HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-16, Page 8Dr, Tow'er's Drug Store l!hyslellatie and popnlsr Prescriptions acautotela Cowgate§. by !. §.glias, rr Blyth and Wingilaw foto oneeitiiseicn, and ,,,our per too ilia,. Father Q'Gonnor was appointed drat fern hien par bushel, SO pastor.. The charge was a diffloult one, as I Data, • BRNey the churches are far apart and every other seas, week it was necessary to drive about '111°,1' tors,rb fifteen miles to attend to Wingham ando Lolls, lllyth, the pastoral residence being at W oo.spar or d, or es it le now called, St Uay per ten, compounded. Augustine. During his iuoumbeney Pure »rris and f'''h`8micals about fiv6yeara,:he built a flue rem clenoe, played by Iiia met and neauagedlent, financial abilitY of no mean 'order, in 1885, his Lordship removed lith to Maid- stone, where be resided uutil his death, At this parish his bnsinoss tact was again called into requisition and by his efforts, assisted by a generous people., a debt ot it af:d'CiRAND TRUnx TOWN TT0R16T $8,000 was entirely obliterated. The sibs§- 9TEAlfetl'iing front the sago's df hies firs' pastoral FFICE. Charge, in 111385, Was d sad One: The sorrowing people presented an affectionate address, that gave, we feel sure•, but a faint idea of tine utter sense of bereave• went that generally prevailed, Evia he had `daring hie stay in their midst, endeared himself to them by his many good and 'a,niirable qualities and indefatigable zeal in the discharge of his priestly duties. To bim no privation was too great, no weather too severe to ptevent him from bringing to his scattered flock the consolations of re- ligion. In his iutercouree with others there was a charm, a magnetism; so to speak, that won the respect and esteem of all with whom lie carne into contact; Protestants as well as Catholics, and to bring shoat hie happy and most desirable 95 state of affairs no diplomacy was used on his patt ; all were attracted towards 123 bim by his truly Christian life, his modest, unassumiug demeanor, intensified and ennobled by the dignity of the Priesthood, the great respousibilities of which lie never lost sight of. Iu fine, how well does 15i8 character remind "one of Goldemith'a be .t tiful lines 0 f14a1a.. $250tri °e 8' 0 St to. 125 to. 6t 2to 11 to 1:1 to o to 1 25 to 4 00 to a specialty!, f it'll flesh Of Toilet Articles,, 5' f rnoe, Sponges; v: i1 'ctacles, etc, always in stook-- tBEl1L TELEPFIONE t CENTRAL 'OFFI'C'E• paid off a large amnia of debt, and die• Wingliatir, • Ont. t*EinOam.Eimo FEID•AY, MAY 10, 1890. EAST HURON IN 1886. ' the following are the returns for East. Huron, at the general election in 1888 : BnossrLB. Gibson. Hays.80 No 1 50 52• No 2 41 8 No 139 •• lliajority for Gibson -16. MOM No 1 69 53 No 2 54 22 NO' 3 103 81 No 4 54 35 No 5 69 47 Nob ..75 49 46 283 No 7...,........ 71 499 Majorityfor'Gibson--215. mama: 58 72 52 62 66 50 360 Majority for Gibson -39. Hammitt:a No 1.. 61 .No 2., 85 No 3 42 ds F,Rti 251 -Majority 1040bsod-115. No 1 xw 45 :No 2 ; 65 No 3' No 4 25 1105 56 No 3 42 No 7.... . 28 No 8 iii 327 ' 'Majority for Gibson -25. HO W ICI'. Nol 50 No 0 • 71 No 3.:.. 61 No4 65 No 87 Nob 53 389 Majority for Hays -100. wBoxETEli Nn. 1 61 Majority fir Gibson 32. T0BNBEBBY: No 1 50 47 No 2 88 42 No 3 fib 42 No 4 lis 50 2gj 180 Majority for Gfbtidli-1016t Total majority tit Gibson -441. The Late Rdv. d'dlin 'O'Cottttor, o>l ittrt/t2. ,'tone. Oe Sunday, itis inst.( Rev John O"Cdn• 'i1or,P P, Maidstone, Essex Coun'tyt for - No 1 No 2_..1 No 3 No 4 No. 5 No 6 40 30 57 40 67 18 321 36 36 29 35 136 stn 28 47 36 a3 2q 43 96 GG 98 93 73 '63 4$9 Blift in hie ditty ptompt at every call, He watched and wept, he prayed and felt for all, And as a bird each fond endearment tries To tempt its new fledged offspring to the skies, He tried each art, reproved each dull de- lay • Allured to bright worlds and ledthe way. Regnieseat dfi pace. May 10th, 1890. D. E. BOfN 41A1see—In Wingbam, on the Rh instant, th'o wife of Mr W H Maines; a eon. Di lsD. WI, Janet Rich - 'mond, —Tn •Mot•�is, on Mhj t h , 5 ond, native of Sorb, Ayrshire, Scotland, aged 72 years. . Ihoazdoxo —):n Morris; chi May 5th, Mary Rich- mand native of Soto, Ayrshire; , Scotland; af° d 7 1 yew*. MoDocaabL—At Raglan, Marwick, on Saturday evening, May 23, John Y McDomeiii, aged ss yeare, 8 Months and 21 day's. Con'rxs-In St Thomas. on the 101kh Instant, of con. idi'eicns, John Howard, youngest child of Mr J L Coutts, formerly of Winghatn, aged 2 3 earn, a moa. and 18 days. • inerly pastor of the united parielles of Louis Republic., ''SVawanosh,$lytit and 'Wingham, after a .• :lilekiont Voting Meth 1A, The Syracusans used at and tithe olive leaves for ballots. Rome, at un early day aftei< democracy was irirtilOduced, borrowed the ballot box system of the Greeks, bat never took .kindly 16 it. The Australian system of today is a revival of the practice in Rome 2,000 year's ago. The voting classification in Greece In olden times was ,both social and terri- torial, riot unlike the arrangement in this Cbdntry in presidential elections.. Many of the ancient systems bf voting Were corrupted by extravagant favorit- ism and bribery was not unctlmmon.— Detroit News. BARK )11fANTED. The Wiham Tauniiig •Co. will pay $5 SER CORD for chi summer's, poolingof.ghgldtiHemlock Bart deli§•' ed at their Tannery, 6 175 0§0 1 40 k5 1A 1000 I 1 00 Ipill 14 + ,. e o0 11 NOTICE. • Coaff of Revision an Appeal. Take 'notice that tha,Court of Revi§ion and Appeal tor t.1 p Municipality Of Turnberry �klll hold its first 'sitting for the yoar'l890 an 8aults' Motel; Bluevale, ot lMalOo this Cou Turn Many .imine Iscariota 8umrin1i d. 'The inhabitants of many 'of the Med- iterranean iseh islands hang of burn a f hi''e of Judas on each recurring Good Friday, tone remarkable part of the ceremony `consists in decking the head end face Of the figure with red dyed 'wool, which ,'nay be accounted Cor by the fact that there is a tradition that Judas was red 4fttired. Shakspeiife calls 'red hair "Judas bolored hair," and. many foremost ivritet2 have spoken bf , it a3 *the flaming .'rend of infidelity"—St; brief hilt ddkere illness, brought on by an ,attsok of itifinf h, gaveliP his Life td Min ovho on this earth Pis served so faittiflilly rand well. 4he lamented deceased was barn of Pixies Cathotie Barents, iii the 'township of itiokeritlO; dear Whitby. After .attending tlibuildObborinli aehbols,heentnted kit ltfieliael'e Causes' Toronto: Early in life he bad displayed an It'rdent desire tri enter the holy Priesthood, and during hie 1 'term at St Michael's this "ambition ,in this regard grew. strd8ger. His modest de. *meaner, his uusilttentatioue piety, lana 4striot attention tonin 1st/adieu, s11d*ed itis iltneap for this poly'ioftio5. Aotcrdingly /after ,55 most successful career at tit. liticb{c'6l1tt, he began hill studies tit" i.he. ()rend fibminaryl Monti'Sttl, and iron! 111 ii Sae titii1 4irdaindd to WI Priesthood by _t the present Artlhb:t.lop tit Toronto, hient iiiehop of the Diocese of London. At'- $s.t•'.fiinit hiihnelf. to • than' Diocese, he are it +�c#i1 .a ilg.�>E i til 00•11094i rail. on DAY, MAY 26,' e. m, All persons having business with will govern themselves aocordinglyt� Jotla BURUS0II; Tp. MURK, rry May 9th, 1800, HOLSTEIN -FRIESIAN BULL. The nndereignefl will keep for Me'tviee, t ie eaMon, on Ldt 5 ;con. 3,Tnrnberry,a purebred bul1,,'Rarne- ton Boy." R stored in fifth volu8re of the Holstein Friesian her ook, Tains 81.60 fob intnrance,to be paid next tort LAWRENCE L'OVELL, Prop'r. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Purs,rapt to the Revlbed Statutes of Ontariq, 1887, pphapter 100 section 38 the creditors of Milani Pitt HiscoCkt,late of the town of lvtugham,tn the Co,plty' 'et Huron and Province of Ontario; Clerk, who ddu d On or about the Slit day of 'Match A. D., 1890, are required to send to J. A: Morton, of the Town of .Vingham in thd County of Heron, Solicitor for the tinderslrned eveoutors of the, said deceased, oh ,or before the 9th clay of Juno A. D.. 1890, their.nainoe aderessee and descriptions; the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature.of the, 0ecuritfes'(it'any) held by them, and notice is hereby given, that the said Executors will immediately niter the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the 'aleete'of•the staid deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard oply to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. J. A. If ogVdx, Soho for mond Joni: H. RisenORe, • Executors.' h'ilay;1890. Served the liioverrihtent Seventy-one Yearn) Judge James • Lawrei. on entered the postal servict3 When he was 16 years old, and has been hi 4t 'continuously for sew= enty-and years. 43,3 is said to have swor i in every pdstliiaste* general since the �adnlinistratiort of President • Andrew :l'auk8'on. Wlien DI's. Silas was sworn in Mr, fi awrenson was overlooked, and When the postmaster` gerietal heard of his record he sent fa Mr, l awrenson and 'tvasl stvorn in•again.a=-Nw York Sun. I)rliilr ilutternsllk. Lactic acid, iYhiah is not Car oft from the beverage thltn oonly ten ed butter - .Bilk, has bosh k ieig the 1 , do wonders; it is Itnnounecld, A good' i ny pee* who are "otit bC Sorts" with liver troll, bled Wight try the blittersuilk, elite di- rest, Without 4vaitifln• pion: for all: illness to have It presciiiied. far thEspecially , bld and feebltl lieoplederive Benefit trot.' theblisitli.'g litti i1113t'w=Ndi�d' 11111k T`hlti tepti►11t R 4 Roar t. His Wingham, (hit, , • EXECUTORS NOTICE. Pursuant tothio Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 100 section 38, the creditors of William Mooney We'd, the'Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, Gentle- man, who died on or about:the eth day of April A. send to J. A. Morton of the ' dt u re o T not aYe g t <l. ���� in ham iii the County of Huron $ohcrtor Town o[ p for the •uiidotpigt+od- Ff.eotora of the esti deceased on b cr torbt(jg 9th dayoUJune,.A' D.,1890 their flamer, addregtaa§'hnil Aeshriptiogs .the full particulars s of their elai±le n etatemdat Of their accounts andthe tae and 'tie 1PPanv held by them, notices ere seen', Ai ( 1, notice is hereby Cin en'rt114t the said Executors will in,,n cdliataly After the. lastinenttloned day proceed to distribute the nesetn Dieing. said xleceased among the parties entitled thereto: leaving regard only to the claim's of wh' hthey Sh'all:then have had notice. A: Mon on, Solicitor�for CiatpokaiWA sit and 4soltolc DA. OARN0, p•• Executors, Ont.,.9ih May, 1890. • J. 1V. Hi whin§'. Prop'erty.€or Sale ' ' IN WX9 GRAM.. The nders2g 1eh • of ' a' for sale hi$ dwelling h8uae and one or more acres of .land, as purchaserip y require. The property. )$ nicely located, ai,d.will e. sold on reasonableternia. For full particulars, app y to the owner, • ildeE < ANGUS. Wrotham. April 9th, 1899,, COT ULSION EM �S. Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHIIES of Lime and • Soda Scc$i's Emulsion {tutpmyct is a rteoriderfut Fteelr Producer. ,2tis the Best Jtle8Wedy for CONSUIIRPTIOIIT, Scrofula, Dronchitis,Wastitilf Dis- eases, Chronic Coughs and Oolds. 1'tLATABLE AS MILH. Bebtl•e Emulsion is only put up In ealthon color wraii{er. Avoid all fmitatioiihorInbdlitutione. Seidl)/ all Druggists at 60o. and $1.00• SCOTT Jt BtSWNE Renewing. r. GO TY OF HURON TEACHEIIS' B :: MINA'.l'IO1V Si 189 ,Primary (3 ) and Junior eavinli and Pass Matriettlation d) Examine ' • TIN at the Collegiate Institutes and 7 di School ` t the.County, on Tues. day, 8th July, 8.4 ,m.; n or eaviug and Honer Matriculation (1st G Tu fay, July 15th, 8.40 a, tn. Candidates who wish c 'rite at either Clinton or fieatotth meet notify • 141. Melinah, Esq., 1, 11. Sonnets, Clinton P..0. ot tater ttan 22nd of May, stating rvhieh of t,l o sthenia two, ;owl mP t@rito at; and those io eh to, 'write at 0odegg r , must notify J, r, T , Ecq. I. . ,Schools, Godtric t P. 0„ at tho sum d:lte. notice must bb ae• cdmpnnied by o, to of 3i5.00, §.anis will he, ler. "art1td to the It pitrtment unlet .the foe is paid. ileitd piasters of he Coilegtato DA, efts and high Seitaels will p tat; send the neva 'lone of their d 'Mitch y� v n uts its h ,�� ft i{ l h bees to oG setas o c�� dl a 1 t}I�,Cbll tat nri•itteu or lilt;'111dfuols •tu sfttrat d. 1'0151* l nt 1111 .rat:oh inlay. to ',Lid Wan • WON.- torsor:. ry) 1'Irfirit AnAMO< fieeretaty H. Pfd ei0+ 11%41e • NSG FOR IA DI Out' Dress Goods Departtnent Has ecomeb?amotis for immense variety bf colors anti styles, and a All prices iii HENittikiCAti, FAILLE, FANCY PLAiDS'(BLACIt AND COLORED), MARVFTIr4 LUX Y't)NOI:E LUXOR. We fail to discover a single weakness in our Dress Goods' 0 .OUR PRINTS take in all the ribielties of the season. "O ORDERED CLOThINCA Out' Tweed Department is well stocked in all the newest §tyles 1111 makes. Don't fail to examine: our large and attractive stbck befa buying. 0 See our nobby Hats, Ties, g iirts, ° Hosiery, Gloves and Collars. CARPET AND LACE CURTAIN DEPT 4 Big,, stock, cheap prices, best goods in Brussels ; all -wool Tapestry Union and Hemp at lowest price. We extend a cordial greeting to all to visit our stoke; examine stock; , get prices and compare goods. No trotible to show goods. JUST QPENED. .* GRA ANL nod 0p a ' e ii§t o list J p General Provision and Grocery Store, hear1y op ihsite the Market; 0 The Stock consists of • Sugars 'Teas, Tobaccos3 Spices, Raisons, Currants; Dat6s, F1igs and Prunes. CANNED GOODS OF ALL IL1NDS=-"reit; Peas, Corn, Salmon;` Corned Beef and Sardihesi:. All kinds of Biscuits. Di.ied .Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Liverpee;l Salt: A: Ail) a,sortmeut cif CRO EERY . AND GLASSWABS i i opts btf separate, . ti Butter, E',gg§1 Dried Meat, gel, taken in exehztnge. As we buy for cash; we are able to sell at the cheap'est rates. fly- and yand inspecting olir•godrls you will oblige R. A . RA •Al e March 2&; I1300. Winghiln1, Oat. $25 REWARD: The alcove reward will 1335 paid to any persoh t*Ho will give Mich information its will lead to the ap te- Winsion and conviction of the party or partied frii0 hurglarttiitsly entered tl a Nfitrham Public School between fhb hour of 4 n•. hl, Saturday, 20th April Bili the following watt? (homing, by order of the SC11o01, Bo*ftif. wirigllalrt; Aerli 29th, 1800 To Breeders. The Holsteir1 Frielian 11011, HU It ON LAD, No., iltid Rogidtoraid in the fourth .volume of thelipalhteth Frteean herd Book, will lie kept for eervice tiering the Beason of 1890 at Lot 11; Concession 1, Merits. Tornis., 8j..60 for grade cows ; thoroughbred Mal. stele co(i%, $20; with the iirivilego of returning; to be bo Odd at time of servicbb• ''0119 A Mali/111kMoths, Apr118th,1890.' Pleasant ''alley Apiary. PURE ITALIAN` QUEEN son s4tt11 Tested QubtnS, during May,.. 00 • during Juno6 ......,. ,..:1776 Untested flit fins, atter June 15111 . . f or 6 untogtbll, tautens after Jues 11it1t ..... 4 00 T alit' have a quantity el chaff Mies and kali hived fir Bale; Ciirpnnto worli l.ttendett to in all rte bratoliti8't41th ilis8tn,ae hind itebp8tch, klidtin, A. MILLEItl Vti1jltjttftli (lilt: M WANTED—headers for the Fire, Side Weekly,cohtainiiig the new story, " A Rolling Stone," by Kate Eva Westlake. Send 50 ceilts for three itibnths' trial, and re0ei7e a prelniuth, Agents wanted everyalhere. Good preihlunis and big.colntnisaions. 7'It!l,• l.niii61DC Wnukt r, 9 Adeairle St. What, Toronto. Cheap P'ropi rty.' Two choice Lots, 'vel{ fended, An th ''ab'e't?,''of° .Patrick and Catherine t tteeta, w dp1* 08' dood sized Cellar, new atone wall ready for bric19 o?'trante dwel- ling. we1- rring.., Excellent wen, dueled up, Also quantity of fWill be sold cheap,' D. -hitt GO1t130N, W1sghain, ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMM3HIPS, Are intended to sail every wee from 1MCantreal and Quebec, Derry and Liverpool. ik3Mlittist OtsenI5HCItei five Diyi friss Lit/ to tind,.f kedUction in Csbin Rites. .$50, to $qO; aecordieir to .Oration ; bran. Metta'tC; Mehl all requisites for the ttioyap . Steerage at wet rates. M-c,,,tundatlon '.gnus• pieced: can r rice Montreal, tea Rbts c9 men t rea. o 1. Apply lb 11. it; AL Ati, ritnntreal, nr +i$11tx TJIA,'t'JS WY1di{inh 0 KoltitImp VOL. XIX --N SEASONABLE GOO1 Opened out today at the B Black and Colored Kid :Black and Colored Silk Black and Colored Lisle Black and Colort3iii Lace Cashmere and Cotton Hos r' 4Curtains and Curtain Muslins, Embroideries, Part) Piles of new goods in corner of the store, Colne and see them, 7 1T�1 BO13T. 0111; Direct THE BEAR, May 23, 1890. LOCAL NEWF. p Fireworks of all kinds at 1, Messrs C Lyti 'Sons eh load of doors to �inin\fang, w last. .-1 Iv Center haze decided t Iowe ufrtil Wiugharn becomes —Just bee& lse we the an pee flay, olon't'b iu a hur y to shi yy1i,l,"aunels. •l°r -,The TITINS will bo sent• scribers from now till the ead' 50 cents. —A. nice into. or. baby 1 •received at 8,c.iIweey y fur, Vinglittan. —Those ho are fon of • ti e, burrn k can gra o ai:• utte Gr ata —A nu ibc+r of tkii,+ rti•ati, pie were in 'Toronto. 1.Lyi9 'ee Seal and Mrs. Locate. —Gants' clothes cleaned, and preseed also baht coal dyer. and pressed, Sti siacti. Shop on lTictoiia St., next i x. hank's shoe shoe. • The Rev . r Hoorn§ ±iso Ingersoll on .out lay last, Paul's church bei' • couducl, 'Mr Wright. —Top..'haetou buggv for to Geo Thomson, Lotl&ud Wiugbam. —The regular annual', ri East Ilurou Testi ere,' Ass' held in Se&forth o Thured of this week, ---Dress and mantle promptly and to order 'l;axter at their hornkou 1 \dpposito the old 1'ost'Oiilc Mr. R C Sl rling ship) eggs to Moutrea a Wedui . of potatoes to the s e pis bothbyGTR. —Tice to bell of Now o ve fling at gin o'clock, an ing ou the street, after thi ▪ with by the author'tiee. —On and after the Stli it J I:1: otnutll &t Sou will sell and shoes at cost for cash, iininense stock and got' 1 gains. —Tie su mor time effect on the :cud Trul week. Thera arc to chaffs of the trains ou tli linos hale. --If you Have hewer us. whitewashing and lcalnad chat with some of your have, before you begin' Sold only by Jas: A. Clic //—The annual meting • 'District of tho Mo Odill st Teeswater on Tito :tl 'of this week.. Thoeo presided. —G rC 11, ''trains for leave WVint;hattt A 0.110 via ;y (4 dr 1) Division rand 5.40 p. nr.. Via. e1 Good connections by all .--Mr Sen''. 1 Grigg, • � :.own, and •ly of i,ondou, has lett been app. *tits Northfield, f s at•1ti11rtb i evtlhl;olist ,