Wingham Times, 1890-05-16, Page 1epartment rotors and sty106, and at all AND COLORED), MARVEIL XOB. s in our Dress Goods. INTS the season. )TH1NC. in all the newest styles ma and attractive stock beer* Gloves and Collars. Lt 131ATAIN DEPT. Brussels ; all -wool Tapestry ; iisit our store„ examine stock, loge to Tow goods. EEK :r.•A., •.ad sdq•iis e . E VTE e • AHA1VL d • Gracerl Stare, 1arl. est sists of es, Baisens, Currants, Pruti S, S--"rnit, Peas, Corn,' Salmon, ish, Butter, Eggs and Liverpool ttnenb df LAS GLASSW AB arcate, Linn In e tChanae. As we t the cheapest rates. By on will oblige RAHA it Winn Ont/ VOL. XIX --N O. "20 WIN GUAM, ONT., FRIDAY, *MAY 16, 1890 RE A.SO N A BM G()ODS Opene11 out til -fila r at idle Dear, . Iaek and Colored Kid Gloves, 'Black and Culrred Silk Gloves, Black and Colored Li';le Ghives, Black a.nri ihired Lace • itts, Clashmorn and Cotton Hose, Lure Curtains and Cu('tain Screens, Dlrlslins, Embralitlerti4k', Parasols. `lies of new gfiods it1 every 'cornier of the store, `Gouge and see theft,. ROBT.OltR, Direct importer'. Tui. BEAR, May.16, 1860. LOdAL NEWS. Mimi Gly Na Lawn Mowers a bei if;uharpene ,an their hum will be ear on the lawns Ina few days. -Apples the p4Qk, bushel or bar at I Hill'il O if—Mr fi touhil day, succeeded trout twelve Mame Ong. Saturday night -Dress shirts, 95c; Tries 8, 10, 12:1c ; Meu'e and Boy's soft hate, 500; Underwear, 50o; Socks, 12}o; Snits at ell prices, ate M H Molndoo's. npor'ter says the at town will play e on the 24tH whil'e i Cato el fishing on Mon• iug a speckled t was a beauty. -The Rin junior base ball the Wil4•g'bam j iiir Jae MoIKelvie, of the Star restatit- 'irnt. has received a large coiisigument 'b'f lir .works. Cell and see them. -Messrs H $ rr an J Duffield & Se built a fine refri crate for 111'/ F Rerman'b butcher shop, i'it. t wee . -A 'nice tine of baby carriages just received at S. Gracey's furuitnre store, Wingham. -The Ret' J tin Sc • tt, It A, conducted the eerviees i' the Methodist church; ,Blyth, morri'in acid veuing, on Sunday .1 'last. -Top Phaeton buggy for tole. App'l`y !tO deo Thomson, 'Zetland iliii`ls. Box 125, Wingham. • rdrne tub of t iiors h May. -New Maple sugar in abundance and chet`ipest "i>1town, at Jae Mel;;eliiie s.. -Consider le tim is now spent by some citizens bine iii e rivers adjacent to tete town, an some fin strings of fish have been secure.. -Just arrived -10 oases of oranges and lemons, also bananas, pine apples and all other fruits at the Star Restaurant. McCool while working at in the uion factory, on l e rnisfo tune to get the ie left ha d taken off by /-Mr Johif one ot'the sav Tuesda, had middle finger of the saw: -(scute` elothes cleaned, dyed, rt<~paired and pressed also ladies' coats and dresses dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop o,,}} Victoria St., next door to .&bra- haSn's shoe shop. R. MITd'niss. Muria) r the rain pies; we'll la d the fin . •up to the skis '*Ise'lo that comes in t " springl julge of a might lice tbi -E F Gereter 'has decided to remain in town until Wingham becomes a city. -A ndeefiyig Of Huron ' reeb+.f`tery was Rev it Hen. I frOM Ba.y- ind'uotion (hi Tues.- , our townsman, has residemie'and grounds j he will have one ofd b e homes in town, ,d r -Mr 5 B Web 'been remode ing hi "and when co plete the iiiostr'oo forts -it Hill's is . he only ' 'where you can bu the pure rty w o bo'rrowei4.a wheel. r Robt Orr's residence The Bear' wishes to .a can`t kit alohg without -Vi(ill tide p L 'barrow frditl please return i Make garden; wheeibarr4 -On and after J Homuth & Son and shoes at cost f • 'immense stock au'd, get ante of the bar- tgau s. 1 lace in tO''ii' triple sugar. e 5th instant, Messrs J ill sell all kinds of boots Dash, 'Call and see the -A. meeting bf M `tland held in the Wiugba Pres 'on Tuesday last. here 'tend'abce of minis/ es and 'minutes will be iiubl lied n reebytery was terian church, vee a full at - eiders. The xt weep. Messes J J Idomutb•& Son have a large 'stock of tweeds Wad all kinds of ;cloth, and are giving decided bargains in itytish snits. Drop in and leave your order for aaid t, No trouble ht W, gb0de and quote islriene. fin t8'orstiir, ettii'4led the NAL, INO bite. '.TOTAL. !30----3;5. X37,270 50---84,710 ' 3 -122,880---10, 70--, '4b —133,950 ., '4-132,650---- 9,50----2,'10 = 144;900 8,00 500,630 de --The tewn atisnb or, Mr J has completed hie rk aad rodl'to the'towii ager . It she e . Suss. Plots Ward 1-- 98,540---35, 2-- 81,700--•7,• 2, rb,its sauce t."nd its wine plant Clear a not theydepleat an awf>ii poor' 486,030 58,8 Tf ;lou hiive lievei }testi a1ahalititie for awhrteivashrng and kalsotnining,,fiist`lievp a dhat'ivith edme 'of your neigh6(jra who ihtLve,'before jail, 'begin pelisse 'cleaning. Hold.. only by O'itb A, Cliuet&'Cb. ' -The St Pau church `tet`teiutii'dnt 'fir 'aid of Sd11ool, tviltl 'tri place i tiriaik ttifs (Ii trines) evening. 'ton has lied a er of pup 'for this entertainm bt, and t ing are assured of a rich &dmission 25 dents, hildren111 /matte.. -G T It trahhs, for Termite arid east leave Wingbam ilt"6.80 a.m. and il.Ui a.m. via W G & B Ijiiisiktn, and at•:6`..411 a.m. and 3.40 p. m.Via Clinton add Guelph. Good connectio,h{i by alt trains. r, s d an -^ nea ly e a! 11 =`Viugl a three 'Italian m 14T'r d `T Gate' for this Ridiug,t., others, will add>seas the Town Hail, Oki All' re -invited -Tow the paper hanger or then hustling and menta will need tl(q sent, lel b vis sleigh *, held at Myth derson kiaving to field and. Bothtin was arranged for, ti Tuesday. cepted theca churches, hit o take place '$ay, the 27b`b Inst. -Drees end mantle making. ,dohe 'Promptly and to order by ti)e Misses Baxter at their hemo.on Vioteria Street, opposite the old Post Office. • finding. at,ITr &1l T3'Iack. Yd for Black fortheoi The. lbs silver. '11s'h'y'rpot" 'on. ( the, Sabbath the skating Miss Hough. Is ill training ode attend.' usidal treat, lou 1vh nag, at It Hill's, ted thin week by ie Belem candidate en A M Roaa, and meeting to be held in eday evening nowt, decorator, painter, tewasher is just more he keeps all engage• e almost omuipre: --E F Gender is the oldest and hat proved himself the mast reliable je*'eiei: is town. . argot eiiter'tain li'ent etiand, this ,(1• ri- 10 o'clock,. under U. Admii efon -Reasonable the at Mr Geo Tho son's, day) eveuing, fro 7 till the auspices of the "W C -Notwith offered 550 rawt 'purse lost bq 11 the purge is not taeem that It is los ;146 in bills and so 10 cents. Beautiful organ given away by the Charm 13aking Powder Co, Valued at over 3100, to advertise the powder and orgau. The Baking Powder is good value, and the chance of getting the organ. Call and gee instrument. Sold by hu' H MoIndoo. =0`n Tu cb lea, when the 11.10 &rand Trun now, bringing 3 were eleven bar here. Very sad moving as nowt If marriag 's a feilur: \why de Widd*e now a then Wheu through with one di'. aster ter gat'about to fall ag ` 7 And widowers wh se mart full of bleak 'stress Wed just as oftel# as ey can, success, _E 1' Grater dan fill a presAt • tion or other special, :orders within' twentj'•four hours. -A goodly n fibber of t' ie Members 'of asters, of this diinday last, he members• sheet. 't. on t1i6 roll the Canadian 'let of Fe ;tows, drove over to Blyth, o t0 attend divine evice with of the Blyth Cou at that was a large turnoff , there bei of 120 Foresters iii he proeet , °hutch, The seryl' s Were h Methodistcluiroh, tit: p, m., and ducted by Rev Itobt ndersom houree *fel di! ate autl {eppl return . of "tire time tittle 'ago g. It would e contained -•-•1fouett, goods M honeat'_lirioeis,'for hontlet people to buy, at W 'lt Wall'itee'a ;ewelry Store, next door to Post Office. urt. Maitlandl No. esters, held On Gordon, ,.,it•"'as O the 1 hold its seedlid :,t the' 25, Canadian Friday evening fleeted as Rep Court of the Ordei\ annual meeting tit Week in June neat. eeting of C. r'der of F est, Mr D esentative which {ugston, t day, morns train cam 0 oar lea ads in tb' to is there -Our stock of dente Furnishings, Stich as ahirtR, collars, titiffs, ties, all kind') ,o1 underwear, &e, is vel", large and can't be beat for quality or price., •i J HoaruTa & f4(10. - •Mr W ] the Trrsis o -1888, lias• late gebeeca E Maur` Gtodper, of e duiaing been ina. pey, of Ta in from Luck- iof cattle, there station yard o meal stock 1ik' s were f, '/isn't a -w 12 ie editil, Opposition, a other ing in the Rolle Rink evening next. Mr F G arling is t • is into his fine eidetics, o. Patrick sea Fr cis street deuce and ground are as Inc iu Winglium. Mr to the residence ou t and Shuter streets, fo -The fire's iitimber the Dominion 1 Stockman', a nuttily at TdZ:, t is a well gotten up eet egad contains great deal of internist on for farmers d stock breeders, T e price is $1 per An ni: Ai;ricu publicatf ronto, has of uriabi and, Canaclr n to 13e. issued eel *eoeived. ader of the Ontario will address a sushi. ere, ou wednesdtli0 week moving the corner of The reel - as there are :moves 10- f Patti'ek pied by IGiord st „tome erly :on -The Toronto,Qlo Royal Canadi the exhibition j Mr G A Reid, of painting, entitled • stead," and the another piotufe from Reid is a soh of Mr near Wingha'm, a Reid, prii5 i al Scheel. ntreal oorresponde says the diploy Academy wa e't closed 1 oronto, ortg o was engaged In' e summer of ried to Mies Will. is a man, and bind Mrs, reliable and hond life Wingham°friendA1 Cooper happiness and able yenta wish hit ro'spei`ity. 'Pref. Loisetto'a memory sisterit treater irytersst than ever in,aIl,parts , the country, an4 paesous wishing, taq,,rieevegx their memory should send,tor his proejiecCit tree hs advertised in elwther Column. end ay; the lire becamn e Being drive station, and tephensoii's the street -On factory dra, t(otiiething w Trunk ltailwa opposite Mr J I shop he ran acres Union furniture frightened at to the Grand lheti dearly i1a6kamitli A dunft ed the load of furn'ture into t ditch. Considerable of the lohad td l{eturn- ed to the factory for re afire, • -Bitter oranges, for mitred/dada, id be sold cheap at R Hill's. • 'eeting of those intdi ailed in get - was beld at ekmning lard. ere appointed reek Patereon' tilitthe of manage. with id fuel:fibers ting, tip a The Mat, EttoWn, pr and it McAlpine, (flub sta vith pr &Wei to ice teem Was adjourned til ttoit club in tow tel, on Mona afters in aea. There g upwards 'on to the ere doh game! bn the 2 he chs- prizert Will be ep this („Ftt -On Thur "son was broug charged wi.h Pollard, wbo Several witness prisoner was so to stand his trial. appears that the h day night last au brother in-law, u there it /Vas take it was traded to from the farms man in Guel Harry Day, o prisoner, and dence of his and brought with the res -if your wateki or o1o4iii At df repair take it to E Geiger and'ge6 it repaired, lie will giyo sack t!ad satisfd'u'tton. .-Thq Harriston gib e gives the ib of that towh' ters habe .'recei manager, it Mr H 1 england:' The i1 now they ' ale the Listowel 'We 'would dal •e, the boys to cricket, c The : trio strnetor and from 'liuuld is a dandy, an after.the scalps . Llgiu,oricketers. right here, and adv Try Arthur and Gra go for Wingham and i for the big chaps and do strong. • -Just arriv at R Hill's. -The Concert Cor mont in the ham, ou Saturn The Berlin. Tele "The Cosgrove pounced as.th certainly proved given by them They are musical, and to be able to land appreciate them numberless instrut necessary to bear t this advice: led their in - 1, just out ye say he tinkering nd Port a halt o easy. d Valley first thou successful th n go' n themided • nd' 0 t of the a of the award'ed at Montreal, to far, his large ging the' Home - dem pureil'aaed e sante artist. Mr 'd, of Turnberry, er to Mr T A T; •awater Pkblio bre the day, a ma t before tattling aside 8WO 250 lbs DRAB our rnuch demurs the his name. u my opinion, he is the only composer of verse in Wingham who is appellation. With what de poetic sentiment/ Let n Eoliau harp, '"Then every striu- a,ccordingly glee le.islendegkinto bar vary,'" • Hiseudeaver to co others a nems of rnor milting of iiia vast a the gleauittgs of many y rhyme, le surely worthy o named Jaa Wil - Mayor McIndoo, horse from Mr Jas near Dungannon, e examined, and the 1 'ad to Goderich jail rum the evidence, it se *as stolen on Satur- ken to the prisoner's elmore, and from ar Guelph, where , the one receiVed d'ed to a livery- ollard and Mr followed the at the resi- ear Milton, was tried, r to n fame being tr Mr this town aptured him ether iu-law, im here, where h It above stated. mars -I ism heartily sorry that esteemed friend Mr Lithgow, title 'Poet' to be attached to 2,1t$ 1214 Celeb atioX;. The indication are at tiro Queen's Birthday celebr tion i' Winghoin, this year, Will be large y Atte, ded by both cans- petitors and speer tors. he sports wilt take plane on Rec ation ' ark, on Satur- day, the 24th inst. omits n ing at 1 o'clook p m. The followii g pro+ramrne will he bied ; lose errHeelqui it ace..00 yar• • in all, laying 100 feet of : ae, drop nozzle and call tine =.. 0150 330 $'tQ Exhibition of Waterwor s.. Fireman's Fight ...Special Prize Calithumpian Proce sion. (Prizes for beat Conipa: ies) 12 d Pony Race (Broaches •uly) entrance Ree, 25 cents,.... 3 '2 Dog Rape (to be driven boy in cart) 2 1 Foot Race, 100 yards Foot Race, 200 yards... Obstacle Race, 75 yard Relief Race, 75 yards cm Men's Race, 100 y. da Boot Race, boys under 12 Running Hop,Step and ump Climbing Grettay Pole prize given by D, Sutlierl id, 'a copper kettle........ • olds, rot no worthy of th delicacy he ble him but breathe re ni4P1ss Sugars any will give eit eller Skating itiri ay evening, this raph says of the orepantd, amity, of St hi eye, itiV great attraoti n, was heartily /leered. e :Awes Without doubt, thoroughly tin ratand r great abilitie if the tem. Miss Cos.; Family , Wing - 4th inet. grove is a good voca tat, and her oh 'Ration is therniing, heartily encored, an -The Old `Reliable Star` iiestaiirant takee the lead in all 'Rhea. Jae Ade. elvie. -.411$ CANADIAN QUEEN hi rtb'w having its Ammar. eters Disrainneton of Choler, Im• perted Flower Seeds, a large package con. taining an immense nilitilSer of rarest tarietiee, togethef with' Queen on var. roe fusee sionsus mil be sent Fame td each of our reader, foitlataing "ber ad DZinGNON4 Five trial salbsiriptions and five packages by mail dr eStress; 'Ores( of S; ont,1 $1.00, Tiiik.f4tfinin is one a the thin 'Continent, it le ribteted to Failhion• Aft; Literature,Th4eiti, the Toilet, House; hold matters, and adutaide the Lateet she o ere voy to the Inflicts of 1 worth, tile' trams - taut of kudWiedge, rs in prbee and praise; What are marble slabe? What ere epitaphs ? What are monuments, wi their well worded iuscriptions? What nelit; what etiinulating and impelling red do we dtriVe from these? TheY atietrl tit mock - praise. oces, beliquet add tie pins. Wrestling Metall, side best 8 in 5 ; d to ant rlk`e will be itibar TU of War}', ten met 'Chosen Train BOB West sides,of ,To street, Wingiam'; tie al, Valued at , Two brace ba .The railway no on the 24th, at trip, from 'shy Pot ds Wi pan Iiir Ita,Si'd till, who spent the winter With his Mot er, *Ingham, left on Mon- day to resum his ocoupation in 13ritish; Columbia -M. Thee Cassels. son of Mr. Mark Cassels, 'East Wavvanosh, left for Portage laPrei it), Manitoba, on Monday.. Mrs DOcids, and have beep tisiti for sorhe time, re Tuesday iribruin ,Iseen visiting in B *as in Berlin an amily, of Moutants; who relatives in Wiegliam %trued. to their horde on -Miss ..McDotiogh hes T:erento, this week.. , 'Of DraOdyi, has been tit id tdWii..Goderich ertielir d lift week t6 daughter, Mrs jig per, who Ines been in Store for solts years Thursday whete he Seraph Blackwell, Oa Ernest, left for the N leg her parenta, in God Mr and Mrs Jae Melte visiting friends,in Nor ..Mr Joe A Yodhill left day to try hie fortune i Will be greed:It missed i4 Mr Wrh Inborn, prop works hi Ayr; west in t John Her - Mr M H.. Ntelnclod'it left for Tbrontb,. on petits to seoure em- ghter. his son th West on Tues's turned from vieit- ell, hii Friday legt WiftniPeg. *Joe) eyae generally,. -eta of. a pldw riitiVed tosto e. Mr Hogg is AndseyS Foerell; of Listoi I, Wee in town on Wedeessr14, on built C a side. phine silver 0 1 50 50 1 10 be in attendance'. will issue tioltete '6 for the round, good to addition to Will leave B 11 S hoot stoned. The regular mot tidy meeting of the Publics Schpol boar was held, on Tuesday everting, May 13t 1. Present - Messrs Thos Bell (chairman , Inglis, Moore, Abra: barn and Pettypibee. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adepted. Accounts were read a follows: D Suther- land, work and terial, 66.12 1 Ed W*4016478, cetste. Moved by &beim ancotinta be aid -tarried. • The Princitiers report skin .a attendauee for' April as fellotvg : INGOT. BOYS. mime. 1 16 26 2 28 24 3 01 25 4 81 23 5 34 33 6 48 no I 63 66 town shaltitg4 bards with his many fr V V ittierit Friday and &aurae. itianager of Obas Rodgers, ore, toe Mrif Hill Iasi ,,fts To- ot Toronto, 249 226 The report as a who Motion. Chairman arettechi 41 36 50 35 56 44 54 45 67 53 78 63 129 94 475 370 ell reported having reading the Bible t' e opoeifig Of Tiy 666 Pettypie" a, iieicindid by Ir 1111:kliii, that the Cliai man of the Board be inform her that from t e fact that she ie. not Willing to coeform with the ruler) of the scheol law; he is liged to ask her id -- vacate her recitiat3y te daring her resigna- tion -Carried, kr fug dissenting. Tbe belard tiled adjourned. Dein Tines, -Th dedeenial Senstle• hi 8fifi of the milestones leug the highway *heft I tiallutered into to church yard 3 eoutiguous• grave were 'bedecked *it's the* A.`denioue,Wind o etsone flower '; Ars. Proticifoot, satisfied my leforming ti t two of one kex And ohe el the other w re buried there. The RoVtiat *at not t6 be een then anis. I entered on the peincip Iship of tile garish infibol for the tint being. The right dtiposite is St teens de, where tee' ; side's the genial author of " its from Blink- bbuity," and other therms ng novelettess some of wifielf have been and are etilf Much appreciated by in others of the' West thou meant as 'Ale toy; In lfande of truant .y, ts cif a good ed. in triWn lathy pert ,,ne 5 visiting Ili,' Iti'ehose offered to t le tomb, Unheard of If °eh ? ) 4hhing poited Designe for Vevey Work. and Hothe .3' AWN. of T 13611's feri iture factory ' given ftif 'both 'gift and, lerat, 6f beautifol &mere esti afford te ghee ilitt'llre nee gobil 81,888111111 18 141' Its Addresd TEM' 0Agitilk14 tIthtEly, , Brennan, Ch8sley; ivaii f f.irmn tio‘ Olovesi to clear, 25 told 8ne • fiotie, 8, lot