peneene ee nen Lune ea lie enate, - F 'tee 'in eat its • tem' ereneeeteew ettail lettc„ elye bite; , le,,Laeree ene Ireg jue Le, Ima eac Jit.erese. A canseleratien these Nets it tls 4.1,0 Tr, 11,„:-.4-,---11.1. weez zleaet; tee! Ina =ay tz senee iestSeezes c4 service in 4 -au be •=t,e e, Cz,r sew . , tele Nvyli, ; yva ek.,Za as oa. tv.,,,c toys an, %Gee ayz-2,s,-a Z:stits anl want e eseroiss `4"1 kneinne. tez eclat -vete teas- t waseet a ad eC 5." --esEn any el..-sv or term, ex • 'Wild Clierre, A Tann who fools his time away ---the circus clown. There are very few riel ma's tab- les thatAave erumbs. Have Ton a ctu:-„lit Take Wil'senes 'lave „von a(teld Take insets Wii Cherry. Rs Bieentitle, Take Wilsenese teeeee alseibeeee 1 Vasa et,,,5„,te c;-„/ - • ., ,1„,..3 sky cesfix-e deltaaotery el all `).Tee,.77,11,,,,...A. - . Saar. trLk. top, a, • r J eateee pewerle.11y ittlea-zem the deveep Have '117..U. Iteke 'Wastes Wild fl So-n1C, eelpag fin et c.sct.v.'ns-m twat= - =sate platl'•:.gs,sts^.1y t".ae young. tn. ' Have yon eon fte neva? Take ° Wits --ons Wee ehtlwr. 'The Old "enable Cure tee all ;lie= ta_es el the Tettat,tlereet anl llnege. by all arreeeistee Tate Will - Yenellettatereetal nen s.11!•,IfaeP' 31' c'Trs11-`1 sic.2 4,1_1 14,,f -s•:.7....1 11-8•an-an:tie e Anal ai ntent'zettene, wed nese ennen • re_ees seltieky. 3 ae3 ,,vs.„1.at Want nana3 nee steel the reezetreg ; ltakrm then, i=„i'eneetit'ree, faveeet the cereereeneet of the ••-• , nacase U—st.tc.-....a....atbet set et "e*e ethe:Seeee, beeteserieeeeegIfeeeers tay. t"`e *4 *3'4' "'"e ; :eliC.--;;;;;e1Piar4e.-tJd4' 0, riz*st..,y;;c:.;:m.11 sc...• „.3 tiro, tvzze s_trz ttn a ass. enaneatire..lireae :eta et, wan fee. rennet ten tn tens neateen as a, tszse • puke eateeei at last ,tre reel ea, es- Yaw cut 7.1t; teeth. ts ererenthez, the reereetee reestien. ten cReol, tett watkeet its intliettee • c. wen:datt eve en:tang e-enen‘r•:14 .-.1144sec; " I -A f.szl wisge, ttt „zoltz., en:4,4z, ane,. ensteneli alien, and teen gMkt, ilez site rdn e,62-,Ipet astrt-f.a. ttn fete ti5 "sell net eat et zee* Zeg ',Iran., tree neeeet haw Item 1 4 Pl"-f T-1 sirel the %Lime ffe:es rte sr Eel 4""1' 11114z " 114 4?" -.4.4 "Pi .at :kat Entn Sprare and teens Neetnend :tee reeler hew nen ereennetateen e, tee et enlie nett Vet 4/11 14; • iirpOs • Ile loraga,otm#ttiL 3s s. =.101=1,1 hoe it never entree to do nal 1,•'1''' 41 ili•-V-,--41. '-lt."4"'./114 • inetteeteetni enVIOL Xstilt'' model leen aentne netbea 4 aii, liana ena gsNitti et otenen wad rtaroi, rep ita teen *Mt lenge Irt• fe te !tattle '.! rmik, r fro, IA* t, 0 reees) .t lietAt deem Etteeiiteet Dr. George Beers, ter. MOTItrikia, teetterinetn twit and Fleck exreessii psteetts teeth were hen:even iltz Three. Kingdoms than in Anzetten better in Cemede then iu the ami better in the Marnintet Inteniteas then C.46' Where in the Dentinien. A great leen ofelyeeeteeette, teem treeteeneet 'e cale,1 teetit :Jer &Nissen ersaetitettion after tente A relent% lo artcal teeth Often menet le is *1 tot Leila( tifetat len;n "ent 1t3 i1 global, 411144 44' • 4 TgMPERANCg. COLUD) fOlnallpTXD ITT W1$41144 T. w. 0, 7, nlipainge, If 1 am fa,tigued with eve etersonally, my food is very simp! eat raisins instead of taking wits have bad very large experien bat practice or thirty yeers.1 William Gull. What shall you say if 1 oderj 'drink wine? asked the (teeter. the first place 1 will not tat *inn and if you insist upon it ehange ley doctor, was the Without a moment's hesitatio doctor said, a couple of gra Ate quinine, two or three times,' r Aust as well. The pantile was sell. -- Leaden Presbytertan tenger, St Catharines 'Ts' have • Hatchet Party in Beaver Elall, Is deseribed as followst;:-A o'cloeit tile Martial, Wash Hatchet Club, twelve etrong, ni sedately into the main hall ire ante -room dressed in kerchief a with plain skirts and a mi hatchet poised jauntily over th( shoulcier. All looked irre reetty in their costumes; each little hand acting out a Characteristic or eccentricity, they were supposed to have be duly blessed or afflicted. with Vature. Refreshments were about 9.30 and the merry mak kept up until 10.15, when th-, party disbanded. The ni Cal 'Y's' now namber eighty titre( bers, having' organized last Ap Gocee For Belfast. There are at present 144 less houses in Belfast than there .years ago, when the popolat .30,000 smaller than it is now Along tbtal Abstinence L The are now five buildi fourteen rooms along the lin New York Central devoted to of the employees of that places of, rest, recreation, e and religious instructiot. Nc tants find a place 111 them, 'are substitutes for the saloon have been erected or leased amen themselves, aided by t road, and especially by Ourne A, Sad Story. John B Gough told the 'story : A miaieter of the Go inc one of west thrilling 1 have ever heard in my life. ber of his congregation cal Mr the first thee, in his life ed, and his boy rpet him on step clapping his hands and IngPapa has come hor seized he bey by the should him around, staggered, and hall. That minister said to spent the night in that h went out, bared my brow, night air might fall upon it it. I walked up and down There was bis child, dead 1 `. his wife in strong convulsipi asleep 1 A roan about th of age asleep, with a dead c house, with a blue tuark temple where the comer of ble steps had come in co the head as he sartng hit and- a wife upon the bri grave. Mr Gough,. said m, nursed the drink. •lin ha that 1 must refrain until and I did. When he awok ed his band over his face 'What is the Where sot ? Where is You can't see him 1 Stand way 1 .1 will see my boy 1 yea confusion 1 took him tt bed, and 1 turned down the -showed him the corpse. 1 a, wild shriek Ab, my el miaister said further to nie - tater' that, Ile Was brougl lunatie asylum to lay sid with his wife in the grave, tended the funeral. The mi old me that fret is to day 'antler itt a stable in Bost, New, tell me what ram • It will debase imbrote, everything that is nob] Alorioas, andgodlike in a neg. There is nothing do that is not vile, dastard ly, sneaking or hellish. \ -tiot to fight it till the death 1 Setae men lose their they go to a deatiet's and 4444 ths4 444,