HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-05-09, Page 4G, E. WILIIAIVIS —ANP— . DRUGGIST. C. P. H. TICKET AGENT. T AGT. G. N. INELEGRAPH CO, Onp. Brunswick House, Wingham, - - - Ont, t4t tiaingt Cxillts FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1890. JOHN ()HARMS RYKEIrr resigned his seat as member for Lincoln acid Niagara, one day last week. The. Committee to whom his ease liad been referred, had their report heady for presentation to the Rouse, and Mr, Rykortlearning that it was not favorable to hint, handed in his re. siguation.. The report, which has since been adopted by the House, speaks of Mr. Rykerels conduct as discreditable, corrupt and scandalous," 1l` writ has been issued for a new election, the nomination to take place on the 16th and election on the 28rd, of the present month. WEST IIIIBON. The 'Reform Convention hela in Goderich, on Monday last, was large, Iv attended, representative men from every polling place' being present. Mr..T. T. Garrow, of Goderich, the unanimous choice of the delegates, is well 1ip0wu in all seutiens of the Ridgy• itig as an honorable, upright gentle- man, one well fitted to take the place of the late representative, Hon. A. M. Ross. • The uneeiwity and enthus- iasm of the meeting were true indications of the feeling throughout the Riding. The sentiments express- ed by the different speakers show that Nest Huron is safe for Mowat and kionest gpvernmeut at the approach - jug eleetioo. A. full report of the proceeding of the Convention will lee found in another column. Nen year is the one for the Domi:n- ion (tenses to be talteri. The Goverment have already decided that the de jure 8 system, which was adoptedin 1. 1 7 and in 1881, shall be again followed. By this system those of a household who are temporarily absent, neither resident in the pominion or in the States, will be included iu the enumeration. By the ole facto system of taking the census and adopted in Britan the enumeration is made in one night. By the de jure system it takes three months. Next year,there- fore, the enumerators will commence their duties on the first of April and the returns must be completed by the first of July. ED7,TOBJAL NOTES MR. R. P. O'Corexon has again beeu chosen the, Liberal standard bearer for South Bruce. Itis nomina- tion means his election. AT A eouveution'of Conservatives of Ilaldimaud, held at Cayuga, on Mon- day , Mr. E. E. Shepherd,: of Toronto, late of the Toronto News, was the unanimous choice. Tau 00NTEST in Centre Bruce waxes warm, but there is n6' doubt but Mr. Deck will he returned by a large majority over the Tory Equal Rights candidate, Mr. Alex. Shaw. SAT maw West Huron Conservative. Convention, held at Smith's Hill, on Wednesday, Mr. J. M.. B.uberts, of Ducgannon, was chosen to • contest the riding at the ensuing election. Tin temperance legislation of the Mowat Government, of oourse, has not the approval of the Conservative jour- nals,but the Good Templar of Granada, the organ of the I. 0. G. T., and the International Royal Templar, the organ of the R. T. of T., have, warmly coin.. .mended it. The Good Templar says: Mr Mowat's Government have always shown a desire to meet the wants -wed desires of the temperance men in pas- sing legislation favorable to temper- ance reform, and on no occasion that we are aware of have they ever refused to make any amendments to our laws that were deemed necessary. It there- fore becomes our duty to de all in our power to strengthen their hands, and net to be carried away by wordy poli- tioians, who are full of promises at election times. TEE Singer Sewing machine feetpry, at 'liza7,eth, New Jersey, was burned to the groun.lon Tuesday last. The works erupt. yed 3,500 people and paid out 840.000 weekly in wages The loss is estimated at several millions of dollars. ' GEN. LAuRIn, M. P., after the scanting; he received from Me. Me - Mullen, M. P., of North Wellington, and others,has decided to donate the $600 drawn. froth the Dominion,treas•. ury as mileage from Loaden,England,to Ottawa, to a Fishermen's Benefit Association in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, 11is l.lovit BAs (7oisn, we presume, ie to be the war Ory of .the Opposition iii the c'oinitrg elections. The Toronto Werid has got out tt sign board'to the above effect. People, will remember the eloquence which was wasted on the cry, "Mowat meat go,t' at.the Inst eteotion. Ent Mg Mowat paid ne attention to it; nor did the people. nt . Barrister, of Some G. llo>; >✓s, Esq., , Toronto, formerly of Winglian , is the Coneervrtive 'candidate for South Huron. Politically we itis opposed to hicn, but apart frow pelities, the whit him well, and we hellfire so does every otie ill 'Winglifiri. T ilei i a young Min of eniarkable r t it'ify mid o au unblemished cYiaraoter Okay way. If he Were on our side of 6 iittes we 'mid most ttheerfully wish DELUGATLS. Aszlrz CLD,—R E Lane, S Andrews, B: Augustine, John Mdrdoeh, John Matheson, W Lane,. W McKnight, T E. Findlay, Jos. Mallough, ll. Girvin, W McNay, Peter McNay,Jas L Grant, T Andereon, D McLean,W Mallough, W McQuaid, Molfenzie,John Stephen- een, Jos Griffin, Mabaffy. l31xxzl,,- J SMoTTienon, John 'Mc Millan,' N h Yuupg, R McQunrrie, Jacob Taylor, Dr Moan. Gona'Itzcu---J H F,dwards, A Saup- ders, S ihson, 0 A Humber, P McCarthy, .Ii Horton, P Farr, McGillicuddy,JaruesItates,M Swanson, T Troy, Jos. Williams, B McCormick, Q Letouzol, J 11 Wiliaws, G Ii Parsons, k' 3'ord, W Swanson,P Holt, t Swanson, 0 A Nairn. WzrianAtr.-- D. M Gordon, John N'elands, R Elliott, John McLean,. Geo McKenzie, J A Morton. • C oDERz0H Toinesuite—J McClusky, John Salkeld, Tsaac Salkeld, H El- ford, J N Yeo, James Stevens,. D A Purvis, John Marquis, 5 Phipps. AST WeeveamSIi.—I Brown, Jas Brown, W McGowan, '1 Taylor, R Cixrrie, T Cassidy. \VxsT WAWANOSII.— J Ward, D Mcllwain, P 14IcCann, James Rose, Jae Smith, H Modeland, T Sommer- ville, Jno Webster, R Lockhart, D Todd, A D Cameron, E Travers. CommineE—A Wands, D McKinnon, Jas Jeukins, John Jenkins, Johit Morris, Jas Symington, W Young, Joan Kernighau, H Morris, R. D Morris, W Ferguson, G Mofardy, Jos Morris. Hunenee,-D •Tiplady, Jas Stroll, Jas Cornish, 'John Knox, G Sprung, A T McDonald, D Jackson, Alex Watt, T S Jackson. CLi ro i.—H Foster, John Gov et, Jai Fair, A, Armstrong, W W Farrah, Jas Smith, J Wiseman, Thos Bello= way, .A McKenzie, C 5 Doan, D Mc- Corvie, A. Melt1urchie, H Wiltse, W Coats, I Taylor,T McKenzie, 13 Plum- steel, T Cottle, If Jackson, F McPher- son, W l3eesley, W (J Searle, Relit Holmes, H Ii. Walker, East Wawanosh had only six Bele- gates, while it was entitled to twelve, and Winghaul tiie,;satne, This left a representation of 126 out of a possible 138, so that it was a very lame and representative gathering, a number of Liberals, who were not delegatess,being interested observers of the proceed- ings. MR. MBRnnzrrn and the Opposition during the recent session were lotid in their praise of the Dominion ballot and condemned the Ontario system, which they said afforded opportunity for intimidation. Mr. Mowat field. that by the Dominion system fraud could be practiced without detection. The Tomato Telegram (Independ- ent Conservative) has this to say on the sul'ject : Opposition speakers do not increase their chances of success in the pro- vince by dwelling upon the enormities of Mr. J1owat's refusal to giye the people a seoret ballot, As it stands the system prvailing at provincial elections is infinitely superior to the methods that govern contests, for the Dominion Hous or in the Municipal Council's. The num- bored ballot is a safeguard aga'lnst frattd, and its usefulness is proved by the freedom of provincial coutests from the charges of ballot box stuffing that are often heard of in Dominion caul• Deigns. This artificial anxiety for secrecy at the polls will not interest the pro- vince. The Opposition cannot excite the people over a small sized issue, created by its demand for ballot reform. The 0ntarie method is the best in that It provides against fraud. It is the greatest obstacle to dishonest elections. Toronto has enjoyed a sweet sufficiency of the Secret biillot. The absence of. ".numbered ballots enables the repeater to repeat and dead men to vote. The Opposition would force the Government back w ien in the public interest is should fig foward and apply the Ontario System to the civic contests in the large cities of the province. WT Hi7R',ON LIBEflALS- again take pleasure inexprossiug our thirty millions cd hares and ranl couftdetiee iu the Gosoritnient of the valued at ,42,200,000; and thisle in em Mowat and ltis colleagues, the course of a year, Ron, ep• •, l . ttil iou gm 'se and we pledge }iiia our unswerving heads the lia>i. half € i l ;, support, so long as they shalledntinis. and Wiwi; nine, uhiotly from the :eirou.the.affairs of our I rovince in the moors of Sent land and 1S ortt00 in atheble and efficient mau.ier which has aggregate I;130,00t1, 0, p rharaoter'i;ied their past ednuuist>r.a' ridges, worth £80,00 500,00e• phe•asuiita, worth 4'62,500 , and4 It was then moved by R. Holmes, thing Iike half a million other game of Clinton, seconded by Mr. 3. A. birds, worth £37,500, fall in the Morton, of Wingham— course of a year. The value of these That the members of this oouven• is estimated at 4'230,000. Six thouse time iudividually pledge' themselves and deer are eech1 lled heal tuerlyre red to support and work for the candidate 4,377 as rep re, by this Convention whose senting on the average an outlay of nomination shall be made unanimous 450,, The following are solve of 'the the Convention. biggest bags" ever wade ; On .one This was carried. day a thousand brace of prone° were Tau AIRANTS. killed at Studley Royal ; 1,,100 tit Weinmergitl ; 1,318 at I3romhead. The following geSPntieneen. were then Ili CLO days 10,454 grouse fell at nominated ; Winton Force ai,d at Bolton Abbey D. McGillicuddy, Goderich; 800 brace per: diem for eighteen con-. J. b'.rt Ouow, Goderioil; secutive days. On the Maharajah Robert Currie, East toawanosh ; Dbuleep Singh's preserves 8,258 brace A. 11, banning, .Clinton ; of partridges were shot in fifteen days; A. bit Ii rchie, Clinton : and at iihlwas, in W'ales,5,046 rabbits Robert Harrison, Ashfield; in one dav,"—It was with surprise Dr. Sloan, Blyth ; aud regret we heard au nunoutect went • John Rerngihan, Colborne, given by the Rev, J. hi, 'i'otteit,pastor All these candidates, retired except of the 'I'urnl,terry and I•lowiek Oongre- Messrs Garrow, Mewling and. MuGilli• gaticntal churchek, that elvirg 'tQ cuddy, each addressing the enliven- falliltg health be felt it inoµuibent on tion, and the active candidates hat inn hint to tender his resigeettoe, audhis the choice of auditors to count the ministry will oink at the end . of the ballots, selected Mr. Seager, G,odzriel; year, We could, however,Unlit. that 1V. Coats, Clinton, and P. dolt, .h is health and strength may be so fate Goderich. restored as to enable him to' revoke TSE VOTE. hls purpose or at least delay its execu. clot taken resulted as tion. . RESOLtJTIOxS. Moved by C. A. Humber, of Goder- ich, seconded by Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, that this convention has learned with the deepest regret. of the retirement of our able and well -tried representative, the Hon. A. M. Ross,. froin political life, after having served us faithfully for the past fifteen years, 'during which tints his course has tnet with the universal approval of the Liberals not only of West Baron, but of the whole Pravince,and on behalf of the Liberals Of West, Huron we tender him onr cordial thanks for the able,honest and satis£aotory nauner in which he has fulfilled the duties of his office. The motion was carried uuaniutously. Hou. A. 11Y. Ross, on coming for- ward,was enthusiastically received and made a short but 'vigorous address, he explained tiie,feesons for his re- tirement. He had not left the Government because he was not in harmony with his colleagues or be- cause he had got out of touch with his constituents, but for the reason that of late his hearing hes become iery defective, and he did not believe that it was right for hint to retain . a place'in the Government when his fullest and best faculties could not be devoted to the work Which -'devolved upon hien. In addition to that, for the seven years which lie had been in the Government he had known little pr nothing of tlie• pleasures of home fife, having been edeessitated to be ate gent attending to hie duties to a greater extent than his personal `inciit.atious Wished, and as he was now growing. years, be believed that it was only right that the honor should be passed to other hands by his stepping aside. NVliat was wanted now was, harmony and unanimity of action on the part nf.the Reformers of West Huron, and he felt satisfied' that the nominee of this Convention would be the rem to titativsc of West Huron iii the nest Parliament. 1e paid a tribute to the statesmanship, of Mr. Mowat and hoped that the ltest ' dolls would, be Put for*ard to secure the election of a staunch .supporter of that hou. gentle- * ROV Irs4'CoNVErrrzoit. than. After thanking the eleotors The first ba, follows Garrow, 60, Manning, 54, McGillicuddy, 18. Mr 10.IcGillieuddy then dropped out, it being understood that the ntune of the lowest one should temporarily be dropp- ed but that it might be brought up again Harriston.. The new driving park will be open- ed on the 260 of May by a grand day's sport. Base ball watches, trot- ting and running horse races, and athletic sports will cuu,prise the a final ballot. The second ballop then programa-tee—Mr. Beeman. and wife stood ; are expected here this week iu the Garrow,. 68, intei:escs of the Royal Teteplars of Manning, 58, Temperance. rTliey aro highly spoken It ,then beingevident that Ntr, of as tewperauce workers.—Messrs. Garrow was the of the con;Dowlingg & Leighton are shipping vention, Mr. ho ch llicuddfy the considerable furuituie to the l est...4e w his privilege of teltidg a third ballot, This firm turns out an immense qusan-, and.on motion of Mr Manning,second• city. of goods.—Thebean Browns base blah ed by Mr McGillieuddy,the nomination club has been following uisized. Che of Mr Garrow was made unanimous officers for the year are J 13•obertsou, Hou Pres ; John Living - by, a standing vote. stone, Pres; J J B Little Vice Pres • Mr, Garrow thanked' the delegates J M. Moore, Sec; lid Orr, Tress,; P: for the support that had been given- Lavin, Captain ; W Moutgotnery, J J Lim. He fully appreciated their B Little, J Halliday, 0 Davis, J M kindness to him and if elected, as he Moore, committee of management.— believed he would be, lie would do his Wm. Austin, who at ono time owned the grist mill hero, died at Fergus a few days ago and his remains were brought here by the Furesters,of which he was a member, for burial beside the remains of his v.ife, two daughters. ,end two sous, all of whom died inside of ten months. in the death of Mr. Austin a whole family, who a few years ago bid fair to live their allot. ted time, is wiped out, except one son. a lad of about ten years, It is one of the saddest cases that bas occurred in town for many a year. The funeral ou Sunday was attended by the "meal begs. of Barrister' lodge and visitors. from Listowel, Paluteratop, Fordwieh and Clifford. Some sevouty-f ve iu all headed the procession to the grave. At' the grave the beautiful burial ser- vice of the Order was performed by Bros, Dowling and Donaldson, the brethren surrounding the open grave., The ceremony was tnosst effecting. Rev. Mr. Baikie, of whose church deoeased.was a member, officiated. best to advance the interests of all classes of the community, Ile believed Mr Manning would yet be the represen• tative for Westlinroe, and did not think lse'w.onid have to wait very long before that was the ease. Ili.r Manning expressed his.gratitude for the honor done him, even though he had not been the successful candi- date. Ile would do his very utmost, personally or otherwise, to secure the return of Mr Garrow, who would un- questionably utako a good represent- ative. OFFICER$ FOR 1890, Mr. A. H. planning, Clinton, was unanimously elected President of the West Riding Association; Mr D A Purvis, Goderich township, tat vice- president ; 11ir Jos Griffin, Ashfield, 2nd vice-president; Mr William Lane, Lanes, Secretary. Rousing cheers for the old officers, Ool. floss, Mr. Manning, Mr Garrow, Mr Mowat and the Queen,brought the Convention to a close. The newspapers represented at the Convention were the Goderich Signal Clinton New Era, Seaforth.Expositor, and Wingham Times, The retiring President, C. Girvin, held office for fifteeit ears, 'and the late Secretary,, Mr. Tiara teou, about twelve Sears, For the accommodation of the dela. gates going up the London, Huron and Bruce, Mr. Straiton, agent, at Goderich, held over the last train leav- in ;• east. The very best feeling prevailed throughout, not ati uepleasant'Weed or action marring the convention. Kr. Carta*, rromInatedt as tee Sta id:0 •s far theft ktudtlt:xs whim in electing Kr. astheir representative 'for the pastfifteen years, he resumed Lie MOnday _.. last witnessed an enthuei• seat amidst lou and prolonged e stia' gathering of Liberals in the Clause. d g p Temperance Hall, Goderich, to select j Moved by Mr. Johii Washington,1 a emit idatei.a 'the plane' of lion. A. seconded by Mr. Joseph Griffin* reeve lif. ll:os, reiitgned. The following' of Asi field, that we, the Liberals of Othleift,e,4 11 i kA, w Sde t. r, Willt.aviklta 41W/4.041r:400 . •'lie v i► Salem. 14ir. Robert Gordon has just sem 50 acres off one of his farms, situated on lot 1, con. 3, Howiclt, to Mr. William Underwood, for the sum of $1,00.— Whilst many of the wild animals and birds have Leen gradually doeireasing to pctliada, it would appear that ow- ing to the strict game and trespass laws in the old ggautry they atilt . con - :thine to e4st in large quantities. .We quote the .following from the :Rural '1i'ur1d, an, Jnglish eewrpaper "The tkuaetity of game killed minuet. ly iu rile United Kingdom is a tiitlienit.tuatter to ascertain,. 'ttq..80 iuueh does not eo01e into the inarltete, lett is distributed privately, or san. sauteed by those •fullowin the sport; N.Vi.l.19,1, r- t f t ' IOC, I Morris. The sale °f.fa ns, farm stock, imple- reents, &o., of Mr. Win Clarke, watt` conducted on the first inst., by • Mr. Peter Daens, of Wingham, under the directions of 111r. Win. Clegg, the assignee. The farm was knocked down to Mr, Jos, Olegg, at $5,810. The farm contains 150 acres, and in. one of the best ein the township. The stock and implements • brought over $1,350. --Sunshine has received and lost a resident this spring. . Mts. Connery, who spent. the winter in, Wingham with her son John, having returned and Mr. 119chiufray. bas. rented and Moved on to the iamb. farm.—Mr. F. Baines' tears,, not get- ting exrerpise enough putting :in the - spring crop, took a little on their now account one day last ween, starting oil with the whiflletrees and running down the road for a couple of miles. No damage: done.—Mr.,l.,os. Clegg to in Montreal this week chipping cattle —Ma. S. Irwin was visiting friends,, in Wingham lasti weak. --Mrs. J. 'I3e1fc. aid, Master llived. were visiting in Logan township lest week. The Canada Settler'>e Loan Trust; Company, which baa for its object tkee lending of money .on land aeenrity to,; settlers in Manitoba and the i oetb• ' west, ling lira pd its, l rospeota • i P -- Teeawater, W, Howson has lisp gob residet.ce to Mr, l'i'nt, The Oddfellows attender service in the Presbyterian Sunday lust, at 8 p, 01, lodge was joined by a .Targe the members of Wiughaue ruent and Lodge, as well a from Luekuow and oth The procession was a. ereditable one.—The aunt; of the ltieClrttnics Institute sen Mooday evening last Gillies & Martin have a spl weigh scale, and weigh .oat the usual prices. A, Reid,R.O.A„ of Toro. ea the principal of our winning fresh laurels in the art. Mr Reid lata just fin pictures which are attractii deal of attention. Ls given eription of them a late ism Toronto Mail says some ce tary things of Mr Reid an ductions, We melte the fie tract The saying 'that good when they die go to Paris somewhat paralleled by th ey with which artist alter drifted away'frotn Canada fame has extended int hemisphere. IC may .that however strong in, . temptations to Mr Reid historical homes of art, he with les many a year to Canadian life which his bit ly iltust,iates, His pioturee of the life that goes cu and they are such that no need be ashamed of them them platted side by side works of the masters of of A votary of art for tie Reid paints with a c( tare, an industry and are worthy of the tiigh fie is one of the littl artists who • are workiu hush as for money as b are born to be artists, and . out their mission. It is loleagreeable to find a worker be truthfully praised, and ing struggled through yea work and obscurity, is con fame he has so justly eat Reid has sold a number ttobis$y20ear00.at prices ranging Goderich. The annual meeting of ice' Institute was held o -evening last. The receipts year were $628 80, and $608.87, leaving a balance ,on haul. Officers were the ensuing year as follow, T 0 Nutted ; lst Vice Pre Marney ; 2nd Vice Presid Sharman ; Secretary, G Trees A J Moore ; Dire Colborne, T Wethera]d, .Smith, tend T Troy.—Th report shows that there papils 'attending the pc last month -308 boys an —Mr. Jos Kidd, sr., form lin, Ont., died at Sioux 0 the 3rd instant. Tho d well known in this.town.- electric light dyninnos i ng'satisfactori ly,—Mr.Ee sou of Mr. aohn Doyle, d day, after an illness of se• duration. Thecdeceased home from the States soul since and shortly afterw to.improve, but a few d excessive hemtnorrhage -eluded all possibility of r he gradually passed 'away his approaching end, B1yt'a- The I.tev. John Scott, will conduct the .sere Methodist church here, next, morning and, °venin of the Independent Order will be instituted here W Tanner was in Londe on business. -.The fire br i;ising fur the 1'Ving liam 'on the 24th.—A special be pe"eacllad on Sunday it m., to thtr Methodist obi members. Of the. Cantadia Foresters. of this place.— a child of Mr Hamm agent, whilst playing in kiekcd on the forehead b, was running around, lo aid was, procured and 4resaiee,and the little,fell ing favorably. Lower wing Mr L, Hing, of this p been ,absent from his ho tine, • working in the int (Jathoia iOliord, of Lonat e nt spet4isg slime Uwe v