HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-23, Page 11
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VOL. XIX --N•0,I
Opened out to -41.9,.y at the Bear,
Black and Colored Kid Gloves,
Black and. Colored Silk Gloves,
Black and Colored Lisle Gloves,
9Black anti Cnloroi' Lace Mitts,
Cashmere and Cotton Hose, Lace
..Curtains and Curtain Screens,
Muslins, Embroideries, Parasols.
Piles of new goods in every
corner of the store,
Come and see them.
Direct Imtorter. d h°rses.'
Tnn Putt, May 23, 1800. , gOO• •
: Sttiturday nights -preys shirts,. 95c ; Ties
8, 10, 12o; 112eu s and Boy's soft hat, 60o;
pudorwoar, 60o; Socks 1210; Suits at all
prices, at i`ll; H 112oludctto's.
1-,2ir es Miller, o . Tuesday, while
fishing bots( n Wingham d Teeswater,
caught 80 spec ed beauties, o of them
upwards of a. foo - length.
R 1~ Gerster hast deoided to remain in l New
'ewe until k•'tliughain becomes a city. • ' cheapest in t
—Just bees Ise we IVO all peeauional warm liege a notice to urglars given by
day, alont iu a hug y to shuffle off your — -A bur rs are hereby
an •
exehan 11 y
notified not to pay u any nectar.
nal visits with a expectat n of getting
money. If they ant our ney ' they
Must call on our de.' quant subs 'bets.
—Huron Co'
the Court Ilou
Jane Std.
WIN GRAM, O ` T. a FRIDAY, MAX 23. 1390:
ty,. :Catll
oil will• Meet in
, on, Til•aday,
—Mr Na oKely of the Star,restaur-
ant, has rete dala a cotlsiguu eutl of
Areworks. Cie ud see. hem.
—Mr T1 Bellsin el a car load of
furniture to\Wiuuipeg, Mouday per
—If your watch or (look is out of repair
take it to E F earster and got it ropmirod.
fie will give you good setieteetiou,
—The nuns will lie sent to new sub -
others from navy till the eud of 1890, for
60 cents.
.-111oasr . utton dr. 0 shipped a car
load of flour Montreal, on aturday last,
per G T R. .
—Rev. pack, B. I)., oti
primal), in t Baptist Chu
Sabbath next.
—Lad s'Journal,witil ill,
mentof Ms one, for Juue,
Meclittt ies' In itute.
're Blank and
of =cello horses to Rom
da. always
- re
➢ir L o
istowel, vVi11
Yah here on
Every a an en -tent u been made GA.RRO
fora grand: da sport tonnori
—llonet;t good at hnnoat p wee, for ROUSIllea ADDR1:sSIS
honest people, to buy, •wt W R Wallace's
jewelry atoro, next door to Post OfiA.00.
-The Tacos will ho soot to new sub-
serib3rs from; now till the ena o$ 1890, for
6p• Bente.
—A ecepsful entertaiume t in coutaeo.
tion;wit St. Paul's Church S day school
-was kid i the skating rink, Friday
'ming last,
1 the party who bor wed a liked.
berrdw rom Mr Robt' O1~r resideuce
please re rn it? 'Tho Bear' ishes to
melte •pard n, and can't get along without
his w1Y lba ow.
- f you want a refreshing drink of soda
cal •at R. Rill's reatd;nrc,ut.
mmoth supple -
table at the
-Dr aodonaid *`arrl d. home from
Ottawa o Thursday las His *many
friends will a glad to learn t at he is now
enjoying goo ealtb, and wil be able to
attend to those ho may requir his pro-
ud shipped a car I fessiouai services.
Y., ybstore
y to buy
Fireworks of all kande at It. Hill's.
Messes C L yd •Sons shipped,ta car
load of doors to Yieih'peg, ou Saturday
le suga in abundance and
\yn, at Ja oKolyie's.
j' aunels, '\
fi' -Tho Tines will be soot • to, new sub-,
icribers from now till the end of '1890, for
)O conte. .
—A. nice I' �.of baby
es just
stewed S. 'furniture,, store,
Wiugltatu. tt
—Those ho are fou of the "delicious,,""
..e., butterm
k„ ctin pia:e ' t.thesatnte tie R.
Gr tie ..
bl. ROSH.
The occasion,of th
these gentlemn
called together' ala
porters and cjther
Shortly tfter 8 o'ol
byMrJi',Cline, w
remarks, introduce
Iu his opening re
ferreci to his ootbpil
nection with politi
being before the *et
as their oaudidat
for Legislative hon
past" life and rec • rd. Leaving personal
w discussed ' at some
questions• inf\iaouoing
contributing a pointed
ion of the mueh talked
question. The speaker
the first piace to the
nstitution of the Pl,"ov-
act, •made dor these
it right to existence
t aessistauoe, and
overuuaent had not
way more than what
rd with the views of
t people.. Regarding
tholio iuspeotors end
Garrow stated that
,hoorah Catholic in-
itiate, these men being
couduot to the Goy'
of that denomination
u high sohool boards,
bers of Catholic child.
receiving thehigher
on in these schools, he
d believed that other
agree with him that
Beautiful organ given away by the
Charm Baking Powder Co, valued at over
,100, to advertise the powder and organ.
The Baking Powder is good value, and the
chance of getting the organ. Call and see
instrument. Sold by M 11 MaIudou.
—Our stock of Gents Furnishings, such
shirts, collars, cuffs, ties, all kinds of
underwear, dao, is very large and ean't bo
beat for quality or pride.
—Perrot sending lett a to the United
Kingdom an ?'ostal Uniot} ountries will
remember that ch letters s vld be paid
with So. or 10c. stage stem 4 provided
for that purpose an not, with et ps of a
lower ,lenotieivatiou.
—B F Gerster, oan fill a presentation or
other apeoial orders withiu twenty-four
—A nu beg of th { IInion Artriy Ansa.'
pie were it Toronto 1 e,9 'ek to see biar-
r i booth.
:ilial to d 14s. r
—Gents' clothes cleaned, dyad, repaired
and pressed ileo ladles' coats and dresses
dyed and preese,l, Satisfaction guarauteed.
Shop on yietoria fit., next door to Abra-
r haul's shoe shoe. Li. MITcB$LL.
-Tile Rev . r llioorit Ise preached at
Ingersoll on.Sut lay last, . to service et St
Pant's church belt ' couduct 1 by the Bev
Mr Wright.
—Top Phaeton buggv for sale. Apply
to Geo Thomson, Zetland mills, Box 126,
visit to Wingham of
Tuesday evening
ge gathering of sep-
ia the town hall.
k tyre chair was taken
o, after a. few epaulet;
Mr. J T Garrow.
arks, 1Vir Garrow re-
ativoyouth in. con-
al campaigning, and
mere of this Riding
for the first •tiros
re,, spoke briefly of his
matters, Mr Garr
length the leadin
the coming eleotio
and plaiu expiates
of Separate Sohoo
palled atteutiou in
provisions in the
incee, by Imperial
schools, showing tb
and to Governna
that Mr Mowat's
favored them in an
was perfectly in asp
intelligent Protests
the appointing of C
other officials, Mr
there were but two
specters in the Pro
responsible for thei
ernment, A few
oecupieil positions
but thele being nu
ren requiring and
branches of educat
thought himself a
Protestants would
they had a just ri' ht tot representation on
these boards. It : hold also be understood
that separate schrotestant persua-
sion were.in' the veer Province, the
minority in "t grit
Ills u
'uipn, and these schools
koje freedom in many
Orate schools of On-
tario, having distiu •tly Protestant mane,-
lare and being favor:
'moat grants in pro-
lic separate schools
Iu his remarks
kat` pointed out the
ion oharges against
tion. The French
by Mr Garrow,
—The 'xetor Times, Levi tg aeoused the
Seaforth n °of taking et ws from its
oolumns Wit out giving it or it, the San
replies Fs full WS. ;-111,..1e Exet r Times says
that the Seafo h Bait is "au nterprising
and luminous est." Than a—but we
are sorry we came t rettruthee mpliment.
Out rat -poised cote should put omeneeee
*to its °alumna be ore accusing yoneof
stealing it.'.
—Just ear�
lemons, also ba
other fruits at t
—A. sub giber writes thus e "We have
rld of
be iLnkf'tt1 of for this much
care, but abo 'all, wee should lift up -our
hearts and be It , when the last window
is olenneil,
is ;raven CeeaKi`et
hidden away, extra
easy, and this most
eyble house-cleaning fife
calm comes after a storm
of the oast aispel the m!
so does cleauliueek and co
most .terrible •�lonfusiou
d-10 oases oranges and
tines, piue a les and all
Star Reston nt.
—During he first week in J e the local
elections take lace;; the Count Council
meets; the Metlt itst•,Confereneee et; the
Cinrcb of Hoehn 'Synod meets, au the
High Order of Pres terians will be in
session,. Surely thee 1 be a week
great interest.
just now before the election. Zion lar.
Ross wekt on to show by figures anti etato-
tnottts the absurclit °f oltargini; the
Mowat Government lith ,extravagance
regarding the diseposai o the timber limits
of Ontario. The sales Welt had taken.
place (the last oi: whicl was in 1887) had
realised good prices a d the funds thud,
obtained had been us' d toward defrayine.
the expenses of tit : Govetnmeut, thus,
relieving the ratepay from, the burden of
these expenses. Tile e had been judioioui.
—The regular annuudi etbag of the
--Refreshments 'of all kinds obtainable
Bast IIurou Tette els' :Assn ' tion will be at Trill's restaurant, :Green'n`block.
held in Seaforth o Thursday d Friday —Th est way to prom : te, the business
of this week, interest of ur tovtn is for 11 the. people
—Dress and mantle' making • done reafdinr •iu t town and c. hairy tribu-
"b promptly ' and to order by the Misses
Baxter at their homeson' Viotoria Street, tory to it to pa onize, so far as possible,
.1' �' ldpposito the old post 'Office.our business me Don't buy o credit at
--Mr R C Se ding shipped car load of home and when u have the sh go
eggs to Montrea a Weduesd*ty, and a car abrocd, It may be f for you bu it's
. of potatoes to the s o place on ursday, death to your town,
both by G T R. i -ii I' Gerster makes a specialty of
—The to bell of N•otvi is rung each
making mod. to n brooches, Butt -drops' $ebii, School award.
bouquet and tie pins. .
o veiling at tin o'clock, and c 'ldren loiter- --An ex tinge se,ys t twhen you hear A. apeoial meatig of the School Board
ting on the a alit after that ho rare dealt a than swim at his loco, aper you may was held oa '1h galla( evening last to
,,. ewith by the meth° 'ties. know at onto at lie doers u t spend much receive the resiguoh at of Miss I*rankliu.
Present—Metiers Ile 1, Morton, 1'ettypiooe,
—On and. after the 6th instant, Messrs J time or money malting i . ' better. ,,A
J I[ moth de Sou will sell all`kinds-of beets man who cannot s any belied arising to Inglis, Abraham an Moore/ Bias Frank -
and shoes at east for cash, Coil and see the
immense stock and goy some of,the bar- hie tlin tendered liar res gnation as teacher.
own from the it nonce of hi local Moved by J A Mor of , seconded by Wm
gains, grapaper f about as inns value in t pre` Moore, that the re, ea alien of Hiss Frank-
--The au mer time to le came into grass of the hLoo as IVO d bo an: Yp' lin be accepted—Cartlie re'd, ovod by J A
effect ou the and Trunk \ailway'laat tan. nseconded by D i4t Gordon,A
week. There art. to changes in tie running .The 01 Bvfla • Star Restaurant Miss I, Morton, seconded
be paid ter s Gdon, thata
f the trains on th linea that run o Wing takes the lead i all 1 lines. Jas M°' to agreement and also 1 er railway oxpensee
o Kelvie. r, '• rigid Moved
item. to tied front Toronto—C .ar by
—I£ you have never lined alabastine for • "I'' 'ilea o ivsurra their linos in bene• D M Gordon,soconded y J A Morton, that
whitewashing and kalsurniniva, just have a fit sock) ', s, as ell as in old line com• thehirman to fal'ttliehe easy l tilts teacoard h.
chat with some of your neighbors who parries, m• i't be t o careful in giving their authorized t eoioedl t the •:sioy in t of Ailsa
have, before you begin house cleaning.correct .04... Eec* itly the A. 0 11 W sac- S,.g etteff caused
b 'L' e board thea rr
Sold only by x249. A, Cline Lia Co. cesstullyob'stod th payment Of a claim Foamed.
'a—The annual eating of Wingham on the life 'of man o gave his age at 49 lit Dealt Ti us, -* a inisaititk of the
District of the Mo paint chute w o- hold alien it was pr, ved in c. art that he was at -seventy; auel th gift c f 111e:d n wenn
tit'1'eeswater oti'I'ice ay and 'S , 1paada , least. uu; though wasp •rally thought ho foram a pregna mo esGhnmidtay, CO ea
'of this wale. The Ito 'elm Scott, Di A, wtis nearer GO. w, if as of our readers to bring our ye tt tkis noro in touch with
tcvsidcd, have intentionally o kty oris tke given the the to missionary
0 hSt> perk jace`.sF.land Leaven principleanda na ti oriole 1i co to oharaay for the
---G T It firetiutl for Toronto and east wrong; ago they ha better save their could bo amp: illnstrtat .d Uy giving 111 po titch he is tint(etlled Lein to till, �ku Mud, to'Dout.
ave 1G l t 11 tit oxo a,rn,and 1X. 5 eau, moue( or got tho 'matte orrect:'l. Justly. r,tpi,l outhno the 1 isto y :of > the early to the appointment of in ,eotors, sherixPs Sur ivau I7rot;, Blued t, w, lU, 1'Lr ;iii•
'via `V Cl• p n Division, and tit 11.4E tela the mit lief tIttiev, itir �i ,
' of nit. auto contpttuies and suetct •s will o coni -1 church as fou ommnthS to are could bosh:� 1 and b:utliffs, by pt l C".,ovur, to clear, Wilted ;clew � �. iii
. i, n via ail
and Uti 1 Fns eek the 1 n
tend 5.40 p, n , mended b mil right think Yt pe, 10 for 1 1::�.c; ; i.'arasols, >l;c, at•�1n't Malnilleee,
Good connections u all trains.' y 1 to bhOW the ork ovurtako t eav in forty Boys adduce:idea the fact th tt this. sistatu 1
Grigg, rl of this being vary particular in this 'utter. ' years, a 1114 cif the two h ` niepiteres, with luta been pt existauce in tit past atilt had; - -i: r Gerster is. the oldest
Mr Sam t Gril,, for y t r
° ig Meuse,-•••lkieuses 8' d lIounalh et Sou have alargo 1 th help of .a few ck ton bo "kcomm lash 1, . bceu foetid Ruksatiufa°tory ;ud corrupt iu 1 preyed lk,ua+.,tt the matt r, h,ab
9owu, and last 1y of th g
t "ar ee atoegtvi twuroi Tided
ail i kinds t lili'clothe and, I ow wizen the work 1 Titter oranges, for ttlarntaltLL1,;, .t, ,
appo,ntitd ua„ aro giving douittod b:Lr#;aitks instylislt suite, now when tin cau,tcionco c' 'C llristsudom matey ea•i,:1i while few u, ma nm uta war,: , in te;vu,
ea sutFktnl rtlsorU Dropiti,tiuc> lesivo yotkrurd)rfur asuit. ;1ta � ire laoiut, t orpix;+kily rotund. . , >rzcn Y, i arclAllaintit tikapre;;tut ' .yst ttu, easel.t i told cheap e«t l ibll'e..
t1�o,lye } bronbltr to mAtIV7 goods r ed quote +glean, t 1 ,
daikb of the whitewash
. aln
tCt slticken, stoVoplpss i •Proteatauts b z,a
T1s paid; women folk I portion of the Dom
calif Yunded, abomin_ were favored with,
hilted. But as arespects than the S
economy in disposing
the amount now sold
small portion of tbj t 1
which belongs to tate I
best advantage. As
f these lauds and;,
sing but a very
rge . tract of hand
oviuce to use to the,
u•nuee Minister,.liIr
Rosa was int positio 1 to give a practical
statement of the ma tagement of this nu -
portant branch of
closing ,tis clear an
hon. gentleman polo
Mr. Meredith was a fi
`John A.. 4aodpnelain. ill political matters
he Governmeut, Iia
practical address, tlio
rI to the fact that
m supporter of Sir
and that if Mr Meredi
position of Premier o
of difference of vital
tario would most pr
in favor of the Don
giviug Sir John A
power over the • ffairs of this province.
It should be men toned in connection with
his statements r:arding the Separate
schools, comparing the benefits received
from the Governor nt -by the different
Separate schools the 'rotestants of Quebec.
composing about on: -seventh of the entire
population, recei e upward int i 22,0011
annually from ,th,ir Pzovinofal Goveru
went, towards the • upport of their schools,
while the Catholic opulation of Ontario,
being one-sixth of the population thus
being in larger pr • portion, only receive
about 517,000, fro our Goverumeut• to..
wards defraying ex enses. These facts go
to show couolusivel whether Mr Mowat
the Ca:
chargeable with u dos favor to
tholic people $ thi province. The audt•
once heartily a'ppl • tided the ban speaker,
,.;c. or 'the Queen, Hon
and after lasers � ,
Oliver Mowat and 1 r Garrow, the meeting
was brought to a of se.
Death of Mr, D. M. auoch, Public School
1(nspoctor T r North Huron. `
D M f(l.alIooh,Insreater of Public Schools
for North Huron, d ed suddenly at Ciiutou,
on Monday morni g last, of paralysis. Ile
had been unwell f, r some weeks past, but
was not thought to be so near death's door.
He was born in Car on County in 1534, and
received his early e ucation in the Public
bobools at home. Some time after he
went to New York and upon his return
entered the Nor ,• al School at Toronto,
taking therefrom iust,class cortifioate.
He was a man oP • 'tope ,higb. eitucatioind
standing, a ripe a' `d pftittured.seholer, moult
above the average, to 'ettee bt7 4C3xias: hitt•
er in ` tteaale,, Iles li,
counties Ie;taught
as principal of the
hool, and in ,,Yt.nuctry,
reward of his tonins-
ervices in the appoint-
f Public School for
br as• the rays
right darkness,
,fort follow this
frnrn• attic to
Q large i, seting of the Reformers of
the town was i old iu McKenzie's Block, on
Monday evenit '. Mr S Grtcey, the vice
presideut et Ye Liberal Associatiou'
occupied the (e'air. The first business
talteu up was the election of officers for
the ensuiug year, hich resulted at follows:
J A Olinu, preside t ; john . Inglis, honor- ing steady progress in
ary president; S tak coy, lst vita vice ling
re with the En
J B Brown, end v e president; G Mo. Mr (regrow also sifts
Iutyre, Secretary ; W Inglis, treasurer. and Crown Laualso s qu career as a oras
Ward • committees ere appointed, and Simcoe and ?=fur
measures taken for a effoetide °envie of taking his seat amid
audience. for sixteen year
the town in theduteres a of lir J T Gerroav The Chaiiasau the called upon any one Clinton Model fi
the Reform candidate i
the present cam- , ,
wishing to dispute M • Garrow's atatemouts 1SS4, received the
poagu. Tho meeting th ,u adjourned till inviting any sash pe sou to come forward. teucy and efficient
plaq y eveniu rest, to •est in tl same No ane responding, on+A M Ross was matt of inspector
pia called upon to address the meeting.• North iiurou.
Pineapples and bananas, at It Hill's.The hon gentle= referred iu a pleasant Mr. 11i allooh was , ne of the most Itratai-
wahner to his. in imate relations with tteutd iu }masonsStMarinr k'Can da, havit,g
atPuntbt beau aauitit,le
Wingham during tl c past and as repre: ates dge y
putative of this constituency in the in 1868, and was the first worshipful inas-
Legislature, giving his reasons for now ter of Oriliim Lod e, He received the
resigning that yoga 0, deeming it nates - capitular degrees i Oriilta alt_ 1870, the
sary as there had ben erroneous sate. order of knight Te plat andKnight . of
meats made by tura Oppooitiou. In con Malta, he Mount'C lvary Bucampmont in,
nection with his d les as member for the same place au, seine year, and filen-
West Huron he '• dr'1 beet) wise the invest/no t of Kuight of the reed
es to assume tht'
Out,ario, gnebticus
importauee to . Ou-,
ably be soon settled.
inion, thus in reality
aedonatd a ooutrolling
agement in all peril.,
ed with larger Gover
portion than the Cat
of this province recei
en this subject the spa
injustice of the Oppos
the Mayne admiuistr
language was taken
who argued thnt it w is impossible to do
away with this laugut go immediately, and
that it was a matter k quiring titne,though
the Hon. Minister of location was nude,
replacing the French
lish iu. these schools.
the timber limits
tatibn, with others,
he applause of the
uocebsa . y
Absent from home m ch of his time and Cross of Rothe au Constantine. IIs
vt L6,
clothed to aporia hint maining dive quiet. up to tho time of 11 s death, Principal ia
ly amidst his family and home oomforts. of Malloch chapter, of Clinton, and it may
Mr Ross also believed iu it being;' more he said ]to was fath of Cliutou Lrel.te.
pleasant and satiefact• ry to all fol' a man He was also to mentb:r of the preccl ury
in this resronsible nos tion not seeking to of Goderieh and a pr tntineut uiou.b,.r or
bold it until some of iti friends might say the ticottih 111ters tt Ilautiltuu.
lir Malloch has
a p to military records t
that he had been there ong enough, think- }
ing it bettor to ret re while still in he stuninol up with hitt, moat Cre,it:tabl,_
poeseesiou of all his fat hies and powers, (edueatienal r,tcord. 'lis hate till' be d eply
and of the good -will of t to people. Refer• felt by all tho:to with whout he c.a., dt•-
ring to his probable et censor, Mr ,1 T quainted, as he was, on ticcottut it
Gerrow, the bon gentietn tin spoke iu lxigh amiable ttahtrit and a:vial tneuu,.t t c;•
Bial favorite. hole,, to to 3.>•:e an l see t-
mourn iiia loge. Ile 'as; buri"i a; �1:,o r•
day laitit Manouielieu 811,
London, has been
the Northfield,
t``D:%y1litti: b.' 'evat?l:olist