HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-16, Page 7rases res awns e.
u)xiously over
George l And
swept away i l
loses and cool
a risked your
you do itl Oh.,
—wily did you
y a broken arms
ear George in
It look I would
to pieces, M
Ilan -teed-
u pave I ton ;
s It ,try was
col is, winter.
no, and since
ly over anyway,
be closed ; for
boys and girls'
m was better,
L'k and resumiST'
did very soon
g, and looking
meeting Mies
grow even paler
y. But ld elan
1 whispered at
with me,George?
of Aunt Julia to
getting goods
a, said George.
have sold niy
ve sold it cheap,
lly rich, Was the
pdeed, dear, T
iress, and yoti
ither leave the
some for worn-
ose ; and eveii e44
get the benefit
, dearest, what
the money 7
ving for inyaelf
larling,despite all
Sid; and for ye r-
Last'Ocaav `1111
nq walk a 'ski. -
led by business ill
a group of meet
mind a well, intro
t man had ' just -
[pe, whose mouth,
e weft had beery
ofAvater from it
to the well and
to, till it. The
ite enough to do
be drowned, to
• melitis of a pump
Atm/sof the well,
g the Nan, asked
£ what iseeineil
replied the old
that Man is heal -
.ave offered hiM
e veriess he al-w+tys
t the better of hini
excuse to beg. his
door; though he
himself by t%ork
UM trying. to
le can work. If
which is in his
d, if he lets therm
I drowned. But
old Dutelltliith, as
of the well, ,the
he has got thus-
; bllall let him out
)nS for the €attire.
and the effectual.
.ng through East
at midnight tth
man sitting under'
ptly inquired;
ing here ?
isi the answer.
1 or I'll take yon
>lay a hand on mer
ed him, stood hint
alta in the air, slam-
; :'tiled hien up agaila.
eine along
e.e the mild reply.
as going, to paralyze
brave as; fl liortl
1 of nie, and my
a flash. b`ay, 1 must
a bluffer it
tiiy month 1
H. I'be often hdnit-
L've ecared big uteri
skid ti.11 the time >t
of a es,fi ir, reACty td
had one for me.
et a mimes a'tfilrilu
the, waggon tits
tilt , .
. 1tr►�i,
.t .4
tfeSPOFTlip Ht [ i9 1 T.. w, 0. T. rI.
'he Tanner's own,A tanner having erected a building
on the wain s2ieet, for the .sales of bis
leather, the purchase of hides, Pte, be-
gau to ooneider what kind of a sign
C1lppir�e,�s, `woald be rrtoet pttraotive. At Mat a
;:o race has over risen above the haPPY idea struck hien. Ho bored an
oonditiou of its women; nor can it 'auger hole through the door -post and
ever 1)e so in the history of the steel: a w►If's l in , we ush
world, Tho boy is fathu , Sud tl,luutin„ tail
Aitfrerith to the
filet the women i3 motheerr of o£ the t>,yn, ! uuticed a grave looking person stand -
and elle determined the whole sec al ing near the door with epeetacles on,
stare of the generations that are to gazing intently at the sign. So long
did its, gaze that finally the tanner
tepees. sit peed. out and addressed the lidi-
An English paper says thrl,t last victual ;
year, 1,365 people died of delirium
tremens in EII(daud. In the same
year, twenty-five peopl•n died of
hydrophohin. Bei:aoee of the death
of the twenty•five by h•ydropliotia,
thousands of dons were killed, and all
.liept alive had to wear a muzzle.
J3ut the rum business and the rum,
sellers who caused the death of the
1,3x5 were not only sot imprisoned,
but were aa. nor izad`and protected by
law i.n their dewily work.
The brethren said, keep right on
praying sisters ; you're its the line of
Uocl's providence. 13ut we neverstanding here half an hour trying to:
could understand it ;how we Were in ( decide how that call got through that
the line of God's providence, praying I sonar hula and for the life of me • I
the saloons out of existence, ally fluty ! can't make it out.
were 'in the hue of God's providence' _ __
1'ufing deem in,—Rev Anna Shaw. The Weight of Groceries..
The influence of the liquor traffic Ten commou•sized eggs weigh one
in [tidio,as elsewhere, is bad. A. pop• pound.
elation that were altnost total ab• i Oue piut of coffee sugar weighs 12
stainers pr,lvious to 13citiah rile in I ounces.
that country, is becoming demoralized Soft butter, the size of an egg, weighs 1
and impoverished, and the native con- ounce.
vertu to Ohristianity do not escape, One pint of best brown sugar weighs 13 l to think any, way more meanly of
In 1880 there were 41 habitual and
Good morning
Morning, replied the man, without
moving his eyes from the sign.
You want to buy lea,tiler ?
Want to sell bides?
Are you a
Lawyer 1
Doctor ?
No !
What in thunder ai;e you? -
I'm a philosopher. I've bee
merchant 2
Ate ettberatante►n•
A, number of patr•iotio eons of Erin
were seated around a table discuscfng'
a little of everything, when one of
them began a laiileutation over a
light weight silver dollar he had in his
7'h' hi 1 an' th' tail's worn down
thot foine ye wouldn't know th' hid
from the tail if it wasn't that the hid's
alwitys on th' other snide,
Got worn thot way by cirkyla-
So they say ; but .oi bt•lave some
smart divil's tuk a jack.playe an -1
slicraped a donne or two •off her tor
luck, Oirkylation can't wear a dhollar
down like thot.
It can, too, an' oi'Il prove it, said a
third. Haye ye got a good dhollar,
Dinny ?
Dinny, curiously enough, had one,
and produced it.
Now pass it round th' table.
Around it went:
Twist more.
Twice more it went.
Wance moreand let ine hey it.,
Once again it was circulated, and
finally rested at the investigator of
the performance. He then leaned
over to the owner of the dollar and
handed him a silver quarter.
Pliwat's this 2 asked the latter.
T.hotcs 3•er dollar !
Oireulatiou, history says, left its
mark that evening upon something
more than p.,re dross.—Earper's
Never do anything which if you
should see in another you should count
a just occasion to despise him for, or
168 occasional drunkards among 29,- ion
Oue quart of sifted flour well heapoa 1 , It is reported that the electric loco -
there were 250 habitual and 274 pound, ;motives now beiug built for the Lon-
oeeasioual drunkards among 30,000 ; Four teaspoonfuls are equal to one table•• don and Southwark Subway have, on
Rud within the past five years the spoonful. j trial, pruned to be capable of removing
still more rapid—a fearful the loaded trains at a speed of twenty -
increase to i One pelt, heaped, of granulated
1i •
Cheap for KA:S,
Counterweight to the English foreign weighs 14 ouuoes. live wiles sit hour with ease.
from licensed sates by the British
, One end one-third pints of powdered . 1n a cir-culti recently issued by the
government to manufacture alcoholic sugar weighs one pound. 1 Dominion Alliance for the suppres-
sion of the liquor traffic, the following
sugar weighs one pound. I paragraph occurs : There will he held
missionaries. This dr>aa back com�:s
Two teacupfuls of soft butter, well pack- at an early date a general election for
gandfule of Purpose.
ed, weighs 1 pound. , the Ontario Legislative Asssmbly,
7 It is stated that uini ty three per and it is desired that the influence of
Two teacupfuls, well heaped, of coffee friends of right should be exerted in
cent of all children talci•.g the tem-
J'eranee pledge reinain faithful to their segs? weigh one pound. ; that election towards securing the re -
•early vows. One tablespoonful, well rounded, of soft
butter, weighs one ounce.
The Y's (Young W 0 T U) have a. Two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar or
membership of over 30,000, 'riles, I flour weighs one ounce.
girls of night have raised and expend Two and one half teaoupfuls,level, of the
ed in their work over $35,000 in the
past year.
The Juvenile Legions have enlist-
ed over 200,000, and it is reported
that there are, in round numbers,
000 pledged Sunday school scholars.
I'Jore truthful than he knew, an
honest but rather illiterate old far
mer, while addressing a schoolhouse
audience` on -temperance, confessed
that he had been a drinking man.
But, he said, I never carried the
h.aloit to success.
Only a bit of white ribbon ; brought by a
woman'd hand,.
Only a bit of ribbon, yet it •helped a man
to stand,
Only a bit of ribbon, but it bore a great
I3e true to firod,my brother, your homojand by any one : Take the last two figures
your native land. 4 of the year, add a quarter of this, dis-
Has a most complete assortment of the L .TEST, Ou.UIoElii, and/r-.`
Watches, Clucks,, J ew,eli1 -
and Silver G oo is.
YOU MST 1* 116t
turn of known and reliable representa-
tives who will do all they can to secure
the suppression of the traffic in intoxi
eating beverages. The Dominion:
'Alliance doe's slot' seek' the formation,
of it new politieali`'parcy, but asks for
best brown sugar weighs oue pound. i the united coeoperation of all who
Two and three foyirths teacupfuls, level, favor temperance, in support of caudi-
of Powdered sugar sleighs one pound. I dates who are thoroughly sound ou
A tablespoonful, well heaped. 'of granu" • this question, and in opposition to
hated, coffee A or best brown sugar equals those who are in favor of the liquor
one ounce. traffic. Only in cases where no ex;.
Teaspoons vary in size,and theuew cues (sting' party nominates a reliable,
hold ubout twice as much as an old•fash- , friend of our cause do we propose in
ioned spoon of 30 years sea. A medium- dependent nominations, but we deem:
sized teaspoon contains about a drachm. I it essential that our friends should
Miss Parket says one generous pint of openly and unitedly . work and vote
liquid or ono pint of finely -chopped meat, for candidates in whose bands that
packed solidly, weighs one pou,tid,which•it cause will he absolutely safe.
would be very,00nveuient to remember.
A Blessing to Every Household.
These remotes have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for
Family use.
Purify the blood, oontect all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS and aro
• invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of alt ages.
U. P. B. TI2d.E TABLE.
1t w to Tell the Da '. Trains arrive and depart as follows :
The Providence, R ` I, Telegram LEAVING
5:36 a. to .... ......For Toronto
says: A gentleman was sll,awing a 2:15 p.ni
2:15 p. m For Teeswater
curious thing in the State lions° this , sees p. m
noon—showing how to tell the day
of the week of any date. He gave the
following; formula, which can be tried
'O 1 b t f white ribbonfrom depths
i regarding the fraction ; add. the date
n y a 1 U ,
known to God and you.
It led your' steps to the 'heights, where
dwell the pure and true.
Onle a bit of white ribbon, and now your
duty lies
To stretch your hands to the fallen, and
say, iu His name arise. •
Duly a bit of ribbon, in homes where the
hearts were sad,
The Angel of deliverance came with wel-
come glad,
Dead ashes ou hearth and altar—dead
hopes beneath the snow.
Only a bit of ribbou—hope 'lives and fire-
sides glow--'
of the month, and to this add the
figure in the following list, one figure
standing for each month, 3-6-6-2
-_4-0.-2-5-1-8--6-1. Divide
the shim by 7, and the remainder will
give the number of the day in the
week, and when there is no remainder
the day will bo Saturday. Ise ex-
ample,. take Wednesday, April 28;,
1890. Take 90, nd4 22, add' 23, add
2: This gives 137, which divided by
7 leaves a reron.inder of 4, which is,
the ntiir.ber of the 4a3, or Wednes,
Only a bit of ribbon,, worn by a feeble day.
band es scorn and the
• Which earth a great on
wise deem a rope of sand, ,
Only a bit of ribbon, and yet, wo know in 'formed of real ice on a circular basila
God'sliand of water artificially cooled by pipes..
Its strength saved you, my'b:iottler,and can
save our native land. containing fimmonia gas. v
It is idleness that creates impossi•
There died at Rheims the other day bilities, and where 'men care not to dis.
awoman whp illustrated the wonder- a thing, they dhelter,theinselves under.
ful aptitude of French women for a persuasion thatit cannot be done.
In Paris there is a skating rink.
Is the only reliable. remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR ORONCHIIIS, SORE
DISEASES IT IHAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford. Late 535, Oxford Street, London,
and sold by all Mediolno Vendors throughout the world.
tom' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxss and Pots. If the address is
Oxord Street, Loudon, they are spurious.
5.35 a. m,
:10 p.n,,,
2.15 '"
10:30 '!
G -P, bT7C) 'TRU.1SF R'-2-.1
Through tads to all points in Amorica—North.
West Pacifc Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
0510 a m.Toronto,Guelph,Palmorston, &c. 3:30 p.m.
11:10 " " 10:10 "
3:40 p.m. " Clinton, "
7:26 " Palmerston, Mixed., ...10:15 a.m,
0:46 a",...LOndon, &c..... 11:00 "
x:40 p.)n. " 7:45 p.m.
11:10 a•m.. ......Eincardino, &c 0:30 a.m.
0:50 p.m
carrying ol1 bueinessenterprlsos, and
who combinedd in herself rare aUlninis•
trative ability with .practicail . trenevo.
levee. Madam Pommery byt.retrtne tho
head of a great ohantpaigalie house 011
the death' of her husband. ap the close
of the Franco-Prusciltll war. She
personally directed the entire estab-
lislin3ent, amassed ft large fdrtune,and
WAS princely iu her claanli+tieg and alt
3:30 p.m •"
1010 "
LATE 0* y:1164 T,)
Thing purchased the babering business of Messrs.
Sebastian Bros., is prepared to give all old customers
'and as many new ones as patronize him, satisfaction
in all lines el the profession. •
are mydpeoialties.
q Ot%e mea call at the,' old stand, opposite Gordon
Mucl LLelntyri s euro,
. allvskt •
0 'rTlt 1ThIT tt
i'lea.se Wort-. ,ro•si` readers that I have a peettae remedy for the iet eve i+
r Seam, tlr its: timely lib th :usands of hopeless cases bavve been per,uanently cured. 1 t'I '.1
tglad to send two bottles of my remedy LCR1sE to. afi ' of *our reatlert wird hate c' :,i
i s ILL tion if they vein send me theft ExpressanRoe e Uface Acldr&sx. . id�Wetittl.s,,
Jleertatxot)age of ark, ".s .tt erie te,t4.Actckti Brost Af etw►t!, ash t{,ontTra0 Q11iT14
give ail classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage
roAr.„ 1 ARLOA, 130X AND COOL. STOVES; Ft7I1.N AGI+.�
I;i,Ai`3� ES, T1N`JV'A11.1i, &c., &c., .LAMPS, LAMP GOODS
r n 1
American. and Canadian Coal ()ill wholesale and retail. 1, t. r tl ns,l
ing a Speeialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Don t make
any mistake hat uall'and inspect our stud and get our grit'