Wingham Times, 1890-05-09, Page 3'act Buil, the Ordnance 1 the Sonch• 44.f ,•eettion of tlan livid i,elougt r. 1.relog in sl way e• [Ir. i:arine r al)•, S:! !saint in. In tae •.': a 11:1413 rt, 1'• L111 10(1 imp Of r•ele'6nyllt,;, and 1 men t panel a. in)ree, 1'r Cur. i;td ie;' net O' 1:14 1.1- .1i1•ll•'Ll tile if!'1tc•( y(utsell: .+r into Teatime eo Lnurr, Mr eolit; int%) the •t• 11011. 1'r•• 1.0(1 te0:116 tJl; n r n1;id. r1s1 hfir theodolite , while the inti ill•(! after then), +r ? (Jen ye no (+overuuleut naora).aauvta,t 1a. da Law Jour - that marriages rler:,tyturit are, Ie' revioed stat. rgymetn, teach.. :,an authorized ry (r perform Dntario, shall ; 'the Nowlin r married, or tis cute(, and .gatioa. Surely no 11ninterent- r-a%)isiing per- ilus of these who ere with•. r—and adroit under the age. pitea thing in ▪ the practical c't C .'rilailCe' il. And t13iI6 Whittle!, rp for Ito¢, .i 1 .. para ty -six. letters )(Milt,,' or their :.0;1,'0 of til. ;)r terseness, !try: 11 11111 I1 or boy C corn Or a only is worth ( oitli4we, more) •bic> Combined. )tui end deep ous;lit a' any wo,.id_bpwing tied, does not kr' benefits it., solation does itt makes it. ty "Ices add to train;; gained in a great deal rtt company A. vegetable. being Cignal, given tun, id more cold, more civil Llt;!:r than n titer thinks- he farming and sten to one who 1 this age of s of mourn - :e money while otter to turd. at' business 1 in times out of to buy a rich 14 to pay for it at a small liinll sate of give personal s mach less ;done give to is onet')fthe Lust consider, and discretion only. Great front planting rly (!titivated to proper time. time trying 0 neglected. fitly. Profit yields;, to bra tion of brain .energy with have a span ugeliStat Were avitiJ3lytlr, their iickotd reratitit'ratdoU stied tliroilgl� .4 r MPEI3ANCE COLUMN, r Votrover> lt'~ W1 ionars i:.. w. C, T.. b. cliitaiugs, O, the selling, of 1,11'111 is n :rod device To. t 1alce a hell of a paradise. `~4ll °revel• alrr.1 roll the terrorist fl:aod, 1.'is sw0llell whit tiara and stained with blood. Thousands of the miserable suffer. era froni drink aro praying for deliver. duce, but n:•dt;r our pi @wilt licensing system their prayers are in vaitl. S:Lys Dr, I'. R. I ees : Of all the strange paradoxe's of our time, t11e1 tAtr:l:u;fest s(on)s to be that of a porsou will teatilee that intoxicating ligoor• tp 1h_ sieltlis e' 11, ai/ll morally acid socially 'aedtl•.tive and corrupting ; who warns the public a;g::,ivat tits to+ern as a trap and a teu111tati+;n to rum i }et wit., b hip relation at Itizl 1,, rakt-b part in the election of mels wild sau':ti•1u. the sale of drill, which ileo d4•ur.es anti d. tionnees 1 .A big victory for no 1i;.ensle was g1.1t1eC1 rev. tit ly at P,ttsuur;;l,, CII. The license ticket was holm.. by a largo majority, Mrs H .tele fiuu;;ar LL u 1 the e,t ti -14-'YV. 0 T. ZT , aided by the yJ"vt1 of en.bety tiu1Fe$1 men, so con:pi:slleed this. The folio e fug uuiq,ne halal 141l, has urea se -u•:. to hetaUgtl,lrtrrs it w.r.a dl,tribateel ill q'lat:tities tilrougll the %1.l<t1;p : DIJIII I,Lemla metro L enerri^v. Aged live yearn, at the Court Rouse, i,'tttstieulJ, III., T'ueeday, Apiil 15, 19.O, for went of v0t4H. Concluding Horviceli fu A33/1P1341011 w1611 the Haute will be held ill tlt.Y Ce)ngre1g:1t1011111 011 arch, to•uir.h.., Welt_ alooday, sprit 10. to steeds elk the deceased reepeutfulfyiuvAted Le attend. • A Singular coluoldeaoC, A remarkable coincidence in accidents to two of hits sons has.occurred ire the family of John Marilla, in the East Und, Loudsyilie, The two brothers, latuile and George Nasilla, werejvictims of exactly • similar aceidents at widely separates places at the same moment. Emile Marina is 18 year's old and worsts at the Short Line shops at the head of Jeffer- son street, George Itlarilla is 10 years old and works at Gard a Stiiltonea saddlery store, on Main street. At precisely 4 O'o1oo1; in the afternoon Emile was at work near a large circular saw attending to his duties. Sudtleniy he slipped, and as he fell his hand rtrucic against the rapidly revolving saw, tate palm of the hand turned toward the edge. The teeth tore the entire inuer portiou of his hand away front the bone, leaving a serious Chid painful wound. Ate Hanle hour George Marina was at work at the saddl:'ry store ou Main street. He also, while working; at his place, suddenly slipped dna fell, striking his hand against a su1011 Haw Udell in collar making. The paten of the hand was caught and the soft flesh was torn from the bony frame. The boys live at No.. IMO Pope stiecet, and both were removed to their house, where they arrived about the saute time. pr. W. 0, Roberts was inlluediately sum- moned and dressed the injured hands, bout of which W (?re injured in the same place and to the saute extent, and both wore the rxtreluities of the right arm.-- New York Star. $ta,+)r litm wad Ile ;tied;. Hoeno tulle .,.go a p.,rty of &!tilers visited the Z ,loe'eat Gertielts. flue of them, feeirted by the liquor be had take(, anti as rs act of brevado to 11;41 cumpaulopb, took hold of a deadly serpent, He hotel it up, h Lviug seized it by the nape of the neck Yn 4(41(411 a 14 SLY th(60 11 00(11,1 ant atLag him, .tis 11e held it, the slla,014 (Lluobeety. d to 11,n) coifed itself arena,' his arm, and at league it gut a sitar, clasp, aiid wound tighter awl' tighter, sthat he was tillable to dotacli it. As the pressure of the shake ineretowd. the danger grew, and. at lengli> the leaulor 744.4 a,; 111.1.10 tn'tiuvalk) 11143 1301a on the Beet: lei th'e veilemou4 reptile, x1(41 woe con:Toiiel to le)nee it. tfihatdid tiro !make then do •? 11 tarred teamed and ' state 111x1 J.1cl Pea (111)1. So it 11 with the 41)l,etlt4 of• strung 'Intik. Ce.-: 2d i;1117 1Pi4ading. The fe:111utlaari31S the closing para-.. graph e.'f the 111'((1 r 01(113 1tt of. the Grand Jury watch uli>,eel its tailors in til ib city a few days- SlUe1+. i4 ( Hugh 11 Urn - burn was the capable foremen The •(lrelnll Jury C:10tl01 close this pre.,etit- tneut tvttilOtlt r.,ierring to the use of alcoholic tn.),i'rages and the drinkint 0111410(1' 0t.11re'1'E\, !311:In0nt evdry ease brought be=.f r.; them area.: oat • Di this fruitful )1041'):? of orate a 111141 misery. They sireaely hope that i.he laws 0*., str'ioe.ing the ligltor-!Latif( will 1 e titrietIy 0ilt.ie','(4 i Until ail enli411te'ned • public opiann4(41(19ll a►t>Ii ll lt'froui rut• Inid,t. Witand. humor,--•'-»-,.-<,,...,�,.,-.-.M....,�;.,...._.".M.v.M _ Biddy, said' a.' lady to her servant, OR THE BEST VALUE t %vitth you would step over trod see how old ?411'e Jones is this morning. ^-•�- 1N 11 a few minutes Biddy retained with the information that Mrs Jones 14 111, just seventy-two . years, seven tuollti;n and two days tlId, A gentleman on being asked what hli hoo'i for dinner, replied: A lean wife roasted, and the ruin 01 a m,an for setup. 'VJiat did leis dinner' con. (;ibt of ;) Of course+ you give it up And here's tilt; answer ---a bare rib and apple -sauce. The measure of his devotim —A. young 13uly who lately received a bogtiet of roses was surrluwuat arnus..d u) 1111!1 the donor's Visiting ei,rel attach- ed to it, and written on the wring side these words: Not to exceed $g. When a cow-noy, in telling a story, says 1 heard se and ao, do not tbiuk his wain der 01 at fault, ft,r he may be referring to his work of herding cattle or, if you do think iris syutax is false lout say so in this hearing. One of. the hardest, things to aeconl- plish 111 to wake)) a 111011 i11 a railroad car who Li oel:Ap>yiug two scats. Which is the most moral of musical izlatruluol,ts t The piano, because it is grand, upright and sgLlar'e, Industry most prosper, aH the hus- band said when holding the baby whiles leis wife chopped wood. I•ound, rt Rembrandt: The supposed discovery of a Rern- brandt representingAbrallamand the two angels has blade a btir in artistic circles. Tile picture was included in the sale of the furniture of a. widow without heirs ordered by tile state, and the state expert. fixed the upset price at 200 francs. A Paris picture dealer, who had had a hilt. from the deceased's doctor, hitt up to 0,000 fraucs, awl the picture was knocked down to Biro. The state expert had de- scribed the subjeet as Jesus and the dis- ciples at Emmaus, a strange blunder, considering that the chief figure was aa elderly man with a long white beard. The story does not end here. The au, thorities, after all, are not agreed, some insisting that the work is a Rembrandt, Other( arguing' that the signature and date. 1CJ0, are a forgery. I asked a con- noisseur ou llonday what the picture was worth. "That depends on circum- stances," 11e replied; "if it is by Rem- brandt 300,000 francs, if by one of his pupils lSd,000 francs, for anyhow it is a fine old picture," It seems odd that, the artistic merit being the same, the value should be only half in one case what, it would be in the other.—Cor. Loudon Times. mes. A fi.zl'pent in to cased. A few days ago Atlanta Ytitzry, a Dengalese gentleman residing ou the.ilat $I'V('ll rli1043.nortll of S1luttezat, saw, as he affirms, an enormous serpent floating along the sky* ill a fleecy white "tczarer" or "wiled 01014," The cloud• and its shiny passenger passed directly over Mr. Yatzry's foxier, and bore off in the direc- tion of the "Blue Jungle." 0rer a souro. Of men, women and boys working along the flat attest that they sa,wv the sante hideous monster while in his ethereal flight. One witness describes tile serpent as being at least four "tsongs" (200 feet) in length and as big around as a man's body, with a head as largo as that of a large alligator. He was yellow and black striped, according to all"witnesses, and kept continually rolling over and darting out his head in genuine snake fashion. The natives are much excited over the mat ter. —Calcutta Indian Gentle- man.Trains arrive and deport as follows: ramenlo AT',16IV rNO .16as5 (4..u..., ......her To,oat4 .. ., ., .... ::i:i a.144 A I'ietty 'Western PAaleher, 2.1; p.m t :1 p , The Rev. Carrie Bartlett, who is be- xcir•mat 1'o, TCL ,cater °:'ie coming 'widely known as a successful 1°' I4, 11 10,:30 tc preacher, in the Unitarian ministry at ORDERED HATS,, In cold northern countries, by a wise provision (f nature, the moue tains are clad in firs. When is ft mall obliged to keep his wuodt—When no cue will take it. • They woinan who capture's a good husband gets a real sir,prize, It is the nlan who determines ti)e dignity of the occupation not the occupation that measures the judicious perseverance. • The largest tea and coffee importer in the united States is J W D'>an, of (ihicago. He is many times a million- aire. Mr Deere keeps 011e (11at1 hny- iag teas in China at a salary of $12,- 000 a year. Another gets the same salary in. Chicago for grading teas by inhaling the aroma. . ---(1() 011 a THING, TO CAPS I ''` , COLLARS, CUFF w"a Cheap for EASE ; AT E I; s eged j C• y q CThe theaters of Greece were all olden to the sky, but whether this was due to ether pauses than to accomo- date the high bats of the ladies id a : disputed cpie.stiun. 1 w law to -;:rest Spring Poeta. :.b!. fir—I have Isere a little poem ' that I should like you to keep with a view to publishing it during the present spring. I call it "A May Lay." " 11 titer (going to the tejtipLone)—IIelle, Central station!. Send the patrol wagon up here. There's a man dietarbing the !)abbe peace. Se,ribbler—Whv, what do you mean? I-..,ttor—Ilaven't you been crating n ,:w 1.2—A)u�ric a. ._» i.... .rnerac` 1PPat:M1 I0. C. P. B. 'TL!.II; TABLE:. vami 1i w J:i 1 J lite• 7.. 7E17715 igfiVeq ti iii`E1E.:iti 4 Has a most complete assortment of the, 11r',TA::iT Cnowe2r, ail 141c11T Onsommiu .AltTI0L,;z in !Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Y and Siva vrir Goods, 4116 § tar CL,osii A'1'TENT1oN GIVEN To REPAIRING, • AND ITi'Olili. t.LIA WARRANTED. "I:t fled st tee'.. net. 14 Petorbo u' 801"oielteelte' militate take ,5,030 out of Joe Beit;, b4:gauscs of some -sIroug things' 1e 1,4 alleged t0 11164'0 Hafts about the rule traffic+ ill that town, Hew 'voald the proprietor of the Palace slave 01ej (yell Bono hot (hell like the following tutorial by Sohn Wesley, the father `of 11letllodlstn tagaieet, trio her Majesty's tiilte jade who still thea poison,— ,--- which of Corte(tueladeS the Ielluws ill Z'eterbc>rtt' mei 01(0h 1te 4111,' other -sect(oea of Ilei Majesty's D onimtul:--- 'rhose who Hell flit* 14oisou, minder tier Majoitty'asal.jeot4 by wholesale; neither tines their eee pity nor sparer. ' ¶1116y drive 'them 1) hell iili, t stale~ . ,1'1.1 whit is tuoir etude? Is1t not 1't:' blood of those twee? Who 11en, wouhl envy their leigu estates met sumptuous p;tll1ee1? A curse 18 1(1 t1:0 1101 44 of them 1 The ears( of Clod cleaves to the stones, t°14 11111be1', the fa1'alt.lt'o of them 1 The ckree of (cod is iu Heir 1;16x.. dens, their 011113.4. their groves ; a fir: that hurl,, to the) 40(hle,l,1.4.1110111 1)1ood,bleud 1, there; the atalteIoli >n, the floor, the ' 'idts, the roof '1414 ltt, it:eel with blood! Je ud eiLust thou 11.:pe, t?.:boa 0(410 eaf blood «--•tialagli thee, ..ri (retie:it 1:'C.:xlet and 11 ,e 141(441, rend titre'.ti bumpier aisly teeny day -comet th )14!11 11.'i:e Lo deliver dawn' the 13,313ds of rhea(] ei the third geu0ration? 'NIA $3; for t11.;.4 is Lt titil in heaveu; t1Utetas thy itatuetl'.e1! be: (0)14(•1 out. I1 k a • tb.,seJ' .v1.0 ,, tiled nes de .1(1.yttl, b Cly' 1,10.1.0111,0„ ill .1,uveGtall nh311 i.fi tali yuji Xalainazoo, has been, speaking for a O-E,A, Ler Au imam:awe Nvedrilu •, At McCann, Ala., hast week, 'tu(ben llinziott, aged 1.1l, 'was 'married to i1lisls iilullie Pear, ag(4i1 1,'). Tho 141'ootn,wei;;hs 00 pounds and the hr'lde 1331, '3'hl(y were married with the full (/vnsellt of 11nti1' parents. baring t130 et mummy a thief stole this bridegroom's her,.,!..1141 bt1ggt•. All the guests Jrtlus.J eta the ("haw. The t•biof- W1L$ 01(1tt.Ult'd 1113(11 the Ht31011 111'0110113' l't'OOVI'1(31.---1.:rr.,iu ;hattll'l't lo;.,ram. D. viral)".1'.l'Yy RZ3.i'Sunclay .or two in 13rooklyn, and has ,been a, guest at several club receptions. i A. C. STRATTIM, ACVANT, wissaAm.attractive, with au oval face regularfeatures and large Soft eYeS. Iier hair dostbeition. Lowest frcia"f;t r.,ZV:iii) Sin P.,110.8:is brown and, curls about her face, Itis gathered in a soft knot at the imp° of 1the neck Behind., .1leeveice- is pleaeantlyModulated, but the great charm .or iter 11:10 "presence lies 'in the expressive face, i".:1°11•111.which is at once. I.:enslave mid reposeful ' ‘12'5 "leave wieetreti,S110 is yotang and more 1She does not affect ,:ither tlai masculine • ,sein ana . . Leiden, ae . rase ++or clerical. in her dress, wearing a eintp,o s;ss p.mrather pietureeque blitek hat with droop- ornioDANnemest-martnic,---odattr: ix_ IrfJes . -%. - mi.4.‘, i • 111C: 1::41black .gowu wit•li wliite collar and a wide, item e . :1st '- ilt9g 1"A:1L.C.--- 1,1113, D1,ll.4(;;)L'e tt, 4)Oievs'1i:1.'•, (LatC' eP 1(0';.113',) GO RIGHT T() (OXEN'S 1 LOCii. 1{OIt YOUR JEWELLERY A Blessing to Evary LLOWATS LS Alb Eli t i 1011 •;rw 1. u bar+ a These reniccles Imre stood the test of fray years Wiper:(1l e, and are pronounced the hast ?dedleires for --��-•• Family 411.§.-- . Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, romAO1I, 1173717,Y8 AND E4§S'LI.s au,l ore invahzablo i❑ all complaints ine:uc,l :.1 tc, females of all agea.1 e- . `>„ )1..t Y 24 333 - r Is the only reliable r mel* for bad i & i, PINS, z.l: l 1081 V1.4 w 411ntta I't'll nantcOIIITIS, T1ILLOATS, Ce114118, e ;,1.I.4, i:(, T, !WEI':,iti:4, 4.4,3..111 L.%3t Sb LI L3110S A 11' ALA rat:TN 1) 311.513$ IT 11,1(4 Manufactured . 1, at. ,4, \:v U.11(4ci. Lasre:,•, t>titooi Etreet, and said by all ,,:udtoule Y . e,na.:r;+tLrou;l;out the maid. d:. ' Purchasers el(onl4 leok to the Label on the ;oris and ruts. If the address is Oxurd Street, .1:3)Jd011, they tate 1putioUs. •^l NiTey,; t° By SS. Europa, from Hamburg, Germar:t:'. 0 ah a t19, Y 7 F 4„t." `r•A i 1r t? (a`,1vaa fir EGG tl �t SALAD 4 '1 ET1:i4. FRUIT 'SETTS, ,:J :�a :l l� l:,.ul l,_, 3: LL i.r11 t..iOSv'L%;, T,• r, . . BISCUIT J 11;i»+, W.:1.'l.'t:i.L NEW BASINS, NEW Ot'.t,•.1.1':1CtatiTti, i\i; tY }-TELS, it1 It' A'a ¢ a •.', 1:4.,•;',' ice» ':3„ go. rv. t '` b ° : `L<' Call ll aanni'i Inspect before Malting Your Ct'•tc9'Ni��Vf' i 11511111 pnrcitr.:e.i Oh: 1, .b 1.814111..3 $3e,114e1,111 w ,l101 malty 11,041 .' to 11 in at1 mite et 3 0,4 bh . n. .r'etrlPti'Vtttla Edea) l'iAttata "t'T tr'du a.ra 4:y pe, :.atl t+. Va„dies 016 is Cali 4•t tit, old stand, orosite bloruon and ilalntyre'3 14. 5301? ;NALL) z �' . t” a 'l.'•n Q ".;e• � t is , n, t' -X t, 4e{t. . 41' )tw �l, its l'it Yl `»,R.Y' t, l \ +eT ,TJ +Ii«�1 i4Aa11 Y `.'i, •1, N•� ��.�', L' .•r>1J.Ye 1@-.4.. 4l Mai 4,o ?Glut: `I'11)I7`c'llt Please inion. ymir readers that 1 have et po51t4val remedy ter the above air,•:. betty& Py Its timely usa tIl 01,850413 of hopeless cases hh1,443 been permanently cured. 1 t.1:' " I alai to send two bottsi of lay remedy MIMI to any ory�otur readers who hay* t.' •4, eeption If they will send me Wilt Ex 6114 and Post OA1ce Address. Rweyatt;s;='yt Aks*09Vik Moi 1a Whir; AM illllth *to l'Oi4pMTor rt/lj7[At l it (veaq , f tea It ,: V. 13 r' •k4 n 1 1'43 6s 7 1' 4-1 1'. 1.' 4 1.4 .CYb�wC`..Rehic�YA,..1;,+iiH ..2:34NY • .:.oL▪ .C`a.«.t,.utazer.+*p• ^i.zv. _ z..: trite elf elAti.. 0 a (411401(4 to in est 16.14 IMAMS 40 the.. 1;1.141 a,:r.ti.t:_Kt ry t�' vr4 tT n .• ,14. s an 1jt\.rtl.$,11,, 'BOX AN'l) COOK Still• li.' yy,` {0���13 T 1�,•tt , i.' p_ r t 1y .y.:. Ur ES, l lh 444• A I11'.l,a, t41�., l'Wl'.. slit 11`l t'%i. �1,'e s CUTLERY AM) WOODEN .'ole Abu t•:can and Canadian Coal 011, who ,stairs ¢Lis ft t,,,,.ai, b'.,.e, tr. >::;li• 11141 tl til,eelalty. PAT:ttt•ing Neatly itild, 010011.1,6' tl welt. IJ.,i« 14,', 1 ,y' 111.11•441.1i0�'�'�k`1`�tA (13111 ILIId111 `�i'In peat our stu.;k .1;1: t `i _ a 313#i' wtl,tir {,J P i1. E serol D i C.> 0 1,r