HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-16, Page 35 11 � CtatS. l4i n -- 01 -MING, Pi•IUNiq S.TME.Kli r1V T,ii,.RIC>, year, in advance .TES: •r—.. I 8 ino....l,,1 ire, 01 Die ss be i0' 1k oo eet re 7 Q( 4 00, M.) I S Qa 100 ieenients, Se. per line ,e ter each sitbatwuetlt' 1pe, 10c, for first in, subeequent ineerticr, Sails than bo (1, Strayed, Situtvtiono not ehoeeding 8 lho not exceeding 8 liucv.,, iseque,t month adhered to laertisentents or for, rdirections,l accordingly, Tram, da e paid in novelle(' 1ta+elitente must be in ,n, in order to appear ,10'1'T vitamin AND PustisiI11 TEEET, ONTARIO neral proficiency medal• ober College 1 hyeiciauo B0LO1LAVE, ONT, nage. I., and Surgeons, Ontario. tty of Huron- Wingham, Ont. Toronto Unlvereity, and iysiclans and Surgeons of M. of Centre and Pat,I,ek y.;Dr. Bethune. • . ONT. ITOR, Etc., Etc, to loan at lowest rater aged. Mortgages, town; uourht and sold. NOIUAM, ONT. iRTON 12111.00., • Ontario E. L, Dio<lPlsoN, iCITORS, Etc., Etc., So::` iRon, C?ommissiouers for itoba. Farm, Town and id sold. honey (private security at Si per cent: e persons, upod the.be:t, out 'any expense to tele Manitoba and the North:: ngham. ;ROME, l% INGHHAM, ,eturing Celluloid Pintos plates of the bestmateria s they can be got in tbe All work warranted. Metered for the painless ly safe anesthetic known. ,tract teeth for 10 oenta •er Block, opposite the SIACDNALD, Wn soeAN. ulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, !, etc., etc., Plates, ranging am „b00 upwards per sot rid bridgework. T;etth ex pain by the use of Vital. Ingham, side entrance op - span daily (Sundays except - Will be at Blyth every achmonth-Ofhceat Milne e 1,blondays of each month- :.ltractinO 26 cents, URANCE AGENT. ' ONTAnuel AM, TRANCE 1) MARINE, ' srrE. 311Ad1, ER FOIL THE COUNTY fU1t0N, y part of the;'Co. phargd} WXNOIIAM, Owe., Elt P01a thlt C0UN21, OY LIMON. Ci s alien promptly at, end Vies 'Poma C0uN'rls$1 risoz't AND enna1, '. promptly and on the Shortes d Satis,aetion Guaranteed, molts can be made at the; Moe Is HAW NINS frons M4 Civil Zonate Atop WIle0IIAM, offlee of filte'l'ost0 ftt t. 0 Wtat A'ortl«tlo. Andrew t;arnt'f;br', the great iron 1Yluett+r of 'Pitt:ifiilre, cnnteileutes to the New York 'Tribune a latrilciug 1rtia'le on flow t.n bb ill 1 Ol tune. ;tie sets oat that Tether is divided into two great armies—the agricul- tural and iudtlat eel, Tee tendency in the former is to a further distri- butiim of this land eremite the many; ern the latter, to the csncentrittiuu:of business iu the hauls of the few. We allbonsidet' it, 11e says, comparatively easy for a, young untie, of little or U'd means, to snake a Start itndeucceed in agriculture. 13th the niassiug of business and mann facture in the glands of great corporations, he thinks, has given rise to the coutplaine that there is 110 11110W for .a y0tU1 titan to rise beyond the posieioU of an employee k upon salary, unless lie has capital to `trithout a friendly exchange of " at[trt with. It is to this latter idea, ~ that 111,r Carnegie addresses him - .self, Qe, I3y•rniii�rlln; over a representative Tilt of leading concerns ill the indus- ttial; eotnalercini and financial worlds of the United States, he shows that h e found..1 soli managed. by TUMzDITonLet TYi>it 11 . True retaignittion, which always PENCIL :—I stn the stab of a Taber brings with it tilt, confidence that Well worn with labor unchangeable goodness will retake That lasts from sun to sun. I toil with creation:. Pin the all-important one, Pasrl 1 0 I' d f fl even the disappointments of our hopes. and the contradictions of life condu' 'dive to some btslletit, oast a genus hitt And used every hour I'm ns e o our. tranquil light Over the prospects of I'm Very important you see, I evert a toilsome and troubled .ifs, That no editor's table Has ever.been able To proper at all without tine. Snsanf :•--Willi it ftet"niliar clatter I've clipped the best,rnrtttor li That Con to this office for years So when. you have read it Please , give me the credit, I'm the editorial shears. 0, we aro three powers So important all hours-- We're the editorial three, No one is inferior But all are superior To the., editorial "we." kindly words and deeds, without the snnsliilie of loving looks and smiles of welcome and encouragement, rt louse may he a habitation, but never truly a home. Great preparations aro being made for a mammoth demonstration on the t ese wee mechanice and clerks who have risen 12th July next in Clinton. An im frons the ranks, Ilse points out that ,.the College graduate now e e ato oti be e found in tllese,d tpa. which he ll:+orll3`s to the fact that the •iigracluate e}itefiog at twenty, has not -.the slightest chalice against the boys who steno the years from fourteen to, twenty --the trust v.dtuable years fort come the visitors upon the occasion, Learning anything—Hotly engaged in iloinriu� ort , evero a ieding terpd grs y in to Clibe the school of experience instead of p n n .t studying ancienc history and master- S ton. ' ing dead laangUst;es. Ile shows, how• ever, that the trained mechanics is now meeting cora in ' e ,itiOn from the scienti- P..fically educated. youth, and that three in of the largest steel ivanufaotiaring con•, mense gathering is expected. The business men and citizens generally are taking hold of the matter.. The town oouucil will assist and has made a liberal appropriation to further the arrangements. Both the Council and the Board of Trade will officially wee ('erns iu the world are under the loan- • agement of three ermine; educated u.en �.: a►i UJ I not yet thirty years old, Education,"""---""'—''''''''' . to he useful, utast be adopeed to the %and in view. Neither capital, nor influence, nor 'college learning, nor all 'combined, have proved able to con. tend suecessfill'y against the energy 'find indomitable will which spriug. 'from all conquering poverty. It is, 110 dnubt,iufinitely more diffi- cult to start a new busltiess of any :kind to -day than it was. But, Mr, 'Caruegle says, it is infinitely easier for to voung mall of practical ability. to: •obtain an interest in existing firms 'than it has ever been. Real ability, the capacity fordoiug things, never 'oomtnauded such rewards. The law of concentration contains' within it- self another law not less imperious —that these vast concerns, whether industural or commercial, cannot be iirklessfully eoadubted'i.iy salaried etim� ployees. '1'o score permanent success a concern must be in the hands of ' praetiealllltti.$'petet111iat'ily 'interested its its result' In every brunet' of business this ev is at work, and con- cerns are prospt;roue, 'generally spea,k- ug just in proportion as they suceetsd in interesting in the 'profits a larger 'and larger proportion of their ablest 'workers. One advantage of a co epor- Porall0nhe says, is -that its shares 'can be purchased, e.n! it Is becoming '1lnONe and more common for worlaere iso to invest their savings. The heads .'[must share them profits 'Smiting those Most instrumental in producing them, If they would aolii&Ve s'uccess and profit. . A worker must maize his master's interest his own. He must suggest, 'or save, perform Soule aeryice for his employer which he cdlll'd not be censured for not having done. Ho `thus attracts the noti'oe-of his ilnme- idiate superior,and upon his immediate superior his proutotiou..,-depends. 'Genuine ability will not d'ow.n. • Mr. Carnegie warms the -practical man against three reeks, vies' drunk- enness, speculation, and endorsing. One great cense of failure Of. young men in business, also, is lack- of con. •eentration. Every dollar of - capital and credit, every business thought, tihauld bo concentrated upon the?' one tattiness on which '(t Man has embark. ked.' Mr. Carnegie concltitles: In ?i`very quarter of the butiineS0 world, avenues greater in mintier, wider in ettent, easier of taecese than ever before exist• ed, stand open to the ttoher, frtigal, 'energetic and able mechitnic., and the scientifically educated youth. We are apt to divide humalt life into the ploaseut and the unpleaht4lt, the sweet and the bitter, joy and sorrow, good and evil, and to supposat that out of the former springs all our happiness and welfare ---out , of 'OM latter, all our misery mid zailtite. hi SO doing, however WO entirely ignore the fact that cniltrntit is a necessary nod valuable clefelettt hi lite ittid hap. iss% flUo!- aVe uOU ,1CLza. V iti jjcath ,~dole : gap • ;JOtie 0 kt is expuisite CHISHOLM'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingham Agency. MATTHEW AMBLER, 00 heat is lows S are all Cereals,. HARNESS MA R, Row 14arigc setts AnotWnt Rosie? Atter carefully examining all the data we have. all, the statements and various ancient writers who allude to it, and all i,he facts Which seeill to bear 017 the queetiol7, f stn c0nvhiCedthat in estimating the papulation at 4,000,- 000 1 ata rather understating than overstating it,' It is much more possible that it was larger than Haat it was smaller. De Quinct'y also estimates the inhabitants of Rollie at 4,000,000. 1 will only cite one fact, and then leave the question, The Circus IVlaximur was constructed to hold 250,000, or ao. cording to Victorf at a later period probably, 875,000 spectators. Taking the smaller number, then, it would be 1 in 16 of all the inhabitants if there were 4,000,000• But as one half the population Was ooMposed of slaves, who must be struck out of the specta• tors, when the circus was built, there would be accommodation then for 1 in 8 of the total population, exolud tug slaves, Reducing again the num- ber one•half by striking out the wo- men, there would be room for 1 in 4. Again striping out the young child• ren and the old Demand the sick and the impotent, you would hate accom- modation for Nearly the whole popul- ation. It is possible to believe that the Romans constructed a' circus to hold the entire population of Benne capable of going to it?—for such must have been the case were they only 4,000,000 of inhabitants. But suppose there wore only 1,000,000 in- habitants, it is plain from the mere figures tltatit would never have been possible to half fill the circus.— Mack - wood's Majztzine, has on hand a Large stock of HORSE BLANTtETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TWINES, VALISES etc., Which will be sold at bottom prices, HARNNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfacutiIid guarantee& itiA call solicited. SHO?-Oppoeite the Bank of Hamilton, MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingharn, Feb. f.th, 1890. -CT =('- MISS NELLO MCHARD`. [LASSES FOR INSTRUCT10k1 ON PIANO AND lJ t rgnu, in Voice Culture and Harmony Memo Itonats IN BEAVEa Buena. GINGHAM MARBLE WORKS! l TIMES" SUBSCRIBER& P,tl parties Who have not paid for the " TIMES " for tbe rare 1888 and 1880, are requested to re. mit the amount at once. We nett money, and hope this notice will be sufficient, and that a general response will be the result. R, ELLIOTT, Shing1es,Shing les The undersigned have an baud a large quantity of FIRST -CLAMS S.hingles, WHICIH WILL.. BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CA€SH', ALSO, ON FIAND, Hemlock and Ory Pine Have you a cough ? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you s. Cold 2 Take Wilsons, Wild Cherry. Have you. Bronchitis? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you lost your Voice? Take Wil- son's Wild Cherry, Have you Asthma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you a cold in the Head? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. The Old '; eliable Cure for all dis- eases of the Throat,Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggists. Blessed is that man who, to his age has preserved the freshness, the sun plicity, and the purity of youth. 1f upon earth there is one sight more refreshing than another, it is the be- holding of a good, great man. Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen years business in Wingham, l desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the public gen. orally for the liberal patronage ektended to me in the past. I may also state that I am in .a position tot Offer better ind`ucrments than ever tb those requiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone 1YLonuments, t3EADSTONBS,, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TEIMMINGS, FOR FENCING, &c • • t Would be pleased to Have those deaimus of p ti any + articles in my line to call and examine 50 Y gnads,.crmpate pricesand leave thele getters, so that the goods may be secured and prepared Carly in the seashn.i You eon select from the latest, designs and obtaip the finest workmanshipat the limit favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, bo YOU WANT TO $UY YOUR SEEDS .. .i. AS 'CHEAP ? r'ead:T. A. MILLS' posters every morning. I v0, ILLS. Winghatfi, March '21, 1+596. Oat Zeal Mill Opened. The un'd'ersigned desire to inform farm ors and the People generally that thoy hav reopened their, Oat Pleat Mill in 11 mgaan i, Ana aunlhrmed quantitieos and et theurehese u WM.S"Mtt.Y"fH, Wingbam, Ont. W1NGHAM TANNERY! tIEST BItANDS OF Sole; .EMO. Mind wandering oared. Hooke learlira In one reading. Testimonials from all parts, Of the globe. Prospectus Prosp ctns POST A. 'Ass 6 , 2a7 ruts Aye nNewYro , LUM SBEE, • DRESSER OR UNDRESSED, WO0ID &O AT THE Wingham i11s Josephine street, adjoining 0 PR track. L. & 3. MuLEAN. Wingham, Oet.11, 1889. ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Speciai'ty. The value of the mineral . products of Canada during the last calendar year is estimated at $19,500,000. The geld is estimated at $1,160,000. Nature has lavishly provided cures for all the diseases flesh is heir to, but the proper preparation of many of theist has not yet beeu discovered. In Wilson's 'Wild Cherry we have a cure for Can„hs, Colds, Whooping Cough,.Croup and kindred ail- ments. prepared from vegetable drugs, iu a which form and � p• allt and consecrated , , least invariably gives prompt relief anti effoutn a speedy cure. Sold by alldrug ists. New way of viewing it. There is a dead fish in the milk you ha: e given me; said the restaurant patron. Of eouise lie is dead, said the waiter, there wasn't enough water in the milk for hien to live on. Very rich, good Hili:, sir. —12 your subscription to the TitIEs is in arrears an early payment of the indebted• ess will be appreciated by the proprietor. H-labit in a child is at, first like a spidee's web; if neglected, it becomes 1t thread of twine; next a cord or rope, finally a cable, and then who can break it. . Harness, ��-rr end Upper L E A yi. H I R A11WAYS 01.3 H UtD. ittatiufaeiirers would do well to examine stock and compare prices. ladies' & Gents' Driving Gloves; In Deb, 00051 and Aatrac'mii, made to order. Also Strong Workingmen's Gloves, Xp Ilebr, igoat, Calf and Sheepskin. Highest price paid for Np'urs, Hides' Sheepskins and Wool. ilightst Market ?rico. They wills oy ns kih Oat Haat with th'$131Isr r:ttatR & CLEGG,l,W,?�I W. J. CHAPMAN WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. ZS" Order by mail proinpt y attended to. tEORGE THOMSON, W inglsant P.0 WINGHAM FLOURING MILLS! It is a great prlidenbo to gain as many friends as we honestly espeeiuliy when it can be done at so easy a rats; as gond 'a ord; it is a great folly to wake tut enemy by ill words. Armes To Morotas,-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a eickohild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get, bottle of " Mrs, Winslow's soothing Setup" for Children Teething. Ito valuate Meal :ul able. It will relieve the poor little soder.)). immediately. Depend upamlt, mothers; there lone mistake about tt. It cures Dysentery and Iliarrhosa, reirulated the Stomach and Bowels, curesWiudiiotic, softens tete Gums, reduces Inflammation, and giros Nine and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.. Win. NV's Soothing' Syrup" for children teething tR one Is pleasant to ten, tssto and is the prescription of the oldest and best female physicians and nut:os i11 the halted States, and is for sale by 41l druggists throushout the world, Pries twenty -Ave cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mas. Wibb$LOWS , State nfld Sut.br," and take no other kind The under'5 geed wish to tender their beet thank for the liberal patronage given to our firm during several years -prior to the burning of our trill by in cendiarism, •. During the last 5e500n we have re to over ate- mill to the ]atts, t la the town at p maddened W a d ll tem of Hniib+arian holler Process mil ling. Web lisve we can now give better accowu,odation that ever before” .We offer Prompt 1i«',*patoh, Fair Returns QUALITY' SECOND' C0 NONE IN TM, SECTION. And by close personal attention to the basins hope to be again fay..red with a trial by all ell trieuds and many new ones. Yours most respectfully, 11UTTON & CARL Wingbam Mtll, Oct. O0, 1590. iff .41(OUSAHWS Of BOTTLES thee ;LYE AWAY YEARLY. Who 1 sayCurrp*r hI do' not, monk• Pe 1 WIEANAtialtmmAt. URI. Ihae to vemaad thbdiseaseofFillay itolti theca return 7Kii's g �lill*Irx°1Y Or �'ILN is�,Ilttxkesa.ita it lffa•togg study. I warrali,lt my rtltifodY isxD�wr* OM oleo foeaa .stti aria x Iran OK, ligfatted ts of m ' IwtaIH13 bIa Ra otedeolvine a cork. Stool at. d Otva,,E n i tUriond t. .. leer s°1$111/ care TO* i' " A CHANCE in the Earns: Batiao: � . KN CHVAL Wishes to habitats to the perple of wingham at. surrounding• country that he has lutrehased the harness bnsl ons lately carried on by Messr9. J. J. Ilomnth le Son, and will condu.'t it In the building one door south c Sar 'P A Ltills' stem. DouBLk AND SINGLE .1".ltMITEs heavy or light, made to order, A full line of [forte B14hiivt'e, Sleigh 1lclls, Whi Cutry5otnbs, Brushes, et(., uiways ou hand, Iiepairillt ,e pran.ptly Ila This )atro,laxt of that public soll.ated, and satins foil le *tit ant 0,19311.31 qua a.it all, ItNI±C'StL'. 1a ti i +ia ht�yila 44 i vo,