HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-16, Page 5ion, in
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^P'11'lr. A. 11. lub;;ruve eta Mr, ,L..o
Gibtiat1, the et►utlitltttee tin. the Ijnenl
lite -tee its the cuuiieg el ectton,it,hree,
trelll etttau,lt;d. t.G: meetings/Mt Lt,l k
Gerrie, Lr ansa nth and Lltke'e , uts
Wedn'sdey, ' hersd,:y and Fraley uf•
hist weer;. 1110130 Lapel ings ,vers
chat aeter'ized by t to+r orderly cwt-,
duct, which seems t+; be. dun to the,
ctrytrteous and cool. manner to which
the beet -there deal,'4.•with the gtil>eilulls,
Of the d;t%'s The .eve, it of laying the
corner busses of idle ltr.ttdrotiist church,
Fordwit%h,ib'to take pluee ou May 24th,.
'1'u Mr. Massey, of To onto, is cotlferr
ed the 131 toren duty, —Mr. U. H.
13l wttwell'atttd sistdr paid their nuttier,
ons fritrrtds of tl,es iLltd ; nap a iiyiuh
visit, prior to Miss L's departure uu as
tarp to lit tuttilbu.-x '14''0 regret to au-
uouuee the: deatt o1i'the`r4th inst., of
Mile Jas. Sanderson, of the 6tit sen.,
Mittel a short ►hese$. " A taste Con-,
'coarse of serrowurg friends and ac+-•
caurtiutautes followed her remaies to.
the Gerrie cet, tery,—:Mr Jos. Duo:op,
paid his friends a'.,hort visit last week.
This time to afliciete at a wedding,
we believe.)—Tile masons and framers,
have contutent:ed work and are quite,
busy this season ou the l,ecoud with,
Messrs. McOtemeut and Tilker's barns,
'and Me Adam Faust's house,• also t
ratable for bre. Frei. Gedche.
/At the residence o'f henry Rich-,
mond, on t y.4ith inst., Janet Rich-
mond departed this life, at the age of
72 years She had been unwell for,
surae time, but dropsy was her final
uilrnentJnd very siugularly on the,
followinrg 14louday evening her sister,
Mary Richwood, aged 71 years,
calmly passed away after a lingering
illness of some years. They were
sisters of the Richmond brothers, near.
Blyth, and cage to reside with thrust
some twelve years apo, ::from ..Mout,
gravewood, Ayrshire, Scotianif All
who knew them. could see their perfect
reliance upon a • risen 'Savior,
could say "tot theist to die it. gitin."
Mr. Jas. J,ol,nston, medical student,
is spending his vacation at Lome. --
Mr. McMulkie, agent for the Home,
Knowledge Assooi•attou, has been can,
vass(ng in this township l.htely.—Mr.
Jas. Bailey, a former resident ofs
Morris,' but lately of Detroit,,.,. is at
home sick with some form of lung,
disease, and fears are entertained for'
his recovery. Dr Bethune is in
attendance.—Mr. F. Baines had a bee,
Mouday, raising his barn, preparatory;.
to putting a stone foundation under.
it. Praetor Bros have the job.—
Miss Dick, school teacher, was calling,
at Mr. Hood's, Tuesday. -The air is
full of ,ptolitics, •but more oil that
Brussels. '
W .,I P;ickson .has percbasecl: the
residence: of E. E. Wade, ',William,
street.—The comrnuniou service will
be held in Knox church on the 1.8th
inst. 1fev, A. R. 'Linton, B. 0., is
expected to officiate.—C. (Jr I'.—The
hollowing officers 'wero elected for.
Court Princess Alexandra, Canadian
Older of Foresters, Brussels, for the
current term: -rt. J. Lowick, _fJ. R. ;
S. T. Plum, V. U: R,. ; Wt Smith,
R. S:. ; Geo. Rogers, F. S.; Wm.
y store in Blashill, Treas. Noble E, Gerry, S.
adore' block. W. ; Jessie Wilbee, ••l. W. ;. •Philip,
se is from l3eeli, S. B, ; Joseph Ballantyne, J, 13; .,
m success in Dr Win Gruhatn, i'Ityb eian ;t Wm.
at uentities Blaehill, Delegate to H. C.•e--`The fol -
mbar, grain, lowing is a summary from Assessor's,
nipped here roll for Brussels this year: --Children,
a scene of between 5 and l6, 254 ; children be-:
geld at the tweets, 7 and, 1,33166 ; chil:.den between,
i, M P.P, on 1,6;and,21,85 ; total value of real
et grand time property, 5235,4,80 ; total, value of
,l 1pkson, of personal property, $46,400 ' total val.
iltts.treealast ue of taxable income, $8 Q0;;total.
pian > player
y° Hall lately
gree, --M;eesrs
the woolen
0,000 pounds
bargains in
i, &c. They
custom work::.
a been added.
ch was open -
Waldo as
ofie<ors, were
eetiirg of tbe
the 5th inst.
lit ; Rev A It
J It McLean,'
prams, seers-
rOWO, 3 For-
ss M L Sharpe
eutOra, The
he library is
e btiaix added
rim treasurer's
o was a hal,.
mount expend
Is year wiwa
value of property, 312,430,, No, cf;.
dogs, 54 ; leo. of bitches, 7 ; total
No. of persons, 1,243 .','Nd, of covcs, 99;,
No. of hogs, 30 ; No,`of horses, -95 ;No.'
of births during ]list year, 13;;; No. of.
deaths,, 4,
There ia. joy in the domicile of Mr.
R. ,M.cAnlish over the birth of a sou,
winch, took place last week, Bob is
almost overwhelmed with the import-
ant event, having until now been,the,
recipientlent oE severalvera!
dao iters.
J,. N. Pickett is buiiily engaged getting.
the material oil;; the ground for a new,
house to replace the one recently,
be boom-
.;,., buttted; -l3psltrt.ss, tv,.Xl1 0
ing around hero pretty soon, ;le " Mr.
1. Jackson has canoe into possession
of the mill and property lately owned
iby f4 r, Pattison. Some years ago,
, Mr, Jaoksott owned and operated the
same property, and his old neighbors
are gl:t •to see him back alnoug than,
lapin.- -,'Chis has turned out a vary;:'
!cold and backward spring. Fall
!wheat is losing ground on account ,sift
.;a n 44 alr'It,.;....... '.
the cereal crops are now all sown
and a considerable gitauitity of pota-
toes planted. As the soil is well dried
nod the winter sap thoroughly extreet-
Fd, is pro;iuiees well Purr the future
crop, althoUdll ,i'ou811 "depends upon
lite mew her to come, Farmers may
e e
pew pay with the po t of the s aeon ;
Be gracious Heaver,, for now laborious
men hfttil done his part. Ste fostering
breezes blow ; ye soflnbing dews ; ye
tense, ell , wers descend, turd temper
all thou world reviving suu, into the
perfect year. —Was iy due to a loose
observance of a day of rest, that two
heifers paid the debt of nature, tine.
`4etttillo entombed hi, slou+d i of des-
pond, the other getting saugh,t in a
selaleft while no doubt ruminating on
buu,e problem in practical mechanice.
--The sacrtemeut of the Lord's tlrtpper
will (D. V•) be dispensed in Eadie's
Church Ott Sabbath iiret. The Rev,
Mr. Henderson, of Heusall, will con-
duct the service on Friday afternoon
at 2.80,—Dur respected blacksmith,
dr. Duncan, got a sudden call by
telegram that his father lead taken
seriously ill,
Gouo to fits Long Beat. •
We take tt a tullowing from the
131enlmuu Seas :—
The death of Mr, John P. , Mo -
Dougall on Saturday, after a rang
fed puieful illness, has removed from
this couiniunitV one of lie most widely
known and respected eitisene, and the
large e 4oncourse of people that follow-
ed the remains to "Ihe cemetery 00
Tuesday bore strong testimony to ,the
esteem in wbieh deceased was held by
those wllo knew him. ijorii in. Perth-
shire, Sputlaud, about Sixty years ago,
Mr. ,N r. e`Dougall cattle to Canada when
quite e yvuug luau, and settled in, the
County of Huron, where he married
and raised a large family of sons end
daughter's, all of 'whom still sure Y,
,4.bout fourteen years ago, ►•
was t}rged by a friend to leave E1t,ron
and try lits fortune in tient ; a ven-
ture which proved to be iv experi-
ment. During these years his success
has perhaps not bleu surpassed by
airy farn>'er in Ontario, and Mr.
McDougall's estate is now. one of the
most valuable in,thee,,untry, contain-
ing hundred, of aer4S• '.uf the most
fertile fields 'it the worl;'.I. Depeased
man of many st1'oun personal
The seventeenth annual session of
the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of
Loyal True Blues of British America
is being held in St Oatherines, The
report of the Grand Secretory shows
an increase of over 000 members dur-
ing the year, Nineteen now lodges
have been opened during the year,
end one became dormant.
Mr. li.ot>,t Logan, yiho bo, been the
baggage toaster at the depot for some
timepast, left here this week for
(;'ueiph to take a similar position —
?11r. Purvis, of Teeswater, has rented
the woolen mills here for a term. VYe
wish the new proprietor every success.
-On Suuday afternoon the 'tnembers
of Court Star No, 89 (7anadiau
Grder of Forrester with visiting
brethren from Clinton, Brussels,
1)>k Wingltaw, Beigrave, Annurn, ....ondos-
poro and Sunshine, to the number of
125 marched in a body to the Metho-
{list Church to listen to a special ser-
mon preached to their Order by Rey R
t-lenderson. The members occupied
the centre seals after which the
edifice was rapidly filled up by a lsfrge
-congregation. The reverend gentle
rnjblit chose for his text St. ]Paul's
Epistle to the Galatians, 6th chap. 9th
versa, from which, he delivered a very
forcible and instructive dlecourse,
Which was listened to with the utmost
attention. The excellent choir of the
phurch, with•their leader,Mr. 1(il)ows,
rendered some choice musics.
was a i
pointe. lti religiou he was a Presby, •
terian of the uld school, and in politics
a lifelong and most uncompromising
Liberal, and in lits social life he was
e genial host and had a generous heart,
a tau whose death is a lose to a
Wide neighborhood, and Ivho will be
missed lire lu.i}'gest by those, who knew
tarn hest.
Deceased was a resident of 6th con,
Turuberry, near Winghain, for a.
cumber of years, and was,. brother to
Mr. Hugh .MeDougall arid, brother -it!.
law to Mr. With McPilersan, Reeve
of Turuberry,
' The Duke and Duchess of Von -
naught will, it is expected, arrive in
Toronto on Thursday, June ii,.by the
0. P.R fro w v
m the at e , and, will leave
at once by boat for Niagara Falls.
They will remain at'tbe Fails until
the not day, and will return to To.
route at noo.t on the 6th, wI}en the
civic reception, and dinner, at the
Goverment house will be given. They
will leave the save evening forQ,ttewa.
The directors, of the Sou,tlr, • Perth
b'armers Institute. purpose bolding a
meeting in Ditched on May, 2s7 and
28. A number of subjects in connec-
tion with agriculture will be diseased.
Prominent among those that will
address the institute' are John Mc-
Millan, M. P., Huron; Thomas
Ballantyne, M. P. P; ; F. U. Green -
side, professor of veterinary science,
Guelph ; .T, 0 Snell, Edmonton ; John
Hannah, Sieayf4,rtb.
Miss lytoMants, the, vv.11istl,er, is,
arranging for a aeries of concerts in
beaforth, Clinton and ' cs9derich. •
His'lordship the Bishop of Huron
is to administer the rite of c9.1air-
mation in Trinity church, Blyth, on
July 11th.
Chester Yerex, \Vm ,Y.ere>t;, and
Wm Robinson have` been expellld.
from the Society of Friends at Belle-
ville;. far acting as agents, for the hulls
l¢t(a oats swindle.
Mr. Geo. Blackwell utid daughter,
Seraph and son Ernest, left on Wed•
nesduy for Manitoba. Mr. Blackwell
•ists will join his son Alvin, who has the
..' •ontract of plastering a nporber of
Matrons on the I W. C. B. 1t. Miss
o. Blackwell goes to teach school, and
Master Ernest will remain with his
father and brother.—Mrs Geo. Barret,
of Brussels, is visiting her parents and
friends .in this locality —The Friends
pf Christ will be glad to know that
the Wednesday afternoon prayer meet-
ings held in the vicinity of the brick
yard, are interesting and well attend-
Mrs Calder and daughter Celia, of
Brussels are visiting at • Mr Geo
Tervit's this week.•—Miss 'Ada Thom
eon took a trip to Lucknow last week:
Mrs McE wen and daughtee, of Lead -
bury, are visiting at Mr Thomson's
this week.—The Y. W, ( j. ''. U., of
Wingham will give a parlous entertain-
ment at 1ttp. Geo. , Thoruson's this
'Friday evening, from 7 till 10 o'clock.
Admission, 10 cents,
East Wawanosh.
1?hos Forbes of the 2nd concession,
Alma, is the -owner of• 'a cow which
recently gave birtb,',to three calves.
A year ago she had•two- calves, also
two years ago, snaking•• swain calves•
in three years. She is, six years old;
At" Brantford on Saturday the con-
fidence Woman, Dolly Beely, alias
Mrs. Blaine, was • sentenced to two
months in the common, jail for ob-
taining money under falsa pretenses
last December froth ley. Dr. Coch-
Speaking at an emigration meeting BES
at Elora, Ontario, Mr. McMillan, the •
Manitoba Government agent, said
that from the reports of agents all
Mr, Basil Co -altos is away to the
Old Country in charge of a cargo of
cattle for Mr. Jos, Clegg; -The fall
Wheat has not done well fdr the past
fow weeks, the weather being so 0,0a.Now that warns weather has set ill,
everything is inaking great growth,
Arrl,Xed this week, amimmense stock of
and will be Bold dirt cheap.
6 n
y, U a)
a'8 set
'SOH ANains pUI3
Are offering very interesting bargains in
is the time to paint yourthouses, and
from Esc. per pair up to $G.00.. New, handsome and cheap
Soudan Lappet Curtaining.
—Beautiful Flouncing--
1V R 0 2 1) E R 2 E S
all widths, and at taking prices:
Charming things in GRENADINES,. Inspection invited..
The finest range of
we ever offered, from5c. per yard up.
Now - *tgaig d 6 NTS and SZEQES.
selling rapidly. No wonder, for the quality and price
settles the question at sight. '
Toe ry DieparLimeit
is receiving special attention as usual. 10 lbs. of pure uncolored
strong Tea Taus, for 4 try it._
41••••• ;S•roommenemomemomenese•
The cheese factory was otlened kr,lousiness, on Monday last, and is tr1ade>i,
• the !management of Mr. Samuel ar-
A joint political rneeti}3g was. held
here on the 7th inset. Addreesea were
delivered by the candidates, Messrs.,
Gibson and Musgrove.
The Dominion Express Co. have
acquired of:iees at all principal points
on the Intercolonial Railway, and all
points on the Napauee, Tamworth &
Quebec Railway, Erie & 1<Lurob Pwail
way and Jogging' Railway.
It is announced that FA, A. Dar-
ling, of Toronto will retire' from, the l device and of lib
presidency of the Oatadtan 'I3nnk of lie placed ou the, , y,.. ere”
Commerce to accept the position of are scores of persons who are daily
arbitrator for thee 1,'. Il., the position enjoying its benefice who do not really
)ulnarly tined by W. Ds 14)i.tttliewt, know where the tiwer.hunured sparks
,. ,pea.kyyl '
— is the— •r
jn the
Pyer Ontario, fewer farmers are now W OR.R.JD t
leaving for the Western States than for
%any years past, and thenumb r is. . None geni lne unless stamped ")tubber Paint Co,
atii tally decreasing, vvhilat an increaseClevelapa, Ohio," `we also have the best
r number are yearly going to Man,-
Thos Pell, employed at gods 31
,nXlen's flour mill, ,Stratford, while R
gd>EI tQD'+t5 1
d ePalint;‘
sl,oveltng bran ►n the upper story on •!
the 14th iust, by some mishap fell in- 1(ou call, fret any shade you i 711'8°, in guantities;.
t0 tl1H chute and was sutFoCated. Hiss ^costing from ld.celite up• '
feet appearing through the lower end -
ef the chute was the first intimation Fo; white4ashirtg and $a1 Ai}?ininG, ra• h for
his fellow -employes had of the acci ;
tent, and he was released as quickly ' j t •y ,
as possible, but life was e*tint. Dee . LAB I .
Creased was 65 years of age. arid, don't take anything else,
Persptis.who have observed the new ' Mine.
. •
•eonstrutatIon'.`ot'engines have repeat- 44. 4 j VJJo
edly'asked the question: What is HAI Ji ARE ;11FRCHANI'S,
Those same protecting fronts are what?what?Wingliam.
has an„ed radioed travel` from a cit ' •'
the obs set of the tong projecting frontsli •
ing athing et misery, to one of joy, ty dc- rL INERY qp
way with dust and cind'a s from MILLINER 4,R
the stack B,y a device constructed be- Q- • 1:3
tween the fire box and the smoke c.
stack all the dust and cinders are
forced into a long projecting, front,
instead of thre ugh the mouth of the
stack, to, ire blown backinto the car
windows, "-he big front is in reality
the engine' ash barrel, and it has to
ire empt►t.d, at regular intervals. An
engine which makes a through tan,
sray, 175 miles peri day, has her spark
ari'estcr elearecl ottt at the c ep-
clusiou of a round, trip, when clese
unto a barrel of dirt and cinders %s
removed, All engines of rewnt build
are etllupped with, the big frosts, rttrd
those 'winch were since their advent
are being remodeled by all tirst class
made.roo high an estimate cahuot
15Ioi' RPHY
• The Brown Anchor.
New - Store - ir. - Wi gh m
In the store, one door south of the Post Office, anti is prepared to give., '
gnat bareaine in special lines of LADIES' GOLD: WATCHES,
—otos on the short?,{,, iaotioe, end all work evaranteed.
CO An inspection of C0oods and comparison of Pricer? invited
Goods lef,t fo►;ai;epair w,iitrh lV,Zr.. Jt. 1,I;. Vanstone will be given out.
WS H1 Wit L LA C E,•.
Wingham, Ont.
• flas just opened out a large new stock 4,
a w
1898 sp1890
1,Vishes to i,nthate to. the Ladies tri WiJ,>.; learn_and surrounding countrys,
that het; stock of
hasjaetreceived end opeyed out a large p
st rah
stoolr,'dt very Y ,; ., \
•fiat, QlUipit+ F'oethere Flo'eers Ribbons, Daces.,
prla;, aro. ; aitlo t i ba,, oilk',iktenine Robes, -
The Mantle department
;contains all the latest materiel of silk's, Satins, ilro.
cedes, Fringes, '°linins And .Mantle Cloth. Handle
Made'in the most fasl,sonahles etlioe and at prices to
Snit the tines.
rtnving bought et very time prices, f,,r cask, tam
ioetofimin8d to sell',a a smali advance so as to suit air
nrehasers. AcallSolicited. -•
baja taken aw cash in exchange for geode,
•MISS i , MU11,1'11Y,
w • w,n A ru. d•
000,44 t Alm.A:a tdai+l.
has s rrivetl awl is now.opened out, The htnclt iswell-
assorte4lr, and contain; all the fashionable tyles for ,this year,
A large stock df .
Z .M: .Li nt, FANCY J+\ j C •Y C+ . O - O D S - ' r• .
The lei kNTLE 13PA TMEN. - contains a varied
ttsaurtunuit of Silks, Stumm, Satin Brocades, "?lush.gs Velvets ind.
Mantle Cloths, ty t huutie flow. Psi feet fittin,, tttid 1st,tebt, ant;1
must fashionable garments. An insilection invited.
leci1u 1tk lkf0,4:4b.)4,149„, .,"."'
1 W g wl ) >
always pp hand.
First door taortia of B, V. Gereter'a yeweler} store.