HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-09, Page 5if hares and rabl t, ,
0,000; aro kille c iii
year, and this ens
Half a million gro o
lo, illicitly from the
tel and worth in the
,000; 400,000 part.
£80,000 ; 500,000
h 462,500 ; and some -
I. trillion other game
:;17,500, :fall in the
• The value of these
230,000. Six thous,
hilted annually and
Ai of the latter reapre,
average an outlay of
awing are some of 'tile
ever wade On ,one
b}'ace of grouse were
ley Royal ,• 1,,100 it
1,313 at Bromhead.
0,454 grouse fell at
at Bolton Abbey
dem for eigbteen con -
On the Maharajah
's pre -serves 8,258 brace
ere shot in fifteen days;
in Wales,5,046 rabbits
It wee with tu►prnse
.ieard flu aulioueet went
,v, J. M. Tela en,pastor
rt' and Howlett emigre -
bee, that ¢\iipg ' t¢
le felt it in(i4,illbeilt
lis resigieatioe, and, his
nsgl at the end .of the
Id, however, titi t• that
itrengtli may be so far
liable him to' revolve
it least delay its execu-
ring park will be-olien-
of May by a grand
lase ball watches, trot.
,lib horse races, and,
; will comprise the
i1r. i3t;euian and wife-
ife;re this week in the
3 Royal Tempters of
„Cliey are highly spoken,
nee workers.—Messrs.
.eitlltou Etre shipping
inutile to the \\rest <.1,
; out an immense
qualn, '
-The Browns base bail,
n re- organ iied. The
following year are
:lot) Pres ; John Living -
J B Little, Vice Pres T
pec; Ed Orr, Treas,; P.
a ; W Montgomery, J J
:lliclay, 0 Davis, J 11I
.tee of management.—
rho at ono time owned
iere, died at Fergus a
Aid his remains were
y the Foresters,of which
ber, for burial beside
his v ife,' t tvo daughters.
all of whole died inside
In the death tf Mr.
family, who a few
'air to live their allot•
ped out, except one son.
ten years, It is ono of
.res that has occurred iu
' a year. The funeral
s attended by the 'mens
ton lodge and visitors,
, Paluierston, Fordwich
Some sevouty-five in all
icession tothe grave.
be beautiful burial ser -
ler was performed by
and Donaldson, they
unding the open grave,
y was nnoSt effecting:
hie, of whose church
member, ofiiciateel.
farm, farm stock, imple•
141r. Wm: Clarke, waft`
the first inse., by .Mr.
of Wingham, under the
Mr. Wm. Clegg, the
he farm was knocked
los. Clegg, at $5,810.
tains 150 agree, and is.
best in the township.
ld inipleinents brought
--Sunshine has reeeivtd
ident this spring. , Mrs.
o spent. the Winter in.
Lb her son John, having
d Mr. McMurray, has.
oved on to the Lat»b.
P. Baines' team, not get-.
enough putting in the •
ook a little en. their now
lay lest week, starting off
hiffletreee and running
d for a couple of miles,
one. -141.1 dos. Clegg is ,
his week shipping cattle
;vin was visiting friends.
last, vve'ek.---Mrs. Jw Belk
tired were visiting in
,rip last week.
.a -Settlar'st Loan Trust -
i]oh Lae for its object the
» ey.olt land eeourity torr
Initolaa and the i 'Orth.
Iki id its. trospeor a
1Rs-. i -4-
C 0
T eeswater.
r, W, Idowsou hes disposed of his
itnb reside, ee to M.r. Wtn, Little,—
Tie Qddfelluws attended divine
service in the Presbyterian church .on
Sunday last, at 3 p. n1, The local
lodge was joined by a large number of
the members ol'. Wiughuin J iieatnp•
inept and Lodge, as well as members
from Lucknow and other lodges.
.The prouossiou was s large and
creditable one.—The annual meeting
of the blechenics Institute was held
An Monday evening last.—Messrs.
Gillies & Martin have a splendid 0 ton
weigh scale, and weigh cattle, &c , at ,
the usual prices.
• A,Reid,R.C,A., of Toronto, brother
,.of the principal of our school, is,
winning fresh laurels in the world of
art. Mr Reid gala just finished two
pictures which are attracting a great
deal of attention. In giving the des-
cription of them a late issue of the
Toronto Mail says some coanplimen-.
tary things of Mr Reid and his pro-
ductions. We make the following ex
traets The saying 'that good Americans
when they -die go to Paris' has been
semewhat paralleled by the persisteu
cy with which artist atter artist has
drifted away' from Canada when his
fame has extended into another
lteiiaispliere. It may be hoped
4hat however strong may be the
. temptations to Mr Reid from the
historical homes of art, be may remain
with us many a year to paint the
Canadian life which his brush so deft.
ly iliustiattes. His piotures are poems
' :cif the life that goes ou around us,
scud they are such that no Canadian.
need be ashamed of them when he sees
them placed gide by side with *the
works of the masters of other lands.
A votary of art for art'b sake, Mr
Reid paints with a conscientious
.:are, au industry and truth that
are worthy of the highest praise.
tie is one of the little band of
artists who • are working not so
Leech as for money as because they
are born to bp artists, and must carry
out their mission. It is 'altogether
*agreeable to find a worker who van
be truthfully praised, and who hay.
ing struggled through years of hard
work and obscurity, is coming to the
fame he has so justly earned." 'Mr.
Raid has sold a number of pictures
tbis year at prices ranging from $3 00
• to $2000. -
Nast Wawanos1.
Services were held in the Westfluld
eburcll at 10.30 it.. ru. on Sunday in
place of 2.30 p in,, the usual hour. ---
A meeting of the literary aouiety will
be geld in the school house on the Gbh.
line, on Monday evening, for the
purpose of making arrangements for
holding a piouie some time in the near
future.--lfuror says that one of our
most promising young men is about
to enter matrimony.—Mr. 2,. Mc-
Donald bad a plowing bee on Mon,
day, --Mr. Mark Mason, of the gravel
road, is working for Mr. W. J. Fen..
wick.--1Y1r. Joe. Stewart, who has
boon working in Parkhill, is home on
a visit.—Mr, G. E. Anderson, who is
employed in Bell's furniture factory,
Wingham, was home for a day or two
last week,—Mr. B. Coultes has taken
a trip to the Old Oountry.—Mr. B.
Whitmore lost a valuable horse last
week from inflammation.—Mr. Joseph
Stcnehouse and his staff have finished
N1r, John Campbell's wall end are
now engaged in building a barn found-
ation for Mr. J. Stackhouse, near
Goder iekl•
The annual meeting of the Meehan.
ice Institute was held ou Monday,
'evening last. The receipts for,the past
Tear were .$628 80, and expenditure
'$608.87, leaving a balance of 820.13
."on hani. Officers were elected for
the ensuing year as follows ; President,
T C Naftel ; lst Vice President, W H
Murney ; and Vice President, Edward
Sharman;• Secretary, Geo Stevens ;
Traits A J Moore ; Directors, J 11
Colborne, T Wetherald, F Blair, Ii
Smith, and T Tray.—Tie prinoipars
report shows that there welt) 557
pupils atteuding the public school
last month -308 boys and 265 girls,
—Mr. Jos Kidd, sr., formerly of Dub-
lin, Ont., died at Sioux Oity, lowa, on
the 3rd instant. Tho deceased was
well known in this.town.--One of the
electric light dynamos is not work
ing`satisfitcterily,—Mr.Edward Doyle,
sou of Mr.. Zohn Doyle, died on Mon-
day, after en illness of several months
duration. T'hecdeeeased was brought,
honie from the States some few months
since and shortly afterwards seemed
to.improve, but a few clays ago an
excessive bemmorrhage attack pre-
cluded all possibility of recovery and
he gradually passed 'away, sensible of
his approaching end,
Is the Nano to paint your housed, and
-it' the—.
the -
v�► T DT
None gen'iino unless stamped "Rubber Paint 00
Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best '
Raady ?tnts
14aessrs Wm. and John Young have
purchased a fine new Monarch thrash-
er and a White engine. We wish the
boys success with their new machine.
Now in our fine old neighborhood,
A new machine is brought;
It's owned by Young and Brothers,
And by good management is wrought.
So now, when Jack is fireman,
And Bill's the man to feed,
I think there is not any doubt
But their's will take the lead.
Their engine is the noble White,
It's true it is not black;
For want of speed and power and might
I am sure there is no lack.
Tlion there's their mighty thrashing Mon-
Above all ()Alen gets high honored
It thrashes neat and clean and quick
I tell you, boys, that mill runs slick.
Now lads don't sit there. and Reid,
Nor yet to run for Walk -her,
But give your orders right away
To Messrs Young and Brothers.
W. M. C.
West Wawanosh.
At the late spring shows held in Wing -
haul and Belgrave, our neighborhood
credited itself by carrying off a num-
ber of prizes, Mr, W. Wellwood tak-
ing 1st and diploma at Wingham and
1st at Belgrave, for his stallion
"Edmond" .At Belgrave i11r. John.
Webster surprised the pn bile and his
competitors, when he led into the ring
his giant thoroughbred bull and succeed-
ucceeded in carrying oft first and diploma
against a large number which bad
taken prizes at Toronto and London
Exhibitions. Mr. Chris. Taylor took
second• for his hill, "Lord of Atha "
—Farmers are very busy seeding in
this neighborhood.—Mr.Johri Phillips,
of Pleasant Hill, is making an im-
provement on his lot by building a
board fence along the front.—Mr. J.
S. ld.ablcirk of Blyth, has been in this
neighborhood agitating the coin.
mencement of a Forester's Court in
St. Melons.—Miss Beecroft was the
guest of Miss Phillips, last week.
The I.tev. John Scott, of Wingham,
will conduct the .services in. the
Methodistchurch here, on Sunday
next, morning and evening. --A Court
of the independent Order of Foresters
will bo instituted here shortly --F.
'W Tanner was in London this week
ou business. --The fire brigade is prat•
tising for the Wiilgirain tournament
'on the 24th, --A special sermon will
be pe°eached on Sunday next, et 3, p.
m., in the Methodist church, to the
members. of the. Canadian Order of
Foresters; of this place,—On .Friday,
a child of Mr Hammond, station
went, whilst playing in a field was
kicked on the 'forehead by a horse that
Was running around, loose. Medical
)tllf aid was, procured and the wound
4ressa t,. and the little.fellow is progress
ing favorably.
Lower Wfngharnt•
Mr L, Trio, of this place, who has
been absent from his home for some,
time,. working in the interests of the
Catholic'tesurd, of London, is it pres>
out Speiglietg sow! tinge with,hig fan.
Whitechurch -
Mr. J. Mowbray. has erected a
dwelling house on his farm and intends
removing there shortly.—Seeding is
nearly finished in this vicinity, but
the weather so far has not been very
favorable to growth,—The village has
lost one of its oldest and most respect-
ed inhabitants in the person of Mrs.
James Allen, who died last week.
The deceased lady'had been ailing for
some time, and her death, which oc-
curred on Thursday, was not unimped-
ed, The funeral took place on Satur-
day, and was attended by a: large con-
course of people,—lilr. 0: Gillespie
shipped two carloads of. cattle to
Montreal, one day this week,.and.will
ship two more on, Saturday.
You,canget any shade you desire, in quantities
costing from 10 cents up,
,For Whitewashing; and Italeomining,ask for
and don't take anything else, '
The coldwave we are now under
the influence of is thought to be attri-
butable to the visit of Mr ,A,skin, the
Windsor ice Company's agent, whose
smiling; features were to be seen on
our streets lately.—Mr Mnc Young,
from Dakota, is visiting friends in
the village, He ie quite Americanized
in appearance. --'Mr. Thos Gxibson,
Local House vetertin of East Aaron,
is donning his war paint again for the
fray. The first of the season's power
wows was held in,(-orrie last Wednes.
day evening.
Fred Goebpli Ott ''Brussels, while
washing his bends at. the American
Iota in that tate, one day roopntly„”
land occasion t,o, remotre. a diamond
ring khiclr his ptip on the washstand.
Ws attention, was taken, up with
soinethiugat, the time, atad{ when he
Went to loop for his ring it was not to
lie. fougid. Nothing bee been geen . of
it sisitie,, sitlioutth diligent **etch' was
has just received and opened out a largo
stock of very stylish
i 'haei y
Hate Bonnets, Feathers Flowers Ribbons, Laces,
etc., etc. ; also baby Christening Robes.
The Mantle Department
contains all the latest material of Silks, Satins, Bro.
cedes, Fringes, Gimps and Mantle Cloth. Mantles
made in the most fashionable styles and at prices tq
suit the times.
Ravin[; beught at very close prices, for cash, I ani
determined to sell at a small advance so, as to suit all
purchasers. A call solicited.
Eggs taken as cash 'in exchange for goods,
Wingham, A ri14. opposite Queen's Hotel.
Bermuda ottBed8 f
"Yon Inst go to Bermuda. If
you do not If Will net be t'es4eonsi.
ble for the consequences." ' But,
doctor, II eau afford neither ma
time .tor the ,money. "wen, if
that is impossible, try
I sometimes call it Bermuda Bot -
tied, and many eases of
Bronchitis, Cough
or Severe Cold
1t have CURED with It; and the
advantage is that the most sensi•
tive stomach can take It. Another
thing which commends it is tato
stimulating properties of the illy.
pophosphites which it contains.
You will unci it for solo at your
Druggist's, in Saimoif wrapper. Be
sure you get the genuine."
SCOTT As fOWleE, Belleville.
NEW 000DS.
4 IS
has jus received a lar8e etock of
_____ .,.......____ ., ,........:„..,........,....,...___ ,..
0 a
4 CO
rci �,, b r.ra'
mi ti
o fl
'1) NEt d
e0 i A ��'
0 .. 0 .Q ' 0.
I:- 1
m 'ti o bc
Are offering very int
eresting bargains in
A.cnn 65c, per pair up to $6,00. New, handsome and cheap
Soudan Lappet Curtaining.
----Beautiful Flouncing---
E M 73 R O T E R 2 E S
:�n Stq»h ut atitva map
Scotch, ;English, Irish,
French and Canadian.
and bought for: cash.
'fn9. tniported goods a 'specialty.,
000dssmade up l•i the most fashlonablostyles, anti
at„prices to suit thetunes.
Over 150 Pieces to Choose, Rom,,
I ani confining myself to the clothing ttade, and
eerstomers 001 depend uppon having t,totr wants in
Ohl thea prol,erty Supplied.
OF Oh AItt3'E. '
con sad red ntifiatoes stated is iced.
g+ltoMi. a`rg 'il Uotgi, �1'm,a{ttlllo;i
•ti, ., y
all widths, and at taking prices.
Charming things in GRENADINES: Inspection invited.
The finest rane of
we ever offered, from 5c. per yard up.
auk.of Rwyrs and STIQES
selling rapidly. No wonder, for the quality and price
settles the question at sight.
pat tme
is receiving special attention as usual. 10 lbs. of pure uncolored
strong Tea Dust for $1. try it.
The Brown
An� chcr.
Novv JeIry-Store i. Vilingh[rn
Idas just opened out a large new stook or
In the store one door south of the Post Office, and is prepared to give
great bargains in special lines of LADIES' GOLD WATCHES,
--Done on the shortest notice, and all work guaranteed.-
10- An inspection of Goods and comparison of Prices invited
Goods left for repair with Mr. R. R. \'anstone will lie given out.
Wingham, Ont.
S G • 1900
Wishes tointimate to the Liialies of Wingbaln and surrounding country
that her stock of
print s uirtuter J1111aery
has arrived and is now opened out. The stock is well-
aesoi'sed, and contains all the fus::ivanaabie styles for this year..
1 A large stook of .
$ANCt Gee`s
elwe 's nn band.
T e. ANT i7 1VIt1 anti ; a
Assortment, ot Silks,.1$atins, Satin frocadea, ?titles, Velvets ,argil I
Mantle ()lotus, to shouse from. Perfect fitting,, 0ind latest edict ,,cy
most fashiuhable garments. Ari inspection invited.”
1'ir(It door north oil:, r. Geratelt'ai jewelery'stere.
w 1