HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-09, Page 6e t
ulincs>sa I F paBitSON, �G1 l 1� 1t �1 i i1i1 �4 "
people who e0rnpo;ae the ,tnui7ielp)Lli 1 IlA)41eR n1Y $rant'rt plvltiloll comet, twee or tIAa Vii? tJ
Ei Vol t t; es, The X10, i22,g60 rrprose2ats, (t The advent of epri►R hliLaasalioldEtalta RrAl1W Licnxsk�. 1
health officers in the Way of cleaning
bangs C 1
4 �T } di o,rrt:spending amount of relief from duty an the park of the o�x
!direct taxation fur the education of
, the children of the couutry. Scores
FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1b'J0, I pearl so(ires of theta who are note atInat'a
4� ' estate and taking part in making
greater the greatest province of the
I OWLGtZ. I euttfederatieu have received the belie -
Tile Conned Mot at Furdwieli, fit thereof. The $0,712,4.01 expended
April letti, 1890,, pursuant to ad- 1up,n the maintenance of Pilblic
teireateu,t hleutbers all present; I lustitutions repeesent a correspond
The 1t eve in the a;ha}r. NMt:tutes of I Lep ttineant of direct taxation, for the
1:Lat meeting re:1.11 and approved rue cart of the iusaue, the deaf and
Path ( the blind, who meet have
f;rllowiil chau;oa were made in Eater , dumb, t taxed the
rn:asters,etn l rood divisions�l viz ; R 1) i sufferer: uueltred for or have a
Alena11;;111111 i11dt0,Ld of 11, E irrigey, euer�,ies and absorbed the money of
=111- t ll itiei tLlities. )Lou both a
s as f
Rb instead �J�
0111, Julia W ithee instead of Chris -
time 13inkley, Alex Bennett instead
of Thos lug is, C irietian Gedkie in.
stead of E'o 11.1lig,an, A D )ig, instead
of;1. R)(,art•1,u. Phillip 13 ,Iter instead
of T I aihardsou, and E P Aylos-
word: to do two dugs work ou side•
line. time a1,reteet to do all bis work
on side Me, J Setelersou to have part
of Ball's work. Moved by Mr
Itobertsoll, seeutid"d by Mr Dulwag
_that Mrs limier rea:eive $2 as t:llnrity,
and that the r -ere notify her that
this ie her met grant from the council.
--Clrrfe,l M)ye•f by 111.1 Daluaisge,
seootided by air Jacques, that a depu
Wien of the whe,le council iudpe'ct
sideline 10 end 11, cog 3. to reference
to drain regaes:ed by F ;lleulemeat,
and also examine hill on con I0 ala
11 lot 131 —Carried, M +ved by Mr
humane and Anew:lel point of view,
this expenditure should close the
mouth of flaw-A:toting critics who
wou:d,te gait) a plliut,rub those unfur-
tuuaeab of the care tied comfort they
enjoy u.ttler the iibe,rel policy of the
Oetarla1 Geverumeut. Other mililoui)
have boon spent upon rtti}ways, with
the result of opening up new country,
titling it with an industrious teLld
euterprieing class of settlers, whose
'wands result in the creation of a da•
mind fur the wares and products of
our merchants and manufacturers,
building up our towns and cities and
flaudino our furest with the ever
widening flow of the tide of civiliLa-
ti n, Aeriautture, which is the back --
b .no of (hie proviuee, has beet: aided
a.ld encouraged; the highways of the
settlers hay() been made straight
.DulinAge st'c:,uded by Mr Jacques, .and 1111 round the proviue:•, has bene -
that „i1:? be Otte: ,Jim Heinstock for titttid. Aud ail this immense sum
the keep a,f (Van 13 ibbard up to next represents a direct relief of the
municipalities, to a corresponding
amount. Oompare the expenditere in
que,tiou with the'rrsulss of the ex;.
pttuditare of a like sura in the Domin-
ion in the last two years. Where are
those results; What benefiits have
Canadians received in return for the
slat million dollars which in .the
pate two years they have p id into
the Dominion Treasury I Out of this
burn of 161,821,722, only a little over
six hniitione---about• ten per cent. --e
has been eperat in the cost of running
the luaelnnery of the govetulneut.
Who can consider these facts dis-
pessiunately and come to the
conclusion that the Mowat Govern-
ment is the enemy of the muni !ipali-
ties, or who can cunsider theta) facts
without -coming. to the conclusion of
Lhe organ of Mr. :Meredith, the Mail,
when it slys ; "The (Mower) Governe
mein e,tn make ont a' good case for
iteeif irl mcrard to its administration
of the ileanU eel'"
eouneil itteetiteg.—tarried. Moved
by Mr Jeer] -d, secun.led by Mr
Graham, than, the clerk notify al,
parties or, Knox s drun, n, to clean out
the same 00 or before the nth of
July, or the . uniieil will et the same
at their exp-nae.—Carried. Letter
read from the clerk of Minto in refer-
ence to h.:at:Aug wile fences on a and
11 boundary. Moved. by Mr Jacques,
seconded by Mr R,;bertsun, that e.0
act'on he taken.—Carried, Moved
by 11 Ir Dale:age, sea +tided by Mr
Graben), that no dog tax be refunded
in future, uniebs notice is givee to the
council, en nr bt.f'ertt the court of
revision.—Cirried Mbved by Mr
Graham, sec exteri by Mr Robertson,
that ill fug ere all bogs running on
the road wallow, rings to prevent
theta front aeoeuee, will be inhp )under:.
-.-Garri-d. M iv.•d by Mr Graham,
seeuutl 1)l by Mr Dalin.tge, that c c�l`1c
pr ;duo tr'easerer'o bonds f r ex-
amination at neht council weeti.g.—
°arrial. Asaouuta Passed — Jos
Cromwell $1.50, rent f -•r ruddy%ay ; A.
1) li trl.il'un, $2.50 for flew fur,
Mrs I„ui'1t; \\'k11 t:Nem:tier, 031 for
grey 1;.1110 D.,ala'eny, $) ,33 charity
for W.n S:taw; Mathew Dane, ~'3 for
repairtu two culverts in Gerrie.
Move;: by Mr Robertson, see:.ln,ieti by
1111 Jacquie, that the cuullcil do now
adjourn to meet in the towns; ip hzail,
Gerrie, on ttttdeeeday, the 28;a day
ti� sl J�:�tixi, T p Clerk, .
.- S PU11L1 i11L11—
WINOU lt, , .
up back yards anu otlrerwiee art t,
to sa proper sanitary eonditiou of the 7 , P, altArnaAN,
:household outside and in. During ,
our long winters itt every back yard 16Owxit or
Ovricte-"Bhp'" Bool;stOre,
itil'Lk;1, Owr.
Moue)to Loau o1' Sarni eoeuritx ot Low Batts of
inmost, No ovintnISsltii elltitittet,
there are large accuululetione o
orgauiu matter i1, the shape of vow,.
tubo refuse: and other garbage, W Inlet
the temperature remains low end the
weather is culd this lusts is harmless,
SLaON T, itiTC1I1G,
the sun els lei
d t S'ts 1I1 :,raLtaltot, i,aid t4 uftalvn 1,l pregrriete
but when the ttt)'b of L 0 g r L Sur4eyer, Jlsil E,lgtueur and Oraughtuiae
stronger art t... .. weather
t i. 1. ,
n , tete auudtr, • late settliu ; uisyuacu 11111111 artea,
these heaps ualuuYenob t( ferment
021(1 pr parinrtcoi111utti plausut ao'tus tutu viLag41s, as
ell which produce tnUti 4 and uet,uluteN u 11110 a rtt g1' ,.:1411‘
the healtlUk peol)tH. Tee 111+)0t dead and utru ttfu ortntnnvnta,11sutttt b tam uthCr, l:u•t-
# 1 f1' enta G 0. 1. at•aLi„j;
y bl L t t ees 0111 not plateund 111101 O
alto together from ill p t #aetlou
A good mattn, or
vegetable matter, 1 nl u Solving :uau,,l1u, A good sit.wltuu Lu Eire tio„L luau.
• Auriy to
offensive to
J.11. WILL:0X,
Mole dao erotts than t atraatutu, Ont.
Carrion and 111 half decayed ....__..__..-...__._._..-__.�.—.. _-.-.•�------••
f at the 1V1o± y to Loan. ou 1 ote 1t).
petrify and nnX1UUS gPttilei: are
geuerat por htogiatry �9ct, ut,u dtslrlj,wuLs 1,t prupu:tleN
t lire rets to in for lesettiuu ni dueusa ere: aucalul1'r rit tits nuau41
B l
• s 11,11, i'ru•
1. malaria arise,: troll the tin : ueuriug (Yorks. tlut'rtepulaleu'e � `
to a 50 s. a) ter of NSOr6. Ok'1'at.h.-AL J. A.
tion of vegetable bfowrox's late oaacu, ttlu; ut.n,, _1111,
g e i. re ' i _
of animal matter, That is, the WANTED,
fermentation inisiug front a :leap of 10 0111 WV tje,.ui„e \cat York ...in,
r ' e a though 1 hot, s
the sense of smell, is
g from. the worst
. � hence bore to
vegetables in a cellar aid a few rotteu
boards and a heap o garbage
back door and in the Lank yard is a
silent dieeltse generator, iurbed right
around pt'op.e's homes aid fed and
developed each yeer through a fault
tlie C -tilznuuest practice of sanitary
law's. The spring is a most irepor-
taut time for the health of every
fatu}ly. To deve:op- the conditions
of a malarial atutu:pllere uroultcl the
11ous9 wo need only the moisture
which is brought by spring rains and
the temperature which , is sure to
coma as the sun gets more powerful
and a few good sized 11: aps of back
yard rubbage for these factors to
work on, and there is a first class
ei,elnieal laboratory that wi.1 turas out
as much poison as is coiteined in a
drug stoke.. Every door, yard and
privy should be carefully atteu..ed to,
ail the rubbish burned or carried
away, every • cellar should be,
emptied of any decaying vegetables
and ihoruughly dihinlscted with ebior.
idea of lime, c•.pperas or carbolic acid.
Not only should individuals them-
selves attend to the :natter, but the
health ofileers should sole that the sani-
tary provisions of the statutes are
fully carried out. According to pre-
dictions,. We aro threatened with an
• invabion of cholera the coming ssutn-
Ener, and -we should protect ourselves
by the •best sanitary conditions
possible, ailed this is only to be acquir-
ed hy thorough cleanliness. It is very
doubtful it- Asiatic ei nlera carries oil:
1,11 u t ' thoid
vee. rinar eeeeteeo d. •
ldod' rate•aixd readuiable opponents
of the ltluwat goverjltnt'llt au theca
the justice of saying filet upon the
financial recon: the Mowat govern-
ment is unasa.Li:able. Bat sown earl).
ing critics en teavour to pini: flaws,
1lot 121 their fr , iieial administration
but assert chat t;tiy ars depriving the
mai, c palities of funds that should be
E) j1,, ed. by the : uuilicipelities and are
bringing the pro,iiee to the vt•r;;e 'of
direct taxation. A lithe attention to
thet;ui.,Te.2n will s_toWnoW unfounded
i3 the !hot iiferenee, that the il�wat
government's iilxa.lcillg lb detrimental,
to the Iuuii:Ape ittcS. V itein Lhe:
LSVk t. Ly-t4vu acid a half S'e.<rs 51000 natives. We ere new beginning to
the eonfed.'ration of the proviecee,, of
wlileit terra about nineteen yl -Lir: have
lion Uglier L berdl r'u,e attd ::t'al'ly
eighteen tinder tneeptetniet•biril) of
Ilea. 0. ,Meru-, the total Provincial
cep:e mitule 1100 bt-e)t
This ire alt ttegrt' crate large erica, but
�4' •u z- 1111
rarer ail, it .:u1y lupe b1, 2 ,y
tweet). thtee ytar:e, the amount tauten
nut of the tas,,,ti re by the 13ominionl.
A Caavixteing Point..
' A men once called upon a Bos'•on
portrait painter and asked hien to
paint his fedi r
But where is your father ! asked he
of the brush.
Oh, he died ten years ago..
Tion haw tan 1 paint hire? asked
,the artist.
Wily, was the reply, I have just
seen your portrait of Moses. c'urt'ly,
if you eau piint the portrait. of a dial:
who died thousands of years ago you
can more easily paint the portrait of
my father, who has aluly been dead
ten years.
Seeing the sort of marl with whoa)
be.had to deal he nudertuok the work.
When the pictnre was finished the
newly blossomed art patron was called
in to see- it He.gaz.'d at it in silence
fur some time, his eyes filling with
tears, and then :softly and reverently
said ;
So that is my father.? Al, how he
has changed 1
The ,common idea of a missionary
used to he a elan smiling tinder a
tree, B.ble ill lltalud, exhorting the
see missionary work specialized like
other protessious. Th US we find in
in India not only t`,e evangelist, but
also the li•er try tnilsiunlary, Who. at-
tends to little except translations of
reli:lious and edueational hooks ; the
a:iucator, who superintends the schools
a 1'e _ t 1 1' ti't'1aaChel'€e
and pret).a1t,:, converts' t) )e ;;
or tealcliere ; the medical tuist'i)nary,
whose work le a very useful feature
morevictims in a year. 31
fever,' diptheria anti other kindred
diseases, which are eausel't by .sewer
rias, the efenvia arising` fr ;:it filthy
bark ,yards and i n,llealthy 50rrounel-
ote6 Dtis ;3W1t .d
Money advauecd on Mortgages at 0 per cent. with
rivilu;;e of paying at tut: cud of arty ye:.r• Nut.:..
nd ta:couuts colleu110,
ILO T. 11711ND0C,.
oyrwx,-Beaver 7110elt, tY in;;haro. out.
V7Z Gi -A-
Capital, .$011,000,000. Rebt, 1'400,000,'
President --3011 STUART.
Vice•Presiduut-A. G, lamSAY.
W'oun, A. it' Las (Toronto).
Cashier -J. T(YRNBUL:.-
Savings T3ivak hours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to
1. •Duposits o(1)1 andwpwatds received and interest
Speioal D0posito atoo reeeived at eutrent
nates Of interest
Drakes on Groat Britain and the United St to
bought mud sold
B. WILLSON, &ma.
1arieecnanaeaus• etre 10.
Bed rock—l.'be cradle.
The pastor's flower --Phlox.
The dead of night—Ghosts.
There are millions in it; —Poverty,
An innocent remark—not guilty.
A. book that is likely to make some
Stir—The cook book.
•Luck is 11, t ooti thing to 'have,' but
it is a poor thing to remit for.
How aro you corning on, inquired it
man of his wet boot.
It is the fishermen who feels oblig-
ed to draw the lige somewhere. , .
'Tailors say that 'the fat ulran is
generally pretty slow About paying up
Pardon inee a.tl the polite buJglar
said to the governor of the state.
The base-b,tllist who playedright
field last season need not kiel. if he
now gets left.
Groote --Shrill I rut) his lees 1'•..f%
sir? 3 que.stritn—1 o. you ltd better
leave them o11.
if votunit can't keel) reerets it iS to
be pre( Meed they would make ex..
celleltt tenets in banks,
l Don't fret nllraur whet your reptitlt-
:fy')VUI'ixttt(.11,. is lt•1,:i than tt tenth 1,i. Of It113.1 11 011C('rl)rIne', tied other buts tion will be after depth. Toital.at'n)ts.
the tiit.1' -""%v° Y'''',':”" Atid t1,110 18 Of Wor;cer.4 whose talents a1111 training are 11tielity charitable. have. the eau) ,141,t is (:!telly nt alt» tt f-••-- I.avu fitted them for some fipeciril de -
that is, the. ).'illc.lal items of it.'P:.1V1.1. , 'A. 1iiehl kl)i1te Ian' is the title
l i p trtmeut Of tlrtl service, It is otic of of'a new note] 'i'l,c) hero 1)1:)1)1111')
' 1, . 4•thetr Keefe of the vi- t,tti exit .uala;.uJ mt)l;t cr,nvilrt;)n}art o s
r' s,t down ul)t,tz (.1re11E 1)in,
,°,,l�i,t«'�,%:eJ t;111tV of. Christian lllirdio:tll that the '
:BE 0 .'T Mt "Tr
—AT 'tRs—
i IMC�rSpgO�!rFFIJCE., J0:5fIP•th}•►f�Nk. STF.4E,'t
WINCE -AM, ` Y+,M Sldli4l ,
.mbscr&,pti0uprice, q$l'i3t1r yea. illae"tr;tr.Ao
cyan 1 1. yr. I Oreo ! S 1110 I1 mu.
Co' 1hili She 01, s.n. 00 1)511 eV
Half 3t, 1111 "(, 1,u i1 1111 O:N.
WulLrtor '" 40 LU 14 t
Lot'r.t and at tor 1140,1a ,41101, ,. Ib,L,lta, rt'. per 1,110
101 rifer tusurtion, anti ;h.. jr1 . 111.0 tu1Ka1u sutotesto 1,t
il1b o,u1ll.
LO^al noticet,, 1,, 1101117 01 1)111', 2011• tot drat En•
serttun, aut1 t,, per line tar 11111 Nuuttqu':ut,neurtktt.
Ne local110th e u 111 I,.. t uatgtu 1111, than :at
Advertiecl1 >nts (t Lo.•,t,1: wood, stray 1,d, t;ltuttious,.
and Burliness Chance* 1, anti!, out uateetanp a 111,1.. .
nunpltruit, 51 j yr 111 (I.th
exceeding ti
111,OY18 011{1 E ulna t 11' Fula 111)11 070 GG 1 � .
�1 enufur i111l111lwin bcattktt)Eo,tl1Grtti tuoilLh
Sjtetiat nut,ls for luu1ur to'cttheeeete or ter
i0llnur (tele N.
3d4 t itfaut•er.ts wltj.out specific ttkrt•. ih 1114, 0,11110
iusclttd tits 1•r i,id owl cla,,lg(tt 1,t ouna 11 c.' Tru,l•
situry :oh urti lotwale oma 1 e pt.a. i11 at rtoot•
Chiti,gt0 to! cul.tiovt nth tatiItntt,lio 1111:01 be in
the u 110 + y lyuturtet.uy ncua, ht Uhler tit 04!),044
teat tveoic
11. 01,111111
t')au10I11 Wt AND 2't:DL)snitr
1'1 7 110' 1 h 1.9
Olio Inch 0 Ju 0 110 • i ob „110
O F1Ci:--f;/PPC E T c THE. ilr1M1K T.
Wroaliut 000onta 1'111. 18111)
corgl OTT
�sSt' dill :
street Weil {i?.1t, Ott,
J. A. I1Atamro,J. W. Scow,
Meant Sorest. I Llrtolval.
.1 cit wia.t
lila,,. t.a.a:..;c of !')Il.:ie Itmtitu• worts is expanding acid rainifyiag in The only tliltt, 1: tet really into -este
' tit�2t r5'820.0'tad 50 many directions tlhtat otle (:tall nU , hirt;al matt,114 Antntt11i11er
.tttou of Jet: lint?G,f id fll< at i fi.,a'1, La' o ilia:: n.;lis in 11.11 t,l tr an, ant aro is tL lac
R 1T,n5ri,lou longer b:, t"st cerci: i, 7 1111 airvthttlrt i
P.IU}fulfuilii.)g• . Cr'31A1,s33 is 1 t.,,at he is not p,trcl l,i attending to. ti,;t.tudnr:atu(11nul1G1r1111:tr,ds ons:tort rode
Af'i to loaaoltitti'.+..•••••'•••••• 5,11=,til4i but 1'arin'1' til prepare h1iniclf :An. 801111, L rile Mate t�V!)r,n -.Whet iii n,t:'il•
t t" V0i2) '1401' ...... ; ,sr),,ei;1 epecial :hie of,.lutiee, �, 1 •
I:1 •. ,. u P - d' - :it
1)11. 1t1AE11.)u:: ALL,
3Ct01'Ih21:ii 8x1:LET,
Wiz ottAaa, Oa axto•
I1� t. F. E. COT/FREY,
1'Ust•c1as1 honor 10011 and ycncral proficiency medal-
ist tutelar. t'1m 1 fl. :,.:mann totloae YkeysiciauP
RIM 6ate1101.0 111 01111110.
I11,Lmtays, 0NT.
Office-At,.itthuabt 11,>aonLgu.
T B. Tb"VLO1t,.100,C.10,
MGwbur College 1'41,iuions laud Surgeons, Ontario.
.-eoronor for :.otter,§' u411n1'ou-
oiiIce at "Tni Ptlrit).AC5 ” 14iligham, Ont.
3114LhItrndu 111, 111)1101 G1't:dtof Tow,,to r,1ivetaitl, surd
Member of the''.uilt;,e yr .Ca,, so ,..u.. aelttt 01310/008 01
Office and lte,ideaee-Curn.,t' of .Centre. ant, Patrick.
strt:uts, forutorty oca:..pictt 0y. 01. 001,10.1.
wlaonau ONT.
BAitaesmit, some:eOlt, Tao., Etc,
Private anti Con3,any funds to 101411 at lot est rates,.
bite. est. No commission cola wtti. Mortgages, too 11
and &ttin pruptrtl Lot.c„t 111111 Nile.
OFFICE-ftuactr cluck, Wiauu a 11, 110x.
:Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to ex/leers and
On long nr short time, on endorsed notes
1),r collateral security. bale notes bought
at to fair vtdu,ttion. Money remitted to all
parts of Cantina at reasonable charges/.,
Special ,.4ttertio)1 Given to Col-
lecting Accounts and Notes.
Amato In Ca,nzute,•-Ta11C i7cr4?t•..'o, Ttaarr
of Cn000t11 e.
Office hears -•Flue: 9 a. 111, to G p, tn.
A. Ye r rel
^� i t(vT y I'�"s' ON
ty is y P
J ,
4 3
_ 4W
� l�W
WIWGHJ /l, m�,NT.
1 e t
I ;
4,-'.tt',,1., .. •r r. ,,,. . 11 :3,44,r612
i; 1'14 t1'rJ ,111' i' r `�o 11 1lior§:1^--- , "'t r %Ig , tiGf W
•..?tr.•..0, t ata.'4••• To ach'•r -• Johnnie, w1,, re 10 v to 'it,.y. tlt.'y is to bv't i Lire hut's,,:; Wi;4)la v `i rj t 4fiU.°+L yl( a r p
.11.K .,,•.•.•..• 2,1ti,e)U1 0,wtli KI .111tf ,il�,tlnllte 1
tlun't ka.rte. , ., '
' �• w„ mete, it lk;lat,
A lltte t en:Allatttton 'of tit 'n1' Te'acher-'-I3>)11 t kltow'Where the 11':14';,11 : n sic LLT 1e, • M1 utt tr tutt(ln wort:.
st l that tlieee le no' polo ir: ? ,t z:,ie ; at>lh %3r :,'.O �'' It'.pial— Ity do yo,Y call Little- � Yat'a"i ,t, r ,i. ,d C' :lilt:; 4t ft r '•:)rt 3G 11a''.t ? S)IJ.pI?4('r.-••(111, iL'ti
1114 beee.l f -,i tee L:;1aar,,,e that the. is 4 t r el,li hat. ,X14 been , , > 1 1}"10 101..(1 XJtIt'.l;,i:t„ (heap.
{,}:ratio no.. et ise .1
tljx 4„t 11'4 11w•, :t atel, (i).:iLttt'tll..1 .w, L w Ca 8 1118:1 •t('Efia,IQ to 'weft, I1;.Y's 11d(: Pott
, 1 t4"''r 11 1)C' S!t sC4}LCa
Ci ' :.iLrt:.E , Y '''��" '`+ti t,;t; 1,.,: •411 � +
BBA1ti:I 3 l r i. ac.,
R3ngliain ('iatario
ydry ELIA r:, DICEINSt.ra:,
3 0J•
M. W. C Mayan a. G 1 ' `.,. DIctcai0001. Ei. A.
OAStIUOlE IS ANI' till, It t itavt., ] t , Lira., .o••
li'itur'a Tarr 0;,1.11 u. 11' t1 Stat 11 t 111 .1, vaalil',1 ler
t,ttnt ttithttI al for , i , l 1 Ili loa11 0,1,1
11.11.1•••.c ,11;, 1Etat 1111
t,utdti) ;Dolled Gut , a -„u c +u t ,. 1' t /04..
t . -
Lo1 0 111, cord 01,t1.141..:,)/el, tbe tat
111.1 '111-'9 ail 1111L1ta tt' 1, na 11.y 410(0.»$0 t.§ Lt 0
lunger.'- Lowe to. sal la Siuniwu p nut, tau hurt -,
Unite- Iitut's 10.. oh, Wit11,:,ni. •
DENTISTS -Y.-.,:8..101011111, t0orensu,
, 1 10,.11 S.i turin;; Cellt1 id Plates
V 1 ,101111 j hat us or the 1.ta1,lultetiw
klia:J-:_7�J� i f fiex1 '1s -111..1 0.s f1.0.!:;• tan he got In the
1• Dominion.- Alt ttutl. tvuttanttlt.
V1' ttihle Vapor a:lnui&toltu for the pandese
extraction of truth the 0 l) stac al.est110110 known.
TAt(u 24,011015-1 Will 00',114,1. truth for 10 Letts
tach. •
01FICE: In the Il4.tver Blo.ft, opl,oaite titu
Brunswick hotel. .
bt .,l:er of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,.
iy� �.a” S11vu, Void, etr.011., Plates, rtand115
tir1 j` -c'--1111 prima fon, ,LO upwards per at:t.
crutvtalg and 1'lint.,'work. Tout. ex
L,z.'tud tvitlt )Ut rho least ]tial h; the tftc tf Vital. •
host Air. lit ,t 110,01, 11 i).ghaw,'ide entrance op•
pea tG the (tot t 1' l,ct+1, (•pen (:ally (5tuanays 410tept•
ed) from 0 a 111 to 5 p iii, It 01 ben at Blyth were
211(1 Will 'Ith L10n'da), of .0:117,1+011th-.- 0tlice at l21Iue u-
110401; (krrit: 1st and r.to )luwiu31 of uaeh utcuth
Oflteo at Albion hotel. t cta:ti.1 50 cents.
JOHN 111101110,
¢J 01501L.lt, 1NSU1{A1;CE AGENT
• t,LEi1T CIIN;ilt,GI:AM,
• T111)1 111, TJABIEE,
e. DLAN,. Jr.,. 1Vurontsr,
111 01t'1105.
q. ill t pert Sale. attended to t of the Co. Charged
iduaet.at e.
l 4�Il:i qultlfly,, 'W xzo'xLttr, ON"T.,
LI( LN551) Aro:I 1iJ 11 114,)1 '111:5 001311oY OF
1,r;LON. °
A11 orders lilt at the ':11413.0 4:101'0 promptly at slid
oti Le. Tuao taasu1s1u,o.
lacas.Pt) Avcnoxona 1(111 (0.)1:.1;(48 iltaex 1(41.
•A11110e::4 i,itt9t i1 to 1.13,111,113 1,1,1) on tltc c;tutteo
Nat. 4.
GLulwesMOileft#10 out aaai(f1.ttion'Odd 01114ed.
A 1 ne'essaly, nhaa,ttau„1114 tau hu wads at th;
lints video
tV vddrhn. 0).7
BOLTON Bt 11A1,10.2#3
). L. k ho. L. 0(l.t5 S 11,3 AM, ('1411, i'.'. tlNr'.a,S•
LtxrT(rWL1. Atte, 11`INGUAl1.
,1'stI::atelt a.ttla w14. of tin TLA. '110404 ,4
Ntitl:a of sr.
Tiro $e,ltoii Arta :trot
tV n1' k ; I+V(4t file al
11 1 I11'11) bi lnrar nut tl
1)111111.) 04'01'110f:4,
tul(iutl with a .i
the 110 iwny acee)llmo
cut:Lltry. 'The third 4
meet of ite lines ere t1:
- r'• tve•(lelt'll foxes,
elf 1)t env temel,•11 ben
'11''11 111: 1.zitlle se ,
Tttl', t+ tet'v nearly the
)1, Wit with the
t:nllli41. t,t tiro 1'12I1nl,L11
Liar lit':tC el,lss, I ya
1'1111 ,at third (lass 1Yt'
;;ett,),l't 1ti111 third lower!
4vttti11 of r;:t+ pourer et:
,tea, ltrtt you allow,.
tvt4 Scotch taro
,Manic all ride ti ird-
Anrt 5111' wntl a %Vanilla
t(I; hail Iteott 111 411)
11)11ilinr it 1Lh the trove
L1tLttO11tt of tLIOat comm.
A 0611 noire iuter'1df
of this trait Was4 ads el:
junitee 4)t the Scott
hllilbur1ij). 'VO had
oho 1.1L Chia ,41'et0}10tltoss
late, 1111+1 he hal stIbUlul
111 ane worn—whiskey.
i'011lurkt't) that noire:
things could get more
)llnL'o w:4r1)tttl 1111(1 1101
of a little 'whiolty rl
otrI Otlilt, (,f feud t hey co
saute 11'00 But lie hail
eallya a,.;I111)s 01 tvhiglcy lv
pence worth of Oet11lea
A ft111111y of 1'rx with I',1
w3jttt On to give the coil
of breed and whisky, to
elutcivo.y that a mall Wt
in a day—and not drill
sum uliilicient to s
with food for a week.
Aud I know what 1'n
die added. I know how
people can live upon.
I married on fourteen s
ra week end I've never I
€L guinea five 125) 11 week
is exactly what I get 1
--that aiul 1110 unit01'tn
in; up a family of eig
that ; good healthy chit
blee(s11L'e, they don't go
they get plenty of 1
eit1 b)etiraies, he rtrldE,1,
ly 8111110, they nog awn)
at nigh', 011(1 .1 let'et11
It luny not bo a pee
but that sante broth t.
hotchpotch and oatlnee
110 share in huildieg 1)l
prosperity, lLiod her slut
tyranny ill the poet
accustomed to the self
luxurious living do not
xt,acrity at the call ot ab
eakey are not rcndy to
fill .gry for an idea.
It was a people train
/titbits which enabled tl
tearlessly the results of
the moss nod moorland
and the slave pen—wli
prr-cillets of Old (rrttyf'ri
their i1111)80 to the eider
c0nvt'nant,'tlle sacred v
shrilled for the itiestin
of religious liberty.
The outpost of Olin
detached from the per
and placed under, the su
coIleetor of customs
the change, to take elle
July next. .
Berber Brothers, o
3g tthern Manitolla,fone
tilslhpleted the sesdine of
ttere111 i) the 21st ult.
-were employed about 13
thirds of this large acres,
sown in wheat and the 1
and barley.
The Grand Trunk Bei
ties, over wide awake to
and convenience of t
public, have just put int
Cars o1, the 'Toronto b
•-exuad, 3.'lre new care We
(`Grand Trunk Railway w
real, and are very super
rnanship and limeh. 11
serviceable red color tel
e insidedis artistically
light colored woods. t!'
of crimson plush, with of
, and face particularly
Ms window shades are c
and the racks and lamp
14 the latest designs in
ics,ek are Of a shape s that
very eonvenietlt. The 1
.licate, and travelers (
easur to rideit
p e 1 e inthe b
will he heated by but vt
winter, pipes running ate
of the tilde?: and ender
`ee¢ts. The lavatories at
:lie lett et ta11t Moet udnte